Winner in life

$15.15 Traveling through 1972

The pink bubble between Zhang Tianci and Zhang Cuili was not noticed by Ruihe. Li Dashui discovered the clue and observed it secretly. After confirming his guess, he poked Ruihe's arm to let him see. Rui He was touching the fabric. After taking a look at it, he asked blankly: "What's wrong? You always let me see what Brother Zhang and Sister Zhang are doing all the time?"

Li Dashui's gossip was suppressed time and time again. In the end, he became discouraged and waved his hand and said, "No, it's okay."

"I want to buy this." Rui He handed the fabric to the salesperson, "Cut it to ten feet for me."

The salesperson said: "Ten feet of thick cotton cloth costs fifty-two cents per foot. I'll charge you five dollars and two cents."

Rui He took out the cloth ticket and money. The salesperson took it and checked it carefully. Then he put the ticket and money into the cloth bag on the wire above his head. He gently turned the pulley and flew back with the bag. The accountant sitting on the desk behind stood up, took out the money, gave the change and wrote the invoice, and then pushed the bag back.

"Are you going to make a new cotton coat?"

Rui He nodded: "The one from previous years has been repaired beyond repair. Last year's cloth ticket bought thin cotton for summer clothes, and this year's cloth ticket will buy thick cotton for winter clothes."

"You already earn so much, so you don't need to save so much. If you don't have enough cloth tickets, just exchange them with others."

Ruihe didn't respond. No one could understand or tell him about his future plans, so he still lived a frugal life. Besides, this life was good enough. He interrupted: "Let's go home."

On the other hand, Zhang Cuiberry also chose the cloth he wanted. They had just gone to the department store, and there were indeed more than a dozen long skirts hanging there, reaching to the instep, made of corduroy material, in khaki, light gray, black and brown. The price is very expensive, one piece costs 17 yuan and 80 cents. Zhang Cuibei was scared away, but she still couldn't bear to part with the skirt she had dreamed of. The drooping curvature and elegance of the skirt decorated the dream of this nineteen-year-old girl. So she gritted her teeth and went to the cloth shop to pull cloth and planned to make it herself.

"One foot of corduroy wick costs two yuan and sixty cents. It takes at least two feet to make a skirt, right? That's more than three yuan!" Zhang Tianci felt that making skirts was not necessary at all. He had to work every day, carrying and carrying. , Wearing a skirt is so troublesome!

"I want to buy it." Zhang Cuili's face looked a little strange, "If I don't usually wear it, I have to wear it someday."

"What day?"

Zhang Cuibei's face suddenly darkened: "It's none of your business! I can wear it any day I like!"

When Rui He came over, he saw that the atmosphere between the two was strange. He was very anxious when he saw that they had a conflict, so he quietly asked Zhang Tianci: "Did you two quarrel?"

Zhang Tianci was even more baffled: "It wasn't noisy. He suddenly ignored me."

Zhang Cuili put the cloth away carefully and looked at Ruihe and the others: "Let's go. Do you want to buy anything else?"

"Then go back to the commune. I want to go to the grocery store to buy meat."

The four people happily went to the town, but when they returned, the atmosphere was weird. Ruihe couldn't see the reason why, and only felt that something was wrong. After saying goodbye to Zhang Cuibei, Zhang Tianci's shoulders suddenly collapsed. Li Dashui decrypted and said: "Brother Zhang, did you say the wrong thing to make Sister Zhang angry? Don't rush to deny it. Originally, Sister Zhang was very happy to buy cloth to make skirts. Yeah, why did I end up with a bad face when I bought the cloth? It must be your problem."

When it comes to buying cloth, Zhang Tianci still has a lot of dissatisfaction: "It's so hard to make money, it's so good to buy some meat and eggs, how about making a dress." He muttered in a low voice, "It looks so immodest." He said these last few words. It was so quiet that neither Ruihe nor Li Dashui heard it clearly.

"Brother Tianci, you don't understand." Seeing that Zhang Tianci didn't understand the style, Li Dashui thought he had experience, so he taught Zhang Tianci his experience, "Sister Cui Mei is a girl. Girls all love to be beautiful. My sister That's the case. Anyway, Sister Cuiberry can make money by herself, so if she wants to buy it, it would be great to make her happy. If you want it better, she will be happier."

"Why should I send it?"

Li Dashui's eyes widened: "Aren't you two lovers?"

Zhang Tianci blushed: "Don't talk nonsense, we are good comrades who work together. Okay, I'm home, see you next time." After that, he left quickly.

Rui He finally came to his senses: "Are they in love?"

"Oh my God, you finally understand. I've given you hints so many times. Didn't you notice that the eyes of those two people are always stuck together, and they are very close to each other when they walk? Tsk, tsk, tsk, love is so good."

Ruihe: "..."

"But Brother Tianci seems to be very confused about style. If my partner wants to buy a dress, I will definitely pay for it and give it to her. I will buy whatever she wants..."

Seeing Li Dashui's budding look of love, Ruihe asked, "Do you have a girl you like?"

"Hehehe, my mother said she wanted to go on a blind date for me, and I don't know who it is." But even this was enough for this young man to fantasize about.

Rui He smiled: "That's good. Then when you have a successful blind date, tell me and I will give you a wedding gift."

"Yeah!" Li Dashui nodded shyly.

The two went to the non-staple food store again before going home. After putting things away, Ruihe was so tired that he sat on the bed and didn't want to move.

"On the 24th of the New Year, I already feel like celebrating the New Year." Listening to the laughter of children outside and the sporadic sound of breaking cannons, Ruihe couldn't help but sigh, "This world is really too similar to my home."

System 460 is silent. The architectural foundation and design inspiration of this mission world actually come from the ancient earth. The process is equivalent to the ancient earth and ancient China in the early 1970s. The world where the host Xu Ruihe lives is a parallel plane to the ancient earth, and its development process and civilization inheritance are very similar. In the vast universe, there are countless similar parallel planes, but some have been annihilated and some are still moving forward. But this is not something it can say. We can only wait for the host to discover the connection between this place and his real world.

Being good at discovery and utilizing it properly is the only way for a host to grow up.

So it only replied: "Host, it's raining outside."

Rui He was startled. He opened the window and took a look. Sure enough, it was raining lightly outside. He hurried out to collect his clothes. When I was packing my clothes, I met Mrs. Zhang. Ruihe said hello. Mrs. Zhang smiled at him in a very friendly manner. Before she hurriedly carried the clothes into the house, she said, "Come to my house for dinner tonight!" and asked him to do so. Not even a chance to refuse.

After taking the clothes into the house and hanging them up to dry again, Ruihe looked at the horse's hoof clock and saw that it was already 5:15 pm. When he was cooking at noon, he cooked too much and saved the fried rice for tonight. He didn't really want to go next door to eat. It was uncomfortable and awkward. So he held an umbrella and went over to say something. Zhang Dashan was squatting at the door peeling radishes. When he saw him coming over, he quickly greeted him: "Come in. It's raining outside."

Rui He had no choice but to go into the house. As soon as he explained his intention, Zhang Dashan interrupted him: "If you want any leftovers, come to brother's house to eat!" Leftovers are also a good thing these days. They are dry and full. Rui He still declined: "It's not a waste, let's do it next time. I'll bother you when I come to my brother's place next time. Where's my sister-in-law? You tell your sister-in-law not to cook my food, and I'll go right away." After saying that, he went back regardless of the obstruction.

It's not like he didn't notice Zhang Dashan's hesitant look, but he didn't want to pry.

Over the past year or so, Ruihe has gotten to know Zhang Dashan better. Back then, when Mrs. Zhang glared at him because he brought more sweet potatoes, Zhang Dashan defended him. At that time, he was very moved. After obtaining the memory of the original person, he realized that it was just Zhang Dashan's usual behavior. Zhang Dashan did nothing, and pretended to be invisible. Anyway, Mrs. Zhang was in charge of everything. In the village, people still talk about Mrs. Zhang's cruel treatment of her mother-in-law to this day, but almost no one mentions Zhang Dashan's name.

When the family was separated last year, Sister-in-law Zhang was arguing about how to divide the family from beginning to end, and Zhang Dashan just remained silent.

As the saying goes, showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing. How strange is it to treat yourself to dinner every year after so many separate families? But when he passed by just now, Zhang Dashan didn't say anything. He heard the sound of Mrs. Zhang cooking in the kitchen...

"Oh, I don't know what it is." Ruihe put the rain gear away, closed the door and started cooking. "System, what do you think the big brother will do if he comes to me? I have nothing but money now."

He was talking and cooking, but he didn't care that System 460 didn't respond to him. System 460 listened and suddenly asked: "What are you going to do if I ask you for money?"

Rui He was obviously happy. He was very happy when the system responded to him in ten sentences. After hearing what the system said clearly, he thought for a moment: "Then it depends on what the money is for and how much you want to borrow. I won't do it if it's too much." "Borrow." Suddenly he thought of something, "System, can you have New Year's Eve dinner with me?" He looked forward to it, his dark face bright, "It's just the two of us, can you eat?" Do you like fish? Or meatballs?”

System 460 suddenly lost its voice. It wanted to speak, but seemed to have lost the ability to speak. It was as if the language program in my body was out of control and my mind was filled with gibberish.

"System? System, are you here?"

"I'm here. Sorry host, I don't need to eat. I don't eat fish or meatballs." After a pause, System 460 said, "Thank you for the invitation."

The light in Rui He's eyes quickly dissipated, and he lowered his eyes and said, "Okay."

After a quick meal, Ruihe went to read a book again. He thought of his sister Xu Ruizhu. Now that he had money, he could buy a lot of things. He also wanted to buy the things Aunt Xiu'e wanted to buy like Dashui, and he also wanted to buy a dowry for his sister like Zhang Tianci.

But he has no sister now.

For the New Year's Eve dinner in a few days, it will be just me.

After thinking about it, he didn't even turn over a page of the textbook. He pursed his lips and quickly pressed his nose with the back of his hand.

I'm older, I'm fourteen, I have to be brave.

Hold it back, hold it back, and push back the tears.

But my eyes were still blurry, and I couldn't see clearly the words on the textbook in front of me.

After seeing this, System 460 was a little worried about the host's mental health and regretted that he had just refused so directly. A qualified system should keep the host physically and mentally healthy and in good condition to perform tasks within the scope of power.

After thinking about it, the code in my mind was beating, and System 460 finally came up with a remedy that I thought was very good. So Ruihe, who was rubbing his eyes in embarrassment, heard the voice of the system tablet: "Host, I can't eat, but I can sit with you on New Year's Eve until you finish eating."

Rui He let go and said in surprise: "Really?"

"Really, I never lie."

Rui He showed a big smile: "Thank you."

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