Winner in life

$119.62 I want to be a big star

《Life Winner [Quick Wear]》

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. "Xiaoshan? Are you awake?" Zhang Dashan heard the noise and pushed the door open. He came forward to touch his head and asked: "Why did you faint on the roadside? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Ruihe was anxious to find Li Dashui. He didn't know where Brother Yong's house was. It was so dark now and he didn't know what time it was. So he quickly perfunctorily said to Zhang Dashan: "Brother, I'm fine. I'm going to find Dashui now. He must have been waiting for me for a long time."

Zhang Dashan smiled: "Don't worry, it was Dashui who found you fainted by the wall and sent you back."

"Then I'll go to him now." Ruihe was a little relieved. No matter what, he had to be punctual when he made an appointment with others. It was good that Li Dashui knew that he fainted, and he wouldn't wait for him to delay his work. "Brother, do you know where Brother Yong's house is?" If Brother Zhang didn't know, Ruihe planned to go to Li's house to see, and if Li Dashui's family was still awake, he would ask the other party to help lead the way.

"Don't go, your sister-in-law has already gone to study." Brother Zhang said, "You fainted just now and I don't know what happened, your sister-in-law went for you. I thought it would make no difference whether your sister-in-law goes or you go. After a few years, you will be able to do full work points, and your sister-in-law can take a break."

Ruihe's heart skipped a beat and he shook his head subconsciously. Zhang Dashan frowned: "You don't want to? Xiaoshan, it doesn't matter who in our family can go to the factory. Since your sister-in-law has gone, you don't have to go. Go to sleep quickly, you just fainted and you still need to rest more."

"No, I want to go." Ruihe continued to shake his head and looked at Zhang Dashan, "I have agreed with Dashui."

"Xiaoshan!" Zhang Dashan became stern, "You are older, you can't be so willful!"

"Anyway, I want to go." Ruihe looked, "The sweet potatoes were also taken away by my sister-in-law, right? Then I'll go get another one." He subconsciously touched his body, and the sugar ticket was gone.

Zhang Dashan grabbed Ruihe's hand, with a rare stern look on his face: "Xiaoshan! Don't be willful! Our family can't have two people working in the factory. If the work points are not enough, the food distributed throughout the year will not be enough for the family to eat! Your sister-in-law is a woman, she is careful and delicate, let her go! Go to bed quickly!"

Ruihe didn't expect that he would encounter this thing that was not in the original owner's memory. After thinking about it, it turned out that he "fainted" on the roadside and caused this accident. He was a little angry, angry that he was too timid. System 460 made him faint in order to calm himself down. If only I were braver!

But things have happened and can only find ways to remedy them. His awe of Zhang Dashan has faded a lot. This confidence comes from the fact that he is no longer ignorant of the world, and also from Zhang Xiaoshan's memory.

He insisted: "I want to go, I must go." Then he ran to the kitchen to pack sweet potatoes.

Since Brother Zhang is unwilling, he will definitely not give him another sugar ticket. He quickly packed fifty kilograms of sweet potatoes, hoping that Brother Mingyong can accept it.

Zhang Dashan was really shocked. Why was Xiaoshan so stubborn tonight? He refused to listen to anything he said. Didn't he listen to him the most in the past? Especially in the past two months, he was very honest. He hurriedly followed him and tried to persuade him, but he couldn't stop Ruihe. He said angrily, "Okay, I don't care! Anyway, you are older and more powerful, so let's just separate. I don't care about you anymore!"


Ruihe's ears perked up. He remembered that the original owner also separated from Brother Zhang later. When Zhang Xiaoshan was 30 years old and was about to get married, he asked Zhang Dashan for the money he had left with him. In total, Zhang Xiaoshan had more than 2,000 yuan left at home, but Zhang Dashan only took out 200 yuan. He did not admit that he had received 2,300 yuan.

So the two brothers separated.

He thought it was good to separate now. Even if he could not enter the factory, he could continue to work in the fields to earn work points, and he could support himself. So Ruihe nodded: "Okay, let's split up! But I'm busy now, I'll tell you about the split up when I get back." He thought for a moment and added, "Let's split up the food and the house."

Zhang Dashan looked at his brother carrying sweet potatoes and running out of the house in disbelief, and felt that everything he encountered tonight was like a dream. Split up the family? He actually agreed? Zhang Dashan's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he felt that his dignity as the head of the family had been hit, and he was angry, annoyed, and ashamed.

Ruihe rushed to Li Dashui's house, and with the help of Li Dashui's eldest brother, he came to Brother Mingyong's house. Mingyong taught them in his own room. The light of the oil lamp was limited. Li Dashui and Zhang Dasao studied hard, and they were a little surprised to see Ruihe coming.

Mingyong said: "Don't talk and learn quickly, my family is asleep." He shook the bag to estimate the weight and agreed to accept Ruihe as a student.

Mrs. Zhang had to shut up. Her eyes could not help but drift to the extra bag of sweet potatoes in the corner. The bag looked bulging and weighed about 50 to 60 kilograms. She felt so distressed that she complained to her husband why he let his brother-in-law come over. What a waste of extra sweet potatoes! The porridge cooked this month will be thinner! But she didn't dare to chase her brother-in-law back in front of outsiders. It would be bad for her reputation. After listening to Mingyong's words, she had to lower her head and continue to wind the bamboo strips.

The opportunity to learn to tie a bamboo basket is hard-won. When Ruihe sat cross-legged, he couldn't help but think of the scene of contradicting Zhang Dashan just now, and he was still a little scared. He exhaled deeply and couldn't help but quietly asked: "System 460, do you think I did the right thing just now?"

System 460 was silent for a while, thinking about giving more encouragement to the host, so he replied: "I think the host was very brave just now." Right or wrong, it's up to the host to judge.

Ruihe was very happy and smiled widely.

At twelve o'clock, Mingyong looked at his watch and asked them to go back. After Li Dashui took Ruihe out, he talked about the watch with envy: "It cost a hundred yuan! It's a second-hand product. A new one costs more than one hundred and fifty yuan. Brother Yong said that he would use this watch as a gift when he got married. How decent. I must work in the factory and make money to buy a watch in the future."

Ruihe also saw it. He was about to say something when he was pulled over by Zhang Dasao. He turned around and met Zhang Dasao's dark face: "What's wrong with you? Didn't your brother explain it to you clearly?" Ruihe broke free from her hand: "He said that he wanted to divide the family and change it to tomorrow."

This time it was Zhang Dasao's turn to be dumbfounded.

The next day when Li Dashui went to the fields, he asked, "Why do you want to split the family for no reason?" Ruihe told him about Zhang Dashan's use of the split family to blame him, "I've thought about it. I'm sixteen years old and I can take care of myself."

Li Dashui was very angry for him, "What kind of person is your elder brother? He seems to be afraid of the split family. I was shocked when I saw your sister-in-law. She also told me that you would not come. It's good to split the family. You work so hard. I will talk to the team leader later to see if you can get nine points. You can't ignore your work just because you are not old enough."

Ruihe asked him to speak more quietly, "Actually, my elder brother is not a bad person. Don't say that to him. I was young before, and my mother was sick in the last two years. My brother and sister-in-law supported the family." This is the original owner's true thoughts. He thinks his sister-in-law is indeed a bit mean, but this is also forced by life, and he can understand it.

As for what Li Dashui said before, the porridge that Zhang's sister-in-law gave to the original owner's mother only had porridge water but no rice, that is true. But at that time, the whole family had to rely on his brother and sister-in-law for support, so he could only get two or three points of work points. Almost all the food distributed was given to the doctors in the health center as consultation fees, and he could not help the family much. His sister-in-law was mean, his elder brother was silent, and he and his mother had no confidence at all. Zhang Xiaoshan had to scoop out the rice and sweet potatoes in his porridge for his mother to eat, and he dared not say anything else.

Ruihe did not experience the things that the original owner did not dare to care about, and he would not say more. He came to this world for two months. At first, he was not full, but later he ate about 70% to 80% full. He could also see that Zhang Dasao looked fierce, and if you dared to fight back, the other party would shrink. And Zhang Dasao didn't care about anything, unless the matter fell on him. Therefore, Ruihe could eat enough later, because he found that as long as he could withstand Zhang Dasao's white eyes, ignore her, and not be afraid of her, and take a few more sweet potatoes and scoop a bowl of porridge, Zhang Dasao would not dare to really scold or really snatch it.

Apart from other things, Ruihe had some experience in observing words and expressions.

Last night, Zhang Da Ge said he didn't mean it when he said he wanted to split up, but thinking back today, Rui He didn't regret his answer at that time. In fact, he was a little worried that Zhang Da Ge would see that he was not Zhang Xiao Shan. It would be safer for him to separate and have less contact.

"Okay then. When are you going to split up?"

"I don't have time to talk about this in the morning. Let's talk about it after lunch."

"Oh, I'm so hungry. It's still a long time before noon." Li Da Shui was weeding listlessly. Rui He was also hungry. People here only eat two meals a day, lunch and dinner, but not breakfast.

When they got home at noon, Rui He squatted to burn firewood, Zhang Da Ge cooked, and Zhang Da Ge squatted at the door to smoke dry tobacco. The kitchen was different from the usual dullness. The firewood was crackling, and the red firelight was reflected in Rui He's eyes. He saw Zhang Da Ge and Zhang Da Ge arguing with each other in the corner of his eye. He secretly guessed that Zhang Da Ge would speak again next time.

Sure enough, Zhang Dasao coughed twice and called Ruihe: "Xiaoshan, I think it's not good to ask for the sweet potatoes back now that they have been sent over. So, let's both go to learn and sign up at the bamboo factory. It depends on who can be recruited. What do you think?"

It was rare for her to speak so gently. Ruihe separated her words and thought about it again and again, and finally nodded: "Okay." Zhang Dasao probably didn't want to talk about the separation of the family anymore, so he used such words to comfort him. The extra 50 kilograms of sweet potatoes were handled so lightly. Ruihe thought it was a bit strange that Zhang Dashan was so reluctant to separate the family. But he thought it was good. The most important thing at the moment was not the separation of the family, but to get the quota of workers to enter the factory.

After getting Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, he had a preliminary understanding of this foggy world, but he was an outsider after all. His thinking and cognition were marked by his original world. He still had a vague idea of ​​the future path, just like looking at the water from a distance.

In order not to make mistakes, Ruihe decided to follow the original owner's life path first, and he tried his best to fight for the things that the original owner missed and regretted.

In this way, the original owner will be satisfied, right?


Xu Caiheng walked into the door holding the bride's hand, personally led the bride to the room and let her sit down, and then the bride's family also delivered the dowry and decorated the house.

After the bride's relatives were seated, the banquet began.

At the dinner table, everyone ate and chatted while saying that the wedding was decent, that Zhang Sheng got a good son-in-law, that the dishes were good, and that the host family was willing to spend money, etc.

The dishes were indeed rich, with six dishes on the table, two of which were meat dishes, namely tofu minced meat soup and a steamed crucian carp, and two other sweet dishes, namely the return of sand sweet potato taro double combination, and a ginkgo lotus seed and gorgon fruit sweet soup. The remaining dish was a stir-fried potato and stir-fried cabbage. Each dish was served in a large bowl, and the quantity was sufficient.

Ruihe suddenly remembered that Xu Caiheng always looked tired in the second half of this year. At that time, he thought it was because of the busy school affairs. Now he thinks that he should be like Brother Mingyong, tired from preparing for the wedding.

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