five minutes later.

Duanmu Qian floated into the air again.

"Attention all candidates, start entering the tower now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd below began to riot.

Linley patted Wang Xianxian on the shoulder.

"Brother, we'll see you on the ninth floor."

Du Yin also warned Wang Xianxian in his ear: "Be careful of illusion-type attacks."

After saying that, the two of them rushed into the pagoda first.

Wang Xianxian was about to step forward, but was stopped again.

Turning around, he saw that it was Yan Yang, Zhang Wen, and Tie Zhen.

Looking at the confused boy, Zhang Wen smiled and said, "Come on."

The corners of Wang Xianxian's mouth raised slightly: "You guys too."

After that, several people rushed in at the same time.

Special proctoring room.

Duanmu Qian's figure flashed directly into the invigilation room.

Densely packed screens filled the entire room, and the monitors of 30,000 candidates were simultaneously played on these screens.

"Elder Duanmu." A staff member bowed and saluted when he saw Duanmu Qian.

Duanmu Qian waved his hand: "Is everything normal?"

"They are all normal." The staff confirmed, "Those candidates are among the top ten in each city. The first two floors of the Babel Trial should not eliminate them."

Duanmu Qian nodded.

The first two floors of the Tower of Babel are just regular trials and will not cause too much trouble to those talented candidates.

"Focus on Wang Beichen from Tianjian City and Yunjiu from Tianjiu City."

After receiving Duanmu Qian's order, the staff quickly replied.

"I will call out the live broadcasts of the two of them right now."

Inside the Tower of Babel.

When Wang Xianxian opened his eyes again, he found that he had arrived in the tower.

Suddenly, Wang Xianxian felt that a mysterious force was peering into his body.

At this time, Yun Ying's cold snort suddenly sounded in Wang Xianxian's mind.

Then, the mysterious power quickly retreated as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

Wang Xianxian couldn't help but be surprised: "Yun Ying, are you awake?"

But this time, Yun Ying did not show up, and its voice appeared directly in Wang Xianxian's mind.

"Be careful, this Law Treasure's weapon spirit is trying to peek into your body."

Wang Xianxian nodded slightly, and then communicated with his mind.

"Can't you come out now?"

"This place is different from before. There is a mysterious being directly monitoring this place through the weapon spirit itself." Yun Ying's voice was a little solemn.

"Then do you need to continue sleeping for a while?"

"No need, now prepare for the assessment."


Looking at the simple stone door in front of him, Wang Xianxian took a deep breath and pushed it open.

"bring it on!"

There was a bang.

As the stone door closed, bright light appeared before his eyes.

This light comes from the lamps on the walls of the room. The flames in the lamps flicker and illuminate the walls red.

This is a huge room with ancient architectural style.

[Candidate Yunjiu, welcome to the Ninth Layer Babel Tower, the first floor. ]

Accompanied by a mysterious sound, the circular floor in the center of the room suddenly split.

Then, a bronze Martial Dao puppet appeared in front of Wang Xianxian.

[First level assessment content, defeat the Martial Dao puppet at the peak of Bone Tempering Realm in the room. ]

"The peak of Bone Tempering Realm?" Wang Xianxian was a little surprised, "Is the first level as strong as this?"

The audience watching the live broadcast even called it outrageous.

[Tilapia: Is this the Martial Dao puppet at the peak of the Bone Tempering Realm? ]

[Daddy Sponge: It’s too cruel. How many students can’t defeat the Martial Dao puppet of the same level? ]

[Uncle Pai: I think it’s quite reasonable. Don’t forget who these people are. They are all among the top ten in their own city. ]

[Sangpao: Indeed, for a genius of this level, challenging ordinary people is as easy as drinking water. The mere Martial Dao puppet is not a problem. ]

[Beating the Starfish: The realm of these geniuses has basically reached the Bone Tempering Realm Late Stage, and there are many people who have reached the peak. From this point of view, it is indeed not difficult. ]

[Okra is me: What about the special examination candidates? Those special examination candidates are basically in the Blood Refining Realm, right? ]

[Kelp is not tasty: I guess it is enough. Martial Dao puppets are more difficult to deal with than Martial Artist in a sense. They will not expose too many weaknesses. If they fall into a war of attrition, for those special candidates who only have the Blood Refining Realm, It's very difficult. ]

[King of Gotham: Hahaha, I went to watch Yunjiu in the official live broadcast room of Tianjiu City to see how he was beaten by the Martial Dao puppet. ]

[Amusement park worker: Take me with you. ]

[Prophet: No need to look upstairs, just now, Yunjiu has reached the second floor...]

[King of Gotham: Haha, there is a limit to joking, oh~ Look at your IP location, it turns out you are the clown from Tianjiu City, no wonder you talk like this, it turns out I am protecting you, Dad Yun. ]

[Prophet: @GothamKing, comrade, you lost your ID card. Poker King.JPG]

[Tianjiu Witch: @ Gotham King, comrade, the copy of your ID card has also been lost. Poker King.JPG]

[Heifer spirals up to the sky: Damn it, Yunjiu is really on the second level, where are the puppets? ]

[The stone cannot speak: Damn it, what just happened? ]

[Father Yunjiu: You don’t need to read this. Just now, my father Yun used 20 flying swords to kill the puppet. ]

[Jia Dad Yunjiu: Alas, my dad is too high-profile, @ Gotham King, Heizi speaks! ]

[Family Dad Yunjiu: @ Gotham King, clown, your name is Nima, Nima comes out to confront me. ]

[Jia Dadyunjiu: @王之王, you are the king of Digimon, you are the craziest in Gotham City, you stand guard in front of McDonald's, you are busy in the circus, you are hidden in boxes in the grass in the wilderness, and you are the king of playing cards. ]

[Family Dad Yunjiu: Cao Nima, come out and compete with Dad, Sun your mother, you guys started Yin Yang Yun Jiu half a month ago, and by the way Yin Yang Tian Liquor Market, isn’t your mouth quite mean, you bitch , come out and face off against dad! @King of Gotham. ]

[Tianjiuzhiguang: What a great job upstairs, it’s these dogs who trolled us in the whole city. We Tianjiu people have eaten your family’s rice, and the Internet bullied us for half a month. ]

[Yaodong Bookstore: It’s true. Ever since Yunjiu said he wanted to defeat the Sword Emperor, the atmosphere on the Internet has changed. It’s your freedom to complain about Yunjiu and be arrogant. As for the entire Tianjiu City? ]

[Star in the Night Sky: After holding it in for more than half a month, I finally feel proud today. ]

[King of Gotham: Just scream, how awesome is the Martial Dao puppet in seconds? What about diverting Nima’s attention? Your father Yunjiu was talking about defeating the Wine Emperor and killing a puppet. Those who didn't know thought your father was beating up the Sword Emperor. ]

[The King of Gotham: A bunch of filial sons from Tianjiu City, called Nima, just scream at the slightest wind. This is what untouchables who have never seen the world are like. ]

[Father Yunjiu: Judging from your IP address, you are from Tianjian City, right? Why, are you so willing to be Wang’s dog? ]

[The King of Gotham: The dogs, pariahs, and labor belong to the Wang family! ]

[King of Gotham: The ignorant bitch dares to threaten to defeat my ancestor. For such an arrogant fool, there are still people who praise him. You, Tianjiu City, deserve to be scolded. ]

[King of Gotham: Without my ancestor to save the day, would you have had the chance to sit here and type on the keyboard? What is it called? ]

[Tarot Cards: Untouchables who open their mouths and untouchables who shut their mouths, you Wang family are so powerful. We respect the Sword Emperor, not someone with cerebral palsy like you. ]

[Feng Qiuhuang: No matter how bad Yunjiu is, he is still an EX-level Talent. Who do you think you are, calling him a bitch? ]

[Thunder King: If you can’t eat the grapes, you can say the grapes are sour. His Wang family doesn’t have this kind of Prodigy. ]

[King of Gotham: My Wang family doesn’t have this kind of Prodigy? Haha, go to the Tianjian City live broadcast room and open your eyes wide to see our Wang’s Prodigy and see what the real Prodigy is. ]


Sorry, brothers, I came back late from working overtime.

Update 4 will be updated today, sorry.

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