Winner in life

$159.102 I want to be a big star

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough.

Brother Ming said: "Let's not talk about the bamboo baskets. After the bread bowls were delivered to the city factory, I heard that many of them will be sold abroad. They must be made to look good and durable. If they are not made well, the factory will definitely not be able to enter. .” He pointed out that Mrs. Zhang’s bread bowl was good, but she still needed to learn how to make the bamboo basket.

Then he said to Li Dashui, "Peeling bamboo slices is also a craft. There are requirements for length, thickness, and green bamboo. It won't work if the hands are too thick or heavy. However, after entering the factory, one person will not be allowed to do these two things. Generally, someone will do it. You divide into groups of three, one chops bamboo, the other cuts bamboo, and the other weaves. Of course, it doesn’t mean that it’s just one person doing it all. Workers should help each other.” He suggested that Li Dashui could specialize in cutting bamboo, and he would be able to do it when the time comes. If you beg the manager for mercy, there might be a chance.

In such a tight time, it was time for the factory to recruit workers. Ruihe asked for leave in advance from the production team leader, and got up before dawn that day. He met Li Dashui at the intersection with sweet potatoes, and the two found a corner to squat on the edge of the field. Then, dig a hole and stuff it with broken leaves and dry branches to light it, then stuff the sweet potato inside to suffocate it.

Li Dashui frowned and said: "My hands are thick and I can't even hold a needle. If I had known that I couldn't even learn how to make a bamboo basket, I wouldn't have wasted ten pounds of sweet potatoes at home." He took out the bamboo slices he had stayed up late last night and gave them to Ruihe. , "Can you see if it's well cut?"

Ruihe inspected it carefully and picked out the pieces that were not very well shaved.

"Take these good ones and practice again before the sweet potatoes are ripe."

The two of them agreed to go out early with the intention of practicing one last time. Ruihe was not polite to him and started knitting seriously.

Li Dashui looked at Rui He's dexterous movements with envy, then reluctantly tried again, and finally gave up with regret. As Brother Yong said, he could only try the path of cutting bamboo and cutting it into pieces. He worked hard to stay up until past three o'clock last night, wondering whether he would be able to enter the factory today.

Looking up and seeing Li Dashui looking very nervous, Ruihe comforted him: "You can definitely do it. Look at how well you cut these bamboo slices. They are exactly the same as Brother Yong said." Seeing Li Dashui's eyes falling on the small bundle next to him, Regarding the defective products, Ruihe racked his brains and came up with another motivational saying: "As long as I work in the factory for a month, I may earn thirty yuan in wages."

Ruihe coveted the thirty dollars very much. He was dragged by Li Dashui to the supply and marketing cooperative once. There were so many things in it! His eyes fell on those candies and rice cakes and he couldn't pull them away. He wants to make money! Buying rice cakes! As long as he thinks of that sweet taste, he can endure any pain.

Li Dashui swallowed. No matter how many times he heard the news, he felt excited. "Thirty dollars! That's a lot!"

In this ordinary village where you can't spend more than a few yuan all year round, thirty yuan is really a lot. Nowadays, there are few labor-intensive jobs. Ordinary people work in the fields all year round, spending time here and there to earn other money, which is only small money. Earning more than ten or twenty yuan a year is considered good. For these thirty yuan, Li Dashui's heart surged with courage and he nodded heavily: "Let's work hard together!"

After eating sweet potatoes to fill your stomach, it’s almost time.

The two encouraged each other to go to the bamboo factory. When the bamboo factory opened at seven o'clock, there were many people signing up, most of them young people. His thoughts are probably similar to those of Li Dashui. He also feels sorry for the younger children at home. Working in a factory is more comfortable than working in the fields in the wind and sun, right? Bamboo basket making is also a craft. Young people learn things quickly and benefit from it for a lifetime. In this way, making bambooware is the best job in Shangmei Village.

Ruihe also saw several familiar educated youths, including Lu Peiyin. Many people came today. Fortunately, the rice transplanting has ended, and it is easy to get approval for leave now. Rui He and Li Dashui are not the only ones from the production team where Rui He is working to ask for leave.

Li Dashui took Rui He and lined up to get the bamboo. The steward first asked them to cut bamboo slices, and then asked them to weave the latest bamboo baskets. "I want bread bowls and bamboo baskets, both." The steward said, pointing to the finished products on the table. "The size will be the same as the ones on the table. The time is until twelve noon."

"Come on." Rui He and Li Dashui high-fived, and under the guidance of the steward, they sat down in their respective seats and started working.

This was not the first time that Ruihe weaved an entire bamboo basket by himself. He knew the steps very well and calmly reviewed them in his mind several times while cutting the bamboo pieces. According to Mingyong, there are three bread bowls in a set, one size smaller in order. The bread bowl on the table is the largest one, and the bread bowl is used to hold bread, so the bamboo slices need to be cut thinner. , he planned to make the bread bowl first, so as not to have too much time later and cut the bamboo slices in a hurry.

The preparation work was well done, and cutting the bamboo slices calmed him down very well, and it went smoothly when he officially started knitting. Staying up late and practicing more finally brought him results. Ruihe weaved the bread bowl and bamboo basket one after another. After receiving it, the steward inspected it. He not only pulled it with his fingers, but also pressed it with his palm to make sure the shape was good and the quality was good. Satisfied, he praised him for his skill.

Ruihe's face flushed with joy.

"Okay, you've been hired. Come and start work in the afternoon. You'll get it at one o'clock. You'll get off work at six o'clock. You'll start work at seven-thirty tomorrow morning and get off work at twelve o'clock. You're not allowed to be late and leave early. Your wages will be paid once a month. You will be paid at that time. You are divided into two team members, and you work together, and the wages are divided equally." The manager explained how to calculate the wages, "It costs 30 cents to make one of these bamboo baskets. There are three models in the bread bowl factory, and the large one costs 30 cents. , two cents for the medium size, and one cent for the small size. If you want to make a complete set, stack them up.”

Rui He nodded repeatedly, and the steward wrote down his name and asked him to press a red handprint.

But not everyone has it as smoothly as Ruihe. The factory wants to recruit "skilled workers" and has no intention of training the workers. If they do well, they will accept them, and if they do poorly, they will reject them. There is a craft that is very popular these days, and not everyone is willing to teach it to outsiders.

Ming Yong was preparing to get married and was working hard to collect good things for the happy event, so he secretly accepted the request from Li Dashui's mother Xiu'e. Nowadays, supplies are in short supply, and tickets are required to buy almost anything, whether it is a piece of soap, a piece of cake, or something. The same is true for the kerosene used in two oil lamps and a grain of white sugar. Ming Yong has a very good relationship with his fiancée, Honoka, his childhood sweetheart. He is determined to hold a decent wedding and buy things for his fiancée, so the demand for all kinds of tickets is high. Otherwise, he would not accept Li Dashui, Ruihe and others.

At this recruitment meeting, Li Dashui's bamboo basket was still not very good. Some places were tight and some were wide enough to fit his thumb. The steward was very dissatisfied. When asked again, Li Dashui couldn't even make a bread bowl and shook his head. Rui He hurriedly said: "He is very good at cutting bamboo! Look! Da Shui is strong and has steady hands. He can help chop bamboo and cut bamboo in the future. I can team up with him!"

The steward took a closer look at the bamboo basket weaved by Li Dashui. The bamboo pieces were indeed well-cut, and they were no worse than those made by experienced hands. He took Li Dashui's hands and looked at them, and finally nodded: "That's okay. Just wait a moment, and I'll let you know if there's a shortage of people to cut bamboo slices." Generally speaking, priority must be given to recruiting those who can do everything. .

Li Dashui was very happy because he didn't refuse directly, and thanked the steward repeatedly: "Thank you, Uncle Qi!"

The steward waved his hand and continued to check other people's finished products.

Ruihe was very happy when he was successfully hired into the bamboo factory. Before leaving, he went to check on Sister Zhang. She had to wait for the manager to check, so she waved to Ruihe and told him to go home and cook first, and shouted again "Go collect firewood first!" The voice was so loud that many people turned to look at her. Familiar villagers joked: "It's amazing how you can wake up your brother-in-law." Sister-in-law Zhang raised her eyebrows and said, "You have raised him so big. Can you still instruct him?"

Rui He nodded hurriedly: "Then I'll pick it up right now." He said goodbye to Mrs. Zhang and pulled Li Dashui out. Li Dashui also wanted to collect firewood, so they went up the mountain together.

Ruihe never expected to meet Lu Peiyin on the mountain. He was deeply impressed by this young and good-looking girl. From her usual appearance, she seemed to have been brought up by a good family. In addition to his original hometown, she was a "lady from a rich family". Lu Peiyin is the most beautiful among the educated youths in Shangmei Village. She is also the most beautiful dream of the original owner in her childhood. Beautiful and unique things always attract people's attention. Although Ruihe does not have the same love for Lu Peiyin as the original owner, But I also admire such beautiful girls.

When he saw Lu Peiyin approaching and taking the initiative to say hello, he smiled at her and continued walking forward.

Li Dashui also smiled and waved, and did not say anything more embarrassing to Rui He. Li Dashui considers himself to be good friends with Zhang Xiaoshan. If he wants to pursue a girl, he must support and help create conditions. If he doesn't like her, he will have to stop messing around and make it difficult for him to be a good person.

Lu Peiyin held the basket and looked at Rui He's back with frowning eyebrows. She didn't care about the sweat dripping from her temples, but bit her lower lip worriedly.

She received the news that the bamboo factory was recruiting workers earlier than others. She worked hard and studied for more than ten days. She thought she was already proficient. Who would have thought that she would be screened out. Finally, she found a breakthrough from Zhang Weiping and got a promise that if someone was willing to give her a spot, Zhang Weiping could secretly write her name on it. Anyway, the bamboo basket she made was not too bad. There were four or five managers in the factory who interviewed her. Who knows who hired her?

This method is foolproof, as long as Lu Peiyin can find a candidate. She thought in her heart that no one could give her such a good opportunity for no reason, so this candidate must like her. The second point is that this person should be honest and not look for trouble so that he can be easily dismissed in the future. Among those who have been recruited, Lu Peiyin identified his target: Zhang Xiaoshan.

She was used to passively accepting other people's overtures. She didn't have to speak, she just had to frown and shed a few tears, or smile, and someone would hand her something to share her worries.

No words will be left behind.

She wouldn't let herself get to the point of actually marrying a country boy.

But this time she seemed to have miscalculated. That Zhang Xiaoshan seemed to not like her all of a sudden. The chance encounter just now did not lead Zhang Xiaoshan to take the initiative to say a few words to her. As long as Zhang Xiaoshan dared to talk to her, she had the ability to fend off Li Dashui and make Zhang Xiaoshan willing to do so. Offer to give her your spot.

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