Winner in life

$111.54 I want to be a big star

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. "How much?"

"Thirty-four dollars."

"So expensive?"

"It's not expensive! I bought it for 30 yuan at the Shanghai Department Store. You have to earn some travel expenses and hard-earned money to transport it here, right? If you go to Shanghai to buy it yourself, it will cost almost 50 yuan including the round-trip ticket. !”

After hearing this, Li Dashui looked at Ruihe. Ruihe turned over his coat and looked at it several times. He really liked it. This coat looks too big for him, but he is still growing taller, and he will be able to wear it for several years when he gets older.

Seeing Ruihe's intention, Li Dashui pulled Ruihe and said, "If you really want to buy it, can we haggle over the price?"

Ruihe nodded and looked at the seller: "Can it be cheaper?"

"It's already very cheap! Look at the material. It's a fine woolen fabric that won't break down after ten years of use. And I don't want a ticket! It's definitely new clothes. You can see the brand is still hanging. Such good clothes. Even if you have money, you can’t buy it in a department store!”

Rui He was interested in buying it, so Li Dashui joined in to help him negotiate the price. The three of them lowered their voices and lowered the price to each other. Finally, Rui He bought the woolen coat for thirty-two yuan and fifty cents. But he didn’t have that much money on him, and he had just discussed with the seller to wait for him to go home to get the money, when the girl who was on guard in the alley ran back and whispered: “The city manager of the Industrial and Commercial Office is here!”

Suddenly the sellers and buyers jumped up.

The man grabbed, pulled, and tied up his left and right hands at the same time, and ran away with the big package on his shoulders.

"Go, go, go!"

In the blink of an eye, people were running around, and Li Dashui also pulled Ruihe and ran out of the alley, far away from the group of city managers. The city manager was wearing a uniform and walked with a lot of energy, which made Ruihe a little scared. He had seen these people arrest people who were secretly doing business in the alleys before. He heard that all their belongings would be confiscated and they would be imprisoned for three months. I heard from Aunt Xiu'e that in the past few years, if you were caught, you would have to be imprisoned for several years. These years, the prison terms have been relatively relaxed.

Rui He was a little regretful that the coat he was looking for was not bought. In the days to come, he would always think of this dark blue woolen coat. In the dim alley, that coat seemed to be particularly bright. In his memory Rooted in for many years. When he bought more coats in the future, he always felt that they were not as good-looking as the one back then, and that one felt soft to the touch.

However, at this time, Ruihe, like Li Dashui, was frightened by the sudden arrival of the industrial and commercial bureau and municipal management. For a moment, he couldn't care about anything else, so he took other paths to avoid them and hurried home. If there is speculation, the buyer will also be punished.

At night, Ruihe sat on the bed and started to collect the soles. He just received a bundle of cords from the production team at the end of this year. He is usually too busy to collect the soles. Now he only has a pair of thousand-layer sole shoes to wear. If it rains one day , then there are not even replacement shoes.

Under the oil lamp, Rui He suddenly fell into a trance. He remembered what happened in the afternoon and couldn't help complaining to System 460: "I can buy a woolen coat without cloth, but it's a pity that I didn't succeed. You said that if I go out tomorrow, I'll pay it back." Can I meet that person again?" After saying that, he sighed and asked himself, "I don't think it's possible. If I met the city manager there today, that boss would definitely not dare to go there to sell again. Where can I go to find him? I guess I can’t find it.”

The wick of the oil lamp crackled and there was a knock on the door.

"The hill is me."

It's Zhang Dashan.

Ruihe got out of bed and opened the door. Zhang Dashan came in wrapped in the cold winter night. After sitting down, he chatted for a few words. However, they had not had much contact since they separated. On weekdays, one went to the factory and the other went to work. There was nothing much to talk about. After talking about the fact that this year's autumn harvest was worse than previous years, Zhang Dashan coughed and finally got to the point.

It turned out that he wanted to borrow money to buy a house. Instead of rebuilding the house you live in now, just buy a new one.

There is a family named Zhang Conglu in the village. His house was just built the year before last. It is brand new and has two floors. For some reason, he suddenly wants to sell the house and asks for 240 yuan.

"I just want to buy it. You can come and live in it if you want in the future."

Rui He found it incredible. Why did Zhang Dashan think he would borrow so much money? Even if he really wanted to buy it, he would have to buy it himself. Why would he lend money to Zhang Dashan to buy it and then live there?

"Brother, I can't borrow this money. As you know, I have been making up classes. I plan to go to middle school next summer, so the money I earn from joining the factory will be my living expenses in the future and cannot be used easily. If you want to buy a house, I I can lend you twenty yuan." Of course it's an IOU.

Zhang Dashan was shocked by this statement: "Go to middle school? What has happened to you that makes you so mad that you have a bright future and you don't want to go to school?"

It was Xu Caiheng who suggested going to middle school. He said: "Elementary school is easy to manage. Many students nowadays have not stayed in school for five years. They are busy at home and have to take care of their younger brothers and sisters to help in the fields. The school can manage it well." It’s not strict, as long as you take the final exam, you will graduate. Whether you pass the exam or not is your own business.”

He waved his hand, "But students who don't come to school very much throughout the year generally have no intention of going to middle school. But middle school is different, Xiao Shan, I can indeed teach you the content of middle school, but if you want to graduate from middle school smoothly, you must You must go to class and study step by step, otherwise the school will not let you graduate.”

If you cannot graduate, you cannot go to high school, and you cannot qualify as a high school graduate to take the college entrance examination.

Xu Caiheng said that he could also register his name for the elementary school graduation exam at the end of June next year, and let him take the exam. He would only need to pay a five-cent exam fee. As long as he passed the graduation exam next year, he would be admitted to the middle school like other students, and his student status would be in Shangmei Village Primary School. The procedures were not bad.

For this reason, Ruihe decided to quit his job and go to middle school. It was not an excuse to say so to Zhang Dashan.

But he could not explain it to Zhang Dashan. Outsiders could not understand why he gave up his factory job to study. Ruihe was unwilling to say more, and only exposed his attitude.

Zhang Dashan's hands were tightly clasped together under the table, but his face was more sad, and he changed his words.

"Originally, your sister-in-law and I were planning to buy a house, and we borrowed thirty yuan from the Song family. Unexpectedly, before the money was gathered, your sister-in-law's father had an accident. In the middle of the night, he suddenly wanted to go to the fields to check on her. He accidentally fell and hit his head on a stone, which made a hole. He is now in the town hospital." Zhang Dashan sighed, "I returned the thirty yuan I borrowed from the Song family and sent a hundred yuan. So the matter of buying a house is far away. Xiaoshan, do you remember what our father said when he was here?"

Ruihe searched his memory and finally found the words of the original owner's father in the memory when the original owner was seven years old.

"I hate that I don't have a hole or a tile to shelter myself from the rain!"

When the house was divided, Zhang's father's luck was really as bad as a stinky ditch. He was not in the village, but was setting up a stall in the city to do business. When he came back, all the good houses and yards in the village had been divided. So much so that after Zhang Dad occupied the three houses in this row, he still couldn't forget the regret and pain of missing out on a good house. Especially after his children were born one after another, they lived in a cramped and dilapidated house, which made him even more sad.

Zhang Dashan sighed: "Now there is such a good opportunity, isn't it tempting? Don't you want to fulfill Dad's wish?"

Ruihe almost got confused.

However, money is the second most important thing in his mind. When money is mentioned, his vigilance immediately rises. Zhang Dashan's words are right and wrong.

"I know Dad's wish. Well, I'll buy the house. Anyway, it doesn't matter who buys it between the two of us brothers. Dad will be happy."

Zhang Dashan's face was really dark this time, and he slammed the door when he left. Ruihe was even more puzzled. The couple's behavior was too unreasonable. Two hundred yuan! Could they borrow it with just a few words? Are they self-righteous, or do they think he is a fool?

Seeing the host muttering, System 460 couldn't help but say, "They saw through the original body too much. They didn't expect that you are not him now."

Ruihe suddenly realized and felt more pity for the original body. Isn't the original body like this? After a few years, the market was reopened, and the number of people doing business increased several times. The original body was hardworking and often went out to do business during the slack season after the market was relaxed.

For example, riding a bicycle to Xiwei City, 40 kilometers away, to pick up carambolas and resell them, or riding a bicycle to Raoan to pick up rice and sell it to make a profit of two or three cents per pound. The round trip was more than 200 kilometers. In those days, the roads were uneven. Although riding a bicycle was faster than walking, it was not comfortable. In this way, he worked hard to save money until he was 30 years old. Zhang Xiaoshan was really relieved to hand it all over to his family for Zhang Dashan to keep.

Honest, honest and simple-minded.

Isn't that what Zhang Dashan looks like in Zhang Xiaoshan's eyes?

"I am Xu Ruihe, not Zhang Xiaoshan." Ruihe sighed and put the matter behind him. As for buying a house, he would not buy one. What he said to Zhang Dashan was not an excuse. He really planned to go to middle school in the second half of next year, just in time for the fall semester, so he could start learning middle school courses again.

Lend a hand, lend a hand, not all your wealth. Not to mention that he will be studying next year and will be short of money, even if he does not study, it is impossible for him to lend most of his wealth to Zhang Dashan to buy a house.

Soon it was the day for Xu Caiheng to get married, and Ruihe went there early to help. The place for the wedding was in the same alley as the bride Zhang Qingnan's house. Ruihe found the place after asking around a little bit after arriving at Xiaogangjiao. The old lady who showed him the way said with a smile: "Zhang Sheng's fifth daughter is blessed in the town. The new son-in-law bought a house in Chiyu Lane to marry a daughter-in-law. The married daughter lives in the same lane. How great."

When they arrived at Xu Caiheng's new house, Ruihe handed the gift to Xu Caiheng. Xu Caiheng took his gift and led him to the banquet with a smile on his face: "We are all from the same village. Don't be embarrassed. Come and have fun with everyone."

Ruihe was timid in his heart. Facing several pairs of bright eyes, he smiled shyly and greeted: "Hello, Aunt Gui, Hello, Seventh Cousin, Hello, Aunt Shufen, Hello, Aunt Zhi..."

Help, Mr. Xu actually led him to a table of female relatives. Ruihe knew them all at a glance. After greeting them, all the elders smiled and greeted him.

One said, "Oh, Xiaoshan, have you grown so big? You were only this tall a few years ago, but now you are tall and handsome!"

The other said, "You are a little too thin. I heard that you work in a bamboo factory. Are you exhausted?"

Someone else said, "How much do you make a month?"

"Oh, Xiaoshan is already 17 or 18? It's time for him to get married!"

Ruihe was in a state of confusion, listening to the elders asking more and more tricky questions. When he heard them ask him if he had a partner, his face turned red like a big tomato.

"Oh, look how red your face is. Don't be shy. You should get married when you are older."

An auntie came to pinch his face and pretended to be surprised: "Your face is so smooth!"


Everyone laughed in applause. Ruihe saw other arms reaching out to touch his face, and instinctively covered his face with both hands.

A louder laugh broke out, and Ruihe almost cried.

It was just that Li Dashui didn't learn well, and there were always mistakes no matter how he wove. It was either too loose or too tight. The bamboo basket was soft and shapeless, and he had no idea how to start with the bread bowl. He seemed to be born with no way to do manual work, and his lips were so anxious that he had several blisters.

Ming Ge said: "Let's not talk about the bamboo basket. After the bread bowls are sent to the city general factory, I heard that many of them will be sold abroad. They must be made beautiful and durable. If they are not made well, they will definitely not be accepted by the factory." He pointed out that Zhang Dasao's bread bowls were well made, but she still needed to learn how to make bamboo baskets.

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