Winner in life

23.23 Traveling through 1972

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Yes, Li Dashui is here too. In the past six months, every time Li Dashui came to see him, Ruihe would find a way to teach him some elementary school subjects. Even if the two of them made an appointment to go out and play, Ruihe would recite poems and mathematical formulas loudly in his ear. When preparing for the final exam, he also asked Li Dashui to help him review, asking and answering questions, and asking Li Dashui to turn over the book to listen to whether he was reciting correctly. In short, he managed to cultivate a little knowledge impression on Li Dashui.

When Ruihe asked Xu Caiheng to help him apply for the qualification for the final exam, he also paid Li Dashui 50 cents for the exam fee and reported Li Dashui's name.

Helplessly, Li Dashui went to take the exam with a bitter face under the soft and hard requests of his brother.

After the exam, Ruihe went back to work. Among the workers who had a good relationship with him, they all came to ask him with concern: "How did you do in the exam?" Almost no one knew that Li Dashui had taken the exam.

Ruihe shook his head and said he didn't know. In fact, Xu Caiheng had already told him privately that when marking the papers, Xu Caiheng had seen his Chinese and math papers, and there seemed to be no problem at present. However, Ruihe didn't want to say anything uncertain. Li Dashui said firmly: "You will definitely pass the exam. If you can't pass it even if you try so hard, then others will not be able to pass it either."

Zhang Tianci shook his head: "That's because others didn't take the exam seriously. Who goes to middle school now? It's enough to graduate from elementary school."

"Why are you still saying such things?" Zhang Cuimei glared at him, is she talking? Turning to comfort Ruihe, he said, "Your hard work will definitely pay off. You see, we work every day in the bamboo factory, and we get a lot of real wages. The same is true for studying."

"Thank you, Sister Cuimei."

Zhang Tianci cut the bamboo slices heavily and said in a muffled voice, "What's the good of studying? It costs money, and it's hard to find a good job after graduation. People in the city go to the countryside to work as educated youth after graduating from high school. What can we rural people do? Isn't it better to run the factory well?"

Ruihe didn't say anything. Zhang Cuimei poked Zhang Tianci with her elbow and whispered, "What's wrong with you?" She felt that Zhang Tianci was too nosy. Outsiders had no right to say anything about how others arranged their lives.

Li Dashui saw that the atmosphere was not right, and quickly made a joke: "Oh, by the way, I saw Sister Cuimei go to Brother Tianci's house for dinner that day. When will your wedding be held?"

Zhang Cuimei rarely smiled shyly. She looked at Zhang Tianci: "Why are you asking me..."

Li Dashui saw the opportunity and said "Oh~" and asked Zhang Tianci: "Brother Tianci, you——"

Zhang Tianci threw the cut bamboo slices to the ground vigorously, scaring Li Dashui so much that he couldn't finish his words. Zhang Tianci reacted and regretted that he was too fierce, but he was anxious and angry in his heart, and he couldn't apologize, so he said stiffly: "I'm going to the toilet."

Leaving Zhang Cuimei embarrassed to apologize to Li Dashui: "He must be too tired and in a bad mood, don't bother with him."

"It's okay, it's okay."

The sky suddenly died down.

After get off work, Ruihe and Li Dashui walked together and heard a little gossip that Zhang Tianci seemed to be in a bad mood recently. Ruihe said, "It seems to be because I want to go to school. I asked him and he said it's not. But you also heard that he doesn't support me to go to school."

"So that's the case. I was wondering why he mentioned it almost every day... So that's the case. I thought he couldn't bear to leave you. Now it seems that it's not that simple."

The two looked at each other and Ruihe smiled bitterly.

Zhang Tianci was concerned about the wages. He was concerned that the finished product volume would decrease after he left, and the monthly wages would decrease.

"But they knew that I was going to middle school a long time ago. Brother Tianci suddenly became like this recently, and I was very unsure."

"Yes." Li Dashui also recalled, "He never told you not to study before."

In fact, he did say that. When he asked Xu Caiheng to help with tutoring at the beginning, Zhang Tianci and Zhang Cuimei felt that the money was unnecessary. They only mentioned it a few times at that time, and it has been more than a year since then.

Ruihe thought about it and could only think that Brother Zhang was more nervous about money and might be short of money.

Li Dashui was even more puzzled: "We earn so much in the factory every year, how can he be short of money?"

No one could figure it out.

"Forget it, no matter what he says, as long as I can pass the exam, I will go to school."

"I support you, I have saved money, I will lend it to you if you don't have money to spend in the future."

Ruihe smiled and nodded.

The two walked back to their homes with their arms around each other, and the setting sun dragged long shadows behind them.


In the autumn of 1974, Ruihe entered middle school.

In the autumn of 1975, Ruihe took the junior high school graduation exam and successfully skipped grades and entered the high school department. The middle school he attended was the only middle school in the commune, including junior high school and high school. After the country shortened the education period, junior high school and high school were only two years each. Ruihe studied peacefully for a year, and the sufficient study time made him progress rapidly. In order to catch up with the first exam of the college entrance examination in 1977, Ruihe worked even harder and graduated from junior high school in one year.

After entering the high school department, Ruihe felt that he was one step closer to his goal, and he must work harder in the remaining two years.

In this year, Zhang Dashan's eldest daughter Zhaodi was born, Xu Caiheng's eldest daughter Nannan was born, and Shangmei Village had several new children. Ruihe sometimes went to Xiaogangjiao to visit Xu Caiheng, and he especially liked his daughter. Zhang Qingnan was amused when he saw this: "Why do I see that you like daughters but not boys? When my mother's children came to play, you kept hugging the girls and ignored the boys."

It made Rui He blush, but he still had to argue: "Girls are good." Seeing such a small child, he thought of the scene when he was raising his sister when he was a child. The little girl was so good and soft, and she screamed sweetly. elder brother.

"If you like a girl, hurry up and have one yourself."

Rui He has been teased so many times that he is no longer as embarrassed as he was at the beginning: "It's still early." Then he changed the subject and said to Xu Caiheng, "I have found the remaining volumes, "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" "The set is finally complete."

Xu Caiheng said with a smile: "Now your dream has come true."

"If you want to watch it, just tell me and we can take turns watching it."

Xu Caiheng waved his hand: "I won't look at it. In fact, my family also had a set before. My eldest brother bought it. At that time, I was ignorant and wanted to make pocket money, so I sold it to people passing by the door to collect rags. I bought it for 12 cents. The money, my elder brother found out and cut me off for a while, but the book can no longer be found. "

Zhang Qingnan interjected: "Last month, the child's uncle wrote and sent some goat milk lumps. I'll give them to you to try." She took out a plate from the gauze cupboard and put white lumps on it. Milk lumps, "Try the sour ones."

Rui He pinched a piece and ate it. He felt that the taste was very familiar and he liked it. He asked Zhang Qingnan: "Is this goat's milk lump?"

"Yes, my uncle's uncle is in the pasture in the north, and he said that this thing is a specialty there. Is it delicious?"

Ruihe nodded: "I think it tastes pretty good."

Zhang Qingnan said happily: "That's just right! Some people can't get used to the taste. If you are used to it, I will bring you a pack. I have more than ten kilograms at home, so don't be polite to us."

Rui He happily accepted it and brought a pack of goat milk dumplings with him when he went home, and ate them with porridge for dinner. When he was lying in bed at night, he suddenly dreamed of his parents taking him to the market. At that time, his sister Ruizhu was not born yet, and his father carried him on his shoulders. There are caravans from the Northland at the market, and the goods displayed occupy half the street. There are a dazzling array of shops from the Northland that I have never seen before, and strange aromas are flowing everywhere. Xiao Ruihe pointed to a white lump on a stall: "That one, eat that one."

The boss wearing a thick hat smiled broadly: "This is milk lump. People in the North also call it milk tofu. Want to try some?"

The young father waved his hand: "Two pounds."

"Hey, guest, don't be so generous. I, Lao Hu, am a kind person. I have to tell you first that not everyone is used to the taste of these milk lumps. If you buy it home and are not used to it, I can't refund it. Ah. According to me, just buy half a catty and eat it back!"

Xu's father stuffed a small lump of milk into Ruihe's mouth and asked him, "Does it taste good?"


As the young self in the dream nodded heavily, Ruihe also woke up from his dream. He leaned against the bedside panting, and finally figured out why the breast lumps seemed familiar to him. He had eaten them before!

He hurriedly called System 460: "Why is there food from Minecraft here?"

System 460 answered him: "Has the host forgotten? This world and the mission world you will participate in in the future are all virtual planes, but certain reference data is needed when constructing planes."

Ruihe's shoulders slumped, feeling a little disappointed: "Yes, you said it before." He scratched his hair, "Maybe I'm homesick again. It's strange why I'm so excited all of a sudden."

Ruihe ate the milk dumplings given by Zhang Qingnan very slowly because he cherished and missed the taste in his memory, but he could finish them even if he had to wait half a month.

School started, Ruihe packed up and went to school. Everything was normal at first. I heard that the teachers in the high school were all from the city and were top students from some university. Anyway, they sounded very good. Rui He, who is not a good person, only heard about it until the official class started and found out that the teacher happened to be the director, classroom teacher and class teacher of the high school department. His surname was Hao, and he was known as Teacher Hao. He was almost omnipotent and could teach every subject.

Ruihe maintained a high enthusiasm for learning until he previewed a new history class at home. The history textbooks in high school are much deeper than those in junior high school. What he is studying in advance is the modern history of his country. Why does it look familiar to him?

There were also foreigners invading the country, and there was also the Republic of China.

Although the names of some celebrities in it are different from the names of famous warlords and generals in his world, if you look closely at the past, there are too many similarities.

He was shocked to realize that he seemed to be looking in the mirror! This discovery made his hair stand on end.

Could it be... He was just about to ask System 460 when he suddenly recalled what System 460 said last time. Could it be that this mission world obtained architectural inspiration from his own world?

His mouth opened, but he didn't call out System 460 again. In fact, even if what I guess is right, so what? After all, this is not my hometown, and the similarities can only be comforting.

Ruihe lay back on the bed, pulled the thin quilt over his stomach and covered it. He put his hands on his stomach, closed his eyes without feeling sleepy, and turned to look out the window——

The window was re-nailed by him, the horizontal strips were staggered, and the moonlight was cut into pieces, forming sporadic light and shadow in his eyes. Ruihe rubbed his face and closed his eyes, thinking about tomorrow's classes and finally meeting Duke Zhou.

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