Winner in life

$20.20 Traveling through 1972

《Life Winner [Quick Wear]》

Zhang Dasao Gao Li's eyes flickered, and her face showed worry, as if the happy faces of the couple when they just entered the door were Ruihe's illusion. "I went to my mother's house to see my dad. The old man fell down and it was terrible. Now he can't move. Your eldest brother and I went to take care of him. We just came back. My dad said that it was the 29th day of the lunar year and there was no reason to keep me until the 30th, so he sent us back."

"Didn't my eldest brother say last time that Uncle Gao was in the hospital?" Ruihe looked at the silent Zhang Dashan. Zhang Dashan was obviously stunned. Zhang Dasao hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, he just got out of the hospital! We went to see him after he got out of the hospital."

Ruihe observed his words and expressions and was 70% sure in his heart. He suppressed his anger and imitated the housekeeper who was always moody in the house before. He stared at Zhang Dashan with a fake smile: "So that's it. My eldest brother and his wife are not at home. They probably don't know that my family was robbed and all the family assets were emptied, right?"

Zhang Dashan's pupils suddenly contracted, and the bag in Zhang Dasao's hand was suddenly grabbed and made a sound.

"There is a thief! Oh, what should we do? Have they caught him?"

Looking at Mrs. Zhang's exaggerated and unreasonable behavior, Ruihe was absolutely sure that the theft in the house was related to Zhang Dashan and his wife.

Mrs. Zhang kept a close eye on the things in the house. If the theft in his house had nothing to do with her, she would definitely think of the safety of her own property first when she heard the news at this moment. It would not be an exaggeration to say that she would run over to open the door to check.

But she stood firmly, asking words that sounded like surprise and concern, but her eyes kept blinking. There must be something fishy.

Before, Ruihe did not directly alienate the couple and maintained a superficial harmony because they were not extremely vicious people. People are selfish, and he understands this truth. In the previous life, Zhang Dashan and his wife occupied many of Zhang Xiaoshan's interests in the division of the family, but Zhang Xiaoshan himself did not resist. It is not an exaggeration to say that "one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten."

One is selfish and the other is timid, Ruihe cannot comment more.

But because Zhang Dashan and his wife were not real villains, Ruihe still maintained a polite relationship with them. Also because they were not real villains, when faced with his temptation, the two of them easily revealed their true colors.

Thinking of this, Ruihe felt very complicated. He calmed down from being extremely angry. After a few casual perfunctory words, he turned and went into the house, leaving Zhang Dashan and his wife uneasy.

Zhang Dashan rubbed his fingers and just said two words: "We-"

"Shut up! Go in!"

Zhang Dashan's face suddenly turned black like a rag. He snorted and was about to go into the house, but someone behind him called him: "Dashan!" He turned around and saw the person coming, and his heart was beating. Maybe he was guilty of being a thief. He had an impulse to run away when he saw the serious person.

The person who came was none other than Zhang Tiansheng. To be honest, when Xiaoshan found him and told him about his guess, he was a little unhappy. He felt that Xiaoshan had no brotherhood. How could he think so much of his own elder brother? The deceased father of the two brothers was his brother from the same family, and their grandfathers were cousins. By the time of Dashan and Xiaoshan, they were no longer related, but they were still relatives. How could he not hope for the best for the younger generation?

He also went to witness the separation of the two families last year. Seeing that the separation went smoothly without any quarrels, he nodded in his heart, thinking that the two younger generations were sensible and generous. This is the right way! He has seen many examples of people who quarreled too much during the separation and never contacted each other again. They all lived in the same village, and it would be bad to quarrel so badly.

As a result, he was still relieved. Xiaoshan said such words in just one year, which made Zhang Tiansheng really not know what to say.

But Xiaoshan was right. How did the hair get into his tent for no reason?

"If Uncle Tiansheng doesn't help me check, I'll come by myself."

At that time, Zhang Tiansheng asked, "How do you plan to come by yourself?"

"I'll call everyone in the village and ask the eldest sister-in-law in front of everyone, how can she, as the eldest sister-in-law, have her hair on the bed of the younger brother-in-law who has separated from the family!" At that time, Xiaoshan actually laughed, but Zhang Tiansheng was shocked by the meaning behind this sentence.

This, this, this! Isn't this messing around!

Zhang Tiansheng was shocked and angry. How could he say such an immoral thing? The women in the village love to gossip when they are bored. If such words spread, both families will have to live in disgrace. Shangmei Village will also be laughed at by other production teams from this year to next year.

"Uncle Tiansheng, I don't have to be so ruthless, but I have to save 150 yuan for four months without eating or drinking! Four months! Uncle Tiansheng, just pity me!"

This is why Zhang Tiansheng came to see Zhang Dashan and his wife entering the village.

Zhang Dashan forced a smile and greeted, "Uncle Tiansheng, why are you here? Come in and sit down!"

Zhang Tiansheng walked into the house with his hands behind his back, looked around first, and when Zhang Dasao poured him some water, he focused on her hair.

The hair was tied into a bunch, a big fluffy bunch. He smiled and asked, "So Dashan's wife has curly hair, that's good, it saves money! I've seen people in the city get their hair permed, using a hot iron rod to curl it, oh, that one time it went down and smoked, it was scary, and good hair was burned."

Zhang Dasao smiled happily, "Yes, I took after my mother, and my sisters from my mother's family also have natural curls like this. I'm not bragging, it's rare to have natural curly hair like ours in this area."

Zhang Dashan had calmed down, and when he saw Zhang Tiansheng looking like he was chatting, he guessed that the other person was passing by and had a seat. After all, he was the captain of the production team and often went to various houses to care about life. So he joked: "The method of perming that Uncle Tian Sheng mentioned is outdated. Nowadays, people use potions to perm their hair. That would be the best effect. I remember seeing my married cousin permed when I was young. The hair is very beautiful. If it’s not possible now, who would dare to perm their hair?” He was immediately labeled as a enjoying capitalist roader.

"Then I got a bargain!" Sister-in-law Zhang also cheered.

The three of them chatted and laughed for a while. Zhang Tiansheng sighed inwardly, and finally sat up straight with a straight face: "I came here today to inquire about one more thing. There was a burglar in the house on the hill. Do you know?"

"Oh! I just heard Xiaoshan say that this thief is so annoying, and he comes to harm people when the Chinese New Year is almost here!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Zhang Dashan and his wife shared the same hatred and scolded the thief. The two of them had been scared by Rui He just once, and now they had experience and their performance made Zhang Tiansheng unable to see the clues. Zhang Tiansheng had no choice but to change his explanation: "How is the relationship between Dashan's wife and Xiaoshan? After your two families separated, did you, as the eldest sister-in-law, take more care of Xiaoshan? I see that his house is neatly tidied, and you usually do the same Did you help with the cleaning?"

Sister-in-law Zhang smiled awkwardly: "Xiaoshan is capable and he has done well."

"Have you ever entered Xiaoshan's house these days?"

"Uncle Tian Sheng!" Sister-in-law Zhang's expression suddenly changed, "I'm not a thief! Don't accuse people unjustly!"

"Don't get excited. I'm just asking you a routine question. You and your wife were not at home yesterday. I asked the other villagers the same question."

Sister-in-law Zhang had no choice but to answer: "No - oh, I went there on the morning of the 25th, that morning. I came out less than five minutes after sitting down, and sat right under his nose. What could he have lost at his house?" You can’t rely on me.”

"You haven't been there since then?"

"No!" The tone was decisive.

"Then how do you explain that your hair is on the mosquito net on the hill bed?!"

Zhang Tiansheng slammed the table so hard that Zhang Dashan and his wife's hearts beat wildly, and Mrs. Zhang was stunned.

"Yesterday, Xiaoshan's house was robbed. I went in and took a look. The hair I saw under the mosquito net was long curly hair. In our village, there are people with naturally curly hair like you, Xiaosu from the east of the village, and his younger brother Xiaomi. Those two are... They are all boys with shaved hair. Whose hair do you think is not yours?"

Sister-in-law Zhang panicked and then calmed down. Since she dared to do it, she wouldn't admit it, it was just hair! She said with a dark face: "Who knows who Xiaoshan got it from outside? There are so many people with curly hair outside! Uncle Tian Sheng, did Xiaoshan tell you that he suspected that I stole his money? The conscience of heaven and earth! I swear I never did! Xiaoshan is so heartless. He was only eight years old when I married him, and he has grown up so cruelly and slandered me! I want to call him over to confront him!"

As soon as her call ended, Zhang Tiansheng felt his temples twitching. He slammed the table again: "Quiet!"

Sister-in-law Zhang sat down again angrily, her glare looked very angry, and she looked very innocent at first glance.

"I am the captain of the 11th Production Team of Shangmei Village, and you are all under my control! Let me put it this way, one hundred and fifty yuan is no longer a small amount, and the team takes it very seriously! If you are caught, you will be sentenced to at least six Months! Now everyone has to listen to my arrangements. If I ask a question, you should answer it honestly. Don’t talk to me about what you have and what you don’t have!”

During the conversation, Zhang Tiansheng's strong words and strong words made Mrs. Zhang lose her temper.

"You say the hair is not yours, that's okay. I'm going to get it from the brigade office now, and we'll compare it. You say it's the hair of other lesbians? That's okay, anyway, not many people have naturally curly hair. , let’s first find all the curly-haired lesbians in Heliao Commune to see which one of them might be the one that Xiaoshan is secretly looking for that no one knows about!”

Sister-in-law Zhang looked at Zhang Tiansheng in disbelief, trying to see the slightest hint of a joke in his eyes. But no, not at all. Only then did she feel scared, and her hands were shaking with panic.

"Then I'll go now. Anyway, Xiaoshan said that he would pay one hundred yuan to the team as a reward. As long as he catches the thief, this little hard work is nothing." Zhang Tiansheng stood up and walked out. Zhang Dashan had already Not knowing what to say or do, the two couples looked at each other in panic. Sister Zhang was stronger after all, so they quickly went to close the door: "That hair is mine, it's mine!" She grabbed Zhang Tiansheng and said, "We live here So close, so close, isn’t it normal for my hair to be blown into the small mountain house by the wind! The two families are so close..."

Her explanation makes sense.

But Zhang Tiansheng was helpless and angrily convinced that the thief was really Dashan's wife. He has been the captain of this team for almost ten years. He is responsible for the trivial matters of the family and the family every day. His eyes are very sharp. Even if he can't see clearly at first glance, he can figure it out with a few words.

That hair, to be honest, as long as Dashan's wife is not a thief, it has nothing to do with her! Even if that really is her hair!

No one saw her enter the house. That hair couldn't mean anything, it could have been blown by the wind. It wasn't blown by the wind, but it could be caused by the hills coming in and out, clinging to the door and being brought into the house.

Only a thief would care about that hair.

But Dashan's wife's first reaction was to deny that the hair was hers.

Only after he had deceived her did he admit that the hair was hers.

There must be something fishy going on with this inconsistency.

Zhang Tiansheng had some ideas in mind, and finally asked, "Do you really not know who the thief is?" Seeing that the couple categorically denied that they knew nothing about it, he left Zhang Dashan's house and went directly to the village brigade, and specifically told the brigade leader about the situation.

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