Winner in life

Chapter 217 39 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

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Ying Lin ranked seventh in the written test, scored 223 points in the first martial arts test, ranking 18th, and scored 20 in the second test, which was considered a good result. The child is only seventeen years old, but Zhai Sutian's requirements for his son are not low. This time he asked his son to participate in the Taoist competition. Although he did not say that he would win the first place, he still expected his son to be among the top ten. .


A bad year! Ying Lin was unlucky in the first level of the martial arts test, and the test questions he encountered were not what he was good at. Of course, it is impossible for every candidate who takes the exam to encounter the test questions that they are good at. After all, they have to have a mix of those they are good at and those they are not good at. In this way, the two will cancel out and the scores will be similar. But Ying Lin's luck was really bad. When he met Hongzhen later, the three of them walked together, but their performance was no better than Hongzhen's. Hongzhen always competed with her to be one step faster, so naturally she couldn't compare to others when it came to scoring. .

Fortunately, the last location test question was Ying Lin's best at catching ghosts, and he got full marks.

However, if the investigation is correct, this child was his biological son who was given up early by him. He clearly, clearly... had very poor qualifications back then! He has touched the bones himself, so he can’t be wrong! But seeing is believing, and in this Taoist competition, he actually performed better than Ying Lin, who had been carefully raised by him and his wife for seventeen years.

They are both seventeen years old, how can there be such a big difference?

What about qualifications? Why did he suddenly become a young genius?

Did you have any adventures? Did something happen that he didn't know about?

What can the Zhai family get from this?

As soon as these thoughts came to mind, Zhai Sutian was filled with regret and regret.

To be honest, he had no intention of recognizing the child. If he met his biological son on the street one day, no matter where he was, Zhai Sutian could only express a few words of emotion and take a second look.

But they happened to meet him at the Dao Sect Competition, and he was so outstanding, even more outstanding than the young master who had been trained with careful upbringing and the family's resources. How could one let him go?

Without giving anything, suddenly there is a strong sapling with a promising future in front of us. All it takes is a little effort to attract people, and in a few years it will become a towering tree that protects the Zhai family!

How could you give up? How can you be willing?

Reluctant to give up, unwilling to give up.

He was too embarrassed to tell his wife these thoughts, it was so embarrassing. Therefore, this dinner party used a roundabout strategy. He said to his wife: "We haven't seen each other for so many years, and I suddenly told him that we are the biological parents. I'm afraid that the child won't be able to handle this twist. It's better to take it slow. We Get closer to him, and then take it step by step, and then bring it up slowly.”

What shouldn't happen to my wife?

So there was this banquet.

It's just that Cai Ningzi doesn't take the usual path, and his identity doesn't require beating around the bush. He can just say what he wants without any scruples. Zhai Sutian felt a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "Taoist Master Cainingzi, you have wronged me. My wife and I really think Hongzhen is lovable. Hongzhen is the same age as my Yinglin, a young and talented man. It makes people happy when they see it, and they can’t help but want to get close to it.”

The leader of the clan put down his arrogance and spoke nicely and thoughtfully, many times better than Cai Ningzi's words.

Cai Ningzi was unmoved and instead asked, "I thought it was our Hongzhen's resemblance to Mrs. Ling that triggered the Zhai family master's paternal heart."

As soon as these words came out, the dinner table fell silent for an instant. Kou Dan's eyes suddenly turned red, and Zhai Sutian looked calm: "Oh? If you don't tell me, I really didn't see it." He looked at it carefully, then nodded in surprise, "It's really similar!" Finally, he concluded, " No wonder I liked Hongzhen the first time I saw her. It turns out that I still have this fate. I must move around more in the future.”

Rui He sat next to Cai Ningzi, lowering his eyes and saying nothing. Cainingzi immediately sneered: "That's okay."

Originally, he wanted to have a conversation to see if he could find out Hong Zhen's life experience, but now it seems that Zhai Sutian was just trying to be careless, and he was just trying to trick someone without telling the truth, so it was just nonsense.

He stood up immediately. He didn't even want to eat, but it wasn't like he couldn't afford it. "Then let's leave first, we have to catch the plane!" He pulled Ruihe and left.

"Hongzhen!" Kou Dan hurriedly tried to persuade him to stay.

Rui He glanced back, and that glance was clear and clear, as if he didn't care about anything, and he seemed to see everything clearly. The rest of Kodan's words were choked in his throat and he could no longer say them.

She sat down in a daze, and couldn't help complaining to her husband: "Why can't you say -"

"Danxia... sigh!" Zhai Sutian also sighed, "You should still remember what happened back then, how can you admit it? If you admit it, the family will be in chaos."

Koudan's tears fell and he didn't say anything else. Things you gave up back then don't mean you can pick them up if you want to. I compromised at the beginning, and now I don't even have the courage to carry them back.

After leaving the Zhai family compound and coming to their residence, the disciples had packed up all their things. Ruihe took a plane back to Helian Temple. Cai Ningzi found an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with Rui He: "Don't get angry about this matter, the master will help you investigate." He then gently comforted him, "They are the ones who want to make friends with you! Let's sit tight on Diaoyutai. , even if they show their weakness, don’t worry, the better you are, the more impatient they will be.”

Zhai Sutian only thought that his thoughts were hidden deeply, but who was actually a fool? Cai Ningzi's heart was clear.

"I listen to Master." Rui He agreed. On the way back to Helian Temple, he behaved more and more obediently, which made Cai Ningzi very happy.

This was all he could do. Cai Ningzi knew that he was feeling guilty, so he cooperated with him, hoping that he would let go of his worries earlier, so that the master and disciple would get along better.

When they got home, Cai Ningzi said, "I'll take you to play." She was talking about the place she had promised to take Ruihe to. After saying this several times in succession, Ruihe also became curious, so the master and apprentice went out again. Only when they got on the plane did Ruihe find out that the place was in the capital.

The old man Cainingzi was on the ground: "Master will take you for a walk in the capital."

We set off at noon that day and arrived in the capital at three o'clock in the afternoon. Cainingzi made a phone call. This time, a young man came to pick him up. The young man called himself Chen. He was very warm and respectful to Cainingzi and drove to pick him up personally. He said that he would ask them to go home to rest first.

"My grandfather said that we must invite Taoist Master Cainingzi to come to our house."

Cainingzi sighed: "Is your grandpa in good health?"

"It's good. I heard that you are coming to Beijing to visit. I am very happy."

Rui He looked curious, Cai Ningzi patted his hand gently and said with a hint of sadness: "Your third senior brother's surname is Chen, this child should be your third senior brother's nephew."

When you come to the capital, you must visit the Chen family. The third disciple, Hongyu, was Cai Ningzi’s most valued disciple. He had a close relationship with the Chen family in the early years. When the third disciple passed away, this friendship did not end. Those protective jade tablets, life-saving jade amulets and other good things for self-protection were Cainingzi would send people to Beijing every year, and the Chen family would often send people to see him. There were gifts for all four seasons and eight festivals.

This time Cai Ningzi brought Ruihe to Beijing, so it was naturally impossible not to enter the Chen family.

Rui He has heard the story of the third senior brother several times. When he came to Chen's house this time, he felt that the person in his imagination had come to reality and became more real. Even if this reality was just someone else's memory. After dinner at Chen's house, Cai Ningzi and her third apprentice's grandfather stayed in the study room chatting all night, and then took Rui He out the next day.

Mr. Chen insisted on letting his grandson pick him up and drop him off, saying, "Just give him orders and treat him as a chartered driver."

Although he couldn't refuse, Cai Ningzi didn't refuse.

Having an acquaintance pick her up makes traveling much more convenient. The place Cai Ningzi wants to go is remote and messy. If we rent a car there, the driver will be unhappy. Chen Yu has a good temper. He listened to Cai Ningzi's directions and drove the car steadily and fast, without any bumps while walking through the streets.

"We're here." Cai Ningzi asked Chen Yu to go play first, "I'll call you when we have to leave."

Rui He looked at the residential area in front of him and was a little confused: "Master, is this the place you said you wanted to take me to play?"

"Yeah, come with me."

This old-fashioned residential area seemed to be deserted. The iron gate at the gate was rusty. The gatekeeper was a very young woman. She checked Cainingzi's Celestial Master Certificate and registered before letting her in. Looking at an ordinary residential building, after entering - it's quite ordinary. Cai Ningzi took Rui He Qiguai Baguai to a building. Ruihe noticed with sharp eyes that there was something different about this building.

Although the door was closed like other buildings, this building gave him a very strange feeling. No, it should be said that this entire community made Ruihe feel uncomfortable. It seemed like someone was watching him behind the windows of those empty houses.

Especially this building.

Upon seeing this, Cai Ningzi showed a satisfied expression and went up to knock on the door. The door opened. Rui He was a little surprised. Isn't this an acquaintance?

The person who opened the door was Taoist Priest Yuezong, the heavenly master from Jiqingguan who came to assist Zhou Xiong in the case.

Ruihe's heart skipped a beat, then calmed down again. Fortunately, he rarely went out after becoming a disciple. Apart from taking the initiative to contact Zhou Xiong, he never met the other people he had deceived before. Even Guizhen, who was familiar with Zhou Xiong in Lotus Temple, had never met Ruihe. Guizhen is of the same generation as him, so Rui He should call him senior brother. I heard the temple owner said during a leisurely chat that senior brother Guizhen is very good at business. 70% of the income of Helian Temple comes from Guizhen. He has good friends with many businessmen. , connections are connected with connections, and people are queuing up to ask him to read Feng Shui and buy talismans. Therefore, he was so busy that during the apprenticeship ceremony, Guizhen came back with a gift. Ruihe had not met each other yet and was afraid of revealing his secret. At that time, he told Zhou Xiong not to talk about him to Guizhen.

Fortunately, he had already confessed to Cai Ningzi, and now Ruihe was not so panicked when he met Taoist Priest Yue Zong.

Taoist Priest Yue Zong did not recognize Rui He when he saw him at first sight. He politely invited Cai Ningzi to come in. Cai Ningzi introduced him and said: "This is my little apprentice. He is from Xingqi. You call him Hong." Just be fine." He glanced at Ruihe and greeted him kindly.

"I'm thinking of bringing him here to try. Is there any progress here?"

Yue Zong shook his head: "There is no one yet, only Taoist friend Cuihua."

"I'll bring my Hongzhen here to try it today."

"How do you know this place?" Yue Zong smiled bitterly.

Cainingzi raised her chin proudly: "The developer of this community is named Zheng."

Yue Zong thought he understood. This community was expropriated after a poor sea appeared, and all the residents were resettled. It made sense that Cainingzi had a relationship with the developer.

"Okay, please come with me." They were already at the door, and they were seniors from the Taoist sect, so Yue Zong didn't dare to stop him.

Rui He followed Cai Ningzi and whispered, "Didn't Senior Brother Six introduce the Master here?"

"Yes, your sixth senior brother's common surname is Zheng."

The author has something to say: He Zai: What is the lay name of Sixth Senior Brother?

Cai Ningzi: Zheng Xinbao

Old lady of the Zheng family: My dear grandson! Just call him Xinbao, you are the treasure of grandma's heart!


It is really cold today, and it was cold yesterday too. From short sleeves to long sleeves, short sleeves, long sleeves and sweaters, today I wore sweaters and coats

Yesterday was the beginning of summer, can you believe it? o(╥﹏╥)o

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