Winner in life

$139.82 I want to be a big star (1/2)

Ansu TV is a not-so-famous ordinary satellite TV. It is considered a fourth-tier satellite TV. Nowadays, big-production TV series are making great efforts to get more exposure from the first-tier TV series. The first- and second-tier TV series also favor this kind of TV series. In order to attract more advertisers and collect more revenue. As a fourth-tier satellite TV, Ansu TV has a relatively small base, and the ratings of TV dramas are not high. In addition, the procurement funds are not as deep as those of first-tier and second-tier satellite TV, so it cannot get the right to broadcast excellent TV dramas. .

"Brothers and Sisters" fits this type of purchasing criteria for rear-viewing.

Although this play was a famous TV series in the original memory, after Ruihe got the script and read it and felt satisfied with it, he decided to take it. Fan Junli checked the producer, director and producer. Director Ouyang Mu, an unknown director, has directed some TV series that have no sense of existence at all. The producer is Southern Talent Film and Television Company, which is also the distributor, which is in line with the characteristics of small film and television companies integrating production and distribution. This Southern Talent Film and Television Company has been established for a long time, almost ten years. After Fan Jun checked it out and found that everything was reliable, he took the next step.

The script is original. The core of the story includes the traditional virtues of brothers and sisters supporting each other, as well as the positive thoughts of good people being rewarded, labor being the most glorious, and knowledge changing destiny. It also conveys the love of nurturing parents. The story is warm and touching. . The plot of the story focuses on the understanding between brothers and sisters in difficult times, and also depicts the simple interactions between neighbors, without many common nonsense, misunderstandings and injuries that are common in the market. There are laughter and tears among relatives. The conversion of emotions is well-founded, showing the pure preciousness of family affection.

If this is a movie about a big brother working hard to raise his younger siblings, the eight aunts and seven aunts in the neighborhood are all bad people. Today this one will bully you, and tomorrow the other will hurt you. As a result, after going through hardships and dangers, the protagonist Da Shuan is hurt by his younger siblings again. , forcibly increasing the abuse points, Ruihe will never accept it.

The ratings of "Brothers and Sisters" were not high on the first day of broadcast, between 0.1 and 0.2. Ansu TV's basic base is not high. In addition, during the Spring Festival, there are many TV dramas starring popular artists. All major TV stations have worked hard to promote them. The competition for the top spot in the New Year's drama is very fierce. Strong publicity attracts most of the audience. Only the remaining viewers who have fixed viewing preferences, are not affected by the popularity, or have regular TV viewing channels will be diverted to other audiences. On the small satellite TV. This group of people are mainly middle-aged and elderly people. Most of these audiences prefer local dramas and family dramas. No matter how the first-line satellite TV promotes them, they don’t care about big IPs, big productions or who stars in them. They like to watch them anyway. It's that kind of TV show.

Therefore, the basic ratings of "Brothers and Sisters" are almost supported by this kind of audience.

Wu Meifang loved watching it. When she called her relatives and brothers and sisters at home to wish her New Year greetings, she would brag and tell them to check it out: "This was filmed by our second oldest child, and the acting was so good!"

Chang Ning and Guang Yunting supported him as always. Chang Ning said: "The TV in the store is broadcast on time. Hey, don't tell me. It's quite suitable for the Chinese New Year. I like to watch this kind of touching plot when the family is reunited. It's really "It's too miserable. My parents are gone, and my partner is gone." Rui He thanked him for his kindness: "But you should put on the Spring Festival Gala. The song and dance sketch is more suitable for your family's hot pot restaurant." lively. Chang Ning didn't take it seriously: "It's okay. My store doesn't rely on TV programs to attract customers. The trump card is our hot pot." She was full of confidence.

Jiajun Studio cooperates with the publicity as usual. Fan Junli said: "Actually, I am considering whether to sign you with a marketing company. Now your publicity work and tasks are shared by Xu Xiaoding and the others from the public relations department. Two more people were recruited a year ago. Staff, I feel like there are not enough people. ”

The marketing company Ruihe did have some knowledge. Guangyunting Brokerage Company signed one for him. He said that the cost was not low and the results were great. He also said it bluntly. Now his fame and popularity are inseparable from the marketing company's work for him. Develop a series of long-term marketing plans.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Rui He took Liu Congbin to Fan Junli's house to pay New Year greetings. After meeting the elders, they went to the garden to drink tea and chat. Fan Junli mentioned this matter, and Rui He thought for a while: "Then you plan to change my career. Planning?”

Actors don't need too frequent exposure. The disadvantages of excessive exposure are obvious, that is, no matter what kind of role you play, or how different the roles are, when the audience sees your face, they will think of you attending activities and appearing in front of the camera, leaving them with a lasting impression. impression. Of course, some people say that this can be solved through superb acting skills. As long as the acting skills are good, nothing else matters.

But this is theoretically speaking. In fact, the existing impression you leave on the audience cannot be easily eliminated.

As far as Ruihe knows, there is Song Nanbo. In order to change the audience's inherent impression of his performance, Song Nanbo's agency wanted to change his image from gloomy and evil to youthful and sunny. The starting point was good, in order to broaden his horizons. Song Nanbo's acting style prevents him from being locked into the same role again. But in Fan Junli's words: "The wrong method was used." Song Nanbo's agency chose to let Song Nanbo continuously participate in variety shows to shape his own personality in the show.

The character creation was very successful, and I got the role I wanted, but now a problem arises. Fans are the most tolerant group for their idols, and they are constantly praising Song Nanbo's new works. But to passers-by, why do all the characters played by this young actor give people the same feeling? Every time I see him, I feel like I'm watching Beautiful Weekend, all of them are sunny, handsome and warm-hearted men.

Beautiful Weekend is a reality show produced by the famous variety show production company Yiguang. Song Nanbo is a regular guest. It was in this show that he won the title of the national younger brother.

In the past few years, Song Nanbo's career has fallen into a new vicious circle.

Fan Junli hurriedly shook his head: "No, we don't need too much exposure. What I mean is to sign a marketing company. If you have new dramas in the future, they can help promote them. After all, they are the professionals. Our studio is short of manpower and is too busy. If it is not cost-effective to add a department first, the investment to maintain a publicity department is too high, and it is not more economical than outsourcing. "

"So that's it, then let it be up to you."

"Although the old saying goes that the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley, but now that the Internet is developed, other people's wine is placed on the roadside, and it is not good for us to hide in the deep alley." Fan Jun ideally thought about the website "Above the Abyss" I still sigh a little when watching the drama, "The marketing company hired by "Su Nanshan" is Junyi Film and Television. It's so awesome."

Originally, the launch of "Su Nanshan" was somewhat disgraceful. No matter how fans clamored for 60 million on-demand views on the first day, or how good the results were, they could not hide that "Su Nanshan" was stepping on the shoulders of "Above the Abyss" Those who go up, carry bowls to eat, put down chopsticks and scold their mothers, what kind of virtue is that? According to this, "Su Nanshan" should be ridiculed by the melon-eating masses. However, "Su Nanshan" signed a contract with a very powerful marketing company, and a large amount of money was paid by the navy to publish a large number of press releases. It was a surprise that some different voices on the Internet were ignored. Anyway, when it comes to "Su Nanshan", it is a popular online drama. It is extremely good-looking, has outstanding results, and the future of the starring role is promising, etc.

Fan Junli had to sigh: "It's amazing."

Rui He smiled: "Brother Fan, do you know what your expression is now?"

"Has the rabbit seen the carrot?"

"No, it was the fox who saw the rabbit."

Fan Junli laughed loudly: "Fox is good, fox is smart and capable."

After joking, the two discussed the marketing company in detail: "I've inquired about it. We don't need to buy a one-year package. We only need to promote new dramas and pay per view. I guess the promotion and distribution company is the main force. We Just help here, so you don’t need to buy anything expensive. The basic model of more than 200,000 is enough. Think of it as outsourcing this work. Lao Xu and the others will do less work in this area, so they can have more free time. I'm here to keep an eye on your public relations department. The public relations department is not usually used, but once it is used, it will be a big deal. When they are free, they can observe more public relations cases in the observation circle. Lao Xu said that he wants to study, and I also It was approved. After the New Year, he will take Xiao Ding and others to study, and the company will pay for it. "

This makes sense. The company's public relations capabilities are very important to artists. Take Fan Yifeng and Zheng Changyang for example in the past two years. They have had accidents one after another, and they were the most image-damaging accidents. If it weren't for Guangguang and Huasheng Good public relations skills have been ruined long ago. Up to now, there are only some vague rumors about the incident at the Prosperity Awards Ceremony. In this circle, there are so many rumors surrounding artists. Even their fans don’t believe it, and only anti-fans will mention it. .

Fan Junli told Ruihe that the public relations expenses spent here were estimated to be nearly 20 million for the family.

Rui He nodded: "It's good to study, there is no end to learning. So which marketing company do you like?"

"Just Junyi Film and Television." Fan Junli said with a smile, "We have seen what this company is capable of, so we might as well just stick with it. I'll talk about it after the Chinese New Year."

After visiting Fan Junli's family for New Year's greetings, Rui He invited Chang Ning and Guang Yunting to his home for dinner and introduced his friends to Wu Meifang and his wife. Chang Ning came over with gifts after asking for leave from his parents, but Guangyunting did not go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year. He said: "When I went back, all the seven aunts and eight aunts who I didn't know came to my house. Some of the illegitimate meals were too exaggerated. They blocked me in front of my house last year, making me even more tired when I went home to celebrate the New Year than I usually do at work.”

Wu Meifang fell in love with Guang Yunting as soon as she saw him: "Oh, the young man is so good-looking, and his hair is beautiful." After hearing Guang Yunting complain, she smiled and said: "After we became stars in martial arts, there were also little girls He ran to my house and took pictures of me and his father with his mobile phone. He filmed me selling fish and his father plowing the land and farming. We really didn’t understand those girls at first, so we invited them in. I came to sit at home, but unexpectedly I turned around and all the books, notes, and boxes left by my second son when he was studying were turned over. They were very polite and asked me if they could buy anything with the money. It’s not worth anything! I just let them take it.”

Ruihe's fame still caused some trouble for the family.

Guang Yunting laughed loudly and chatted with Wu Meifang very well. After dinner, Liu Congbin and Chang Ning went into the room to play games online, and Wu Meifang asked Ruihe to entertain Guang Yunting. Guangyunting got addicted to smoking, so he went to the balcony to smoke. Ruihe closed the glass door of the balcony and sat on a wicker chair to chat with Guangyunting.

"Actually, it's quite good for you to do this. My mother said that the neighbors next door always come to complain, saying that my fans always block the corridor and prevent them from entering. I feel strange. I'm not at home. Why do they come to my house? My mother She said that every one of those girls called her mother-in-law and asked which one she liked and they could get married immediately. My mother laughed so hard that she was relieved that I would not go home for the Chinese New Year this year. " Guangyunting sighed at the end, "I said I would buy them a new house and let them move to another place. The old house can't stop them. After all, there is property in the community, but my parents refused and said they couldn't bear it. "

Rui Heshen shared the same sentiment: "I also said that I wanted to buy a house for my parents. It's not that fans have affected my parents' lives. Not many fans told me to go. Most of them were polite, like uncles and aunts. Shout. But my house is too old and too small. It is located on a low ground and will accumulate water when a typhoon comes in the summer. Sometimes the water can reach knee high. I want to buy a high-rise apartment with an elevator for them to live in. I don’t want to leave, saying that I can’t get used to living in a community, but it’s better to live in an old house. There are neighbors all around me when I go out, and I can talk to them at any time. It’s like this for older people, and they don’t want to leave the place where they have lived all their lives.”

While chatting, Guangyunting smoked four or five cigarettes. Rui He called him to stop: "You weren't such a heavy smoker before."

"Hey, I'm under a lot of pressure, so I smoked too much without realizing it." Guangyunting put the cigarette he just took out back into his mouth.

"How was that going?"

Guang Yunting said with a smile: "We are still talking. Your boss Fan doesn't seem to be satisfied with me. I have been trying to gain a good impression in front of him recently."

Ruihe patted him on the shoulder and Guangyunting bumped into him: "Okay, don't worry about me. I didn't hang myself from a tree. I'm also looking for other brokerage companies."

The New Year's break is always very short. Ruihe accompanied his parents for less than a week before returning to Xiaoqin Lake. Wu Meifang said: "I am very happy to come here to see where you two brothers live and work." , Speaking of going back to the village, your dad and I have also been to the capital city!" She touched Ruihe's face, "If you want to go into this profession, it really requires you to find a way. Mom didn't read it. After studying, I didn’t understand the dreams of young people like you. Mom... I’m sorry for you. You have to rely on yourself for everything. There’s nothing your family can do to help you. All your dad and I can do is eat well, drink well, and take care of your health. , so that you don’t miss us in the capital. It’s so nice here, it’s big and beautiful. You have a home here, and your dad and I will keep a home for you in our hometown. You do your best, mom supports you. "

Ruihe saw the love and understanding in Wu Meifang's eyes, which was what the original body longed for most. It is always said that parents and children should understand each other, but it is not easy to implement the word "understanding". Didn't the original person try to communicate with his parents? some. But the reality is cruel. If you have not achieved anything, your parents will not be able to recognize your dreams. Just like Wu Meifang in her previous life, she always urged Liu Congwu to return to her hometown: "It's useless. You are not suitable. Look at you." You have been unable to achieve anything in the past few years. This is God reminding you that you are not this material. "

"Thank you, Mom." Rui He smiled lightly, turned to Liu Weihe and said, "Thank you, Dad, too."

Liu Weihe sighed, "What your mother said is what I said. Don't worry about the house. I will keep an eye on the new house every day. If it is well maintained and built, you will be able to see the new house when you go home to celebrate the New Year next year."

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Rui He joined the team and continued work. On the twelfth day, Liu Congbin said that Wu Meifang and his wife were going back and told Rui He that he would not come to see them off. In this way, Wu Meifang and his wife spent a year in this prosperous capital city and returned to their hometown in Southern Province with colorful memories. For a long time, they would suppress their pride in the curious inquiries from neighbors, relatives and friends. With a proud mood, when I talk about what I saw and heard in the capital city, I must add at the end: "As expected of the capital city!"

"Haoying" was started again, and Ruihe entered into busy work again. After the New Year, the chef invited by Fan Junli was also in place. Ever since Aunt Chen delivered meals to Sister Zhen on the set of "Rosemary", and Rui He took advantage of it, Fan Junli also realized that his own food is still good for the body. Although I have the menu given by the nutritionist on hand, it is difficult to prepare it properly on the set, so I still eat boxed lunches most of the time.

However, the crew of "Haoying" is out of town, and Aunt Chen can no longer deliver meals to the crew.

It just so happened that Ruihe had been taking on roles in the past two years, and the studio was making a lot of money, so he generously prepared to invite a nutritionist to join the team. Originally, he was interested in the one he had worked with before, but unfortunately the nutritionist declined, saying He never joins the group. He also suggested to Fan Junli: "In fact, you can just hire a chef and cook according to the menu I gave you. It's cheaper."

Fan Junli thought for a moment that it was true, so he asked Su Tian to introduce a chef who offered a good salary and was responsible for Ruihe's three meals a day. The chef named He Mingyou looked to be about forty years old. Rui He was filming when he came. When he came down to rest, Xiao Hu Xianbao took out a lunch box and said: "Dang Dang Dang——"

"Fruit salad?" Looking down, Ruihe saw the finely chopped fruits, which were different from the ones he had eaten before. "Did you buy it?"

"No, it was made by the new master. The master is very nice. He is already making dinner now. He will bring it over soon."

Ruihe thought of the chef Fan Junli had mentioned, and he sighed: "I always feel that this kind of life is too luxurious."

"Brother Wu, why do you think so? Brother Fan said, this is also a necessary investment in you."

"Let's eat together. I can't finish it by myself." Ruihe smiled and invited Xiao Hu and Zheng Xiaoqiu to eat together.

As expected, with the chef in the group, Ruihe's life became more comfortable.

It was impossible to eat three meals a day on time in the crew. Sometimes when filming, the lunch boxes delivered at the appointed time were piled there. When the next scene came, they were all cold. The cold oil floated on the dishes and soup. Not only did it look bad, but the taste was even more unappetizing. With Master He, Ruihe was finally able to eat delicious meals. All of them were low in calories and could eat as much as he wanted without worrying about getting fat. Master He also lived in the hotel and rented a small corner from the hotel kitchen to make hot food for Ruihe.

Ruihe's condition was better when he had a good meal. The number of times his face was swollen was greatly reduced, and his facial skin was more docile when he put on makeup the next day. Ruihe remembered Fan Junli's kindness in his heart. Guang Yunting was amazed when he heard that a boss could do this to his employees.

"Boss Fan is such a generous man. I like him even more." Guang Yunting told a good news on the phone, "Your boss Fan has relented. He is so kind to his own people, and so shrewd to outsiders like me. I really want to become one of his people as soon as possible."

Rui He laughed: "What's wrong with you? What you said is so corny. I'm applying a facial mask. Don't make me laugh."

"I'm happy." Guang Yunting smiled, "Your boss Fan and I have reached an agreement on my future performances. "I'm so happy that I have a preliminary plan for my career!"

"That's great!" Ruihe was about to smile, but the next second he quickly pressed the corners of his mouth to prevent the mask from falling off, and said happily: "Congratulations."

"Congratulations, I'll wait for Boss Fan to talk to my agency about the rest, I'm finally relieved."

"This is called bitterness and sweetness, I really look forward to working together in the future."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it too." After hanging up the phone, Guang Yunting looked at the phone and muttered, "You idiot." Then he sighed.

In fact, part of his negotiations with Fan Junli so far is from Wu.

Fan Junli said directly: "I have to make it clear to you that if you really come to my company, your treatment will not be the same as Congwu's. His contribution to the company is temporarily greater than yours, and all treatment is definitely higher than yours. I will do my best to plan for you, but you must know that Congwu is already ahead of you on the road to acting. To put it bluntly, you may have to pick up the scripts he doesn't want. You are old classmates and good friends. Can you keep a normal mind in this gap?"

The words that hurt the heart, but the most accurate point.

Can you?

Can you?

Guang Yunting nodded decisively at the time: "I dare to let Congwu help me with the connection, and I have already made psychological preparations."

Otherwise, he would not dare to mention it. It is the most taboo thing to involve interests with friends. Guang Yunting has tasted this taste in the past few years. The artists who entered the company at the same time have almost become enemies now. Why? Because only he has come forward, only him.

The competition is so fierce.

Even though he was friendly and didn't act like a big shot because of his fame, and his attitude towards his colleagues was the same as before, he stood out, and this was his original sin.

He could see that Congwu was lucky, the company he signed with was kind, and the entire company's resources were given to him alone, which made him "ignorant of the suffering of the people". Although there have been some changes in the past two years, he is still a sentimental and soft person. He proposed to join Jiajun Studio and made all psychological preparations.

It doesn't matter, he can see everything, as long as he is given time and opportunities, he can also make his own way. In this circle, there are many people who are more powerful than himself. If everyone is jealous and sour, how can he survive? Besides, Congwu is one of us, and shouldn't the benefits of one of us be better than those of outsiders?

Therefore, Guang Yunting was really prepared to be treated no better than Congwu after entering Jiajun Studio.

On the other side, Shadan Ruihe was already thinking: "There are still many rooms on the third floor. Brother Wang will leave in a few days. It depends on which of the remaining rooms Yunting wants to live in."

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