Wine Sword Immortal: Divine Level Winemaker, Drunkenly Kills Tianmen!

Chapter 265 The previous chapter is already better

The last chapter has been revised, 4000 words, you can read it.

Yesterday, I was really depressed, and my computer suddenly had a blue screen. At that time, I had written more than 2900 words.

I crashed as soon as the blue screen appeared. I turned on the computer and tried to find a backup, but I couldn't find it. I only found 300 words.

I wanted to stay up late to make up for it, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I really couldn't calm down.

Because the last chapter was about the promotion of the emotional line, I was not in the right state and couldn't write it.

I was autistic for a long time, and finally fell asleep.

I was busy with work during the day and came back to make up for it at night.

I apologize to everyone for the delay. The non-text I posted was to make up for my full attendance, and I will revise it.

Today's chapter is the same as yesterday, still 4000 words, and it also needs to be revised, but it will be completed in the evening.

Because we have officially entered the wine brewing conference, the fun will start to come.

Try to end this competition as early as possible, and the strength of the protagonist must be promoted.

Thank you for your company, and apologize to everyone again for the updates in the past two days.


The Three Corpses is a Taoist term that refers to three kinds of "corpse ghosts" or "worms" in the human body. It is said that the Three Corpses are located in the human body and will absorb the human essence and affect the life span and health of the person.

Specifically, the Three Corpses are usually considered to be the upper corpse, the middle corpse and the lower corpse. The upper corpse resides in the human brain, the middle corpse resides in the human abdomen, and the lower corpse resides in the human kidney. They will report the sins of the person to the heaven on the Gengshen day of the person (once every 60 days), causing the person to be punished or reduce his life span.

Taoism believes that through practice and fasting, the activities of the Three Corpses can be suppressed or even eliminated, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging life and cultivating immortality. Some Taoist classics and spells also contain methods and secrets to deal with the Three Corpses.

It should be noted that the Taoist concept of the Three Corpses belongs to the category of religious belief and traditional culture, and lacks scientific evidence to support it. From the perspective of modern science, we should treat the issue of physical health and life span with a scientific attitude and follow a reasonable lifestyle and medical advice.

Gods and immortals are concepts often mentioned in traditional Chinese culture, but the difference between them may vary in different cultures and belief systems. In general, gods are usually considered to have higher power and more transcendent existence. They may be creators, masters, or beings in charge of certain natural forces or cosmic order. Immortals are more associated with human practitioners, and are supernatural powers and longevity through practice or reaching a certain realm.

Gods are often portrayed as having extraordinary power and wisdom, and can influence and control the operation of the world. They may have divinity and are regarded as beings beyond human beings. In contrast, immortals emphasize personal practice and spiritual growth. Immortals can improve their realm through practicing Taoism, inner alchemy, qigong and other methods, and gain immortality and extraordinary abilities.

In some legends and stories, gods have mythological colors and symbolic meanings, representing a certain quality or power. Immortals appear more as individuals, with their own names and legendary experiences.

In general, gods and immortals are conceptually different, but the two are also related and overlapped. Together, they constitute the colorful supernatural world in Chinese mythology and culture. This distinction reflects people's imagination and understanding of supernatural beings at different levels.

Greek mythology is a series of myths and legends created by the ancient Greeks, which depicts the stories of many gods, heroes and mythical creatures. These stories are full of imagination and reflect the ancient Greeks' understanding of nature, human nature and the universe.

In Greek mythology, the gods have human emotions and weaknesses, and they often intervene in human life, interact with humans and have an impact. The most famous gods include Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, etc.

There are also many heroic stories in Greek mythology, such as Hercules' twelve tasks and Odysseus's journey home. These heroes usually face great challenges and difficulties, but they finally win with courage, wisdom and perseverance.

In addition, the mythical creatures in Greek mythology are also fascinating, such as Cyclops, Gorgon, Phoenix, etc. These creatures often have special abilities and symbolic meanings.

Greek mythology is not only a cultural heritage, but also has a profound impact on later Western literature, art and philosophy. It shows the wisdom and creativity of the ancient Greeks, and also provides us with a window to understand ancient culture and values.

[Updated, completed at 3 am. 】

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