Wang Xianxian clicked on the friend application with some surprise.

[Application Note: The wine is delicious (〃'▽'〃) ]

Seeing the note, Wang Xianxian jumped up from the bed!

He couldn't hide his excitement and agreed to the other party's friend application with trembling fingers.

[Cats don’t like fish: Hello, Panda·JPG]

Seeing his benefactor's greetings, Wang Xianxian was a little at a loss.

He kept thinking about how he should reply without being rude.

After thinking for a long time, he finally choked out a sentence.

[Xianxian: Hello. ]

After sending the message, Wang Xianxian held her cell phone and waited anxiously for the message.

Thousands of miles away in the Wang family's ancestral home, Yu Xianer, lying on the bed in the guest room, fell into silence as she looked at the other party's reply.

The back of her left hand was placed on her forehead, and the fingers of her right hand were clicking rapidly on the screen.

[Cats don’t like fish: You’re so cool~]

Seeing his benefactor's reply, Wang Xianxian quickly explained.

[Xianxian: I'm sorry, I'm not cold, I just don't know how to reply to you. ]

The corners of the girl's mouth slightly raised.

[Cat Mao doesn’t like fish: Chatting should be relaxed. Use honorifics to show how old I am. I’m still a few months younger than you. ]

[Xianxian: Then how should I call you? ]

[Cats don’t like fish: My name is Yuan Xianer. ]


Wang Xianxian knew that the girl's status was very noble, but he did not expect that she would be so noble.

Your dignity is like the clouds in the sky.

That is the supreme clan that is above the Emperor Clan.

"Prince Ling's heir..." Wang Xianxian murmured to himself.

After a brief shock, he fell into confusion again.

It's a bit impolite to call her by her full name, and calling her Xian'er by her name is a bit disrespectful.

[Maomao doesn’t like fish: According to your personality, you won’t call me by my full name, let alone Xian’er, so just call me your highness like them. ]

Wang Xianxian took a long breath of relief.

[Xianxian: Okay, Your Highness. ]

[Maomao doesn’t like fish: I heard from your employee that you left a few days ago. Is your injury healed? ]

[Xianxian: Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. Your blessing has a very strong effect. My injury was healed the next day. ]

Seeing that the boy still used honorifics, Yu Xianer felt helpless, but she still discovered Hua Dian.

His injury was healed the next day?

Although the blessing effect I gave him was extremely powerful, it couldn't be cured overnight, right?

But Yu Xian'er didn't think much about it. She felt that Wang Xianxian had deliberately concealed her injury.

[Cats don’t like fish: So where are you now and what are your plans for the future? ]

Faced with the benefactor's inquiry, Wang Xianxian thought for a moment and chose to hide part of it.

[Xianxian: Your Highness, I am in Tianjiu City now. I have decided to study winemaking at Baishui College. I just arrived at the dormitory today. ]

After Yu Xian'er learned about the other party's news, she directly searched for White Water Academy on her mobile phone.

After reading the introduction to Whitewater Academy, she couldn't help but frown.

[Maomao loves to eat fish: Are you in a vocational high school? ]

[Xianxian: Yes, my calling is to be a winemaker, and this place is more suitable for me. People always have to look forward, right? ]

Yu Xian'er felt a little uncomfortable. She knew the hatred in the young man's heart, but he chose a vocational high school...

The girl remained silent for a long time.

[Cats don’t like fish: What about your hatred? ]

[Xianxian: Don’t worry, I will find a way. ]

[Mao Mao doesn’t like to eat fish: Come to the Imperial City, I will help you reshape the Spirit Vein, and I will arrange the best school for you. ]

Seeing this, Wang Xianxian was stunned.

He didn't expect that the other party was willing to help him like this.

Spirit Vein is the foundation of Martial Artist's practice. Once damaged, it is almost impossible to repair it again.

Only the legendary treasures of heaven and earth can reshape the Spirit Vein.

Even the Emperor Clan regards such a natural treasure as a peerless treasure.

This is a treasure that cannot be measured in money!

[Xianxian: Thank you for your kindness, but I cannot accept it. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: I’m serious. I hope you won’t refuse because you are embarrassed. ]

[Xianxian: I'm sorry, thank you for your generosity, and I take my rejection very seriously. ]

Seeing being rejected again, Yu Xian'er became a little more angry than usual.

[Maomao doesn’t like fish: What do you think vocational high school can bring to you? ]

[Cats don’t like fish: The Spirit Vein has been deposed and you have no relatives. Your father secretly wants to get rid of you. If you don’t even understand your current situation, then how can you talk about revenge? ]

[Maomao doesn’t like fish: I don’t mean to give you alms. If you feel uncomfortable, then we can issue an IOU and you can treat it as an investment. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: I know I may be a little presumptuous when I say this, but I really don’t want you to ruin your future. ]

[Mao Mao doesn’t like fish: If you don’t want to come to the Imperial Capital, you can continue to stay in Tianjiu City. I know the president of Jiu Sage University. With your winemaking talent, as long as Spirit Vein is reshaped, you will definitely get their approval. . ]

Wang Xianxian looked at the bombardment of news, and he could feel the hatred hidden in the words.

Although all the words were criticizing himself, Wang Xianxian felt an unprecedented warmth.

It is obvious that the two of them are not related by blood, and it is obvious that they have never met each other.

Wang Xianxian is not so narcissistic that he thinks that the other party invests in him because of his talent in brewing wine.

After a long silence, Wang Xianxian finally asked the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

[Xianxian: Why? It's obvious that I'm just a family outcast. ]

Seeing the boy's question, Yu Xian'er also calmed down.

[Cats don’t like fish: That day, I learned the truth about your mother’s death. ]

[Maomao doesn’t like fish: After learning about your bet with Elder Wang, I ran into the crowd to see you. ]

[Cats don’t like to eat fish: My Talent is very strange. Not only can I identify people’s hearts and feel emotions, but I also have a strong insight into everything around me. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: In fact, I know that compared to hatred and anger, what is really hidden in your heart is self-blame. What you really hate is yourself, just like me. ]

[Cats don’t like to eat fish: I have a big physical defect and was born short-lived. This is a curse from the rules. No medical skills can change my fate. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: But my mother is better than a doctor. She kept me alive and changed my fate, but the price was her own life. ]

[Cats don’t like to eat fish: I often wonder if a defective child like me would just have another child. I still can’t understand my parents’ choice. ]

[Cats don’t like fish: After my mother passed away, I lived a very depressed life every day. Every moment I thought, it would have been better if I had died earlier, it would have been better if I had not been born, and if it weren’t for me, Mom won't die. ]

[Cats don’t like to eat fish: That’s what you thought that day, and what you think now, and even in the future, you will still think that way. ]

In the room, Wang Xianxian was breathing heavily.

This was the first time his emotions had such strong fluctuations since he left Opening Heaven Sword Market.

The truth hidden in the heart was ruthlessly torn apart by others.

Ever since he learned the truth about his mother's death, a huge feeling of guilt had been eating away at his heart every day.

Even if he awakens the supreme Talent, it cannot alleviate the guilt in his heart.

Whenever he thought of his mother kneeling at Wang Jiannian's feet and begging for him, his heart felt like a knife.

Even if he succeeds in revenge, his mother will never come back.

He always felt that he was the murderer of his mother!

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