"Winemaker, after awakening to this profession, you still have the nerve to step into your home!"

In the luxurious hall, a roar like an Earth Shaker came.

The middle-aged man with black hair and white robes held a career awakening form tightly in his hand, and a tsunami-like terrifying aura continued to spurt out of his body.

"You are so shameful that you don't even have the courage to commit suicide!"

boom! ! !

The career awakening chart was slapped hard on the table.

[vocational awakening registration form]

[School: Tianjian City No. 2 Elementary Level Middle School]

[Class: Class 8, Grade 3]

[Name: Wang Xianxian]

[Age: 15]

[Realm: Meridian Opening Realm·Nine Meridians]

[vocation: winemaker]

[Talent: Awakening failed (the possibility that Talent is too weak and not detected) cannot be ruled out]

[Comprehensive judgment: F]

[Opinion reference: The student’s awakening occupation belongs to the life occupation. Due to the lack of talent, it is not recommended that the student enter Martial Artist High School. (The suggestions are for reference only, please make your own judgment based on your own family situation.) ]


Wang Xianxian lowered his head deeply and looked at the form on the table with dull eyes.

The text on the form is particularly eye-catching.

Especially the talent awakening failure marked in red font.

These large red characters, accompanied by his father's insults, pierced the young man's fragile self-esteem like a sword.

"The Heavenly Sword Wang family has been passed down for thousands of years, and its reputation is powerful at home and abroad!"

"For thousands of years, all the disciples of my Wang family have awakened to their vocation of swordsmanship, without exception!"

"Only you! Only you have awakened the brewer!"

"Even Talent failed to awaken!"

"Are you going to disgrace the family, you bastard!"

Facing his father's anger, Wang Xianxian did not show too many emotions because he was already used to his father's abuse.

The furious Wang Jiannian stared at Wang Xianxian, who had his head lowered, with extreme disgust in his eyes.

At this time, the noble lady who had been sitting next to him slowly stood up and came to Wang Jiannian's side, rubbing his temples for him.

"Jian Nian, don't get so angry."

"Think of something happy. Not only has our Beichen awakened to a rare profession this time, but his Talent has also reached level X."

"The government has just called to inquire about the clan leader, and all ten elders have left the country because of this."

"We have to meet the elders later. You can't leave a bad impression on the elders. After all, the clan leader election is coming soon."

Wang Jiannian's expression softened after hearing his wife's words, and he snorted coldly.

"You're an unlucky thing, wouldn't you be grateful if your mother pleads for you? I'll teach you the rules!"

Who would have thought that Wang Xianxian was unmoved after hearing this and just stood there silently.

This move angered Wang Jiannian again.

"You bastard, you're deaf, aren't you!"

After hearing this, the boy finally raised his head.

"She's not my mother."

These words made the atmosphere in the room drop to freezing point.

Wang Jiannian stared at his son, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

"Dare to say it again and try it!"

Wang Xianxian looked at his father calmly and spoke word by word.

"She is not my mother. My mother's name is Mo Elegy. She passed away five years ago."

As soon as he finished speaking, overwhelming pressure rushed directly towards Wang Xianxian.

The thin young man was overwhelmed by this powerful pressure!

Just when Wang Jiannian was about to take action, the guard's voice came from outside the door.

"Third Master, the Tenth Elder invites you, Third Madam and Young Master Xianxian to go to the ancestral hall to tell the story."

The guard's words made Wang Jiannian stop his plan to deal with Wang Xianxian.

He stared with disgust at the young man lying on the ground gasping for air.

"My vocation as a winemaker is exactly the same as that alcoholic bitch Mo Elegy."

After saying that, Wang Jiannian took his wife and walked out directly.

Just as he was about to step out of the hall, Wang Jiannian suddenly stopped.

"You bastard, hurry up and catch up!"

Wang Xianxian struggled to stand up from the ground. He looked at the back of his father and stepmother leaving arm in arm. His face was ferocious and his veins were exposed.

His mother was humiliated, and he wanted to rush up to eat her flesh and drink her blood!

However, dignity is only as good as the edge of the sword, and the dignity of the weak is worthless.

After a moment of silence, the young man loosened his clenched fists, lowered his head and followed.

Wang Jiannian, who was walking in front, glanced back at Wang Xianxian, and then asked his wife.

"Has everything been arranged?"

Murong Wan smiled contemptuously: "Don't worry, the evidence of the crime has been placed in his room."

"Remember not to reveal any flaws." Wang Jiannian repeatedly warned, "In special times, any accident may lead to failure of the election."

Murong Wan patted her husband's arm and said softly.

"With Beichen here, which clan leader wouldn't give us some thin noodles?"

"As long as this little troublemaker Wang Xianxian is dealt with, there will be no worries."

After hearing the words Wang Xianxian, Wang Jiannian gritted his teeth and said.

"Awakening to this kind of rubbish vocation really brings shame on me!"

"Someone will definitely make a fuss about this matter, so we must strike first!"

Murong Wan comforted him: "It's okay Jian Nian, we still have Beichen. After we get rid of that little trash today, we will see who dares to mention this matter in front of you in the future."

"Anyway, Beichen's talent is related to the future of the family, and the clan elders will not make things too difficult for you."

Thinking of his youngest son, Wang Jiannian patted his wife's hand and said softly.

"With a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for? Having my wife here is the greatest blessing in my life."

After hearing this, Murong Wan rested her head on Wang Jiannian's shoulder: "As long as the three of us in the family are united, nothing can trouble us..."

Wang's Ancestral Hall.

As a legendary clan that has been passed down for nearly ten thousand years, the Wang family's ancestral hall is astonishingly large.

This is not only a place where tribesmen worship their ancestors, but also a place where major decisions are made within the tribe.

Large clans have very sophisticated family organizational structures and power divisions.

Unlike most novels, the patriarch of a large family in China's Xia Dynasty is not very powerful.

Because practice often requires a pure heart of seeking the Tao, you must devote yourself to practice wholeheartedly.

It is difficult for an Apex Level expert to maintain the speed of his practice while dealing with many family affairs.

Therefore, each clan member has a different position in the family.

To put it simply, a clan divides its people into two categories: business and martial arts.

The martial arts clan members are extremely talented. They are only responsible for focusing on practice, winning military exploits for the family, and fighting against the family's enemies when necessary. They are the family's most important backing!

The Shang clan members have mediocre talents. They are responsible for managing many of the family's businesses, obtaining various resources for the family, and providing martial arts clan members with training.

In an era when alien beasts were rampant, human beings followed their instincts and chose to rely on each other in the form of families.

So the concept of family in this world is very important!

Normally, there would never be a situation where martial people would look down on business people.

The clan members are connected by blood, respect and support each other.

Their purpose is to run the family better.

It's just because of Wang Beichen's special status that he was specially targeted by his tribe.

What Wang Xianxian didn't understand was why the clan called him here.

He looked at the hundreds of elders in the ancestral hall in confusion.

From their expressions, it was not difficult to tell that something big was going to happen today.

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