Winner in life

Chapter 176 119 I want to be a big star

This movie, which the original person loved very much, was as explosive as the original person remembered. Liu Congwu did not have exact box office data in his memory. He only knew that the movie was very good and many colleagues were talking about it.

"That's a movie about improper parenting." A friend who was also an extra introduced him. Liu Congwu became interested in this movie for some reason. He took the time to watch the movie and burst into tears.

At that time, it was the time when he gave up everything and became a group actor in Beidiao. You are thirty years old. How many thirty years can you have in your life? At the age of thirty, he finally wanted to give it a try for his dream. It took a lot of courage to give up a stable life and job. The lack of support from his parents put a heavy psychological burden on him. It is true that there is a big difference between him and Tan Xi. The reason why he was deeply touched is because he couldn't ask for the love of his parents. When he was young, he deliberately studied badly in order to attract the attention of his parents, and his grades plummeted. But Tan Xi ended up lonely all his life because his mother interfered too much.

How much or how little parents pay attention to can never be accurately measured with a measuring stick or scale. How much is appropriate? Liu Congwu couldn't figure it out. He only knew that watching this movie made him very sad.

"I would rather I was Tan Xi." Liu Congwu even had such an idea at that time. At least, when he said he wanted to be an actor, Tan Xi's mother, regardless of whether she agreed or not, always praised him first and then praised him, making Tan Xi feel happy before she came to coax Tan Xi to give up the idea.

He also hopes that his parents can coax him, even if they say they are unwilling to let him work hard or be too far away from home, he may still be willing to be restrained.

At that time, Liu Congwu didn't have so many artistic and pretentious thoughts, and he couldn't say such words as "There is a kind of love that people are willing to indulge in", but if he saw this sentence, he would definitely agree with it. Wasn't that how Tan Xi was raised to waste?

Ruihe wrote down his feelings about watching the movie and then closed the notebook. After thinking about it, he took out the small book he had compiled Liu Congwu's memories in and looked at it. The TV series and movies recorded in it were not particularly many. Compared with reality, more than half of them had already happened, and there were not many left. Among them, the ones suitable for his role were And a little less.

"I hope "Goodbye Tanxi" can bring me new development." Ruihe thought.

Not only does he think so, Fan Junli is also more confident because the box office of "Goodbye Tan Xi" continues to rise. Every day that passes, he becomes more happy. The number one actor with a box office of over 100 million, what a nice name it is. Performance is the most solid resume of an actor, and no one can shake it.

Sure enough, with the popularity of the movie, the number of scripts communicated or handed over has increased significantly. Even Tong Wei said that there is no need to hype up the relationship and hopes that Jiajun Studio will reconsider the cooperation for the new film. Apart from anything else, Fan Junli is very excited. Tong Wei's new film has a good theme, a light comedy, and the audience is not small. Such light comedies have been quite popular in the past two years. Everyone said that they felt happy and cheerful after watching it. Generally speaking, as long as it is well shot and well edited, the box office will not be low.

Therefore, Fan Junli was busy contacting new resources and was extremely busy. It seemed to Ruihe that Fan Junli was even busier than before.

He was temporarily unemployed. Professor Jiang sent him three new books, two of which were edited by his name. Ruihe was fascinated by them and wrote 20,000 words of reading notes.

But his private vacation soon ended. With "Goodbye Tanxi" about to be released, this dark horse from the low-cost summer movie became the biggest winner in the same period, with a box office performance of 1.14 billion. Standing there, it not only brought Ruihe the shining name of the number one male actor with a billion-dollar box office, but also brought him a real investment dividend of 75 million.

Seventy-five million.

You can get these benefits by investing two million. No wonder there are more and more businessmen investing in the industry, and even Fan Junli's father has begun to enter this industry. If the investment is successful, the money will come slowly over a long period of time, but the returns are really objective. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge profit.

Ruihe looked at the amount in Kali and was stunned. He didn't react for a long time. He actually had some insomnia that night. Insomnia was a rare experience for him, which shows how much shock this dividend brought to Ruihe.

He has been in the industry for seven years, and has braved the cold, heat, water and fire, but in the end he only earned tens of millions of savings. Those tens of millions of savings already made Ruihe feel like a dream. In the last mission world, he had taught all his life, and in the end his savings were still the most valuable of the courtyard house he bought in his early years. But in this life, he can earn tens of millions of dollars in just seven years. Even if he had known the difference in this industry, watching the amount in his bank card increase by tens of thousands, he still felt like he was in a dream.

"Next time there is a good opportunity, I will vote again!" Fan Junli said.

Rui He thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

With this large sum of money, Ruihe donated 5 million to the Red Cross Charity. He also remembered that he heard Chang Ning mention that his alma mater Baihua Drama Academy was building a new teaching building, so he called the teacher at the university and left. The program donated two million.

Once the money is spent, Ruihe will feel more at ease. He put the card away, thinking that he would have money to invest when he encounters a movie or TV show he likes in the future. Thinking of this, the remaining two points of uneasiness due to the sudden huge sum of money completely dissipated. When he came back to his senses, he felt belatedly happy, and then called Chang Ning: "I've become rich, and I'll treat you to a big dinner!"

Chang Ning laughed: "I'm about to get married, hurry up and prepare a big red envelope for me! Just wait, I'll send you an invitation tomorrow!"

The next day Chang Ning came to Xiaoqin Lake to deliver invitations. Rui He laughed at him: "We're finally getting married. I've been preparing this red envelope for a long time."

"Hey, there's nothing I can do. I've just lost weight." Chang Ning, who had lost a lot of weight, could finally see a bit of how he looked when he was studying. Rui He was amazed: "You keep saying you want to lose weight, but it seems you still need to have some weight." An important matter forces you to make up your mind. "Chang Ning's girlfriend's mother is a health guru and is very dissatisfied with Chang Ning's nearly 200 kilogram figure. She is afraid that he will be in poor health because of his obesity and his daughter will marry him. Suffer. So Chang Ning, who gave up his career in the entertainment industry for food, lost 50 pounds in a year and a half with the encouragement of love, and turned from a fat boy into a somewhat muscular young man. His mother-in-law finally nodded, and the wedding date was mentioned. schedule.

After getting together with Chang Ning, Rui He went to see Liu Congbin again and brought snacks and food to the couple. After Liu Congbin got married, Ruihe planned to give the apartment in the community to Liu Congbin as a wedding room. Since he didn't need to live in it, how could Liu Congbin be willing to take it? They just said that they rented a house near the school and would talk about buying a house later.

House prices have skyrocketed in recent years, with house prices in the capital doubling compared to a few years ago. Ruihe really wants to help Liu Congbin settle in the capital. Liu Congbin wrote an IOU and borrowed 800,000 yuan from Ruihe. With his and his wife's savings, he paid a down payment of a 70-square-meter house and planned to slowly decorate it. So this time, Ruihe went to rent a house owned by Liu Congbin and his wife. One had a good meal.

After dinner, Ruihe went shopping alone before returning to Xiaoqin Lake. The next day was the celebration party for "Goodbye Tanxi". Everyone at the celebration party was beaming with joy. Ruihe had met several other investors. People even saw director Li Yizhen, who seemed to be here to support his apprentice Lu Hanguang. Ruihe greeted Director Xiao Li and clinked glasses. Director Xiao Li said with a smile: "Long time no see. We had no fate before, but your cooperation with Han Guang is also another kind of fate."

Rui He understood that the other party was talking about "The Educated Youth Years". At that time, his role was snatched away by Xia Mingyao. Later, Xia Mingyao had an accident, and the Educated Youth crew came to invite him again. Unfortunately, he had no schedule at the time, so he declined. Ruihe smiled and exchanged greetings with Li Yizhen before going elsewhere.

When Ruihe walked away, Li Yizhen looked at his back and nodded slowly: "He is a malleable talent. Compared with that year, he has improved a lot, and his performance is much smoother." His memory is outstanding, and he still remembers that time. Liu Congwu's performance during the audition was simple. Lu Hanguang agreed: "He also has a really good temper. In my latest film, it would be great if the male lead had a temper like Liu Congwu!" You can meet any actor." Li Yizhen said, "I recently had a scene——"

Lu Hanguang asked: "Teacher, do you like him?"

"Let's talk about it then. I have seven or eight candidates on hand." Li Yizhen drank the wine in one gulp and put down the glass. "I'm leaving first."

The dark horse of "Goodbye Tan Hee" has emerged, allowing Ruihe, the leading male lead, to receive unprecedented attention and popularity at the end of this summer since his debut. The fire is cooking, and in the early autumn, he gets a new Invitations for brand endorsements, invitations to film resources that Fan Junli has been thinking about for a long time, and countless interview invitations...

From the time the movie was released to its release, Ruihe's popularity went from mediocre to explosive. Many people remembered Tanxi and thus him.

At the celebration banquet, Rui He was like a star over the moon. Guests were greeting each other with polite greetings, toasts and conversing one after another, making his ears noisy. His heart was happy, but still as steady as before.

In December 2020, "Eighteen Bends on the Mountain Road" was launched on the star. Ruihe took advantage of the popularity and bonus brought by "Goodbye Tanxi", a highly popular movie, to provide "Eighteen Bends on the Mountain Road" The launch attracted a good viewing base. In the end, the TV series achieved an average ratings of 1.323, and the ratings even exceeded 2 in the finale.

In April 2022, "Youth" hit the airwaves, with novel themes and various aspects of the entertainment industry. Netizens called it a "TV series that really talks about actors." This statement made director Lin Guanglin burst into tears and felt that he was very Years of hard work have paid off. Because of the popularity the male lead Liu Congwu has gained with the audience over the years, his name is the most real propaganda. The audience has a good impression of him, so they don't hesitate to turn to the channel to watch Liu Congwu's new drama, and then they are attracted by the TV series. In the end, Turn the channel again. "Youth" started with a ratings of 0.7, broke 1 in three days, and stabilized between 1.5 in the second week. After the finale, the average ratings were 2.556. The data proudly ranked first among new TV series broadcast throughout the year, becoming the leader in TV series projects that year.

"Eighteen Bends on the Mountain Road" brought Ruihe a Golden Peony Television Award and an Orchid Award nomination. Although neither of them won the award, "Youth" finally brought Ruihe a Golden Peony Television Award and another Orchid Award. The Emperor's Trophy.

One Golden Peony Award for Best Actor and two Orchid Award for Best Actor, Ruihe, who has just turned 35, has become a veritable gold star. In the TV industry, he can finally be called "senior" by new actors.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

The hit "Goodbye Tan Hee" was released that year, and Ruihe was later nominated for Best Actor in three major film awards, but unfortunately he did not win in the end.

His acting ability seems not to be enough to knock on the door of a stronger and higher level of film.

In the meantime, the movie "Return to the South" co-produced by Rui He and Tong Wei was released, but it did not cause any splash.

But he was in no hurry. When he became the Third Vision Emperor, System 460 notified him that the task was completed. The client's task of "becoming a household name" had already been realized when he took a prosperous path in the TV drama circle.

TV series have entered thousands of households, and the popularity of TV series has naturally increased.

But there is still a long way to go in the future.

"I am only 35 years old." Ruihe told System 460, with a warm expectation for the future in his eyes, "I can still make some progress."

System 460 already knows Ruihe's character very well, and habitually encouraged him after hearing his words: "Host, come on."

Ruihe smiled and lowered his head to continue reading the script.

The author has something to say: Early, early, early! !

I will start to post extra chapters tomorrow to explain other trivial matters that cannot be written in the main text

Love you!

"Winner in Life [Quick Transmigration]"

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