Ninth Layer Babel Tower, ninth floor.


Heavy and urgent sounds continued to surround the space.

Wang Beichen was furious, his eyes were red, and he stared at Lin Lei ferociously.

However, how could Lin Lei, who was accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves, be swayed by a mere look.

"Are you a dog? Panting so fast?"

"This is not a toilet, and there is nothing for you to eat..."

At this point, Linley suddenly paused, and his expression became a little shocked.

" can't...wait for me to pull you..."

As soon as these words came out, the air on the entire ninth floor suddenly solidified.


Everyone looked at Linley with their mouths agape.

Even Wang Xianxian could not hide his surprise.

This mouth is really too damaging.

"Ahhhhhhhh, kill you, I'm going to kill you!!!" Wang Beichen rushed towards Lin Lei like crazy.

Facing the irrational Wang Beichen, Lin Lei did not panic, he shouted.


However, Wang Beichen couldn't listen to his words at all.

Just when Duanmu Qian was about to stop him.

With lightning speed, one leg came into close contact with Wang Beichen's angry and twisted face.

At the moment of contact, Wang Beichen's face violently deformed.

His whole body also flew backwards because of the powerful force.



Wang Beichen, who fell heavily to the ground, covered his bleeding nose and began to roar angrily.


He looked up suddenly and found a young man in white standing in front of Lin Lei.

And that person was the one who had been on his mind for a long time...


Wang Xianxian looked at Wang Beichen who was roaring and calmly put away his legs.

Duanmu Qian, who was standing next to him, was secretly complaining.

It is against the rules of the examination room for candidates to attack each other in private.

A 15-year-old boy rushed to Wang Beichen's side.

"Cousin Beichen, are you okay?"

He is the Talent holder of Wang's contemporary SSS Level. Wang Wang is the cousin of Wang Beichen and Wang Xianxian.

Seeing Wang Beichen's nosebleed, Wang Wan turned to Duanmu Qian and shouted.

"Examiner, I am reporting that Yunjiu violated the rules of the examination room and attacked other candidates during non-assessment hours!"

Seeing that Duanmu Qian's expression was starting to look a little ugly, Lin Lei rushed to Wang Xianxian's side and shouted loudly.

"Brother Yun, what's wrong with you? Tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Although Wang Beichen had murderous intentions and violated Article 321 of the second category of the examination room to attack me, you can't just take action rashly just to save me!"

"Although your behavior constitutes the fifth category of the examination room and the 17th emergency evacuation condition, what should you do if you hurt yourself?"

After hearing this, Duanmu Qian suddenly woke up.

He quickly took out the examination room rules and regulations from his storage bag.

After searching carefully, he really found in the book the fifth category and Article 17 that Lin Lei mentioned.

It says that if Candidate A is found to have made a rash attack on Candidate B, and Candidate B has no intention of resisting or fighting, Candidate C can ignore the other rules and give priority to rescue.

But the premise is that candidate C cannot use this to cause fatal harm to candidate B.

Detailed judgment rules are densely written on a page.


Duanmu Qian couldn't hide his surprise when he looked at Lin Lei not far away with a smirk on his face.

He had never been a college entrance examination examiner before, so he simply read a few important rules before the exam.

College entrance examination rules have thousands of years of history.

Because students are talented, have many vocations, and the examination environment is complex and diverse, there are many strange rules.

For example, there was once a candidate who killed a strange beast, took away the large intestine from the beast, attached an unspeakable disgusting substance to the weapon, and turned into a god of war to attack other candidates.

Therefore, the examination room added new rules in the second year. If a candidate is attacked with alien animal excrement and the opponent is eliminated, the user will deduct 5,000 points, and the eliminated person will have a chance to be resurrected.

But because some candidates discovered this loophole and forced their peers to avoid elimination, the examination room could only continue to patch it.

In this way, after thousands of years of revision, the college entrance examination rules are almost as thick as a dictionary.

Faced with a large number of rules, as the examiner of the newly reformed Rank Three section of the college entrance examination, Duanmu Qian naturally would not study them too carefully.

What surprised him was how did the young man named Lin Lei know such a small rule?

However, despite being surprised, Duanmu Qian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

After all, this rule can give this farce a final shape.

Otherwise, if Wang takes advantage of the opportunity, it will be difficult for them to handle the exam.

Shaking his head slightly, Duanmu Qian looked at Wang Wan and explained.

"Yunjiu's behavior does comply with the examination emergency avoidance regulations. Therefore, the report is invalid."

After finishing speaking, Duanmu Qian read out the regulations from Lin Lei.

After hearing the explanation, the other candidates exclaimed, and Wang Wan and Wang Beichen even widened their eyes in disbelief.

Wang Wang pointed at Lin Lei, looked at Duanmu Qian and roared.

"Fart, you are covering up!"

"My cousin is still five or six meters away from Lin Lei, and Lin Lei's speed makes it impossible for him to avoid him. This is their excuse for beating him!"

Hearing this, Lin Lei's eyes gleamed.

Under the gaze of everyone, he slowly raised his right hand and said in a solemn tone.

"Master Examiner, I want to report it!"

? ? ?

Question marks were raised over everyone present.

Everything obviously happened because of you, so what are you trying to do?

Duanmu Qian looked at Lin Lei's serious look and had no choice but to speak.


lei cleared his throat.

"Wang Beichen violated the regulations of the examination room. According to Article 543 of the first category of the examination room, he can be defined as a second-class problem candidate."

"Wang Wang, as an examinee, is brainless and publicly defends him in an attempt to disturb the audience. This violates the sixth category of the examination room, Article 211, which can be defined as three types of cover-up behavior."

"My companion Wang Beichen was injured in a sneak attack and was beaten down. The bad guy complained first, which violated the third category of the examination room, Article 112, and the examinee violated the martial arts ethics."

“After reporting the matter and receiving a detailed explanation from the examiner, I did not go through the formal appeal process, but openly contradicted the examiner.”

"He even said vulgar words such as 'fart' to the examiner who has a high level of cultivation. This has violated the first category of the examination room, Article 119."

"The examinee committed a total of 2 Level 2 violations and 1 Level 3 violation."

"As a candidate from the same area, I am now applying to the examination authority to disqualify the candidate according to the special provisions of Article 267 of the fifth category of the examination room and to expel him from the examination room immediately."

After reporting, Lin Lei put down his hand expressionlessly.

Silence, deathly silence.

Everyone was stunned.

What broke the silence was the sound of Duanmu Qian flipping through the pages of the examination room rules.

Five minutes later, after confirming that what Lin Lei said was correct.

Duanmu Qian was numb. He looked at the young man in front of him like a monster.

After a moment, he suppressed the twitching of the corners of his mouth and spoke slowly.

"Candidate Lin Lei passed the report. Candidate Wang Wang is now disqualified from taking the exam."

All the candidates were shocked.

Wang Wan and Wang Beichen's mouths are so long that they can fit an egg in them.

What happened...

Obviously we were the ones being beaten...

Why did Lin Lei get out of the game after he said a lot of incomprehensible things?

While Wang Wang was stunned, two strong men in golden armor appeared beside him, then took his arms and walked out.

Wang Wan, who was being held up, finally reacted and shouted to the sky.

"No... you can't do this... I haven't challenged my ancestor yet..."

"What mistake did I make!!!"

"Let me go, let me go!!!"

"I just said two words, just a few words, why are you driving me out!!!"

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it!!!"


Hearing the cries of redress behind him, Lin Lei stood with his hands behind his back and sighed.

"Invincible, I'm so lonely..."

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