Wine Sword Immortal: Divine Level Winemaker, Drunkenly Kills Tianmen!

Chapter 43 The Ultimate Test Question, One Sword!

Walking on the street, Wang Xianxian began to think about his shortcomings.

After thinking about it, he could only think of one shortcoming in himself.

There are too few wine swords.

Now he only has Xianxian Sword.

It's okay if it's a one-on-one fight. With his physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary people, he can deal with the top Rank Two beasts without even drinking.

But if you encounter a group of strange beasts, you will be a little helpless.

The scratches on his body are the best proof.

"It seems that after the high school entrance examination, we will start making wine." Wang Xianxian murmured to himself.

Yun Ying stretched on his shoulders.

"Wine-making is a must for you. The first few days were spent on honing your skills. It's time to get back on track after the high school entrance exam."

"After all, you are the alcoholic Sword Immortal, so it's okay not to drink all the time."

"Don't think that wine is a foreign object. It's yours and it will always be yours. Don't resist."

Wang Xianxian smiled slightly: "I didn't resist, I just wanted to test my limits."

Yun Ying tilted his little head, as if he knew something, and stopped continuing the topic.

"Based on your current performance, you have initially achieved your goal. You probably won't be able to get that spot."

"Let's finish it quickly. Isn't there still a final question that is said to end the exam?"

"Yeah." Wang Xianxian was noncommittal, "The final test question is the Martial Dao puppet whose strength has reached the early stage of Rank Three, which is a bit difficult to deal with."

"Puppet?" Yun Ying nodded, "Puppets contain various martial arts skills, which are indeed more difficult for low-level Martial Artists to handle than beasts of the same level."

Looking at the rankings again, Wang Xianxian smiled.

"The ultimate test question is worth 50,000 points. According to the current ranking, no one has challenged it yet."

"Maybe we can make a splash."

Yun Ying patted the little bear's paw: "Speaking of which, challenging that puppet seems to be broadcast live nationwide, right?"

Wang Xianxian looked at Yun Ying with some surprise.

"Weren't you sleeping when you were reading the rules?"

Yun Ying did not directly answer Wang Xianxian's question.

"Now that you've decided, let's go, otherwise the top spot may be taken away."

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian nodded.

Although most candidates in previous years challenged the Martial Dao puppet at the end, now that they have this idea, it is better to start quickly.

After determining the direction, Wang Xianxian ran quickly forward.

On the young man's shoulder, the furry Yun Ying looked at the young man's tough profile and fell into deep thought.

She is the weapon spirit, the companion weapon spirit of the wine Sword Immortal.

She knew all about the boy's past, and she felt the boy's suffering.

She knows that falling into the mortal world is a matter of experience.


This doesn't mean that she doesn't have anger or hatred.

She is not a fairy, she is just a weapon spirit, a fairy weapon spirit.

When the master is humiliated, she is humiliated...

"Wang Xianxian." Yun Ying said softly.

The young man slowed down his running pace: "What's wrong?"

Yun Ying scratched his head and sighed.

"My hands are itchy."

Wang Xianxian was a little confused. He didn't know what Yun Ying wanted to do.

The next moment, Yun Ying climbed on his head.

"That Martial Dao puppet lets me play with it."

That’s what it meant.

Wang Xianxian suddenly realized it. He didn't think much and spoke directly.

"Then go ahead, but if you take action, will your body be exposed?"

Yun Ying shook his head: "Only you can see me now."

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian felt relieved, and he speeded up again and ran towards the depths of the city's ruins.

Because he was focused on traveling, he did not deliberately fight the strange beasts.

They will even deliberately avoid certain groups of strange beasts.

His choice also caused heated discussions on the Internet.

[Xiao Huihui: Yunjiu's ranking has dropped to tenth place. Where is he going? ]

[Sehuiren: He is not stable in his ranking. He is running around blindly. Lin Lei is almost catching up with him. ]

[Love Cannonball: Something's wrong, he seems to be heading towards the central area, and his target is the Martial Dao puppet! ]

[Le Zi Hai Mian: Are you crazy? Less than six hours after the exam starts, you are going to challenge the Martial Dao puppet? ]

[The alcoholic is my uncle: The Martial Dao puppet is a dimensionality-reducing blow to the candidates. Last year, the top candidate in the high school entrance examination narrowly defeated the opponent after a fierce battle for 20 minutes. ]

[Big Licking Dog: After five hours of high-intensity fighting, it is too irrational to challenge the Martial Dao puppet without adjusting. ]

[Haiyan: In the past, the top ten in the country were basically based on scoring in the first nine hours, then resting for two hours to adjust the state, and finally challenging the Martial Dao puppet. ]

[You should be more careful: Yunjiu challenges the Martial Dao puppet in this manner, doesn’t he want to set a record? ]

[Aquamarine Star: If I remember correctly, the record of the Martial Dao puppet should have been created by Xue Wudi three hundred years ago. ]

[Monkey King: It was indeed him. It took three minutes and fifty-eight seconds. ]

[Unknown: The Martial Dao puppet has been used as a high school entrance examination question for 500 years. The record of Xue Wudi has been exclusive for 300 years. He lives up to his name. ]

[Ordinary: Because of this, every Prodigy goes to great lengths to beat this record, and also hopes to leave a mark in history. ]

[Haihai: Damn it, Yunjiu seems to have really gone! ]

Wang Xianxian looked firmly at the gymnasium in front of him.

"Candidate Yunjiu, congratulations on becoming the first candidate to challenge Martial Dao's puppet in all examination rooms across the country. Please be prepared for battle."

"From now on, your fight will be broadcast live to the whole country, good luck to you!"

Yun Ying, who was standing on top of the speeding young man, raised his lips and said, "Let's show off..."

At the same time, announcements rang out in the viewing rooms of all examination rooms across the country.

"Please pay attention to each examination room, please pay attention to each examination room..."

"Yunhai Province, Tianjiu City No. 2 Middle School, Yunjiu candidates from Class 1, Grade 3, were the first to arrive at the final examination room..."

All the leading teachers in the viewing room of Tianjiu City stood up.

Kunlunxu, the residence of the Three Emperors.

In a simple wooden house, Yu Xianer, who was watching the live broadcast with her teacher, suddenly saw the TV screen flash.

Then a new face appeared before my eyes.

At the same time, prompts appeared simultaneously on the TV screen.

[Candidate Yunjiu is about to challenge the ultimate test question. ]

Looking at the unfamiliar face, Yu Xian'er couldn't help but wonder: "Who is Yunjiu?"

In Tianjian Wang's ancestral home, the senior officials watching the live broadcast frowned.

"Whose Prodigy is Yunjiu? Why have I never heard of it before?"

"There is no famous Yun family from the second-rate families up."

"Tianjiu City is the back garden of the Du family and the Lin family. Why don't you call and ask?"

"The Du family and the Lin family are on good terms with me, the Wang family. I don't think there is any need to negotiate with these two families over such a trivial matter."

Wang Jianqian, who was sitting in front, smiled scornfully: "You are just a pariah popping up in the corner. In front of Beichen, you can only become a stepping stone."

The other clan elders did not deny it, because they all clearly understood the horror of Wang Beichen.

X-rated Talent is no big deal.

The last X-level Talent holder who appeared was the Yang family in the imperial capital a hundred years ago.

If Beichen hadn't been so young, his grades would have been even higher!

Therefore, except for Wang Beichen, they will not pay too much attention.

Because this is destined to belong to Wang Beichen's era!

It belongs to their Wang family’s era!

Because of the live broadcast, the whole country's attention was focused on Yunjiu.

Yun Ying gently stroked Wang Xianxian's head.

"Just move forward and leave the rest to me."

Wang Xianxian seemed to have noticed something, and he did not refuse.

The young man's face showed a firm and confident expression.

Wang Xianxian was still charging at top speed.

He quickly passed through a transparent barrier.

This barrier was set up not for anything else, but to verify whether the candidates coming here are qualified to enter.

[The peak spiritual power exceeds 300, meeting the minimum requirements of the challenge. ]

The moment the boy passed through the barrier, the humanoid puppet in the center of the stadium started to activate.

Facing the puppet that exuded powerful spiritual power fluctuations, Wang Xianxian moved forward quickly.

Fifty meters!

Thirty meters!

Fifteen meters!

Standing on the shoulder of the sword-wielding boy, Yun Ying kept recalling Mo Elegy's past words.

'I am a failed mother and a weak and incompetent mother...'

'Calabash Immortal, please bless my child...'

'I'm sorry, please forgive my cowardice. If I don't die, he won't let Xianxian live...'

'Xianxian, I leave it to you...'

The anger that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time was like a tsunami, constantly impacting Yun Ying's soul.

At the same time, the spiritual power in Wang Xian's Immortal Physique almost reached an incredible level.

The huge sword blade condensed from his back, and the spiritual power in his body was vented outward crazily!

Yun Ying stared at the puppet in the center of the stadium.

'Mo Elegy, the name you chose is too bad, but my Yunjiu sounds better...'

Wang Xianxian, who was running at high speed, suddenly heard a voice coming from his ears.

"Wang Xianxian, you are no longer the little boy who cried under the quilt."

"From now on, raise your head proudly and accept the applause of the world."

"This is my belated birthday gift to you. I hope you like it."

"Let's give the world a little shock..."

In front of the national television, a giant sword appeared in the sky above the sword-wielding boy.

Then the giant sword in the air ignited with golden light.

The young man stopped where he was, staring calmly at the puppet rushing towards him, and then waved with one hand.

The giant sword in the air fell at high speed like a meteorite.

One sword!

A violent impact sounded loudly, and the dust generated by the giant sword inserted into the ground instantly swallowed up everything around it.

When the dust settled, what appeared in front of everyone was a huge sword mark dozens of meters long.

And the broken internal parts of the puppet all around!

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