Winner in life

$93.36 I Want to Be a Big Star (Two in One) (1/2)

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. Rui He almost spit out a mouthful of water, put down the enamel jar and waved his hands: "No! No!"

"Then why do you look like you want to make progress? Isn't it true that you are thinking of studying more because you are afraid that you are not good enough for someone who is a scholar?"

Rui He almost swore to God: "It really didn't happen!" He died unjustly!

Although Li Dashui always likes to think about things, and sometimes what he says always makes people laugh or cry, he is really reliable. Seeing that Rui He was really troubled, he gave Rui He serious advice: "I don't understand this. But you can ask someone who knows, any of the dozen educated youths in the village can solve the problem for you."

Those educated youth...

Rui He was a little timid: "I have no friendship with them."

"If you don't have friendship, then you should be friends first. If you give me some fried peanuts, some sweet potatoes, and some vegetables, wouldn't there be friendship? Once you give the things away, and then mention your request, there will be few people who disagree."

"You're right, you're smart."

"Remember, if you really disagree, you have to take the things back and don't waste them."

Ruihe packed up his things and went directly to the resettlement site for educated youth. The resettlement site for educated youth in the village is in the Laoye Temple. In the early years, the Laoye Temple was destroyed because of the destruction of the Four Old Temples. Later, the educated youths and the village cadres cleaned up the Laoye Temple and made partitions for the educated youths. Now they live there. Eleven educated youths were recruited, including Ruihe’s target this time: Xu Caiheng, who teaches in a village primary school.

He thought that Xu Caiheng was a primary school teacher and could teach him more than enough. He not only brought pastries and fried peanuts, but also two and a half dollars. Now the tuition fee for one semester of fifth grade in elementary school is two yuan and fifty cents. Of course, if Xu Caiheng is not satisfied and thinks it is too little, he can add more.

In fact, Xu Caiheng accepted it easily. Seeing that Rui He had an honest face and simple eyes, and that he was not a bad-tempered person, he was half convinced. After taking the two yuan and fifty cents and cakes and other gifts, he immediately agreed: "It's good that you want to study. In this way, the village primary school will start on the 20th of the first month. Before that, I can teach you every day. Just follow the school schedule." I’ll do it after school. When school starts, I’ll only be free on Saturdays and Sundays. Then we can continue until the summer vacation, do you think it’s okay?”

Rui He nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll listen to you. I already have the textbooks, when will we start?"

Xu Caiheng said: "We can start in the afternoon, but it is not convenient here for educated youth. Is it convenient at your home?"

"I just live alone, it's convenient!"

So the two made an appointment to start class in the afternoon, and Xu Caiheng would arrive at 1:30.

After Ruihe left, the educated youths in the educated youth area began to ask Xu Caiheng: "What did he do to you? Are you friends?" A female educated youth also said casually: "I thought he was here to find Lu Peiyin." Don’t talk nonsense, Meishu…”

The Laoye Temple is divided into twelve compartments, with five women and seven men. Female educated youths live in the right compartment, and male educated youths live in the left compartment. Ruihe arrived at about ten o'clock in the morning, which is when the most people are gathered. Xu Caiheng locked the pastries in the small cabinet beside the bed. The compartment was so small that there was really no room for anything except a bed, a table and a cabinet. Seeing people crowding around the door of his cubicle, he smiled good-naturedly and said, "Didn't you all hear it? Why are you still asking me?"

"Oh, it turns out that working in a factory makes more money than working in the fields. I heard that Zhang Xiaoshan worked hard. Before, the bamboo factory was so busy with orders that it required twelve bamboo baskets or six sets of bread bowls to be made a day. Later, the order was completed. , he still does so much every day, and the people in the same group say that they can’t do it anymore, but he can still continue to do it on his own, tsk tsk tsk, he is working harder than an old scalper at such a young age!”

"How can you earn so much wages if you don't work hard? It's more than forty dollars a month. Cai Heng, your salary is only nineteen yuan, right?"

There was chattering in his ears, and the words of some educated youth were a bit unpleasant, but Xu Caiheng still smiled and held the door as if he was about to go out: "I'm going to the school office to get something. Everyone who is celebrating the New Year should go out and have fun. I heard there is a quiz in the afternoon at Shaiguchang."

A male educated youth grabbed Xu Caiheng and said, "Hey, don't leave yet, let's talk about it later! Do you really agree to teach him? Then you don't even have time to rest? How tired you are!"

"I'm tired. Zhang Xiaoshan seems to be in a good temper.

He shouldn't be difficult to get along with, and I wouldn't feel tired at all just sitting and lecturing him. "Xu Caiheng squeezed the person away, turned around and locked the door. When he turned around again, he smiled and said, "Okay, I really have something to do. I have collected their things. I must prepare lessons well and teach people well. Wait until I come back. Let’s chat! "After that, he left.

"He is not the only high school student among our educated youth. Why does Zhang Xiaoshan look for Xu Caiheng when he is looking for him?"

"What's so sour about this? Cai Heng has taught primary school for several years and has rich experience."

"Who's upset? I'll just tell you..."

The educated youth spot was rippled by Ruihe's visit. People from all over the country know about the large batches of foreign orders placed by the Bamboo Factory in the past few years. It’s just that the Bamboo Factory is located in Shangmei Village, and there is a large bamboo forest in Shangmei Village. This allows the people in this village to enjoy the greatest benefits. People from the production brigade have to wait in line behind people from Shangmei Village to apply for jobs. During those months, bundles of bamboo were transported into the factory, and carts of woven products were transported by ox carts to the main factory in the city. Each cart was filled with money. When an acquaintance released the salary information, it caused even more uproar.

Although Zhang Xiaoshan doesn't like to talk, many people see his hard-working attitude, and they can calculate how much the other person earns in a month with a simple calculation. In the 1970s, the average worker's salary was only ten or twenty yuan, and those in the bamboo factory who earned forty yuan a month stood out. I am so envious of this person!

"Peiyin, don't you and Zhang Xiaoshan work in the same factory? Why didn't he ask you to make up lessons?"

Lu Peiyin paused in knitting, then raised his head and showed a sweet smile: "It's from a factory, but I'm making bamboo mats, so I'm not familiar with it." He frowned slightly, and there seemed to be a frown between his eyebrows. "I am also a worker in a bamboo factory, but I am much worse. I only make more than ten yuan a month. Zhang Xiaoshan is really a good comrade worthy of respect and learning."

Rui He didn't know about the conversation that took place in the educated youth spot after he left. He ran home briskly to make preparations, clean up, boil hot water to make brown sugar water, and then took out all the paper, pens, and textbook notes. Before twelve o'clock, he had eaten, washed the dishes, sat and read, waiting for Xu Caiheng.

Xu Caiheng arrived at 1:20 p.m. As expected of someone with several years of teaching experience, he teaches mathematics and Chinese in the fourth and fifth grades of the village primary school, but he can also teach the second and third grades. According to Ruihe's request, Xu Caiheng set down the teaching tasks of Chinese, mathematics and politics. In order to formulate a more detailed teaching plan, he brought many papers, saying that they were all the school's final examination papers and wanted to give Ruihe a thorough understanding.

Rui He first did the first grade and then the second grade. Xu Caiheng watched him do it. Slowly, he got an idea in his mind and took a pen to write and draw in his notes. The novel and unsettling experience of being guarded while filling out the paper and writing the paper for the first time made Ruihe's hand holding the pen tremble.

"Stop, you're holding the pen wrong."

After correcting his pen-holding posture, Ruihe became even more nervous, and his forehead was covered with sweat in the winter. Xu Caiheng said quickly: "Don't be nervous. I'm just looking to see where your level is and where you are lacking. Just do the papers with a calm mind."

After finishing writing, Rui He felt as if he had run for several miles and was so tired that he could not even lift his hands and feet. Xu Caiheng put away the papers and stood up: "I will help you read it tonight, and the formal class will start tomorrow. I just watched you do the questions briefly, and I probably know where you need to make up. You should prepare your math textbook first, for second graders."

"Okay." Ruihe sent Xu Caiheng away, still feeling uneasy, so he went to find Li Dashui. The sun was about to set, but Li Dashui hadn't come back yet. Ruihe sat under the banyan tree and waited for him. The children were playing and playing games, and his heart settled as he watched them.

"I don't know anything, and I'm not afraid of being laughed at. Mr. Xu seems to be a good person. I can definitely learn it." Rui He whispered, rubbing his face, and his energy returned.

"Hi Xiaoshan!"

He looked up and saw Li Dashui appearing at the entrance of the alley, waving to him excitedly. He smiled and waved hurriedly: "Are you back? Sister Damei said you went to Xialu Commune, was it fun?"

Li Dashui said goodbye to his companions and ran over quickly, put the basket on his back and said panting: "It's fun! Look, I picked so many oranges!" He opened the lid of the bamboo basket, revealing the golden and green oranges inside. Just looking at Ruihe made him feel saliva dripping from his mouth.

"Where did you pick it?"

"At once

Xialu Commune, let’s go to your house first. I’ll give you some. Li Dashui signaled Ruihe to pick up the backpack, ran forward a few more steps, and shouted loudly: "Sister!" Sister! I'm going to Xiaoshan's house and I'll be back soon! "

"I know!" Li Damei shouted back to him.

"Okay, let's go!"

Some children came around and asked, "Brother Shui, Brother Shui, what did you bring?"

Li Dashui raised his eyebrows and pretended to be fierce: "Children, don't ask about adults' matters."

"Brother Shui~"

Several children hugged Li Dashui's legs and threw all kinds of sweet words out for free. Li Dashui coughed twice and took out a handful of oranges and gave them to them: "You share it, it's gone. Let's go quickly."

After driving away the children, the two continued to walk to Ruihe's house.

Li Dashui kindly asked him to go with him, but he couldn't really take advantage of him. There was no such reason.

What if that brother Ming is angry? Besides, people work in the factory all day long and are very tired when they go home at night. We can’t let people work in vain.

Unexpectedly, his family was not supportive of him going to the factory to apply for a job. Zhang Dashan said: "You are sixteen, and you have also received eight points for work this year. How many capable young men like you are there in the village? In two years, I will talk to the captain and ask him to give you full marks. Go. The factory is unnecessary and a waste.”

Ruihe told Zhang Dashan his plan, but unexpectedly received a blank look from Sister Zhang. "Where can I buy it?"


"Hey Xiaoshan, have you been blinded by the sun?" Sister-in-law Zhang laughed exaggeratedly, "How dare you go to the market to buy, others don't dare to go to the market to sell, there is no market now!"

Ruihe was shocked and wondered if there was no market in this place? Why did Brother Zhang and Sister-in-law both have strange expressions when they heard that they were going to buy rice? He said cautiously: "Then we have money, but even if we have money, we can't buy rice?"

"You are really stupid. You need food stamps to buy food. Do you have them or does your family have them?"

Food, food stamps?

What is that?

In order to find out what food stamps were, Ruihe had to inquire cautiously, and found out from Li Dashui the next day. Li Dashui looked exhausted and said that his mother scolded him last night and said he was short-minded.

Last night, Li Dashui's mother, Xiu'e, pressed Li Dashui's forehead and said, "I know you have a good relationship with Xiaoshan, but our family is different from theirs! There are only three people in their family, and only Zhang Dashan gets full work points. How much food do you need to eat every year? If you ask Xiaoshan to go to the factory, what will they eat at home? What if Xiaoshan doesn’t make much food and his monthly salary is too little to buy food?

"I'm sorry, Xiaoshan."

Rui He quickly waved his hand: "Don't say that, you are also doing it for my own good." Then he made an insinuation about the food stamps, "My brother and sister-in-law don't want me to go. It's useless even if I have money. Without food stamps, I can't buy food. Tickets are so annoying, I don’t have them at home.”

Unexpectedly, Li Dashui rolled his eyes: "Who are you trying to coax, your brother and sister-in-law?" He approached Ruihe and lowered his voice, "Although the superiors don't allow people to buy and sell privately, they have to take food stamps to the grain station to buy them, but we rural households Where are the food stamps? What should I do if some people don’t have enough food? Some people just leave the food to rot if they can’t finish it. If you really want to trade, you will definitely find a way!”

Ruihe heard this and his heart pounded: "How, how to do it?"

"You're stupid, you can ask someone in our village to exchange it! For example, Zhang Xiaocao's family often secretly sends food into the city to exchange for tickets with the city people. Her brother is studying at the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers University, and he also needs tickets to eat out. Well, her family is short of food stamps. If you give her money, her family should be willing to sell it to you." Li Dashui curled his lips, "The people in the city don't have enough food to eat, so sometimes they secretly exchange it with us rural people. This is happening behind the scenes. Just be careful and don’t get caught! Why did you even forget this?”

"I haven't forgotten, I just got distracted for a moment." Ruihe quickly put it off and took what Li Dashui said to heart. He still wants to join the factory. If he works harder and earns one yuan a day, he can earn thirty yuan a month. I secretly used the money to buy food, and I could still save twenty yuan in a month. He still believed Li Dashui's words. If he bought it secretly, someone would definitely dare to sell it secretly.

\u003e But this world is really weird. You need a "ticket" to buy things. Is it difficult to buy things if you have money? He didn't dare to ask more details, for fear that Li Dashui would get the clue.

After returning home, he and Zhang Dashan mentioned the matter of entering the factory again. Sister-in-law Zhang said: "Who doesn't want to join the factory? There is no place to make money now, but our brigade only has a bamboo factory, a heavy factory on the mine, and Go to the sugar factory on Mining Road, forget about the heavy factory. How difficult is it to get into the bamboo factory and sugar factory? Our family has nothing to do with it. This time you said that the bamboo factory is going to expand its enrollment. Can you guarantee that you will be selected if you go there? Go up? It’s a big loss if you can’t get the stuff into the factory when it’s shipped out!”

But there is nothing in this world where you can sit at home and have pie fall into your lap?

Ruihe doesn't understand the truth. He only knows that you have to do what you want. If you want to make money, you have to endure hardship. If you want to enter a factory, you must first learn to tie bamboo baskets.

He insisted on going, and Zhang Dashan had to speak: "Stop making trouble, Xiaoshan. The bamboo factory has very high recruitment requirements. You will definitely not be able to get in. How can you learn in just a few days? How can Xingying Yong be sincere? Teach you? Anyone who doesn’t hide his skills is a liar.”

Ruihe felt powerless. He actually didn't know how the original owner got along with his brother and sister-in-law before, but he had been here for two months. This was the first time he made a request, but Zhang Dashan and his wife couldn't persuade him at all. Then His eyes looked as if he was making trouble unreasonably.

Maybe I was really making trouble unreasonably. He was a little depressed and couldn't sleep at all during his nap. After turning over a dozen times on the hard bed, he sat up and felt a fire burning in his heart.

He wants to go, he wants to go.

He will definitely regret if he misses this time. What are you afraid of? This is not the second year of the Republic of China, and he is not a servant who was sold into Li's house. Life or death is not up to him.

No one can kill him, he is free!

He has arms and legs and a strong body.

"Maybe I've become greedy." Ruihe had to admit that his heart had grown bigger. When he first arrived here, what he thought most about was not to be discovered by others that he was possessed by a lonely ghost, how to learn to speak the local language as soon as possible, and how to work well, whether it was carrying a hoe to shovel the ground, carrying a manure bucket to pour fertilizer, or going to work He learned and did everything from cutting pig grass to cleaning pig pens. After getting two more sweet potatoes for each meal, he was even more satisfied.

But after Li Dashui said that now there was an opportunity for him to make money, he was no longer satisfied with the life of working in the fields day after day.

He wants to work in a factory, make money, and eat meat.

There is a better life in front of him, and he must try to seize it. There is nothing to regret if he can't catch it, and he won't lose his life because of it.

After thinking about it, Ruihe put forward his opinion again when Zhang Dashan and his wife got up from their nap. Zhang Dashan still disagreed and even became a little angry. Rui He seriously proposed a solution: "If I can't enter the factory in the end, then the ten kilograms of sweet potatoes taken out will be mine. The sweet potatoes distributed this time are divided into parts. Our family took ninety-six kilograms, and there were thirty kilograms in them." Two kilograms are mine. From now on, I will eat the thirty-two kilograms. But I have eaten almost half of the sweet potatoes, so I will divide them again. I still have sixteen kilograms." He glanced at Sister-in-law Zhang and said, "Sister-in-law, take it back to your parents' house. I don’t care about the ten pounds.”

The last sentence made Mrs. Zhang so angry that she almost jumped up! All of a sudden, he pointed at Ruihe and started scolding him, "Why are my wings stiff? I'm a debtor." He was so angry that he could think of whatever he wanted to scold.

At noon, after the sound of the gong, everyone in the village got up and got ready to go to the fields. When they heard the noise in the Zhang family, the neighbors all looked around. The neighbor next door even asked loudly: "Song Li, what are you doing?" What about singing?”

Sister-in-law Zhang's scolding stopped abruptly. She combed the broken hair at her temples and replied loudly: "Yes, I'm opening my voice! I'll sing to you another day!" Then she lowered her voice and stared at Ruihe, "What on earth did you say? What's the matter? My brother and sister-in-law feel sorry for you so much. Now come and figure it out with me, what do you want to do?"

When Ruihe said those words, he felt his heart beating wildly on his face, as if he had suddenly become a "bad guy". But he pursed his lips and insisted: "I just want to go."

"Dashan! It's better to leave now!"

Someone was greeting Zhang Dashan outside, and the next second Li Dashui was also calling Zhang Xiaoshan's name outside the door. It was too embarrassing for outsiders to see the quarrel at home. Zhang Dashan was not happy to see such a humiliating scene.

Seeing that his brother still insisted, he responded angrily: "Go ahead, go ahead!"

"I also need a ticket, any sugar ticket, soap ticket or cloth ticket will do!" Rui He quickly added that he had asked Li Dashui that Mingyong was getting married and had been saving up tickets recently.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you tonight!"

Families like theirs are among the poorer ones in the village. They don't have any money left at home. Usually, many of the tickets issued by the team cannot be used up and are piled in the corner gathering dust and expired.

After burning the ashes in the afternoon, Ruihe's work was finished. When he got home, he said about it: "I'm going tonight, there are only four days left."

Unexpectedly, Sister-in-law Zhang suddenly changed her mind and was unwilling to pay for the tuition, leaving Ruihe to go empty-handed. She pointed at Rui He's head: "Why are you so stubborn! Just go if Da Shui asks you to go, why do you have to pay for tuition? Ten pounds of sweet potatoes will teach you two to have leftovers in five days! There are also candies, candy stamps How valuable is it? If I give it to you, our family won’t need any candy, let alone a cloth ticket!”

Ruihe doesn't want to. He was very grateful to Dashui for being kind to him, but he understood the truth and couldn't let Brother Yong be angry with Dashui. So she insisted on taking it. Sister-in-law Zhang continued to say it, but Zhang Dashan stopped her: "Okay, don't read it anymore, go to Xiaoshan quickly. It's getting dark, and you won't be able to study for much longer." He made the decision and gave Ruihe a Sugar Tickets. In fact, their family rarely uses candy stamps. They usually exchange them for rice and noodles for other people. Their bosses have no control over these private transactions.


Ruihe happily agreed, and Mrs. Zhang finally added: "If you can work in the factory and get paid, don't spend it randomly. Give it to your elder brother and let him keep it for you. You can buy food and cloth in the future."

He hesitated and nodded. The eldest brother is the head of the family and should be in charge of the family. The money earned should be given to the eldest brother.

Rui He went out to Li Dashui's house with Sweet Potato in his arms. Suddenly he heard someone calling him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a red lantern slowly approaching him. When he got closer, Rui He saw clearly that it was not a red lantern but a red lantern. A fluffy red ball? He thought he was asleep and was about to reach out and touch it, but he didn't expect the red ball to pop out of his mouth and start speaking: "Hello host, I am System 460."

Ruihe... Ruihe almost cried in fear.

He thought he had met a monster!

A talking red ball of light in the dark night. Its tone of voice was flat and without any fluctuations. It was very strange. It sounded like a young child's voice, but also like a female voice or a male voice?

Oh my God! Dad, help me, there is a monster!

After all, he was only thirteen years old before his death. Although he came from a poor family and experienced all kinds of things in the world, the place he lived in was not a good place. He only worked hard every day, and his knowledge was really limited.

This, this red fur ball can move, have a mouth, and can talk! He has really never seen it before! He picked up from the ghost stories he had heard and felt that this must be a monster! A man-eating monster!


At this time, the lights have been turned off, and Ruihe has already touched the bed and is about to put the quilt on him. Li Dashui stuffs his hair into your hands: "Take a look at it, is it long and curly?"

In the darkness, Rui He caught the hair and slowly stroked it from beginning to end. It was really a hair about thirty centimeters thick and curly. In the dark night, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and all the strange and strange things he had heard about jumped out, making his hands tremble in fright.

"I'm not lying to you, am I? There really is a hair, and it really doesn't belong to your girlfriend?"

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