Winner in life

$142.85 I want to be a big star (1/2)

At night, Guangyunting and Ruihe slept in the same room. The next day, he disguised himself as Fan Junli's assistant and followed Ruihe to the set, which was called observing and observing. Ruihe was very pleased to see that his energy and spirit were different. Seeing that he didn't take the initiative to mention the matter, he didn't ask. Guangyunting stayed on this visit for a week. When Fan Junli said he had received a job, he happily waved goodbye to Ruihe.

While in charge of Guangyunting, Fan Junli also paid attention to the broadcast situation of "Brothers and Sisters". Fortunately, hard work pays off. The ratings of "Brothers and Sisters" continue to rise, and its reputation is particularly good. The most popular comments are "warm", "contemporary" and "touching". Among them, the "sense of the times" was praised by many viewers. Some viewers even said in the comment area on behalf of their parents or grandparents: "My grandpa/my dad said that it seemed like he saw what his life was like before."

Even the mottled marks on the kerosene lamp seem to record those years of hard work while herding cattle in the fields to collect shoe soles.

This TV series made by Ruihe with nostalgia for the world of the previous mission was a hit.

During the finale, the ratings broke 2, sparking several discussions on the Internet about whether Da Shuan is right or wrong in raising his younger siblings.

Some people say: What is wrong with brothers and sisters helping each other? If Da Shuan is adopted by his adoptive parents, and he then raises his adoptive parents' biological children, isn't it just a matter of repaying his kindness by making a knot of grass?

Some people also say: But Da Shuan has been in love for most of his life and did not get married until he was in his thirties. His daughter was already forty when she was born. When people sent her to kindergarten, everyone thought she was his granddaughter. He is so selfless, how can there be such a perfect person.

Some people also think that things cannot be evaluated as right or wrong: Da Shuan feels that the life he leads is very meaningful. He knows what he is doing, and his younger siblings also know what he has done. Therefore, even in adolescence, some people say that he is not theirs. The biological brother is for their family's property, and they have not separated from Da Shuan. In the end, they have gained valuable family ties. The younger brothers and sisters will not forget to help their brother when they grow up. I think this is the most worthwhile and meaningful thing. As for the question asked by the questioner, with all due respect, hahaha.

There is also a point of view: Yes, we all know that there are few such good people in society now, but isn't it good to have respect and hope?

There is also a topic called "Can the support between brothers and sisters be measured in money? Is it stupid for Da Shuan to refuse his brother's house and his sister's car?"

Some grumpy netizens directly scolded: Why do I think that the person who asked such a question is a fool? Da Shuan said that he built his own house and had nowhere to drive his car in the countryside, but he accepted the milk his brother bought him and the clothes his sister bought him. He was not stupid, but he was not greedy and had a scale in his heart. If he took it, would the questioner say that he really showed a fox tail?

A few decades ago, it was very common to have multiple sons and daughters. Nowadays, most of society is a one-child family. This "Brothers and Sisters" not only shows the scenery of rural life in the 1970s and 1980s, but also brings some insights about siblings to modern people. Emotional thinking. Junyi Film and Television, the company signed by Fan Jun, is unique in its marketing. The topics of the TV series mentioned above were created by Junyi Film and Television. When evaluating Da Shuan's choices in the 1970s based on modern people's values, many people actually have different opinions. view.

People who hate this drama also criticize: Such a selfless character can only be found in this kind of bitter drama. It is really annoying after watching it too much. Are there really such saintly people in reality? I hate the Virgin, it’s frustrating to watch. Nowadays, TV dramas always ask these characters who exude the light of the Virgin Mary to do what?

But no matter what, the popularity of "Brothers and Sisters" has really increased. Fan Junli happily paid the balance, and also treated the person in charge to a meal of wine. The person in charge of the "Brothers and Sisters" promotion project was drunk at the wine table. When he was in a mood, he also talked about "Su Nan Mountain", made a slap in the face, and said drunkenly: "That's a lot! I gave a death order to promote that drama. There are two leading actors in it, and I don't know who is behind it." The energy is so generous!”

After the wine party, Fan Junli shouted to his brother and sent the person home enthusiastically. The next day, I went to Botong Studios to visit the studio with letters from fans selected by the studio. Ruihe talked about it during his free time: ""Su Nanshan" is really painful in my heart, but I heard that he invested 50 million to make it. I just want to promote it. Oh, what can I do if I have money?”

Rui He laughed immediately: "Brother Fan, this tone is not suitable for you. It's not like you don't know that you are also a wealthy boss in our eyes."

"I am at best a small boss, and others are the big bosses. Fifty million! I can make a movie with fifty million, or I can make a good TV series. Just for the sake of publicity, I poured in fifty million. I wouldn’t dare compare myself to them.”

Ruihe pursed his lips and smiled, but said nothing.

"By the way, the crew of "Brothers and Sisters" asked you to go to the celebration party. Do you want to go?" This is a relatively routine operation. If the show airs well or the movie has a high box office, it is convenient for the film to organize a celebration party. Since it is true Celebrating the success also means to catch up the excitement for publicity at the end. It is a good exposure opportunity for both the drama and people.

Rui He shook his head: "I can't walk away from here, please help me push it." Fan Junli asked with concern: "Xiao Hu said you have been suffering from insomnia these days. Are you under a lot of pressure?"

"It's a little bit." Rui He was a little embarrassed, "The actors who play opposite me in this crew are all very good, and I always feel like I can't keep up."

"This is normal. For a group of veteran actors, the scenes with the courtiers are the most difficult, right?" The courtiers are all set to be older.

"Well, their acting skills are really good. Teacher Xi is a little younger, and his acting skills are nothing to say." Among the courtiers, the younger generation is headed by Xi Feiyu, but Lu Zhen, played by Xi Feiyu, is nineteen years old in the plot. Thirty years old, he is actually thirty-six years old, and with the Emperor in his hands, his acting skills are outstanding among young actors, which is also a big challenge for Rui He.

Fan Junli said with a smile: "I know you actually like this kind of crew the best. Can you 'observe' it?"

"Brother Fan understands me. I discovered that acting really never stops. When I was filming "Eye of Moreau", I thought I had already been in the best crew. But after joining this crew, I realized that Whether it is a TV series or a movie, it has its own unique charm, and there is no end to learning this kind of knowledge.”

Fan Junli wanted to laugh every time he saw Ruihe talking about serious topics in such a serious manner, and this time was no exception, causing Ruihe to laugh too: "How is Sister Zhen's health?"

"It's good. My mother and my mother-in-law stay with her every day, making soup, cooking, and making children's clothes together. They are very busy. By the way, the studio has received a lot of scripts. As a rule, I give them first You pick it up again, I brought some here this time, you can watch it if you want, or don’t watch it if you think it will affect the filming, that’s fine.”

Rui He shook his head: "It's better not to look at it yet. Brother Fan, you also know my standards for selecting roles, so just help me make the decision. You have a good taste, and I will definitely like whatever you choose."

"That's fine."

In this way, Ruihe filmed "Haoying" almost completely in isolation.

He devoted himself wholeheartedly to it and devoted all his energy. When he slowly faced Xi Feiyu, Lin Guanglin and others, the feeling of being suppressed was relieved a lot. Even on the eve of the filming, Lin Guanglin sighed and said: "You are the best I have ever seen." You are one of the most diligent young actors. You are making rapid progress. The school teaches you the basics. You can truly grow up and form your own unique performance style after working on set after set."

"Thank you." Ruihe said softly.

At this time, we have reached the end of the script, and the country is about to be destroyed. The expression of Emperor Zhaoxu, played by Ruihe, has changed even more. If before, he still maintained his majesty as an emperor under the suppression of the powerful minister Ge Ying. An emperor who has just awakened has great ambitions to regain power. At this time, he is facing the tragic disaster of the country's destruction, knowing that internal and external troubles are no longer able to control the situation. There is an indescribable look in his eyes. It means that it is the scorching ashes left after the beacon fire was lit late at night in the northwest stone castle in the deep winter. It seems that it will be blown away in the wind in the next second.

Lin Guanglin looked at Rui He with a frightened look, and couldn't help but advise: "You have been brewing emotions for several days. Being in the drama for such a long time is actually not good for your mental health. You should calm down a little."

Rui He smiled faintly, and it looked like Emperor Zhaoxu's smile. He rubbed his face, and the action pulled him from the emperor to the mortal world: "Teacher Lin, I understand what you are saying, but I have no choice. I will be filming the suicide scene tomorrow, and that scene is the highlight."

"But you're like this-"

"Don't worry, I'm measured. This is a stupid method with big drawbacks. I know it. I can just wait until the filming is finished." Ruihe smiled bitterly, "It took me a lot of effort to find this emotional point. In fact, I still have I’m not very satisfied, and I have to make adjustments on the spot when shooting starts.” So I’m absolutely reluctant to let go of this emotion, and it’s hard to get it back once I let it go.

Lin Guanglin nodded understandingly and had no choice but to tell him: "Ask your agent to find a psychological counselor for you and have a chat after the filming. The effect will be good."

Ruihe agreed with a smile.

In fact, Fan Junli also came over.

The Congwu scene was filmed from the end of last year to May now, almost half a year has passed. Every time he comes here, he is happy for Congwu's growth, but this time he comes here and he is a little worried. The psychological counselor has been invited a long time ago and has been arranged in the hotel.

After chatting with Cong Wu, he knew that now was a critical time, and all he could do was support and do logistical work.

In order not to disturb his brewing emotions, he stopped talking about the happy things he wanted to say when he came over this time. Guangyunting got a good second male lead in a TV series, and he will officially join the cast in two days. A few months later, Guangyunting had come out of the shadow of the defamation incident. The girls began to insist on not changing the accusations. Later, the court opened as scheduled to hear the lawsuit filed by Jiajun Studio, which brought about the defamation incident. The good news of guilt.

Afterwards, the studio posted the verdict on its official blog, finally clearing Guang Yunting's stigma. Jiajun Studio immediately held a press conference, and Guang Yunting, who had been silent for a long time, began to make public appearances. At the press conference, through an almost perfect public relations speech, Guang Yunting won a lot of sympathy and support from passers-by. In the past, because of Fans who were disappointed and left also flocked to the official blog to apologize. At the same time, Jiajun Studio also officially announced that it has signed Guang Yunting as its artist, and will develop a new career plan for Guang Yunting, etc., which has earned a lot of traffic.

However, at that time, Guangyunting still couldn't get any good jobs. Most of them came from entertainment businesses who followed the news and wanted to dig out the inside stories of being slandered, framed, job-hopping, etc. The scripts they were given were not good. Just look at Guangyunting's work. The heat of wave reversal is good, I want to give it a last try. It was impossible for Fan Junli to accept the job sent under such circumstances. Later, Tuo Cai got a cameo opportunity in a small supporting role. He spent the next few months refining himself, and even returned to Baihua Drama Academy to study and work as a teaching assistant. It was not until a few days ago that he got a good opportunity in an audition. Qin Huli is immersed in studying the script.

"Hurry up and finish the filming." Fan Junli rubbed his hands and sighed quietly as he looked at his own artist sitting upright on the sofa, mumbling words and reciting lines over and over again.

The next day was the scene of Emperor Zhaoxu's suicide.


On the high platform, Emperor Zhaoxu looked quietly into the distance. During the sacrifice half a month ago, he saw people whispering sparsely in the audience, saw the shattered hearts, and saw the terrified faces of everyone. at this time

Just like that time, he looked into the distance, and just like that time, he heard the sound of cavalry riding through mountains and rivers, and tens of thousands of soldiers marching to the capital.

The palace ladies lost their former color and ran around in a panic. They wanted to escape from the palace and maybe live a good life again, but he was the emperor, where could he escape to? Emperor Zhaoxu raised the corners of his mouth gently, and his eyes seemed to be lit with two clusters of fire. The fire burned fiercely, making him look like a candle in the wind, as if it would be burned out in the next moment.

The country is about to be destroyed, what is he, the emperor, doing still alive? Become a prisoner, be tied up and paraded in public, and become an object of power and favor for the new emperor? Then how could he have the face to face his ancestors, face... his father.

Emperor Zhaoxu's eyes were covered with mist. He seemed to see his seriously ill father holding his hand twenty years ago. The palm was shriveled and the bones burned his wrist. His father was supporting the sick body. Told him: "Grow up well and be a good emperor."

Thinking of this, Emperor Zhaoxu's lips trembled a few times, and the corners of his eyes were moist. He sat back on the dragon chair and slowly stroked the carved patterns on the dragon chair. He was six years old when he sat on this chair for the first time. At that time, he was very curious and wanted to touch this chair. This was the chair where his father had sat. But Prime Minister Ge coughed slightly in the audience, and he quickly sat up straight.

He is an emperor, he must be dignified, dignified, and powerful.

So he has never even touched the dragon chair that has been sitting on it for twenty years.

He slowly touched the armrest of the dragon chair as if appreciating it, and turned around to touch the back of the chair childishly. Finally, he sighed with contentment and slowly sat back on it.

Cold. Hard.

It's uncomfortable to touch, and it's uncomfortable to lean on.

But everyone loves it.

Will the next person who sits on it be one of the rebel forces or a Northern Rong?

Emperor Zhaoxu leaned quietly until the sun completely set. No one in the palace holding the lamp was seen, so the hall was dark. Only the watery moonlight streaming in from the large open door could bring him some brightness. He would not take out the jade bottle in his arms in the dark.

After swallowing the pill, Emperor Zhaoxu lay back down again and closed his eyes. The moonlight hit his face, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly. His fingers tapped gently on his knees, one time and another, and finally his hands dropped and fell. On the hard, cold chair, I stopped moving.


"Cut! Very good, passed!" As soon as Wang Qiusi finished speaking, the lights came on. Ruihe squinted his eyes for a while to adjust, and Xiao Hufei ran over to help him, covering his head with a large towel, "Don't look at the light yet."

After filming this scene, Rui He felt physically and mentally exhausted and wanted to sleep. Xiao Hu couldn't help him, so Fan Junli and Xu Jiang came over and helped him down.

"Thank you for your hard work. After this scene, you only have five scenes left." Wang Qiusi said, "Go back and rest first. I'll give you a day off!"

Fan Jun thanked Dai Rui and said, "He's too tired. Let's take him back to the hotel first."

Wang Qiusi waved his hands repeatedly: "I understand, go quickly."

On the way back to the hotel in the car, Ruihe fell asleep. In order to show Emperor Zhaoxu's broken and desperate mental state, he didn't sleep last night, and today he looked haggard and his eyes were bloodshot.

"It's so hard to be an actor." Xu Jiang sighed again.

When he woke up, Ruihe was confused for a few seconds and didn't know where he was. The room was quiet, the curtains were tightly drawn, the room was dark, and he didn't know what night it was. System 460 said: "It is three o'clock at night."

"How long have I been sleeping?" Ruihe touched his head and felt his arm was sore and weak when he raised his hand.

"Ten hours."

"I feel like I didn't get enough sleep, and I had a lot of strange dreams." Ruihe said, twisting his shoulders, "The more I sleep, the more tired I become."

System 460 said: "Are you hungry, host? Master He has prepared food and has been waiting for you to wake up and eat."

After saying this, Ruihe held his stomach and took a deep breath, feeling a dull stomachache.

He quickly got up and washed up. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Xu Jiang sitting at the door, guarding the door responsibly. Rui He quickly said hello: "Why didn't you sleep?"

"I thought you would wake up hungry in the middle of the night, so I asked Xiao Hu and the others to go to bed. Dinner is here." He pointed to the three-layer lunch box on the small stool, "Just heat it up. Just wait for me." I took my lunch box to the hotel kitchen to heat up food and came back in less than ten minutes.

Master He made millet porridge, two side dishes and a soup for Rui He.

The millet porridge was served in a casserole and was quite large. He asked Xu Jiang to eat it together: "You must be hungry at this late hour."

Xu Jiang didn't refuse and started eating in silence. Compared with Xu Jiang, Rui He ate very slowly. He felt that his stomach was uncomfortable and he did not dare to eat fast. After eating, his stomach discomfort was relieved a lot and his appetite was also small. Seeing that Xu Jiang was eating well, he helped him eat.

"No, that's enough."

"You're welcome. I know your appetite is about three times as much as mine. Master He must have meant for you to eat with him when he cooked so much."

Xu Jiang did not refuse.

After eating, Xu Jiang insisted not to let Rui He wash the dishes. Rui He understood his temper and refused to insist. He looked at the room - it was a bit messy, so he simply started to clean it up.

His movie has almost been filmed and will be finished in a few days. Counting carefully, he has been on the set for five full months, and he only left for less than ten days when he joined the set after the year.

After staying for too long, this hotel room seems to have become a home, with more and more things piled up and becoming more and more cluttered.

Xu Jiang finished washing the dishes and came out to see Ruihe cleaning. He was a little confused: "Teacher Liu, aren't you going to sleep?"

"Sleep later." Ruihe turned around and saw that Xu Jiang seemed to have something to say, so he asked, "What do you want to say to me?"

Xu Jiang's face suddenly turned red.

It's really red like a tomato.

Ruihe became interested immediately. If you get along with Xu Jiang for a long time, you will find that his usual reticence is to cover up his shy nature. If there is something that cannot be covered up, his face will burst into red. This is the first time for Xiao Hu When I saw it, I was so surprised that I was speechless. Later, I learned it from Ruihe vividly. This was the first time Rui He saw Xu Jiang like this. It was as subversive as Xiao Hu said.

"Well, my daughter is you, your fan, she...she is about to take the high school entrance examination. I want...can you make a video for me to encourage her to study hard and take the exam?" Xu Jiang stuttered. But it was just such a simple request, and Rui He readily agreed: "Would you like to shoot now?"

Xu Jiang nodded quickly: "Is it okay?"


So Ruihe took a one-minute video, and Xu Jiang was very happy: "I will send it to her mother tomorrow."

After a delay, Xu Jiang urged Ruihe to go to bed. Ruihe lay back on the bed, and Xu Jiang slept on the simple bed. There was only a heating lamp left in the room, which gave off a warm orange light at night.

Ruihe couldn't sleep. He was thinking about things, the hairpin, and the next work. Finally, he felt a layer of fatigue welling up, making his limbs and bones sink to the soft cushion, as soft as a ball of mud. I don't even want to move my fingers.

It was obvious that he was sweeping the floor and folding clothes just now.

He was confused and didn't know where this fatigue came from. Apparently the most important and difficult scenes were all finished.

The next day, Fan Junli could tell at a glance that something was wrong with him, and quickly asked the psychological counselor to chat with Rui He. The psychological counselor said: "This is caused by stretching your heartstrings for a long time and then suddenly relaxing. Let Mr. Liu go out and walk around, don't stay bored in the hotel." Fan Junli waved his hand: "Walk around, go out and play."

Rui He smiled bitterly: "This is a film and television city, what fun can there be."

"There are many places to play in the film and television city. Do you want to go to a bar, disco or KTV?"

"...I don't even like it." Rui He thought for a moment, "I'd really like to sit somewhere with flowers and grass and bask in the sun."

Fan Junli said: "Okay, I will take you there."

Thirty minutes later, Ruihe listened to the laughter of children in his ears, watched the kites flying in the sky, and fell silent.

Fan Jun said proudly: "Isn't this park good? Look - there are flowers and trees, red and green, and there are automatic background sounds for children, which is especially suitable for relaxing." He turned to look at Ruihe, "How do you think? "

Although it was different from what he had imagined, Ruihe still nodded: "It's pretty good."

"Huh." Fan Junli held his neck with his hands and lay down on the stone chair, "I haven't been to the park for a long time."

Ruihe followed his example and leaned on the stone chair, squinting at the blue-white sky, and his thoughts seemed to become distant.

"I'll give you a long vacation after filming "The Hairpin" this time." Fan Junli suddenly said, "You can do whatever you want. It's a paid vacation. You can start working whenever you want."

Rui He was surprised: "What's wrong?"

"You're still asking me what's wrong? You know how you look now, right? You really look like a subjugated emperor, lifeless. It's a good thing that you work hard, and I support you, so I'll give you a long holiday to adjust."

Ruihe was silent again, and after a while he said, "Okay."

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