Winner in life

$169.112 I want to be a big star (1/2)

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough.

The red ball once again said with its flat plate without any fluctuations: "Host, please don't panic. I have detected that your mental fluctuations are too great. For the sake of your physical and mental health, I suggest you use sleep assistance. Do you accept it?"

Rui He was even more frightened. He had no idea what these words meant and was so frightened that he cried. The next second he suddenly felt extremely sleepy, tilted his head and lost consciousness.

Li Dashui, who was waiting around for his friend at home, couldn't sit still and rushed out to go to Zhang's house, but he tripped and fell. After I got up, I turned around and was frightened.

Why does it look like he's the same person?

At this time, it was completely dark, and there were only scattered candlelights from various houses, which could not illuminate the road outside at all. After all, Li Dashui was still young and too scared to come forward, so he ran home frantically and called his brother: "There is a person nesting against the wall in front of me!"

When the men of the Li family who were squatting in the yard to cool off heard this, they quickly followed him. Li Dashui's mother, Xiu'e, followed behind with an oil lamp. As a result, when the candlelight shone, they turned out to be acquaintances.

Xiu'e kept shouting: "Why is Xiaoshan fainting here? Oh, and there is a bag of sweet potatoes."

"Did you get robbed?"

"It doesn't look like there is a bag of sweet potatoes here despite being robbed?"

Li Dashui's eldest brother Li Datian carried Ruihe back to Zhang's house. Zhang Dashan and his wife were shocked. How could they come back sideways after leaving the house in good condition? After listening to Li Dashui's explanation of the cause and effect, and receiving Li Dashui's mother's suspicious eyes, Zhang Dashui said The sister-in-law was angry and aggrieved: "Aunt Xiu'e, why do you think so of me? It's none of my business if Xiaoshan faints."

Xiu'e laughed and said, "Maybe the young man was hungry very quickly and fainted as soon as he went out."

Faint from hunger?

Sister-in-law Zhang felt a surge of anger rushing straight to her forehead: "I ate two bowls of sweet potato porridge and three steamed sweet potatoes for dinner. How can I still faint from hunger? Aunt Xiu'e, you don't know what's going on in our family, so don't talk nonsense." ”

Zhang Dashan also felt uncomfortable on his face: "Auntie, Xiaoshan has enough to eat every meal. There are only three people in our family. We have enough food, so we don't have to save money. I think he may be tired from working during the day, so he wants to go Bamboo factory, I thought the bamboo factory was not as tiring as working in the fields, so I let him go. Look, the sweet potatoes in the bag are still tuition fees. He said he wanted to learn basket weaving from Ming Yong, so I let him take as much as he wanted. Just get the tuition fee. "You've already treated him like this, how can you still treat him badly?

Xiu'e smiled again: "I was just joking, what are you so excited about? That's it! Let's go back first. If Xiaoshan wakes up and still wants to learn, come to us, Dashui." Before leaving, she asked: " If you don’t wake up after a while, go to the health center to see Yigu.”

Brother Zhang responded: "I know, Auntie, don't worry."

Li Dashui was also dragged away by his mother. She was really worried about the situation of her good friend. Xiu'e pinched his ear and said: "Go to your brother Yong's house quickly. Don't go home tonight if you don't learn!"

Zhang family.

Zhang Dashan checked Ruihe and found that he had no fever or cramps and looked as if he was asleep. If he hadn't seen with his own eyes that his brother had indeed eaten dinner tonight, he would have suspected that he was fainting from hunger.

"I think he's asleep!" Aunt Zhang said angrily, bringing in a bowl of water and asking her husband to give it to her brother-in-law. "Aunt Xiu'e is the same. She can't say anything nice. She took it when she saw Xiaoshan fainted. It’s none of my business to look at you like that! It’s really embarrassing for Xiaoshan!”

Zhang Dashan fed Ruihe water and remained silent. Finally he said, "Go back to sleep. We have to go to work tomorrow."

"What about Xiaoshan entering the factory?"

"Let's wait until he wakes up."

Sister-in-law Zhang asked: "How about I go? Let Xiaoshan continue to go to the ground."

Zhang Dashan looked at her: "Can you weave bamboo baskets?"

Sister-in-law Zhang pouted: "How difficult is this? Can't I go to Mingyong to learn it? Anyway, the sweet potato has been installed, so I can learn it."

The candlelight reflected Zhang Dashan's shadow on the earth wall in a distorted way. He was silent for a long time. Sister Zhang knew his temper, so she continued to talk about her own. "We have been married for five years and still have no children. It is probably because we are tired. Working in a factory is much more leisurely than working in the fields. Maybe the children will come?"

Finally, Zhang Dashan nodded: "Well, you go to Mingyong's house now. You only have five days to learn, so hurry up and learn. I know that the bamboo factory in the village has very high requirements for workers. If they don't do well, they won't do it." Recruiting you, this time the recruitment will be expanded, the requirements will not be much lower, please pay attention. "

Sister-in-law Zhang rolled her eyes: "You don't have to say that." After saying that, she turned around and left.

Ruihe didn't know what was happening outside. In fact, he had a dream immediately after falling asleep. In the dream he saw himself clearly.

He was lying on the bed, and the blood flowing from his lower body had condensed into dark brown. His sister Ruizhu lay on the bedside, covering her mouth and crying, and the tears kept flowing down her fingers like water.

In this house, you can't cry, and you can't make a sound when you cry, otherwise you will look depressed and dirty, and the master will not like it.

Ruihe looked at himself and his sister in a daze, not knowing what was going on. He had dreamed of this scene many times, of how sad his sister would be after he disappeared, but it had never been so clear and real. If he hadn't reached out to touch his sister's head but it went through, he would have thought he was really back.

"You're going to die." It was the same weird voice, but Ruihe was no longer afraid. He thought that maybe the red ball was sent by gods and Buddhas all over the sky to see him sincerely and send him home to have a look. He squatted on the ground and caressed his sister's head softly, coaxing softly: "Don't cry, you have to take care of yourself when my brother is away from now on. I hid all our money under the bed. Remember to hide it and get it yourself later." You should take care of your monthly income, and save the rest to redeem yourself. Don’t worry about my funeral, just go out in one go, don’t spend any money..."

I couldn't help but shed tears as I spoke. He knew he wouldn't survive. After being beaten like that, he couldn't even feel the pain in his lower body, so he would never recover. The life of a slave these days is cheap. Besides his sister who will cry for him, how can he expect the steward to hire a doctor for him? Besides, he was here to take the blame for his master's children, so it would be better if he died. If the master's child makes a mistake, it must be caused by the servants around him.

It's just that he really can't worry about his sister!

The more Rui He urged, the more he felt uneasy. He only felt worried about everything and was full of worries.

A surge of courage surged in his heart. He turned around and knelt down towards the red ball behind him, kowtowing heavily: "I don't know what kind of god you are. I just ask you to let me live for two more years until my sister grows up." Big! I will do my best to repay you!"

"Host, please don't be like this. I am not a god. I am System 460, from Jinjiang Company. Next, I will introduce myself to you carefully. Considering that the world's social development process in which you live is still in a backward stage, the level of science and technology has not been developed. The level is low, and you may not be able to fully understand what I say next, so I will try to explain it to the host in an easy-to-understand way. Please ask if you don’t understand.”

Ruihe: "...what did you say?"

Next, Ruihe heard the weirdest, most mysterious, and most incomprehensible words he had ever heard since he could remember.

Although he had never read a book, he later entered the house and became the little book boy next to the master's children. He attended a few lessons with the little master and learned a few words. It's impossible to write with your hands, but at least you can understand some principles, and it's not like you are blind with your eyes open.

But he seemed to understand every word of what this "immortal" said, so why couldn't he understand the combination at all?

What "virtual plane", what "soul energy", what "binding system"? Ruihe's head was full of mushy and painful. But he has one good thing, that is, he is cautious and patient. It doesn’t matter if you’re not smart, just listen, then watch, don’t talk too much and don’t ask too many questions. He didn't interrupt the "immortal" when he was talking. He just went through all the words in his mind carefully and wrote down five or seven points. After the immortal stopped, he carefully asked his question.

After asking and answering, Ruihe finally understood. He never imagined that he would have such good luck, that a stroke of luck would come from heaven, giving him a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation.

From Ruihe's own understanding, it turns out that this red ball system 460 came from a large company called Jinjiang in a distant place, and he was an employee there. He knew about the company. After foreigners came to China, they established many factories. Some of them produced towels. He had seen the owners use them. The towels were indeed well-woven, soft and smooth. It's just that this Jinjiang company is more powerful. They create many worlds for vacation. People in that distant place like to travel to different worlds. Those tourists sometimes encounter some difficulties, and they need someone to help them.

"I'm the one who's going to help?" Rui He couldn't believe it, "But I don't know anything, can I help?"

"Host, don't be nervous. The fact that I can find you proves that your soul is strong enough to withstand multiple teleportations into the mission world. Don't refuse in a hurry. If you accept the system binding, you will be able to do it after completing the mission." If you have a chance to survive, you will be able to return to your loved ones, and there will be corresponding rewards for successfully completing the mission, which can be used for you and your loved ones to improve your life or even change your life. "

"Host, do you want to accept the binding?"

Survive...return to loved changing...

Rui He nodded heavily: "I accept!"

It's no wonder that Lu Peiyin's move looked familiar to Ruihe. It was clearly what Zhang Xiaoshan had encountered. In Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, after he successfully applied for the job, he encountered Lu Peiyin and fell down in front of him on the village road. After he went to help him, he helped Lu Peiyin to a secluded and sunny place to avoid the scorching sun. Later, the original person heard the other party complaining in tears. She hated herself for not being chosen. The hand she was wiping tears from was covered with scars cut by bamboo splinters. There were old and new red marks, which made Zhang Xiaoshan feel very distressed.

Zhang Xiaoshan was not Ruihe. He was obsessed with Lu Peiyin day after day. As soon as his brain got hot, he fell into Lu Peiyin's language trap and said that he could give up his seat to her.

He took the initiative and was willing to do so, but he was still afraid of Lu Peiyin's rejection.

It's just that Ruihe thought that he wouldn't encounter such a thing this time. After all, he didn't stay in the factory to wait for Lu Peiyin, nor did he follow her to escort her worriedly. This time he went up the mountain to collect firewood. According to the trajectory of his previous life, he should not have met Lu Peiyin, but he was still on the mountain. He was surprised to see Lu Peiyin just now, and now he looked even weirder when he saw Lu Peiyin fall.

Zhang Xiaoshan's memory of Lu Peiyin was extremely beautifying. It was basically a white moonlight cinnabar mole. However, Lu Peiyin's behavior did not cross the line at all. There was no active physical contact. His methods of swaying people's hearts were very high-end. Although Ruihe had seen Zhang Xiaoshan's memory did not discover Lu Peiyin's secret methods.

He hadn't gotten the hang of it at all, and couldn't understand the hesitation in Lu Peiyin's eyes.

Therefore, Ruihe had always thought that Zhang Xiaoshan liked Lu Peiyin, and that all those courtesy and help were Zhang Xiaoshan's own will.

When he saw Lu Peiyin fall down today, a light bulb suddenly flashed in his mind. It turned out that in Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, Lu Peiyin fell down on purpose! Otherwise, it would be too coincidental! She turned out to be such a scheming woman. After thinking about this, Ruihe had no good impression of that beautiful face.

When he saw Li Dashui coming over to help him, he didn't move. When Li Dashui helped someone over, he continued to walk forward without saying anything to help.

Lu Peiyin took the initiative to talk, and she was pitiful and delicate. She also talked about the recruitment of workers at the bamboo factory today. What she said was almost exactly the same as what Zhang Xiaoshan remembered, and every sentence was touching. Even Li Dashui, who didn't have the kind of affection between men and women for Lu Peiyin, felt that Lu Peiyin was very hardworking, diligent and strong, and it was a pity that she was not selected.

"Life Winner [Quick Wear]"

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