Winner in life

$130.73 I want to be a big star (1/2)

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. This year, the family has money coming in, and the New Year's Eve dinner is much more abundant than in previous years. Mrs. Zhang bought two pounds of pork belly from a pig farmer in the village, and made braised pork after refining oil. She slaughtered a chicken raised by her family, and bought a duck from a family in the same village. She killed and plucked all the feathers, cooked them, and stewed them with star anise and soy sauce. She also bought ginkgo, lotus seeds, and Euryale ferox to make sweet soup, and taro and sweet potato to make double-color reflux.

In Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, the New Year's Eve dinner has never been so sumptuous. Last year, she only killed a chicken raised by her family and fried two dishes. She also caught fish in the river to make fish soup, and dug taro grown in her own plot to make sweet soup. Even so, these dishes can only be prepared with extreme efforts.

Since chicken, duck, and pork are already available, Ruihe did not buy them. He sent the two fishes to Zhang Dashan to cook "Year after Year of Abundance", and also went shopping for tofu, bean curd, spring vegetables, black sesame, peanuts, etc.

Tofu stewed with fish soup, spring vegetables fried with bean curd. As for black sesame and peanuts, they are used to make dumplings.

Locals like sweet food in festival dishes, which means they hope that life will be sweet. However, sugar requires sugar coupons, so it is impossible to use it often. For example, taro and sweet potato are wasteful of oil and sugar, and they are reluctant to make them at ordinary times. Ruihe brought all the sugar he had just bought at home to help make dumplings.

By the way, the dumplings here for the New Year are also sweet. Chop the peanuts and mix them with white sugar and black sesame. After rolling out the dumpling skin, wrap them and fry them. After the surface is fried golden and crispy, pick them up, let them dry for a while and take a bite. The skin is crispy and the filling inside is rich in taste. The white sugar mixed with black sesame and peanut crumbs is very fragrant after being fried. It is sweet and fragrant. Ruihe was fascinated after just one taste.

"Delicious!" He immediately took another one, and Zhang's wife urged him: "Let it air dry! Be careful of getting blisters in your mouth!" She was unhappy at first, but when she saw that her brother-in-law had a look and didn't come empty-handed, her dissatisfaction disappeared. The New Year's Eve dinner was better, and she would have face if she told others about it! Go out and see other families, how many families still fry sugar dumplings now? It's a waste of oil and sugar. She has only eaten fried sugar dumplings once in the five years since she married into the Zhang family.

"Got it."

The work started at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the New Year's Eve dinner was almost ready by six o'clock. Eight dishes, both sweet and meat, Ruihe's stomach kept rumbling at the smell. He has been here for more than half a year and has never seen such good dishes. Usually, he is really greedy and can't stand it, so he just secretly scoops half a spoonful of white sugar and soaks it in water.

"Let's have a drink!" Zhang Dashan raised his glass, "Our family has lived a better life this year, and Xiaoshan has grown up. Even if we split up, we are still a family, and we can't be estranged. Let's make a fortune together next year! Have a good life! Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

Ruihe took a sip, and he felt the mulberry wine was so strong that his eyebrows and eyes were squeezed together. After swallowing it, he felt a strange taste in his throat and mouth. Zhang Dashan laughed: "You have grown up, you have to learn to drink. This is mulberry wine, not a proper wine!"

"Yeah." Ruihe responded embarrassedly.

"Okay, eat, eat, everyone, pick up your chopsticks."

Ruihe tasted several meat dishes one after another, and then picked up a piece of taro, and the sweetness was sweet to his heart. Then scooped a spoonful of ginkgo sweet soup, and it was even sweeter when he drank it. Ruihe didn't feel it was too sweet at all. It was really because he didn't have much oil in his stomach, so he was satisfied with such sweet and meaty dishes.

It was already nine o'clock after eating. Ruihe rejected Zhang Dashan's suggestion to sit and watch at his house. He helped wash the dishes and then went out.

He came to the river where no one was, sat with his knees hugged and watched the moon. There were sporadic firecrackers in his ears, and children were laughing and running back and forth. Occasionally, there was a tremor on the water surface, and it was lively everywhere. After sitting for a while and feeling cold, Ruihe went back to sleep.

He was suddenly awakened by the sound of firecrackers while sleeping. He listened to the movement outside and realized that it was already past twelve o'clock.

"The new year is here."

From the third to the fifth day of the first lunar month, the production team performed a play for three days. The stage was set up in the sugarcane drying field on the mining road. The name of the play was "The Red Detachment of Women". Ruihe went to see it once and enjoyed it with relish. This play is very famous in the local area. It was compiled by the locals based on real local events during the previous war period. Although only this play was performed for three days, everyone's enthusiasm did not diminish at all.

The New Year is a rare time for villagers to relax after a year of hard work. There is not much farm work at this time, and there are lively crowds everywhere. After watching the big play in their own production brigade, they go to other production brigades to watch.

Ruihe did not go to the play after watching it once. He went to visit relatives with Zhang Dashan and his wife for several days in a row. After all the relatives had left, he rarely went out. Even when Li Dashui asked him to go out to set off firecrackers and watch movies, he did not go. When asked what he was doing at home, he only replied: "Reading." Li Dashui was very confused, but he could not pull or drag him away, so he had to go to play with others.

Reading is really not an excuse. After Ruihe had money at his disposal, he went to find books to read because he had a bigger goal: he wanted to study and go to college in the future.

The original body had studied before, but only went to the second grade of elementary school. In order to help with the farm work on the family's private plot, he dropped out of school like many children.

During the months in the factory, Ruihe had been thinking about how to be considered a "winner in life."

Rui He thought that at least he would get the wealth that he did not have in his previous life for Zhang Xiaoshan. Later he thought that staying in the factory was not a long-term solution. Zhang Xiaoshan's memory told him again that there was no future in working as a coolie in the factory. State-owned factories are now a golden job, with allocated housing and good benefits, and everyone is vying to get in. However, after the reform and opening up, many state-owned factories and enterprises will be wiped out by the wave of rapid development.

Shangmei Village Bamboo Ware Factory is just a small factory in the countryside, an outsourced factory affiliated with the Bamboo Ware Factory on South Road in Chengyang City. Therefore, after the main factory in Chengyang City closed down, this small factory in Shangmei Village disappeared with it. The sugar factory on Mining Road survived for two more years, and it will have to be restructured in seven years, with a large number of workers laid off.

Ruihe cannot wait until that time to find a new way out. He set his sights on the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, which was the most important way for educated youth who went to the countryside to realize their dream of returning to their hometowns. It was also a good time for people with rural registered permanent residence to move to the city. Zhang Xiaoshan's memory did not actually leave many useful things for Ruihe. He lived a closed and silent life, not paying attention to national affairs. He knew about stocks but could not trade in them. He knew that there would be mobile phones and laptops with new functions in the future, but he did not I have used it, let alone know the core technology.

Zhang Xiaoshan is hardworking and immersed in hard work. This booming economy and society seem to have nothing to do with him.

After much thought, studying and going to university is the best way out at the moment.

He planned to take the normal university entrance examination because Zhang Xiaoshan remembered a distant relative who was admitted to the normal university after the college entrance examination was resumed. After graduation, he was assigned a job package and was assigned to be a teacher in a high school in the city. The salary was high and decent. At that time, he was the envy of the villagers. Awesome.

To pass the college entrance examination, he must have a high school diploma. Time is too tight. He needs to get a primary school diploma in these five years, and then go to middle school. Middle school includes junior high school and high school for a total of four years. The tight and breathless schedule made Ruihe very nervous, so he started reading at night before the annual vacation.

The Bamboo Factory was on holiday during the New Year, and he finally had a lot of time to read. Two games of the New Year excitement were enough. Setting off firecrackers, watching a show, and strolling around the county town were not as tempting to him as reading.

The books Ruihe is reading now are textbooks from the first to fifth grade of elementary school. The original owner and Zhang Dashan used to study with the same set of textbooks, but Zhang Dashan only studied one grade more than the original owner, so the old books at home only ranged from first to third grade. Ruihe bought textbooks for the fourth and fifth grade textbooks from other people's homes in the village for less than 30 cents.

It's great to read during the day, much more comfortable than reading under an oil lamp at night. However, after he reviewed the first and second grade knowledge that the original owner had read several times, he was at a loss to deal with those problems and confusions. He asked the system for help again, but to his surprise, System 460 said: "Host, asking for help related to the progress of the task is against the rules, and I cannot provide help."

Ruihe had no choice but to give up.

When Li Dashui came to see him again, he saw Rui He with a bitter face and asked in surprise: "What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?" Rui He then talked about the difficulties he encountered in study: "I used to study I didn’t take it seriously when I was a kid. I just did farm work as soon as I got home. Now I can’t remember much of what I learned back then.”

"Why do you suddenly want to study? What's the use of studying now? Just recognize a few words and write your own name." Li Dashui was puzzled. Their brothers and sisters had not gone to class since they reached the third or fourth grade. His little sister likes reading very much, but he doesn't think going to school is very important.

Ruihe had explained it many times before, but Li Dashui couldn't listen. He sincerely regarded the kind-hearted Li Dashui as a friend, and hoped that he would also have a good future. After much thought, he gritted his teeth and whispered: "If the college entrance examination resumes in the future, we can go to college. It is easy for college students to find jobs. We don’t have to spend our whole lives in the fields and in the factories.”

"College entrance examination?" Li Dashui shook his head, "Don't say whether the college entrance examination will be resumed. Even if it is resumed, I will not study. Reading is too taxing on my brain and I can't learn."

Rui He originally wanted to persuade Li Dashui to make money while squeezing in time to study like him, but after hearing Li Dashui's words, he had to stop trying to persuade him again after hearing Li Dashui's words.

When the last batch of goods was sent out, Rui He was named by the steward to deliver it together.

"Have a day off tomorrow after delivery!"

In this way, three months after coming to this world, Ruihe left the village for the first time. There was a bicycle in the factory, and the old workers who could ride bicycles were the first to carry the bamboo baskets. The remaining large quantities were pulled by oxcarts. Ruihe sat on the outside edge of the oxcart and supported the pile behind him, which was higher than one person. Bamboo basket, swaying towards the city.

Along the way, Ruihe looked around with wide eyes at the pedestrians wearing gray clothes. Some were carrying backpacks, and some were carrying baskets. Children were laughing and running past. A girl fell down but did not cry. She got up and continued to chase: "Brother, wait for me! Brother!"

Ruihe watched intently until the girl's voice disappeared on the dusty dirt road. He turned around and saw a shop on the side of the road with the words "Patriotic Juice Shop" written on it. It said it was a juice shop. In fact, there was a sign next to it that said "Patriotic Juice", "Fried Juice", "Soup Noodles", etc. in big letters, indicating what it sold. Quite a few. He swallowed unconsciously after thinking for a moment.

?The sauce is a local specialty. It is steamed thin slices made from rice flour slurry ground with glutinous rice and water. It is cut into triangular pieces and cooked like noodles. Braised dried tofu, yuba, braised pork belly and Stewed pig fat intestines, pork rice noodles and other foods taste smooth and chewy. The soup has the rich aroma of both rice and marinade.

Just by exploring Zhang Xiaoshan's memories, Ruihe drooled all over the floor and felt his stomach growling.

That store is state-owned. In fact, it is open for one day and also serves late-night snacks. Food stamps are required for meals. A bowl of juice costs thirty cents and two taels of food stamps.

Now Ruihe doesn't have a penny on him. Zhang Dashan and his wife kept all the tickets at home, and he didn't have any of them. Even if there was, he would not be willing to eat such a bowl of rich juice.

He looked at it for a long time, and his eyes were still there after the bullock cart passed by. Mingyong, who was riding in the same cart, smiled and said, "Want to try it? It's more affordable to cook it at home. You can use your food stamps to buy some glutinous rice and bring it to the village." The tofu mill costs only a penny per kilogram, and you can make the rice flour syrup at home. "

Rui He smiled and nodded: "Okay." He now knew how to get food stamps, so he would not rush to ask where to get food stamps.

"Well, it's better than before. I remember when I was a kid, there were a lot of breakfast stalls and late-night snack stalls on the roadside. A bowl of juice only cost a dime." Mingyong sighed, "It's not like now. You have to use whatever you buy. Ticket. Alas! "He is already twenty-seven years old, it is easy to get married!" Recently, he had to work overtime and purchase wedding supplies, and he was so tired that he lost weight.

In this age of the world, there are really many things that surprise Rui He. For example, this ticket is completely unheard of. He rummaged through Zhang Xiaoshan's memory. It seemed that in another five or six years, what kind of "reform and opening up" would there be? After that, the country began to undergo great changes. First, cloth stamps were cancelled, and then grain and oil stamps were cancelled. When Zhang Xiaoshan was thirty-seven, all stamps disappeared. You can buy many things with money in the market. As long as you have money, you can buy whatever you like. .

Ruihe plans to save a lot of money before he can buy what he wants. Like a house, it is imperative to separate the family, but the house at home is also very old. It is the house left by the original owner's parents, and it must be more than thirty years old.

And after reading Zhang Xiaoshan's memories, he knew that the future world would develop even better, with peace and prosperity. These were scenery that Ruihe had never seen before. He wanted to take a look and learn from it. As long as he works hard, he can get what he wants. This is such an exciting world.

He needs to be literate, see the world, and learn skills.

He wants to grow up and be his sister's support when he returns home.

After seeing Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, Ruihe had a deeper plan for the future. The future is bright, and he will move towards that light.

The first priority now is to make money.

The ox cart was not walking fast, and it had only gone halfway when lunch time came. The ox cart stopped under a big tree on the side of the road, and the workers spread out in twos and threes to find something to eat. Rui He didn't know that he would be sent out to deliver goods today. He didn't bring anything with him. He sat under a tree to enjoy the cool weather and waited for others to come back.

Mingyong came back with a bun in his mouth and two more in his hand. Seeing Ruihe sitting under the tree, he asked in surprise: "Have you finished eating so soon? Are you the only one?"

Rui He was a little embarrassed: "Well, it's just me."

There was nothing to say between the two of them. Ming Yong finished the buns in a few mouthfuls and leaned against the tree and burped. Ruihe suddenly heard him speak: "Our job is not difficult at all, but the management requirements are very high. Every bamboo basket must be made the best. Some people with three-legged cat kung fu can't do it. I just joined the factory At the worst time, I could only make two baskets a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I didn’t want to be a steward if I couldn’t do it well. I had to dismantle and tie it up. If I dismantled it twice more, the bamboo pieces were damaged and I had to peel them again. Bamboo pieces.”

Ruihe has heard about this matter. He heard that because of such strictness, the factory's products are selling well. He heard that they have been selling bread bowls abroad in recent years, which makes them very embarrassed.

"I heard that your team is the best among the new workers. You are the one doing all the bamboo basket making? That's great. Having a good craft can last a lifetime. If you do well in the future, I will be happy. "Mingyong patted Rui He on the shoulder and gave him the last bun, "Eat it, and be kind to yourself when you get your salary. The stomach is the last thing you can bully. If you bully it for one day, it will be there for the rest of your life. I have to take revenge on you. I’ll go to the villager’s house and ask for some well water, and you can watch the car.”

Rui He didn't expect that Ming Yong encouraged him first and finally gave him a bun. He was very moved and slowly ate the buns. The buns were filled with cabbage and were a little warm. After eating, he stood up and faced Mingyong. Mingyong fetched five bamboo tubes of well water and gave one tube to Ruihe: "Although it's hot, don't rush. Drink coaxingly and take a little sip.”

He hung other bamboo tubes on the bamboo basket: "This is all experience. If you have to go out temporarily in the future, you can bring it with you."

Rui He nodded gratefully: "I understand."

When other workers came back one after another, the three oxcarts continued to move. They delivered the bamboo baskets to the main bamboo factory in the city and rested there for a while. Mingyong said, "If you want to go shopping, go shopping. It's five o'clock." It’s time to gather and go home. If you miss it, just walk back by yourself.”


Watching the other workers disperse, Ruihe also walked out. Their bullock carts were parked in the receiving factory without fear of being stolen.

After walking out of the door, Ruihe was a little at a loss. After looking around, he followed the direction Mingyong went.

The city is really lively! The clothes people wear are somewhat different from those worn by people in Shangmei Village, and they seem to be better. The streets are also paved with cement, which is easier to walk on. What attracts Ruihe's attention is the shops. Ruihe stares at each one. After coming here for a few months, this is the first time he has seen such a prosperous scene.

But he didn't dare to go in. He followed Mingyong and walked until he saw Mingyong walk into a building. The building had two floors and a long sign was hung outside. The background color of the sign was bright red, the font was white, and there was a golden pentagon in the middle, which looked very impressive.

"It says Jinfeng Road Department Store." System 460 spoke.

Ruihe hurriedly wrote it down, staring at the seven words and scratching his thigh with his fingers, "Dinglingling——" There were many people coming in and out, and another bicycle flew past him. Ruihe didn't dare to block the door anymore. He pulled his clothes and walked in carefully.

As soon as he entered, his eyes were full of things. There were rows of glass cabinets and rows of wooden shelves against the wall. Both the cabinets and the shelves were filled with things, and there were well-dressed and clean guys standing behind them. Clothes, pots and pans, cakes, clocks, alarm clocks, shoes... So many! Too many! Much more than the supply and marketing cooperatives in the village.

There were also many paintings on the walls, some of which were farmers digging the land with hoes, some were reading books, and there were several children holding flowers and smiling brightly. Up and down, Ruihe's vision was tightly occupied. He almost turned his body in a full circle, and then another circle, and his eyes were full of things.

"Oops." He accidentally bumped into a young woman, and the woman screamed softly, which made Ruihe come back to his senses and apologize quickly.

"It's okay, you look at the road carefully." The young woman smiled and walked to another road. Ruihe followed the woman's gaze and said in front of a counter: "Give me a handkerchief, the pink one with lotus flowers."

"Hey Xiaoshan!"

Ruihe turned around and saw Mingyong looking at him in surprise: "You are also in the department store?" Seeing Ruihe's confused look, Mingyong strode over and held him: "Come with me, don't block here. Why are you here too? What do you want to buy?"

"I'm just looking, I've never been here before."

Mingyong smiled: "Come with me, we'll go back together later."

So Ruihe followed Mingyong to a counter, which was full of boxes and bottles, and the nose was filled with rich fragrance. "Suixiang said she wanted to buy hair oil. Why should I apply hair oil in this hot summer? It's so greasy! Oh."

The salesperson smiled and said: "This is osmanthus hair oil. Apply it on your hair after washing it. Your hair will be black, shiny and moisturized, and it smells good. It's 80 cents a bottle. Do you want it?"

"Winner in Life [Quick Wear]"

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