Winner in life

$97.40 I want to be a big star

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough.

It's just that Ruihe thought that he would not encounter such a thing this time. After all, he did not stay in the factory to wait for Lu Peiyin, and he did not follow her to escort her worriedly. This time he went up the mountain to collect firewood. According to the trajectory of the previous life, he should not have met Lu Peiyin, but he was still on the mountain. He was very surprised when he saw Lu Peiyin just now, and his face was even more strange when he saw Lu Peiyin fall down.

In Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, Lu Peiyin was extremely beautified, which was basically a white moonlight and a cinnabar mole. Lu Peiyin's behavior did not cross the line at all, and there was no active physical contact. The means of hanging people's hearts were very high-end. Although Ruihe had read Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, he did not find Lu Peiyin's secret means.

He had not yet opened his mind, and could not understand the hesitation in Lu Peiyin's eyes.

Therefore, Ruihe always thought that Zhang Xiaoshan liked Lu Peiyin himself, and those courtesy and help were all Zhang Xiaoshan's own willingness.

When he saw Lu Peiyin fall today, a light bulb suddenly flashed in his mind. It turned out that Lu Peiyin fell on purpose in Zhang Xiaoshan's memory! Otherwise, it would be too coincidental! She turned out to be such a scheming woman. After thinking about this, Ruihe no longer had a good impression of that beautiful face.

Seeing Li Dashui coming to help him, he did not move. When Li Dashui helped someone over, he continued to walk forward without saying anything to help.

Lu Peiyin took the initiative to talk, and she was pitiful and delicate. She also talked about the recruitment of workers in the bamboo factory today. What she said was almost exactly the same as what Zhang Xiaoshan remembered, and every word was very touching. Even Li Dashui, a young man who did not have the kind of love between men and women for Lu Peiyin, felt that Lu Peiyin was really very hardworking, hardworking and strong. It was a pity that she was not selected.

Hearing Li Dashui comforting Lu Peiyin, Ruihe was more certain of his guess and gradually became defensive. To be honest, it's not that he hasn't seen girls with deep scheming. There are too many people who use scheming to live better in the pawnshop and in the house. He knows that he is not smart, and he dare not play tricks with others. He just lowers his head and listens more. The oppression of the people in the house is very fierce. The reason why he was picked out and charged among the young master's followers is that he and his sister were bought from outside and have no backstage. In order to escape the crime, other followers naturally tried every means to push the crime to him. He has seen it clearly.

But I don't know whether Lu Peiyin's methods are more sophisticated or his vigilance has dropped too much in this world. He has only now discovered that Lu Peiyin is not simple and has been calculating the original owner.

"The life here is simple and comfortable, which makes me slack." Ruihe reflected in his heart and decided to open his eyes and look at people carefully in the future. He is living his life now and walking on the road. There must be many variables in the future. Zhang Xiaoshan's memory cannot give him complete guidance. If he takes it lightly again and fails the mission, the day when he returns home will be farther and farther away.

Lu Peiyin leaned against Li Dashui, but her eyes went to Ruihe secretly, but what made her anxious was what happened to Zhang Xiaoshan? He didn't continue the conversation, and his eyes didn't move towards her at all. Did she make a mistake?

She has always been a cautious person. Today's initiative is very unlike her usual style. This kind of initiative but no response makes her feel uneasy. In order to maintain her image, she dare not be too explicit. After all, Li Dashui is still next to her! This village makes her hate it from the bottom of her heart, especially those old women who are so talkative, and those village girls are jealous of her. If she leaves too obvious handles, the gossip and spit in the village will kill her.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, Lu Peiyin gently pushed Li Dashui away: "Thank you, Dashui, I'll sit here. Please help me call Qingqing. We agreed to meet up in front."

Li Dashui agreed directly, and Ruihe followed Li Dashui without saying a word. When they were far away, Li Dashui bumped Ruihe's shoulder: "You didn't say anything just now. She greeted you and you just nodded. Do you really don't like her?"

Ruihe nodded decisively: "I really don't like her. I plan to make money first and then talk about marriage."

"Yes, Brother Mingyong has worked hard to get married. He is busy every day. I just met him in the factory. He said that his mother-in-law asked for another bicycle. I think he was so anxious that he wanted to hang himself!"

Ruihe also felt sympathetic: "Bicycle? It's expensive, right?

I remember that you need a ticket to buy a bicycle."

"Yes, one bicycle costs at least 150 yuan! There is no one for sale in our village. We have to go to the town to look."

The two chatted and told each other the location of Lu Peiyin after finding Qingqing, and then went home together. When they reached the threshing ground, Li Dashui suddenly said, "Xiaoshan, I'm going to chase Lu Peiyin, what do you think?"

Ruihe was thinking about something and didn't react for a moment: "Ah?"

Li Dashui scratched his hair a little embarrassedly, and said it again, and then looked at Ruihe's face carefully, "If you don't want to forget it."

Ruihe was touched by Li Dashui's friendship for him, but also worried about how he could like Lu Peiyin? He stopped and said, "Dashui, you like her? When? I haven't heard you say it before."

"Just, just now..."

Seeing Li Dashui's shy look, Ruihe almost popped his eyes out. Why did this guy fall in love with a poisonous flower when he was awakened! If things changed like this because of him, it would be too unfair to Li Dashui.

Li Dashui did not agree with the original statement that there was only one brother and one sister-in-law in Xiaoshan's family. Even if Zhang Xiaoshan was lost, all he could give was what he had. Zhang Dashan and his wife would not let him give anything at home to outsiders. Therefore, Zhang Xiaoshan could only work for Lu Peiyin and gave him the job in the bamboo factory. After Lu Peiyin entered the factory, Zhang Xiaoshan almost never saw her again. He just waited and waited. The college entrance examination would be resumed in six years. Lu Peiyin left her newly engaged fiancé to enter college and left Shangmei Village completely.

Such a beautiful image reflected in Zhang Xiaoshan's heart, and he was not willing to marry anyone else until he was thirty years old. It can be said that this young relationship had a great impact on Zhang Xiaoshan.

Rui He didn't expect it to be so deep for the moment, but he had a creepy feeling when he thought that Li Dashui would make the same mistake as the original owner. Li Dashui is doted on by his parents and siblings at home. If he really falls in love with Lu Peiyin, the Li family may really be depleted. Too bad that can't be the case.

"Follow me!" Ruihe grabbed Li Dashui and got into the haystack. Li Dashui looked confused, but still obeyed his words and got in.

"What do you like about her?" Ruihe asked after finding a sunny spot in the haystack and sitting down cross-legged.

"Pretty, isn't it?"

Different from the beauty of other girls in Shangmei Village, and the temperament that is very prominent even among female educated youths, Zhang Xiaoshan was also moved by the sideways smile of the girl sitting in the bullock cart. In such a countryside with its face facing the loess and its back facing the sky, Lu Peiyin is indeed a refreshing scenery.

Ruihe admitted that Lu Peiyin had the temperament of a "lady from a rich family", but he also saw a sinister side in her. He said to Li Dashui: "Do you know why I don't like her?"

Li Dashui asked: "Why?"

"Because I know there will be no results with her. She is so beautiful, and you said before that many people also like her. She is a high school student, and her family background is good. I heard that one of her parents is a cadre and the other is a teacher. What does my family have? ? She will definitely return to the city in the future, and it will not end well if she likes her again. "

Li Dashui's spring thoughts were poured over by the cold water, and he murmured: "There's no need to think so far..."

As soon as I think far away, those feelings begin to float in the wind, and they can't be realized in a virtual way.

"Listen to me Dashui." Ruihe grabbed Li Dashui's hand and stared into his eyes, "You can go back and ask Aunt Xiu'e, she will definitely not agree."

Li Dashui shuddered and remembered the gossip that his mother often told. His mother had said several times that Lu Peiyin was not good at work and that he could not carry her even after two years in the village. Her tone was very disgusting. Although Lu Peiyin is the most popular among the boys, in the eyes of the villagers, girls who are not good at work are useless. He suddenly withered.

Ruihe breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Dashui was afraid of Aunt Xiu'e, otherwise he really wouldn't know how to persuade her.

When he returned to Ruihe, he brought firewood into the kitchen. The fire in the kitchen had long been extinguished. He found two sweet potatoes in the bowl on the table, which must have been left by his brother and sister-in-law. He saw that the house was quiet. Zhang Dashan and his wife were probably taking a nap. He didn't know if Sister Zhang had been recruited, and he couldn't ask now.

After eating two sweet potatoes with well water, Ruihe rushed again

After taking a cold shower, I hung my clothes to dry. The gong sounded again outside, and it was time to go to the field again in the afternoon. Zhang Dashan and his wife quickly left the house, and Ruihe asked Sister Zhang about her interview in the morning. Sister Zhang's face turned dark.

Zhang Dashan frowned and said, "I didn't get in. I told you not to go but you went anyway, wasting so many sweet potatoes." Sister-in-law Zhang glared: "Where did you say that?! You took a bite when I said you were going. You just agreed! Are you blaming me now?”

Seeing the couple quarreling, Rui He hurried out. He couldn't be late for his first work. After entering the factory, the supervisor assigned him two team members: "The tasks are tight recently. Each group must make at least twelve bamboo baskets a day. It is already afternoon, so you can make six."

Rui He hurriedly asked: "What if it can't be finished?"

"If you can't finish today, you won't be deducted from your wages. It's just a piece rate."

The team members just breathed a sigh of relief when the steward continued: "If you can complete the task every day, I will give each of you a two-dollar bonus at the end of the month. How about it? Do you want to do it or not?"

Rui He looked at the other two team members. The three looked at each other and finally nodded in unison.

Li Dashui, who was waiting around for his friend at home, couldn't sit still and rushed out to go to Zhang's house. As a result, he tripped and fell. After I got up, I turned around and was frightened.

Why does it look like he's the same person?

At this time, it was completely dark, and there were only scattered candlelights from various houses, which could not illuminate the road outside at all. After all, Li Dashui was still young and too scared to come forward, so he ran home frantically and called his brother: "There is a person nesting against the wall in front of me!"

When the men of the Li family who were squatting in the yard to cool off heard this, they hurriedly followed him. Li Dashui's mother, Xiu'e, followed behind with an oil lamp. When the candlelight shone, they turned out to be acquaintances.

Xiu'e kept shouting: "Why is Xiaoshan fainting here? Oh, and there is a bag of sweet potatoes."

"Did you get robbed?"

"It doesn't look like there is a bag of sweet potatoes here after being robbed?"

Li Dashui's eldest brother Li Datian carried Ruihe back to Zhang's house. Zhang Dashan and his wife were shocked. Why did they come back sideways after leaving the house in good condition? After hearing Li Dashui explain the cause and effect, and receiving Li Dashui's mother's suspicious look, Zhang Dashan The sister-in-law was angry and aggrieved: "Aunt Xiu'e, why do you think so of me? Xiaoshan's fainting is none of my business."

Xiu'e laughed: "Maybe the young man was hungry and fainted as soon as he went out."

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