Winner in life

Chapter 192 14 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

The accident happened so quickly. The car Rui He was riding in overturned under the violent impact. Under the double blessing of the original driving speed and the impact force of the truck, it rolled like duckweed in the wind, and finally it was like thunder. Landing, there was a loud bang in the sky.

During the impact, Ruihe lost consciousness.

The truck loaded with steel hit more than ten vehicles one after another, and finally flipped to the ground. After a few seconds, it exploded and burst into flames.

The serial car accident at the entrance of the viaduct was caught off guard, and the sound of sirens and screams pierced the night sky.

I don't know how long I struggled in the darkness. When I woke up again, I felt like I was in another world. I didn't know what night it was.

After a while, he rolled his eyes and looked around. He should be in a hospital ward. There was a TV hanging on the wall opposite the bed playing the news. The sound of water came from the balcony on the left. There was a woman lying on the bed on the right. The woman was wearing an oxygen mask, with half of her face facing his direction.

It's Mrs. Zhou.

This is a three-room ward, and only he and Mrs. Zhou live there.

Where is Zhou Xiong?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Ruihe felt a splitting headache. The roar and collision on the viaduct that night seemed to be ringing in his ears again, and his head started to shake.

A feeling of nausea came over him, causing Ruihe to lie on the edge of the bed and retch several times.

"Oops, you're awake!" A female voice hurriedly came from far away. Ruihe felt the footsteps of many people approaching from outside the door. Then someone helped him lie down and performed various examinations on him.

Rui He was in a daze before finally remembering that he had been in a car accident.

"Your condition has stabilized. You can be discharged after a while of careful observation." The attending doctor said to Ruihe, "You have a slight concussion. Don't move easily these days. It's best to stay in bed and recuperate."

He told Ruihe about his situation. Ruihe's injuries were not fatal, so he opened his eyes at noon the next day after the accident.

Ruihe swallowed and moistened his throat before he could speak: "How are the conditions of the other people in the car?"

"Mr. Zhou and the driver are still in the ICU. You and Mrs. Zhou are in better condition. They are covered by clothes, quilts and other objects, which buffered some of the impact force." Speaking of which, the doctor also found it strange that there was such a quilt in the car. ? I heard that when the person was rescued by the firefighters, the two people in the back seat of the car were huddled under the quilt.

"Thank you doctor."

Rui He still had little strength. He had multiple fractures and soft tissue contusions all over his body. Mrs. Zhou's injuries were more serious than his. At that time, he only had time to take out all the quilts and clothes in the storage ring. In a hurry, he hugged Mrs. Zhou and wrapped her up, protecting his head and neck.

Soon he fell asleep again.

The car accident happened suddenly. It was said that six people died on the spot and dozens of others were injured.

Three days later, Zhou Xiong and his driver were transferred to the general ward. After two days, Ruihe could get out of bed and walk around. He asked the traffic police about the cause of the accident. He was very concerned about the flash of white light in his heart before the accident. The white light clearly came from the law enforcement device on his wrist.

He suspected that there was Yin Qi before the car accident. No, it should be said that there were ghosts around.

It's just that things have changed and it can't be verified.

"Probably drunk driving," the traffic policeman said.

The driver died on the spot and nothing could be done to investigate.

When he got better, Ruihe went to the car repair shop to look at the Zhou family's scrapped car after the car accident. After checking it with a law enforcement camera, there was no trace of evil. Also, so many days have passed, and even if there was any Yin Qi that stayed there, it would have dissipated long ago.

Regarding the car accident between Zhou Xiong and his wife and Rui He, Captain Chen was very concerned after learning about it. He even came to visit once and brought the latest developments from the headquarters of the Special Investigation Division in Beijing: "The man in black gave other information. The Special Investigation Division An in-depth investigation is underway, and I can’t tell Mrs. Zhou more because it’s confidential.”

Mrs. Zhou was naturally happy to hear the good news. Her husband was still in a coma, and only this news made her happy.

"One more thing, the identities of the six victims have been determined. Miss Zhou... although she didn't do it on purpose, because she lost her mind due to the formation, but those people are her after all..." said At this point, Captain Chen couldn't help but slow down and speak in a gentle tone, for fear of irritating Mrs. Zhou, who was still injured. "So, Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou should find time to handle the matter of compensation."

Mrs. Zhou was stunned.

"Of course, because the case is confidential, the truth will not be told to the six families when the time comes. The Zhou family's compensation will be released to them in the name of solatium. I hope Mrs. Zhou can understand."

"Yes, I can understand." Mrs. Zhou took a deep breath. "This is our Nini's sin. Her father and I are here to atone for it! How much compensation is needed? Captain Chen will report the amount when the time comes. We will also pay compensation if we lose everything."

Captain Chen was a little embarrassed. He was hospitalized due to a car accident. If he hadn't already gone through the consolation payment process, he wouldn't want to talk about it at this time.

When Captain Chen was about to leave when the matter was over, Ruihe sent him out and talked about something in private, saying that he suspected there was something unusual about the car accident.

"I'm not good at studying, but I have a treasure on hand, which was passed down to me by my master." Ruihe said, "My treasure is very accurate in detecting yin energy. Before the car accident that night, the treasure was very accurate." The device did turn on, but before I could investigate further, the car accident happened.”

Captain Chen was shocked and asked: "Could the car accident be caused intentionally by someone - a ghost?!" This nature is very different from the previous judgment that the truck driver was drunk driving!

"I am just guessing, but my magic weapon didn't give a warning early or late, but it reacted just before the car accident. This is too coincidental."

Rui He thought, if he couldn't find it himself, the police would be able to find it, right? The Special Investigation Department is very capable. Since the case was transferred, the man in black was arrested in less than half a month. This speed is not slow, and it can even be called fast. The man in black is obviously a heavenly master. Cases involving Taoism are not ordinary cases. Taoism is unpredictable and strange. Even if Rui He is just a beginner, he knows how difficult it is to catch a heavenly master.

"I know." Captain Chen responded in a deep voice, "I will mention this to the Special Investigation Department."

"Trouble Captain Chen."

After speaking out his guess, Rui He was relieved of his worries. He coughed twice and returned to the ward. Mrs. Zhou was no longer in the ward. She should have gone to see Zhou Xiong. He closed the door and turned off the lights and began to meditate to let the vitality in his body recuperate.

His excellent physique allowed him to recover quickly. I believe he will be able to fully recover and be discharged from the hospital in a few days. He will slowly recover from the fracture after being discharged from the hospital.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked at his wrist suspiciously. The law enforcement device was intact in the car accident. The products from the sub-exchange system not only demonstrated advanced functions, but also had commendable quality. Because this law enforcement device can only be worn and removed by the user, and it is the only binding, so during his coma in the hospital, the law enforcement device was intact and still on his wrist.

At this time, the warning light of the law enforcement device, which was as thin as a mung bean, lit up, and the white light was like a bright moon in the dim ward.

Ruihe's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his hand and continued to watch intently. After a few seconds, the white light did not go out. He looked around the ward. The sunset outside had fallen, and the street lights in the hospital were on. Because he did not turn on the lights, the ward was dim.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little chilly.

The clothes hangers on the balcony swayed, making a crisp sound of collision.

Once, twice, three times.

The sound of cars and people downstairs suddenly seemed to be separated by a layer of gauze, making it hard to hear clearly.

Ruihe squinted his eyes, and the chill became even stronger, first crawling up from his ankles, then his arms and neck. Ruihe knew that he had goose bumps without watching the process.

There seemed to be a cool breeze blowing over his neck, and after the wind, his neck felt a little tight, as if it was strangled.

All this happened in just a few seconds. Ruihe quickly operated the law enforcement instrument. Because he usually spent a lot of time operating and familiarizing himself with it, his fingers jumped quickly on the main control screen, and in the blink of an eye, he called up the scanning function.

The scanning function is used to detect unmanifested souls. When used, it connects the user's eyes. After the connection, it consumes the user's spirit, so that the user's eyes have a function similar to "yin and yang eyes".

His temples tightened, Ruihe blinked, and found that the world in his eyes had changed.

Wisps of black air were floating in the ward, with the darkest color and the most black air at the balcony door. The black air spread from the balcony to his bed. Ruihe looked down and saw a pale ghost face.


The male ghost who was trying to pinch Ruihe's neck was stunned. He stared at Ruihe with his eyes. When their eyes met, Ruihe showed a kind smile.

The male ghost hesitated: "You, can you see me?"

"Is pinching the neck fun?"


When the male ghost saw Ruihe really looking at him, his lifeless eyes suddenly burst into vivid fear. After a howl, he ran away -

Like green smoke being sucked away by a vacuum cleaner, it disappeared from the balcony, leaving only the clothes hanger driven by the cold wind shaking constantly.

"..." If the law enforcement instrument had consciousness, it would be confused at this moment when it was opening the capture function.

It caught a ball of air.

"This ghost... has quite a personality." Ruihe was also stunned. He had come into contact with relatively few ghosts. Zhou Nini was the first one. She was undoubtedly very violent and cruel. Therefore, when he noticed something was wrong, he immediately turned on the scanning and capturing functions at the same time, fearing that there would be something wrong.

There was no way. The capturing function of the law enforcement device required directionality, which meant that the user had to see it first before he could capture it.

I never thought that I couldn't catch it?

The male ghost ran faster than the wind.

Ruihe doubted the quality of the law enforcement device for the first time. It didn't make sense that Zhou Nini, such a fierce ghost, could be caught at first sight. How could this thin and lean male ghost who could only strangle his neck not be caught?

Ruihe walked to the balcony. The black air had completely dissipated here. He looked up and down and left and right. There was nothing abnormal in the surrounding ward windows, balconies and other locations.

After feeling his temples throbbing, Ruihe disconnected the scanning connection. In less than a minute, Ruihe felt dizzy. This artificial "yin and yang eye" is not easy to use. Ruihe sat on the bed and rubbed his temples to relieve it.

What concerned him was the fact that the male ghost had just escaped. Ruihe, who was confused and lost, couldn't help but start the self-check function of the body camera. He suspected that the body camera was still damaged in the car accident. It couldn't be seen from the outside, maybe there was a problem inside?

The physical examination results came out, except that the energy of the body camera was only 19%, there was no problem with other things.

"This is strange... Could it be a ghost more powerful than Zhou Nini?"

The author has something to say: Early early early! !

Male ghost: No! I'm not! I don't!

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