Winner in life

Chapter 185 07 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

Ruihe arrived in the provincial capital at around seven o'clock the next morning. He took a bus to the village in the city, found a very ordinary hotel, and rented a single room without even needing an ID card. This store looks small but has a lot of rooms. There are many tenants living in the three-story hotel, so he is inconspicuous in the middle. Ruihe rented it for a day and slept hard to catch up on his sleep.

Early the next morning, Ruihe found a public phone booth and called the Zhou family. The person who answered the phone was Zhou Nini's father, Zhou Xiong. After Ruihe explained his purpose, he heard Zhou Xiong's rapid breathing strangely. The next second, Zhou Xiong said in a deep voice, "Okay! Tell me your address and I will send the money right away." "

"Do you just believe what I say?" Now it was Ruihe's turn to be surprised.

If anyone who called Zhou's house could get money, that would be unreasonable.

Zhou Xiong said: "I asked the master, and the master calculated it for me, saying that my daughter's body will come back today." He choked up as he spoke, "Actually, I have been deceived many times, this time I believe you, I hope you won’t deceive me.”

Ruihe was silent for a moment and made an appointment for the next matter.

It was understandable that the parents were excited, but what Ruihe didn't expect was that Zhou Xiong actually sent a total of twenty people to the hotel, looking like he was "looking for trouble." Hidden in the dark, Rui He's eyebrows twitched. He was glad that he had acted cautiously, otherwise he would have been stuck in the hotel.

He felt that he was on the run and in hiding, so he had no intention of meeting Zhou Nini's family. He only made an appointment on the phone for the location of the transaction and paid the money first and then the things. Seeing Zhou's family pouring into the hotel, Rui He got into the alley. Half an hour later, he called Zhou Xiong again. Zhou Xiong said anxiously: "Didn't I agree that I will give you money and you will send Nini back to me? You can’t break your promise!”

"Mr. Zhou, we did have an agreement, but please forgive me for being timid. More than twenty people blocked the hotel. Those who knew it were here to make a deal, and those who didn't knew they thought they were here to seek revenge." Rui He leaned against the phone booth. , looked around with vigilant eyes, and suddenly heard the beep of the law enforcement instrument. He wanted to see the condition of the law enforcement instrument, so he said, "This transaction is void, goodbye."

"Hey wait! Wait!" Zhou Xiong called out to Ruihe urgently, "Don't hang up the phone yet! What are you talking about? I obviously asked my assistant to go to the hotel to deliver the money. Just take an ordinary black schoolbag as you asked. Hold on to 50,000 yuan. When you get the money, call me and tell me Nini’s address. That’s what we said. Where did these twenty people come from?”

Rui He paused as he hung up the phone: "You didn't lie?"

"Of course I didn't lie!" Zhou Xiong swore, pointing to the sky, "I am not short of the 50,000 yuan! The person who deceived me before even offered a price of 1 million, how could I breach the contract for 50,000 yuan?"

He couldn't hold back his tears as he said, "Nini disappeared a month ago, and this is my only daughter! Let alone 10 million, it's 20 to 100 million! I'm also willing to spend money to ransom her! But the damn kidnappers took it. The money will not be released to the person, and until now... the police have said that the chance of the person surviving is very small. But even if the person dies, I will take her home. I asked the Heavenly Master to help me figure it out, and the Heavenly Master said. My Nini's vitality has been cut off, and I can't calculate her location. She said she was blocked. I finally figured out that there is a change today, and you just called me. You said 50,000, which is 50,000. I will never I will lie to you! I really didn’t know about the twenty or so people you said went to the hotel. Give me some time and I will investigate immediately!”

The words sounded sincere, and Ruihe said, "Okay, I'll call you in half an hour."

Things were full of twists and turns. Ruihe took the bus and came to another urban village. He found a public phone booth and contacted Zhou Xiong. Zhou Xiong immediately answered the phone and said: "I have found out what happened. It was done by some ruthless relatives in my family. Don’t worry, it will go smoothly this time. Please make an appointment again.”

Twenty minutes later, Ruihe saw a Bentley approaching the roadside. A young man got out and placed a black schoolbag behind a tree on the roadside. After the car left, Ruihe waited for a while before going over to get the bag. After opening it and confirming that it was money, he took out the bag containing the bones and put it down, notifying Zhou Xiong to send someone to pick it up.

After watching the things being taken away by Bentley who returned from a distance, Ruihe turned around and left.

For convenience, Rui He asked for cash and found a place to count it. One hundred thousand yuan was fifty thousand more than the agreed amount. Rui He breathed a sigh of relief. With this money, he would be enough to spend the next two years.

The original birthday was on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, and it passed in early August before he entered the mission world. The original person turned sixteen, more than a year and nearly two years before he was kidnapped and died. The original person died on his eighteenth birthday.

In Ruihe's view, the eighteenth birthday is a hurdle. After that day, the future will be different.

Ruihe happily put the money into the storage ring, and rented a house in another place. He rented a single room in a hotel and paid half a month's payment at a time. With a place to stay, Ruihe can finally think about what to do next in peace.

The mission requirement is to become a "first-class heavenly master", which is a mission that Ruihe cannot refuse. Touching the law enforcement device on her wrist, Zhou Nini was much more honest at this time and had returned to her normal form. She looked like an honest, young and weak female middle school student.

The rain and mist sprayed in the law enforcement prison that day was technically called purifying rain. According to Ruihe's understanding, it was probably similar to Chaodu. Purifying rain can dissolve the hostility and viciousness of ghosts and awaken their humanity that has been suppressed by ghosts. Once human nature regains the dominance of reason, Zhou Nini will be able to communicate well with Rui He. Through the purifying rain, the captured ghosts can eliminate their obsessions and enter the reincarnation pool - where they should enter the underworld to be judged and then reincarnated.

All sins caused during life and after death will be judged by the underworld.

Just when Rui He was on the phone with Zhou Xiong, the connection of the law enforcement cameras was completed. Only then did Rui He have time to check. Sure enough, the only gray icon left on the law enforcement camera was also lit. After clicking it, there are many functions inside, such as:

Prefecture hotline:

Complaint Hotline

Underworld Investigator Hotline (including 72 dedicated channels)

Underground law enforcement officer hotline (including 24 dedicated channels)

The special line for the Lord of the Underworld (including the special line channel for the Lord of the Tenth Palace)

Difufujun special line

Overview of prefecture business:

Mingbi Bank (contains detailed regulations on the exchange rate and handling fees between Yang world currency and Mingbi currency, and undertakes currency exchange and other services between the two worlds)

Underworld business consultation hotline (providing business consultation on life and death book inquiry, reincarnation, etc.)

Ghost catching service (please cooperate with the underworld law enforcement officer or the palace master’s hotline to use it. If there is no emergency, please use the palace master’s hotline with caution)

One click reincarnation

Rui He was dazzled and decisively checked his life and death book. No, it should be Lu Mingcong's life and death book information.

After reading it, his eyes narrowed and he said, "Died at 0:00 on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month in the year XXXX."

It was the date of the original death in his previous life.

After checking, Ruihe was horrified. If the date of death of the original body remains unchanged in the book of life and death, can the self that replaces the original body change the fate of the original body?

The date of death has not changed, so all the dangerous factors are still there, or have not been triggered yet.

This discovery made Ruihe even more nervous. He rubbed his face and drank a glass of water to suppress his heart palpitations and panic. Then he checked Zhou Nini's life and death book. As expected, the date of death was one month ago. Coincidentally, the date of Zhou Nini's death was also the same. The fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month.

Ruihe was a little concerned, but because he had no knowledge of Taoism, he just thought it was weird but couldn't figure out the reason, so he had to write it down first and talk about it later.

After checking twice in succession, they only found the date of birth and death. There was no more specific information. Rui He felt a little regretful. Because he didn't know much about this industry, he didn't know that if he spoke out about his regrets, he would definitely get beaten up.

Which heavenly master can accurately calculate someone's death date?

No, no matter how top-notch the Celestial Master is at calculating, he can only calculate a rough date range, let alone be accurate to hours, minutes and seconds.

Because it was found that the lifespan of this body had not changed, Ruihe couldn't help but study the plan again.

The Heavenly Master must do it, and life-saving is also the prerequisite.

He needs to find an organization that can protect him, such as a certain Celestial Master Group. It is safest to go in anonymously and become a disciple. Among them, there is a probability that he will become a disciple of the black-robed heavenly master who killed his original body. If this is really the case, it means that he is really unlucky, and Ruihe has accepted his fate.

The next day, Ruihe went out to look for opportunities.

In such a large provincial capital, the population density is extremely high, and there is a mixture of good and bad. Ruihe saw a fortune teller on the overpass. After observing for an hour, he went up to talk and concluded that the fortune teller was a money swindler. After working all morning with no results, Ruihe found a roadside stall to eat noodles at noon. He bought two newspapers and read them, and saw Lu Mingcong's missing person notice on one of them.

Lu Qiao was even published in the newspaper, which Ruihe didn't expect.

He touched his face. He had a bald head and his condition was poor before. He used ink to simply darken his face as a disguise. Later, he earned five hundred yuan from work. When he left Zhuiya County, he bought a cheap set of When it comes to cosmetics, my face is as dark as ever, and I mainly work on my eyebrows and eyes. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and disguising the eyes can make a person completely different from another person.

Later, after taking and absorbing the genetically modified medicine, Ruihe measured it roughly and found that the body's height increased by about ten centimeters, and its facial features also changed, as if it had grown a little wider. In addition, his own personality is somewhat different from that of his original body. The temperament is integrated into the appearance of this body, making the appearance larger. With the special cross-dressing, when he comes to this provincial capital city, if Lu Qiao stands You may not even recognize him in front of him.

If it were the deceased Grandpa and Grandma Lu, maybe they could still identify her.

Looking through another entertainment newspaper, Ruihe saw the news about Zhou Nini. Zhou Xiong, the boss of a real estate group, was going to hold a memorial service for his beloved daughter somewhere on September 19th. The news was well written, and the story of Zhou Nini's disappearance and being ripped off was written with ups and downs, making the readers immersed in the story. Those who didn't know it might have thought that the author had witnessed the scene of the girl being killed and buried.

"Look, your dad is going to hold a memorial service for you." Back at the rental house, Ruihe projected the content of the newspaper into the prison for Zhou Nini to read, "I plan to send you to reincarnation tonight - it should be You said you were sent to the underworld. You said before that you had never killed anyone, but it was an attempted murder to me. It doesn’t matter whether I believe it or not. The underworld will judge you. After the trial, you will be punished and those who deserve to be reincarnated will be reincarnated. "

In the law enforcement prison, Zhou Nini murmured after reading the contents of the newspaper projected in the air: "Dad..."

"I bought you paper money and incense candles to thank your father for the 100,000 life-saving money. Don't worry, I won't leave you without money to spend."

Zhou Nini fell silent, quietly shedding two lines of bloody tears.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! !

I am a spoiler, this line is not over yet hahaha

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