Winner in life

Chapter 182 04 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

Half a month later, Rui He left with the 500 yuan salary settled by the manager on the grounds that he received a call from his aunt in his hometown saying that his missing mother had returned home. Although he only worked for half a month, he was really hard-working during this half month. Not only did he wash the dishes quickly and cleanly, he also helped peel potatoes and beat eggs when he was free. He could do anything he could do with his hands. As he continues to do this, the female manager likes him more and more. When Ruihe said he would rush home, he was given a month's salary.

Rui He felt a little sorry for deceiving a kind-hearted lady like this. He could only thank her profusely and thought that if he had a chance in the future, he would definitely come back and see the female manager again.

In the past half month, Rui He was not just immersed in work. He was young, only sixteen years old. After entering the restaurant, he took advantage of his young age and his acting skills were outstanding. His colleagues all sympathized with him for looking for his mentally disturbed and lost mother. As a child, he worked hard and never complained. Although his legs and feet were inconvenient, he did a lot of work. He quickly established a friendly relationship with his colleagues. Some colleagues even carried him to and from get off work, which made Ruihe feel ashamed and moved. .

Once the relationship is good, it will be much easier to borrow mobile phones from several colleagues in turn.

The original person does not have a mobile phone. He has limited legs and feet, and works from morning to night, so he cannot check information on the Internet. Fortunately, I could borrow my phone from this colleague for half an hour, and then borrow my phone from that colleague for twenty minutes. I was able to find the necessary information bit by bit, and wrote it all down in my notebook.

Then he made three escape routes, all of which had no connection with each other. He only chose one of the routes the night before leaving. Of course, he might change it again when he was on the road.

He regarded the black-robed Celestial Master who killed his original body as his fatal enemy.

After getting in the car, Ruihe breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little scared. His identity was unusual. The black-robed Heavenly Master told the original person that the Zhai family's parents knew his whereabouts, and even said that the Zhai family's parents refused to save him.

"No one will come to save you. You are just a waste. If Zhai Sutian valued you, why would he let you live in this remote place for eighteen years? He will not come to save you."

Zhai Sutian, the original person's biological father, really didn't come in the end, at least he didn't show up before the original person closed his eyes.

Therefore, Ruihe not only guarded against the black-robed Heavenly Master, but also guarded against the Zhai family. He had some speculations, such as Zhai Sutian, as the black-robed Heavenly Master said, in order to keep the talented Zhai Yinglin, he threw away his own son to divert the attention of his enemy.

Based on Ruihe's experience, he felt that what the black-robed Celestial Master said was not entirely true. The black-robed Celestial Master was obviously trying to anger the original person and make him disappointed and desperate. Revenge is revenge, why do you want to hit the enemy's son like this? Ruihe couldn't figure out the reason.

Anyway, he can't trust anyone now, so everyone must be on guard. He didn't know if the Zhai family had sent someone to keep an eye on the original person - even if he didn't see the Zhai family coming to the rescue when the original person was kidnapped in his previous life, Ruihe didn't dare to underestimate this. He couldn't reveal his traces to anyone. people.

During the half month he stayed in Zhuiya County, Ruihe was very nervous. Fortunately, nothing happened. When he watched the news, he didn't see the missing persons announcement issued by the police, but he didn't dare to stay long. As soon as half a month arrived, he was ready to change places. This time his destination was the provincial capital.

The more developed cities are, the more populous they are, and the large population can cover him.

Not every corner of a developed city is equally prosperous. Those old urban areas caught in the trend of rapid development are Ruihe's goals this time.

But before going to the provincial capital, he had one more place to go.

After arriving at the destination, Ruihe got off the bus and walked out of the bus station. He looked around and got on a bus. He took the bus to the foot of a nearby mountain. This mountain is called Congshan, and it is an abandoned mine. He checked the information and found out that Congshan was abandoned ten years ago due to depletion of mineral resources, and because it is a mine, it has been over-exploited, leaving no vegetation and pits. Traces of collecting activities are everywhere.

This kind of mountain has no tourist value at all, and it is in the suburbs, so it is usually inaccessible. Ruihe didn't have much money, so he could only find a safe place like this to take the genetically modified medicine.

After searching for a long time, Ruihe found a satisfactory mine that was sheltered from the wind and rain and had good ventilation. He did not dare to go deep, so he settled outside the mine tunnel, laid out the simple tent he had prepared in advance, and then got in.

He also brought enough food for half a month: bread and water. While it was still daylight, Rui He checked the area a little. His feet were inconvenient and he couldn't examine it carefully. However, he saw a lot of rotten garbage, such as garbage bags, wrapping paper, and broken glass.

Someone has been to this place before and left this garbage behind.

After dinner, Rui He drank the genetic improvement potion. Within five minutes, he felt a wave of heat rising from his abdomen, and then quickly integrated into his limbs and bones, and his whole body was immersed in hot water. It was relatively comfortable at first, but soon he felt tingling all over his body. His muscles and bones felt like they were being pricked by needles, and he began to convulse in pain.

System 460 said: "This is the beginning. After that, the medicine will be gradually absorbed, and the pain caused to the body will continue to increase. That's why this product is recommended for buyers to use it with the medical warehouse. The medical warehouse can make people fall into a deep sleep, almost insensible." Pain absorbs medicinal effects.”

The instructions for use stated that there would be a strong reaction to the drug, and also said that painkillers or any other drugs could not be taken to relieve the pain. Ruihe could not afford a medical warehouse, so he could only endure the pain.

He fainted after feeling the pain. When he woke up again, Ruihe felt sore all over. The soreness came from deep in his bones, as if a cone was hitting his bone marrow again and again. The pain made him take a deep breath as soon as he woke up.

"Host, are you awake? You have been unconscious for a day and a night." System 460 took shape and floated in front of Ruihe. Ruihe barely got up and found that the tent was crushed by him. He was outside the tent and things were scattered everywhere.

Ruihe took a deep breath and could bear the pain. He swallowed and found that his saliva smelled bloody. He opened the mineral water to rinse his mouth and the water he spit out was all red. After guzzling a whole bottle of water, Ruihe reluctantly ate two small breads. When he swallowed, he felt as if his throat was cut by glass.

"This medicine is so scary."

"It's also very effective." System 460 encouraged him, "You won't feel so bad after you get through the first wave. Feel your feet. I guess the fracture on your feet has healed."

Ruihe felt it carefully and shook his head with a wry smile: "I'm in pain all over now, and I can't feel the injury on my feet."

System 460: "..."

But as System 460 said, Ruihe never fainted from the pain again. The fine pain kept coming up, but it was always within Ruihe's tolerance.

In the pain, he first felt that his hearing and vision had improved, and he was more clear-headed, and then his sense of smell. After waking up from fainting after taking the gene-modifying drug, Ruihe found that he was covered with a layer of foul-smelling dirt. Because he had no conditions to wash, he couldn't move, so he could only endure it and lay in the garbage dump. Later, he suddenly found that he smelled something else from the stench that enveloped his whole body -

It was the rations he bought, the smell of bread.

He bought the most common French unfilled small bread, in a bag, which tasted bland and had no fragrance, especially after his skin was covered with foul-smelling secretions, he could not smell anything except the stench.

But on the third day, when he tore the package, he smelled the smell of bread, which was so tempting that it was the ultimate fragrance.

Then he ate the bread and noticed that his taste buds had also improved. He swore that he tasted the chemical taste of food additives, which was simply a fantasy.

On the fourth day, Ruihe was able to walk by holding on to the wall. In the first three days, he was in so much pain that he couldn't even sit up.

The mine he found was also deep, and he had not met any outsiders in the past few days. As the genetic modification agent was absorbed, Ruihe could feel the changes in his body every day, no, it should be said that every moment.

On the eighth day, the effect of the drug was completely absorbed, and his body seemed to have shed all the dirt and impurities and became lighter. Ruihe felt that if he was given a pair of wings, he could fly to the sky on the spot.

The body really stinks, and as the sense of smell becomes more sensitive, the stench becomes more torturous. Because there is no water source on the mountain, Ruihe had to reluctantly soak a towel with mineral water to wipe his body, then put on new clothes in the storage ring, and planned to go back to the city to find a place to take a shower.

"Huh?" Ruihe, who was putting on his pants, suddenly saw a flash of white from the corner of his eye, and he looked back suspiciously.

The depths of the mine were still dark, and there was nothing, but for some reason Ruihe suddenly shuddered and felt that the air became a little cold.

He wiped his arm, and in September, he actually had goose bumps on his arm.

The white shadow floated by again.

Ruihe turned around suddenly and saw that a corner of the white shadow did not enter the depths of the mine. This time he was really sweating. He remembered the setting of this world. This is a world where there is a heavenly master. The heavenly master catches ghosts, but what about ghosts?

Ruihe, whose mind was filled with the sudden thought of "I've encountered a ghost", had the first reaction to run. It was evening now. According to what was said in the movies and TV shows, that thing would be more terrifying after dark. He had to leave quickly!

Fortunately, he had already put all the things in the storage ring. He could turn around and leave after putting on his pants. Unexpectedly, after taking two steps, a stronger cold wind blew towards him, causing him to stagger. Then a faint sigh sounded in his ears. The effect was comparable to the ultimate stereo sound effect, close to the ear, and extremely real.

Ruihe's hairs all over his body exploded!

He wanted to go out, but he just couldn't take those two steps. The cold air wrapped him up, making him feel cold and trapped his movements.

"Little brother, don't go." The white shadow floated in front of him. Ruihe's heart tightened and his adrenaline soared. Looking carefully, a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old stood in front of him, covered with a layer of white light, looking unreal and weird.

"Little brother." The girl grinned, "Don't go."

Ruihe's pupils shrank.

The author has something to say: Early, early, early! ! !

It's really not scary, trust me


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