Winner in life

Chapter 180 02 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

Before Lu Mingcong died, he had never heard of the word "Tianshi". In his eyes, the world was simple and ordinary. After nine years of compulsory education and three years of junior high school education, he was still a qualified materialist. The first time he saw a ghost before his death, he could not provide Ruihe with more information.

Speaking of this world, Ruihe had never been exposed to it before. Although he had often heard some proverbs about ghosts before, such as "If you don't do bad things, you don't have to be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door", "Don't talk about people for a hundred days and don't talk about ghosts at night", etc., Ruihe had never seen a ghost. Well, his current situation is actually no different from a ghost.

Ruihe, who was thinking about what to do next, suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. Lu Qiao opened the door and came in, turning on the light. As soon as he saw Ruihe, he raised his eyebrows: "You are going to die. Who do you want to scare to death by not turning on the light at home!"

Ruihe retracted his thoughts and said in a gentle voice: "Mom, you are back, the meal is ready."

Lu Qiao snorted coldly, threw the bag to get clothes, and finally smashed the door of the bathroom, and the sound of water came from inside.

Ruihe didn't care. He slowly brought the dishes to the table. He had just cooked dinner while thinking about something.

He was not in a hurry to eat, otherwise Lu Qiao would come out and see that he had already eaten, and she would definitely scold him again. His feet hurt, and he didn't want to hurt his ears.

However, even if he learned from his original body and waited for Lu Qiao to come out, Lu Qiao didn't give him a good face. She was picky while eating, either the rice was hard or the dishes were old and the soup was salty. The last sentence concluded: "What's the point of raising you!"

Then he suddenly threw the bowl and lay on the table and cried: "Why didn't you die... You should have died..."

Ruihe's face was calm. He didn't care. The original body must have been heartbroken. He had no feelings for Lu Qiao, and didn't comfort her. He finished the meal by himself.

If nothing unexpected happened, this would be the last meal with Lu Qiao.

Life and death were imminent. Ruihe didn't know whether the black-robed Taoist priest had locked onto this body at this time. The black-robed Taoist priest had a deep hatred for the head of the Zhai family, who was also the father of the original body. Ruihe did not dare to stay here for another day. He did not want to experience the painful memories in the original body's memory again.

If he was caught again, this mission world would be the shortest world he had ever experienced.

Not to mention completing the mission, his life would be gone.

It was about a year and a half before the black-robed Taoist priest caught him. The original body died on his eighteenth birthday, and was caught a month before his birthday. Ruihe decided to escape from here first, find a hidden place to heal his leg injury first, and then plan other things.

Lu Qiao cried and cried, wiped her tears and continued to eat, and instructed Ruihe: "I want to eat pizza, go buy it."

Ruihe put down the bowl and wiped his mouth, saying: "I have no money."

Lu Qiao glared: "Say it again!"

Ruihe stretched out his foot: "I have a broken bone. I went to the hospital in the afternoon and spent all my pocket money." This was a lie. He still had more than 100 yuan left.

Lu Qiao breathed rapidly. Her requests to Lu Mingcong were always met: "Why are you so useless? What's the point of keeping you?! Get out!"

Ruihe put away the dishes and chopsticks, but he didn't roll out. He rolled up to the attic. The attic was wired and equipped with a light tube. He turned on the light and began to pack up. The attic was low, only about 1.7 meters high. After putting the bed in the bed and lying on it, the feeling of crampedness became even stronger. In the space of less than ten square meters, there was not only a single bed, but also a folding table and a small cloth cupboard in the corner. Some clothes could not be put in, so they were stuffed in canvas bags and piled next to them.

Very messy.

It took less than half an hour for Ruihe to pack his clothes. Because he didn't know how long he would stay outside, he took all the clothes for all seasons, thin quilts, towels and other daily necessities with him. The original identity card that he had just obtained was in the iron box, and Ruihe also put it away. He put all the things in the storage ring. Because there were too many things, one storage ring was not enough, so he spent 250,000 star coins to buy another one.

"I have to buy some things for self-defense." Ruihe thought, "Let's leave here first, and then study the things in the exchange system." It would be great if I could find the goods to use. Ruihe didn't want to experience the feeling of the original body being tortured to death.

There was no movement downstairs. After a while, Lu Qiao bumped upstairs. The cement stairs were stepped on by her and made a heavy muffled sound. Ruihe frowned and guessed that Lu Qiao might have some kind of mental illness, otherwise why would she be so moody?

She was overly sensitive, easily emotionally collapsed, her thoughts jumped, and she liked to make a lot of noise or make noise to attract other people's attention.

But if the original body timidly cared for her, she would be disdainful and belittle the original body again and again.

Ruihe shook his head, and after packing up his things, he began to write a letter. The recipient was naturally Lu Qiao. He planned to leave home. Although Lu Qiao didn't care about the original body, if he disappeared, Lu Qiao might also call the police. It would be troublesome to call the police.

So he wrote a letter, saying that he was very sad about the death of his grandparents, and that his mother's verbal violence against him broke his heart. His mother never liked him, and this family could not give him any warmth. He wanted to find his biological father, and so on.

It is foreseeable how furious Lu Qiao would be when she saw this letter. She never concealed her longing for Lu Mingcong's biological father in front of her original body.

There is no doubt that she loves that man, otherwise she would not have given birth to a child out of wedlock.

But she was strange. She did not love the fruit of her lover's joint efforts, and she was not even happy to see the child express his expectation for his father.

When Lu Mingcong was a child, he asked "Where is my dad?" and was slapped by Lu Qiao. His eardrum was damaged and it took a long time to heal.

After writing the letter, he placed it on the bedside. If he disappeared, Lu Qiao would definitely see it when she came up to the attic. Before leaving, Ruihe went upstairs to find Lu Qiao. The second floor was unfamiliar to the original body. Lu Qiao refused to let him come up, and Ruihe was even more unfamiliar. He went upstairs carefully, entered Lu Qiao's room and the door was closed, and then went forward to knock on the door.

The door opened.

Lu Qiao looked at him with disgust: "Who told you to come up? Get out."

She raised her hand to hit him.

"Mom, I have something to talk to you about." Ruihe grabbed the other person's hand and repeated, "It's very important."

Lu Mingcong was tall, 1.7 meters tall at the age of 16. Lu Qiao was petite as her name suggests, less than 1.6 meters tall. When Ruihe looked down at her, he deliberately showed a bit of strength and sinisterness, which was very different from the way Lu Mingcong usually looked when facing Lu Qiao.

"What are you doing?" Lu Qiao was startled and could not help but take two steps back, looking at Rui He warily, "What's wrong with you? I'm your mother, how can you be disrespectful!" She pulled her hand back.

This child has grown so tall without her noticing.

Lu Qiao was in a trance. She didn't know this son, but she knew that he was respectful to her and never disobeyed her.

Today was a big deal. He kept resisting her. He must be getting cocky!

Lu Qiao felt angry late, and because her son had grabbed her hand with great force just now, she felt that he could not be shaken, so she was also a little afraid.

"Get out!"

Rui He did not move, and pressed the door to prevent her from closing it. Lu Qiao's behavior was very interesting. Rui He had good reason to suspect that the other party had known that Lu Mingcong was not her biological son. This would explain where Lu Qiao's rejection and disgust of Lu Mingcong came from all these years. If the speculation was true, did Lu Qiao know that her biological son was in the Zhai family? In other words, could she have replaced him? Just like in movies and TV shows, two families with different financial conditions, the poor family exchanged their children with the rich family for their son's future. The Zhai family, a family of heavenly masters, and the Lu family, an ordinary family, are a good match for the poor and the rich.

How did the black-robed heavenly master who wanted to take revenge accurately find the biological son of the Zhai family who was living outside? Zhai Yinglin, such a talented person, was standing there, how could he be bypassed if he wanted to seek revenge?

The doubts were tangled one after another, making Ruihe dare not believe anyone. This is also another reason why Ruihe planned to run away from home, Lu Qiao was not trustworthy.

No one can trust him easily now.

Ruihe did not leave, and asked with the door open: "I just want to ask a question, Mom, what is my father's name?"

"You——" Lu Qiao's pupils shrank, and her vigilance instantly wrapped around her body like armor, making her sharp and invulnerable. She stared at Ruihe, "Why are you asking this?"

At least she didn't slap him again.

"I just want to know what my father's name is, so I can recognize him if I meet him in the future. Mom, do you have a photo of my father?"

Lu Qiao gritted her teeth: "No! He has been missing for more than ten years."

"So do you have a photo?"


"What about his name?"

Lu Qiao's nostrils fluttered because of her rapid breathing: "Forgot! Forgot!" She fell into a moment of confusion, and when she came to her senses, she cursed Ruihe habitually, "The Lu family raised you so big and you are so ungrateful! You are a conscienceless beast! You treated me like this right after my parents left, you are really an ungrateful wolf! You should have been strangled to death or drowned, and you should not have been left to yell at me now! What a sin, God has no eyes!" She was obviously a young and beautiful woman in her thirties, but she was very aggressive in scolding people, and looked sharp and mean.

No news was obtained from Lu Qiao.

Luckily, Ruihe was not really going to find the "biological father" of the original body, but just wanted to ask a set of questions by the way, and if he couldn't get it, he couldn't get it.

That night, Ruihe left home in the dark.

The doctor told him not to move around too much and to rest, but this injury was a life-threatening matter, so he had to take a step back. Leaving the Lu family was smooth. Lu Qiao turned off the lights and went to bed early at nine o'clock. Ruihe went out with his schoolbag on his back, and even changed his clothes a little. He walked out of Xiliu Lane in the shadows where the street lights could not reach.

This area is developing slowly. There are only surveillance cameras in the streets and alleys. Some of them are broken and no one comes to repair them. Ruihe carefully avoided the surveillance and dared not stop a car until he left this area. He stopped a tricycle. This kind of tricycle is only available in the county town. There is no tricycle in the city because the traffic police are strict.

Ruihe spent five yuan and came to the local bus station. You need an ID card to buy a train ticket, but not for the bus.

The bus station was crowded at night. Ruihe randomly found a bus and got on it. He bought the ticket after getting on the bus. The ticket cost 80 yuan, which took up most of Ruihe's savings. He had to save the remaining 50 yuan before making money.

Standing on the unfamiliar land of Zhuiya County, Ruihe squinted and looked at the rising sun sleepily, touched his newly shaved head and walked into the alley.

The author has something to say: Early, early, early! ! !

This series is not scary, not scary, I dare not write it if it is scary.

Don't be afraid! Bear hug!

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