Winner in life

Chapter 213 35 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

If he didn't make a move, it would be fine. But once he did, it was amazing.

Suiquan outside the door was stunned. Such a neat and slick skill actually came from a boy under 20 years old. If he asked himself, he couldn't be so flexible when he was 17 years old!

No wonder, no wonder the other side asked him to stop it, he shook his head gently. Stop? Can't stop! It seems that all the efforts to stop it today were in vain. The other side hasn't even arrived yet, and it will be over in the blink of an eye!

Looking at the head on the ground, Ruihe was silent for a while, squatted down, picked up the ghost girl's head and put it back. The ghost girl hurriedly held it and straightened it. After a few teeth-grinding creaking sounds, the ghost girl's head was put back.

"Did you die from being beheaded?" Ruihe asked softly.

The ghost girl nodded timidly. She has been here for half a year. There have been four or five waves of witches and half-baked Taoist priests in the neighborhood, but none of them could defeat her. Today, she was beaten without any chance to fight back. The ghost girl was afraid and regretful, so she answered whatever Ruihe asked.

"One of the people who came here to explore disappeared a few days ago. Did you do it?"

"Not me." The ghost girl shook her head quickly, and her head, which had just been put on, tilted and almost fell off again. "I just scared people, I didn't do anything bad."

"Then did you see where the girl went?" Ruihe took out a missing person notice issued by the police and showed it to the ghost girl. The photo on it was the female student who had just disappeared.

The ghost girl recognized it, but still shook her head: "I don't know, I scared them away, and the girl also ran away. I don't know where she went after leaving this door. Master, I really didn't hurt anyone."

"Are you the only ghost here?"

"Yes, yes."

Ruihe turned around and looked at a certain place behind him on the left. It was dark at night and it seemed a little darker there. He asked: "Then who is that ghost?"

The ghost girl was startled, and the swollen muscles on her face were shaking because of the tremor. But her thoughts were not as fast as her actions. She instinctively pounced on Ruihe, and her short hair suddenly grew two meters, wrapping around Ruihe's neck and hands and feet like water grass.

Ruihe did not dodge, and quickly drew out the peach wood sword, seemingly lightly confronting the ghost girl's hair. "Clang!"

The moment he confronted the hair, there was a sound of swords colliding. The hair was cut in half, and the clumps of broken hair fell to the ground and were still twisting. The ghost girl did not entangle, and this blow seemed to be a feint to the east and attack in the west. She didn't linger at all, but pounced to the left and back of Ruihe, hugged something and turned around to fly into the well.

How could Ruihe let her run? More than a dozen talismans flew out, and after he finished reciting the formula, they emitted golden light at the same time. The light led me and pulled up a golden net, blocking the well mouth tightly. The female ghost spun too fast and couldn't stop her body. After hitting the golden net, her whole body burst into crackling sounds, and she screamed and fell to the ground again.

Then Ruihe took out the jade bottle and went forward to collect the female ghost and the things in her arms. Suddenly, a person rushed in from the gate. A young Taoist priest shouted: "Evil ghost! Give me your life!"

The Taoist priest rolled in like the wind, and the peach wood sword in his hand glowed white under the blessing of vitality, like a sharp sword.

Ruihe frowned and looked over, and saw that the new Taoist priest moved quickly, ignored him, and ran straight to the female ghost lying on the ground. The female ghost was seriously injured by his ghost-binding talisman and temporarily lost her ability to move. The new Taoist priest rushed straight at her with a peach wood sword. If she was stabbed by this sword, the female ghost would not only be shattered, but also lose most of her soul power. If you want to save her and reincarnate, it will probably not work in a short time.

This ruthless approach has obvious effects. If you count carefully, you can get a few points for "exorcising ghosts".

Ruihe couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then continued the action at hand. He held a jade bottle in one hand and pinched the formula with the other hand. After reciting the rest of the formula, the female ghost screamed and was taken into the jade bottle by him.

This kind of jade bottle is used to hold ghosts, and it is full of soul-catching arrays.

The new Taoist priest stopped his action abruptly and stopped there awkwardly. Ruihe pretended not to see it, put away the bottle, turned around and went to the well to clean up the mess. He saw that the water in the well was rapidly decreasing, gurgling like boiling water. In the blink of an eye, the water in the well disappeared. Except for the wetness at the bottom of the well, who could believe that it was still a well full of water just now?

"My Taoist friend, fortunately you are okay." The strange Taoist also came over to take a look at the well, grinned at Ruihe, as if he was very fortunate, "I am Zhou Zhengxi, a disciple of Yuelian Temple, where is my Taoist friend?"

"I am Xu Hongzhen, a disciple of Helian Temple, and I am honored to be here." Ruihe bowed, "I have other things to do, so I'll say goodbye."

"Hey wait! Hiss——" Zhengxi staggered with a pale face, Ruihe glanced at him, and saw red blood on his left leg and right arm, staining the light blue Taoist robe red. Looking at Zhou Zhengxi's face again, his face was as pale as a layer of cement in the moonlight, and the faint smell of blood penetrated Ruihe's nose. Thinking of Zhou Zhengxi's eager and impatient eyes when he pushed the door and entered just now, and the great disappointment and regret that naturally appeared when the female ghost was taken away by him, all this made Ruihe sure: Zhou Zhengxi was also a candidate for this test.

He sneered in his heart. This courtyard was just opened, and Zhou Zhengxi came in with him. It was really funny! Many suspicions in his heart were confirmed when Zhou Zhengxi appeared at the critical moment. Ruihe had a very bad impression of this person. Seeing that the other party wanted to stay, he had the idea of ​​​​inquiring.

After making up his mind, Ruihe asked with concern: "Fellow Daoist Zhengxi is injured? Do you need help?"

"Ahem, yes, the injury I suffered at Huming Mountain." Zhou Zhengxi sighed and moved to the edge of the well to sit down, then looked at Ruihe frankly, "It's a pity that I didn't catch up. Fellow Taoist Hongzhen is much better." , I am willing to give up."

"It's just a coincidence. Fellow Taoist Zhengxi passed the Humingshan exam tonight?"

Zhou Zhengxi sighed again: "No, I passed it last night." He pointed to his thigh, "The injury was too serious. I fainted after going down the mountain and didn't wake up until this morning. Alas, I woke up I can’t move for the time being, so I have no choice but to recuperate first and then rush here when I can barely move.”

"So it's like this. Your health is the most important thing." In this way, Zhou Zhengxi and him arrived at the top of the mountain roughly in front of and behind. Ruihe comforted him and suggested, "Do you need me to help you to a nearby hotel?"

"No, the exam is over. My disciples in the temple can come and pick me up." He cannot accept any outside help before the end of the exam. Now that the test questions here have been solved by Ruihe in advance, for Zhou Zhengxi, he The exam is naturally over.

"Okay then, I have other things to do, see you soon."

As soon as Rui He left, the cheerful and kind smile on Zhou Zhengxi's face disappeared instantly. He turned off the exam monitor in his collar. This thing cannot be turned off without permission during the exam, but now it's okay. He took out his cell phone and called: "Come pick me up."

Less than a minute after he hung up, two Yue Lian Guan disciples rushed in. One redressed his wound with medicine, and the other gave him Qi-replenishing elixir.

Zhou Zhengxi's condition is really not good. The two wounds that are bleeding now were pecked by a tempestuous bird of prey. This kind of bird monster is characterized by its speed. Its claws and beak are extremely sharp and can break iron! Zhou Zhengxi was accidentally pecked twice. His calf bone was cracked and his right arm was broken. The flesh in these two places was also pecked away. It was really painful to the bone marrow. In addition, he had been in a car accident before the competition, and his injuries were not fully recovered. During the martial arts test, his internal organs bled again. His body was extremely weak due to the superposition of new and old injuries. He barely managed to recover for a day before struggling, and now he is holding on. Can't live.

"Senior Brother Zhengxi, this question was snatched away by that Hongzhen. It's really annoying!"

"Yes, yes." Another disciple agreed, "We clearly -"

"Shut up! Silence!" Zhou Zhengxi's eyes flashed coldly, "Get out first!"

The two disciples immediately shut up. Being half-supported and half-carried away from the courtyard by two junior brothers, Zhou Zhengxi's eyes were filled with gloom that could not be resolved. He got off to a bad start. A week before the Dao Sect Competition, he took an order to go to Zhuyang to check Feng Shui, but he got into a car accident on the road.

The location of the car accident was a downhill corner. After he had the car accident, he heard that there were frequent car accidents there, with many people killed and injured.

"Maybe something happened that affected the feng shui of that section of the road. I heard that a Taoist temple has taken over the work, but I don't know why it hasn't started yet." This is what Zheng Xi's master told him.

There is nothing he can do no matter how angry he is. He is already thirty years old. If he does not participate in this Taoist competition, he will have no chance. He gritted his teeth to take the exam, gritted his teeth to stand out, and fell into a coma immediately after drawing the lottery. Before he passed out, he said: "Keep an eye on it! If someone gets the same test question as me, hold him back!"

I don’t know if it was God’s trick. The test question he got happened to be in Zhuyang City. The road section where he had a car accident happened to be between the area where the test question was located and the airport.

God help me!

The master who understood his thoughts made a prompt decision and began to lay out. That section of road was really a good place to start. Who could doubt that there was a car accident in a place like that?

As soon as the arrangements were made, the person who bought it sent news that the exam question had been drawn again. But Zheng Xi is still fainting, so let’s do it!

Zheng Xi’s master wasn’t too worried about getting killed. After all, which heavenly master had two or three life-saving things on hand? Just delay it and let the candidate stumble in the hospital. But what Zheng Xi's master didn't expect was that the candidate named Hong Zhen was unscathed and came out of the hospital less than half an hour after entering the hospital, which made him angry.

Fortunately, Hongzhen did not go there overnight, but went to the hotel. He probably would not go to the examination room until daytime, so he quickly contacted an acquaintance before taking the next step.

"What a pity." Zhou Zhengxi lowered his eyes to hide the evil and unwillingness in his eyes. He was extremely dissatisfied with Sui Quan. After taking so much money, he just backed down at the last minute. Even if he stopped for another thirty minutes, no! Ten minutes! Things can also take a turn for the better. "That boy Hongzhen is so powerful!" He said in a low voice with hatred. Hongzhen entered less than ten minutes ahead of him. By the time he entered, the female ghost had been knocked to the ground. Most of the points must have gone to Hongzhen. He originally wanted to get some participation points, but unfortunately he failed to do so.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

The author has something to say: Zhou Zhengxi: The more I think about it, the angrier I get! (Slapping his thigh angrily) Ouch, it hurts!


Early, early, early! !

There was a power outage early in the morning. I connected my phone to the hotspot and then turned on the computer to send it out. I cried.

I didn’t go anywhere on May Day because I was still coughing like crazy. I didn’t even go out of my house. Alas

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