Seeing the young man rushing toward him at high speed, Yan Yang couldn't help but smile up to the sky.


After speaking, he raised his hand.

The huge fire sword formed by the flames condensed in his palm, and then shot towards Wang Xianxian fiercely.

The moment the fire sword was about to touch Wang Xianxian, the young man's figure disappeared again.

Upon seeing this, Yan Yang immediately summoned a huge pillar of fire centered on his body.

Half a second later, Wang Xianxian's figure reappeared on the ring.

He looked solemnly at the huge pillar of fire rising in front of him.

Now, in normal combat, his unselectable state can only last half a second.

If you continue forward, he will appear in the opponent's pillar of fire after half a second.

Through the battle just now, he could clearly sense that the opponent's flame transformation would definitely consume a lot of Spirit Qi.

Even if Yan Yang is a peak Rank Three expert, he can't hold it for long.

For Wang Xianxian, victory only takes time.

But he didn't want to. He felt Yan Yang's pride engraved in his bones and his persistence in fighting.

He wanted to respond.

Thinking of this, Wang Xianxian clasped his hands together.

The ten flying swords quickly merged and soared into the sky.

Then a huge ice sword was formed in the air, seven meters long and nearly two meters wide.

"Fall into the ice!"

Following the boy's shout, the broad ice sword fell from the sky and headed straight towards the flame giant.

Yan Yang looked up at Bingjian and roared.

Then his flame body exploded and his size increased again.

Four meters!

Five meters!

In the end, his size reached a terrifying six meters!

Balrog raised his arms and directly caught the falling ice sword.


The moment the flaming hand came into contact with the ice giant sword, a large amount of steam exploded.

The entire venue echoed with the sizzling sound of flames burning ice.

Yan Yang gritted his teeth, frantically squeezing out his remaining spiritual power, and carried the ice sword with all his strength.

Seeing his flaming body shrinking, Yan Yang roared angrily and sprayed out huge flames from his right hand, directly changing the trajectory of the ice sword.


The ice sword hit the ring, causing the hard ring floor to crack.

At the same time, a large amount of frost air, carrying a large amount of water vapor, spread throughout the arena.

Wang Xianxian, who was in the steam, immediately became alert after losing his vision.

The ice sword turned into ten wine swords and flew back to Wang Xianxian, then spun wildly and launched a defense.

Just then, the scorching sun rushed out of the steam.

The flaming body directly passed through the defense composed of wine swords and punched Wang Xianxian's body.

Facing the attack, Wang Xianxian directly entered the unselectable state.

Half a second later, he held the Cold Spirit Sword and slashed at Yan Yang.

Yanyang also activated flame transformation and avoided the slashing attack.

At this moment, Yan Yang looked at the boy who was only half a step away from him and smiled.

"Yunjiu, your state will consume a lot of your mental and physical strength, right?"

"You should not be able to perform it continuously within three seconds..."

As he spoke, the temperature around his body began to rise rapidly.

Finally, he looked at Wang Xianxian's somewhat immature face and smiled slightly.

"This is my last resort..."


Tuoba Xin stared at the arena, not daring to slack off at all.

He was not sure whether the two people's safety devices could still work normally, so he could only concentrate on being ready to save people.

In the center of the steam-filled arena, a dazzling light suddenly flashed.

It looks so much like this, with the sun rising in steam.

The next moment, a huge explosion sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying shock wave directly blew away the steam and spread crazily outside the ring.

Everyone looked towards the center of the ring in shock.

When the dust fell to the ground, what reappeared in everyone's eyes was a huge ice cube.

Inside the ice cube.

Yanyang, whose body was covered with ice chips, looked at Yunjiu in front of him with trembling lips.

He raised the corners of his mouth with difficulty.

"you win……"

Looking at the persistent Yan Yang, Wang Xianxian said softly: "Thank you."

Hearing this, nameless fire arose in Yanyang's heart again.

He grabbed Wang Xianxian's collar with trembling hands.

"Why do you want to thank me? You are not allowed to say thank you. You are Yunjiu. You are an Unparalleled Genius that is rare in a thousand years."

"Geniuses...should be more arrogant..."

"Didn't you make such wild claims about defeating the Sword Emperor? Show off your momentum..."

"You are the winner, and the winner has no reason to thank the loser."

"If the winner thanks the loser, it must be mercy, and I don't need mercy!"

Wang Xianxian looked at the furious Yan Yang and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After holding it in for a long time, he couldn't help but say something.


These words immediately broke Yan Yang's guard, and he grabbed Wang Xianxian's collar with both hands.

"Asshole, did you do this on purpose?"

"Hug..." Wang Xianxian immediately changed his words, "No, I'm apologizing to say I'm sorry to you."

"No need." Yan Yang gasped, "I don't need to apologize."

"Yunjiu, don't think that if you beat me twice, you can beat me forever."

"One day, I will defeat you."

"One day you will praise me for my victory."

"At that time, you will be proud to tell your friends that you once defeated me."

After saying that, he loosened Wang Xianxian's collar.

"My name is Yanyang, the Yan of Yanhuo, the Yang of scorching sun."

Patting the ice chips on his body, he looked at the sword in Wang Xianxian's hand and fell into silence.

After a moment, he chuckled and spoke.

"I will watch you defeat the Sword Emperor with my own eyes."

"You killed us all by yourself, and now we high school students are embarrassed."

"If you can defeat the Sword Emperor, I think we can also regain some face."

"It doesn't matter if you can't beat it. Don't lose too badly, otherwise you'll be embarrassed."

Wang Xianxian nodded slightly after hearing this, and then he stretched out his hand towards Yan Yang.

Yan Yang did not refuse, and he stood up again with the help of the other party's hand.

Tuoba Xin quickly came to the two of them and immediately announced the result after confirming that both of them were fine.

"The winner drinks wine."

After announcing the results, Tuoba Xin input some Spirit Qi into Yan Yang.

"You are among the top ten candidates to enter the examination room. You have a chance to resurrect. Go down and recover and prepare for the next round."

Yan Yang, who had regained his strength slightly, nodded and said nothing.

Wang Xianxian returned directly to the battle preparation area and began to digest his feelings about this battle.

Because the venue was affected by the battle between the two of them, many battles were interrupted.

So there are still a lot of people competing on the stage.

Lin Lei was lucky this time and met a Martial Artist who was a regular melee fighter.

Through his lightning abilities and extremely fast speed, he easily suppressed his opponents.

It's just that Lin Lei seemed to be afraid of what his opponent had up his sleeve, so he didn't rush to give him a fatal blow.

After all, stability is the most important thing at this time.

Many Martial Artists are crazy, but they are not stupid, and they will still be stable when it is time to be stable.

Only a few very Supreme Grade people will become mentally retarded.

Looking at Du Yin again, she still had bad luck this time.

I don’t know the specific job and talent of my opponent, but judging from the combat style, he should be a Martial Artist who follows the mechanical style.

Looking at the pistol and submachine gun in that man's hand, he was most likely an armorer.

This type of Martial Artist is the favorite of the military.

Logically speaking, as long as Talent reaches S Level, he will be intercepted by the military in advance like his junior high school friends Li Yue and Zhao Hu.

Don't know why it appears here.

The mechanical Martial Artist is very strong in the early stage, and it is ridiculously strong.

This is because the Martial Artist's defense against bullets is not high before reaching the Starry Realm.

Therefore, the mechanical Martial Artist can often beat the regular Martial Artist of the same level in the early stage.

You can even defeat your opponent across Talent.

However, they are not invincible.

If he encountered the scorching sun, a Martial Artist like Lin Lei would feel extremely uncomfortable.

The further this type of Martial Artist goes, the weaker his dueling ability becomes.

After all, by the Late Stage, the Martial Artist's physical strength will reach incredible levels.

Although they can also produce bullets with powerful destructive power, if they want to kill the enemy, they will consume too much and they will be easily killed.

Where they shine is in the military.

Facing huge high-level alien beasts, all kinds of conceptual weapons, such as plasma electromagnetic cannons, dark matter bombs, etc., can kill a large number of them if they are thrown into the beasts with their eyes closed.

It is worth mentioning that there is also a popular genre in Martial Artist, which is the mechanical style.

Also known as a man's dream, mecha style...

Too far away...

Wang Xianxian shook his head and began to watch the battle intently.

Half an hour later, the second round of fighting was over.

So far, 26 people have not been eliminated.

Because Yanyang used the number of resurrections, he was not eliminated.

Tuoba Xin looked at the remaining 26 candidates and nodded with satisfaction.

"Have a rest for half an hour, and we'll start the battle right away."

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