Winner in life

Chapter 204 26 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

《Life Winner [Quick Transmigration]》

After knowing the existence of the Taoist competition and that the organizer this year was the Zhai family, Ruihe decided to participate in the competition. The eighteen-year-old deadline was getting closer and closer. Ruihe didn't know what Lu Qiao was doing. He didn't want to go back to Ping County for fear of encountering the murderer. The Zhai family was undoubtedly a good place to investigate. Zhai Sutian of the Zhai family, the biological father of the original body, and Zhai Yinglin, who was seventeen years old this year, were also the people Ruihe planned to contact this time.

In these days of study, Ruihe absorbed all the knowledge of Taoism like a sponge, eating and sleeping for no more than ten hours a day, and never slacked off. After understanding the magic circle, Ruihe could find more clues from the original body's memories after being kidnapped in the previous life.

Those chaotic memories that seemed to have no clues at first, as Ruihe recalled and examined them over and over again, he picked out the words of the murderer, the black-robed Tianshi -

The black-robed Tianshi probably saw that the original body was going to die, so he didn't have any scruples when he spoke. He was like teasing a cat, high and mighty, and his words wantonly provoked the original body's hatred for Zhai Sutian.

How strong would the original body's hatred be after death. In the original body's vague memory, Ruihe saw traces of the formation.

What a familiar scene!

Zhou Nini was raped and killed, and after death, she was trapped in the sub-formation of the child-mother breaking life formation. The sub-formation gathered Yin and condensed evil, and raised Zhou Nini into a fierce ghost.

And the death of the original body and Zhou Nini's death have more than one similarity. The same black-robed heavenly master, and the forbidden technique of the Red Lotus Devouring Heart Technique from the Zhai family in the hands of the head nurse He Meifang in Zhou Xiong's murder case. The same similarity can be said to be a coincidence, and more than three connections are very likely to be the truth.

If the formation where the original body is located is also the child-mother breaking life formation, it is thought that the original body will have a similar ending after death, becoming a fierce ghost, and then counterattacking Zhai Sutian through the mother formation. Therefore, Ruihe decided to approach the Zhai family and contact Zhai Sutian.

The bus stopped, Ruihe followed Cai Ningzi to the guest room. Cai Ningzi said that if he wanted to come with him, he had to come. In fact, he had not participated in the Taoist competition for twenty years. He accompanied the first five disciples when they participated in the competition. The sixth disciple was unlucky and missed the opportunity to participate in the competition twice because of unexpected accidents. One time he broke his leg before the competition, and the other time he could not come because his grandfather passed away.

He was almost ninety years old now, and there was only one fellow apprentice of the same generation as him. He was bedridden and was already in retirement. He was the most senior ancestor in Helian Temple, and the temple was reluctant to let him work hard. If Ruihe had not come to participate in the competition, Cai Ningzi insisted on coming, and the temple master Hebai would not compromise. Cai Ningzi accompanied him, and the Zhai family, as the organizer, naturally attached great importance to it.

Therefore, Ruihe benefited from Cai Ningzi's help. The guests who came to participate in the competition were separated and settled, some were arranged in the Zhai family, and some were arranged in hotels in the town. The Zhai family is familiar with these things, so naturally they will arrange for people with whom they have good relations to stay in their own home, so that they can take better care of them. The relationship between Helian Temple and the Zhai family is average, but because Cai Ningzi is accompanying them this time, they will arrange for the people from Helian Temple to stay in their own home.

The reason is very simple. Cai Ningzi is very famous in Taoism. He participated in the encirclement and suppression of the ghost king Zan Ke thirty years ago. Many of the surviving Tianshi who participated in the encirclement and suppression have passed away in recent years. Cai Ningzi is one of the participants who are still alive. When the ghost king Zan Ke was born in Hefeng Mountain in the southwest, it caused a large-scale earthquake, and the lives and property of hundreds of thousands of residents were damaged. The National Taoist Association took the lead in calling on the Tianshi to cooperate and work together to eliminate the ghost king.

In that battle, the backbone of Taoism suffered heavy losses. The ghost king Zan Ke, who was rare in a century, caused the death of 221 Tianshi and injured more than 500 people by his own strength. This number seems not worth mentioning in the huge number of Tianshi in the country, but they are all top Tianshi in the country! The dead Tianshi makes people remember and miss him. The living Tianshi returns to the human world with pain and glory from the dark and despair-filled land of Hefeng Mountain in the southwest. Even today, thirty years later, he is still respected and admired.

"Third Senior Brother——" Ruihe asked in a low voice after hearing Sixth Senior Brother Hongzi talk about this. Two years ago, when all the senior brothers had not returned to Helian Temple, Master Cai Ningzi introduced his senior brothers to him. He simply said that the eldest senior brother died of illness and the third senior brother died in the operation to annihilate the ghost king.

Hong Zi nodded heavily: "Our third senior brother died in the Zan Ke Ghost King incident."

"Master and third senior brother are all great people."

"Yes, I was still young that year, and I had just become a disciple not long ago. There were earthquakes in the southwest, and people died every day. The news didn't dare to broadcast it... The Taoist competition was changed to every five years from then on. Let's not talk about this, let's go out, the master is waiting for us."

As soon as the voice fell, Cai Ningzi's full voice came from outside: "Let's go to eat!"

"Let's go!" Hong Zi smiled at Ruihe. The reason why he followed this time was that Cai Ningzi said: "Your senior brothers have all come to the Taoist competition, but you haven't been. Hurry up and pack your things. This time I will take you to play." So he came.

Oh, it really feels like a spring outing, happy~

Hong Zi has a child's heart, and ran out in a flash. Ruihe ran out with a smile. Beside Cai Ningzi stood the temple master and a senior brother who led the team. Other participating disciples in the temple also stood beside him. There were eleven people in total, all in their twenties. When they saw Ruihe and Hongzi, they all bowed and called them "Uncle Master", and some even called them "Grand Uncle Master".

Cai Ningzi lovingly called Hongzi and Ruihe over, holding one hand each: "Let's go, let's go eat. The Zhai family has prepared delicious food. Let's go to eat at a rich family's house."

The Zhai family cleaned up two courtyards for the restaurant. At this time, the restaurant was filled with the aroma of rice. Ruihe sat down and looked around. Disciples wearing Taoist robes with the Zhai family emblem shuttled between them, delivering plates of hot dishes to each table.

"Oh, Uncle Cai Ningzi, long time no see!"

"Brother Cai Ningzi, is this your little disciple? He is so handsome. Is he here to see the world or to participate in the competition this time?"

"Brother Cai Ningzi, I haven't seen you for a long time. Look, this is my grandson. How is his talent compared to your little disciple?"

Not long after sitting down, the heavenly masters who recognized Cai Ningzi kept coming to greet him. When he became a disciple, Ruihe saw that Cai Ningzi had a friendly face and didn't think about anything else. He didn't expect that the master he worshipped had such a high status in the temple. When he came outside, he found that his own master was also very majestic in front of the heavenly masters. But in the temple, Cai Ningzi would tie his hair and wash his clothes. At this time, Cai Ningzi was also an ordinary master who praised his disciples to the sky.

Facing the people who greeted him, Cai Ningzi responded in turn: "Long time no see, how is your master doing recently?"

"Yes, yes, yes, this is my little apprentice Hong Zhen, come to Hong Zhen, and greet your master uncle Ji Zhan."

Ruihe quickly stood up and bowed. On his 17th birthday, Cai Ningzi gave him the Taoist name "Hong Zhen", which means "to achieve perfection".

He also said: "I tell you, my little apprentice is not only handsome, but also has the same talent as my three apprentices! This time he is here to participate in the competition! Let's compete, my apprentice must be better than your grandson."

Ruihe smiled as he watched Cai Ningzi greet the guests, and stood straight beside Cai Ningzi so that other people who were curious about him could see him clearly. At this time, he could not show a timid expression, because he was the face of his master Cai Ningzi.

Cainingzi was worried that he was too nervous, so he put his arm around his shoulders and patted him twice, ending the topic: "Let's talk again sometime! Let's go eat!"

The people who gathered around dispersed.

A disciple of Helian Temple said with a smile: "Grandmaster Grandmaster has the most face."

The master of the temple, Hebai, glanced at the disciple and told him to swallow the rest of his words, not daring to say anything more. "Grandmaster Grandmaster, let's eat. The food of the Zhai family is very sincere. Do you think this rice is spiritual rice?" Change the subject.

In the incident of the ghost king Zan Ke, Grandmaster Grandmaster and his third disciple, Grandmaster Hongyu, went to Hefeng Mountain together. Grandmaster Hongyu was an orphan adopted by Helian Temple. He was a rare talent. At the age of less than 30, he was already a leading figure in Helian Temple. Unfortunately, he died in Hefeng Mountain.

The reputation of Helian Temple in the Taoist sect was mostly earned by Grandmaster Hongyu's all-out battle in Hefeng Mountain. Grandmaster Hongyu broke the ghost king's arm with his own life. The cruelty of that battle is still unforgettable to the participants. Afterwards, the National Taoist Association awarded Master Hongyu an honorary commendation. Master Cainingzi went to receive it in person despite his injuries. He was seriously ill and had to recover for three to five years.

After receiving a call from the reception staff of the Zhai family saying that they would be placed in the Zhai family courtyard, the master uncle was not very happy. It was because after receiving the list of disciples and accompanying personnel participating in the Helian Temple, the Zhai family called to talk about the accommodation arrangements: "Daoist Master Cainingzi and Taoist Master Hongyu are role models for our generation and models of Taoism." And other face-saving words. They did not hesitate to let Helian Temple know that they were giving face to Master Cainingzi and Master Hongyu, so they arranged for the Helian Temple to stay in the Zhai family courtyard.

But such a heroic and tragic past, is it for the so-called face?

Is it just to live in your Zhai family's house? !

At that time, Master Cainingzi happened to be next to him and heard every word. Alas! It's all sad things. In fact, it is not the fault of the Zhai family. It is hard to get rid of the knot in one's heart, and only relatives can care about it.

He Bai was really worried about his uncle-master. When he saw a disciple saying something about "face", he quickly changed the subject.

Cai Ningzi followed the topic of the temple master, carefully looked at the green rice in the big pottery jar, and shook his head gently: "It's not spiritual rice. The production of spiritual rice has been reduced for many years. Now only a few Taoist temples can grow it. No matter how rich the Zhai family is, they can't afford so much spiritual rice to serve guests." He picked up a little and chewed it slowly, and said affirmatively, "This is Bi Ling rice."

He Bai also saw that it was Bi Ling rice, but at this time he pretended to be enlightened: "So that's it, this kind of rice is easier to grow more, but unfortunately our Helian Temple is too small and there is not enough space. At most, we can grow a little vegetables and fruits. But even if it is Bi Ling rice, the Zhai family is generous."

Ling rice is sold by liang, one liang is between 5,000 and 6,000, and Bi Ling rice is much cheaper, with a price of between 120 and 150 per catty, which many people can afford. However, the spirit rice looks like spirit rice, but it tastes like nothing, just like ordinary rice.

Ruihe took two bites and said, "It's quite delicious."

Cai Ningzi said, "Master, if you have a chance, go buy some spirit rice for you to taste." The sale of spirit rice is pre-ordered, and it is mostly sold to the homes of the rich and powerful. People in the Taoist sect don't like spirit rice that much. After all, they can practice on their own, have sufficient vitality in their bodies, and communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth. The traces of spirit rice are very useful for ordinary people, but they are completely useless to them.

"Okay, thank you, Master." Ruihe agreed happily, and Hongzi also said he wanted to eat it. The brothers and sisters came one after another to support him, and Cai Ningzi smiled happily: "Buy, buy, buy, buy all for you."

The author has something to say: Early, early, early! ! !

You are very good at grasping the key points, Cai Ningzi just has no money, hahahaha

Cai Ningzi (staring): But there is still money to buy spirit rice

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