Winner in life

Chapter 224 46 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

Ruihe sat over and asked with a smile: "What gift is it, Fifth Brother?"

Hong Kan touched Ruihe's head. Ruihe was used to having his head touched by his senior brothers. He learned this from his master! He was a little embarrassed, but he kept in mind that he was only eighteen years old in this body, the youngest senior brother Hongzi was almost forty years old, and the three senior brothers above were also in their fifties. He was indeed a child in front of them, and he touched his head It is a way of expressing closeness.

"Here, see if you like it." Hong Kan took out a small box and handed it to Rui He, while Cai Ningzi urged: "Open it quickly and take a look."

Ruihe opened the box and saw a bullet lying inside. The bullet was dark brown, but it was coated with a layer of pulp and looked very smooth. An evil spirit came out of the bullet. At first glance, it was not an ordinary bullet casing.

"This is the shell casing left by the first shot fired by a veteran on the battlefield. This bullet killed an enemy." Hong Kan introduced, "After that, he wore it on his body with a rope for forty years, soaking into the soldier's heart. Blood and sweat are stained with evil spirits, and his whole body is stained with righteousness. You can tie it with a red rope and wear it to protect you from evil spirits. "

"Thank you, Fifth Brother." Ruihe immediately went to get the red string to string the bullets and wear them on his body.

Hong Kan was very happy to see this and patted Rui He on the head again.

Rui He had a good impression of the fifth senior brother. When they first met, the fifth senior brother gave him a protective jade plaque. The jade plaque had been broken after the car accident in Zhuyang.

The master and apprentice sat in the yard admiring the moon and eating moon cakes. Rui He also took out his own gifts for Cainingzi and the fifth senior brother: "I made these with my own hands." He brought three bowls of dumplings from the kitchen, which were round and round. The dumplings are trembling in the clear soup, and the soup is sprinkled with finely chopped coriander, which makes the dumplings even more plump and cute.

Cai Ningzi was surprised: "So you made dumplings, they look really good." She was so impressed that she immediately ate one and praised her repeatedly, "Our Hongzhen is amazing, our cooking skills are really good! Find a good Taoist companion in the future You can live a magical life.”

Ruihe was helpless. Ever since he got the peach blossom pond as the prize of the Taoist competition, his master had liked to tease him. I happened to be an adult at the age of eighteen, so this kind of joke would not be inappropriate.

Hong Kan ate two and nodded in agreement: "Not bad, good craftsmanship."

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Ruihe continued to study the strange fire in his body. In the temple, the temple owner He Bai was also building momentum for him, hoping to push the reputation of him and Helian Temple to a higher level. He Bai wanted to get fame and fortune. .

He said to Cai Ningzi in private: "Uncle Master, today's society is no longer like ours. Not to mention your time, but since I took over the Taoist temple, society has changed with each passing day. The teachings I have received since I joined the Taoism have changed." It is not suitable for today's trend. I know that you are careful to raise Hongzhen too high, fearing that he will fall down in the future. You have a father's heart, but I am not a power lord who only knows the smell of copper. "

Afraid that Cai Ningzi wouldn't understand, He Bai really explained it to Cai Ningzi in detail word for word, hoping that the other party would understand.

"The Taoist sect has developed to this day. It is no longer like the flowers blooming and the Taoism is as dazzling as it was in the most prosperous years. Many people nowadays have no faith. Uncle Master, you entered the school when you were seven years old. What was the Lotus Temple like at that time? You know best, but what about now? The qualifications of new disciples are getting worse year by year. This is okay, the general environment is like this, and other Taoist temples cannot recruit children with good qualifications. But if you think about it carefully, How many Taoist talismans have been lost and expired in our temple? Some of them have lost their disciples and their inheritance has been interrupted. Some of them have become weak or disappeared. Our Helian Temple is not a top sect in the Taoist sect, and the inheritance is not very large. , as this loss accumulates over time, our decline becomes even more pronounced.”

Cai Ningzi listened with a sullen face.

"I really didn't expect Hongzhen to have such good luck. Now that he has it, I will work hard to help him plan and plan for the Taoist temple. Uncle Master, the orchid fire obtained by Hongzhen can not only make talismans When he masters seal script in the future, it will become his famous secret skill. He Lian Guan does not need Hongzhen to offer all the fire. As long as he lives well and grows up healthily, it is enough to rely on it! With the fire he cultivates in his body, Taoism can draw on it for at least eighty years, and the orchid fire talisman can be effective for at least eighty years. This is a new inheritance and the foundation of Taoism. "

Why did Zhai Sutian suddenly pop out? Isn’t that the same idea?

Finally, He Bai said: "Among the new disciples Miaozi I contacted before, the parents of two children were still hesitant at first. In the past few days, they have given me definite news that they will send their children to our Lotus Monastery."

This is the blessing brought by Hongzhen's second place in the Taoist sect, and it is also the silent advertisement that Hongzhen's current momentum brings to the Taoist temple.

"I also see Hongzhen's character. Not to mention that he is a stable child. Even if he is impetuous and proud, I will protect him. Uncle Master, you have to believe me." He pulled Cai. Ning Zi's hand, said sincerely.

Cai Ningzi exhaled slowly and slowly. After the turbid breath came out, he straightened his waist, his eyes were as sharp as knives. Looking at him, no one dared to regard him as old. A confused old man. He gently slapped He Bai's hand back and said in a deep voice, "If he had an impetuous and arrogant character, he wouldn't be able to impress me and make me want to accept a disciple again."

Hebai laughed immediately.

Ruihe didn't know anything about what was going on outside. He didn't know that Qionghai had officially opened, and all registered Celestial Masters could start to sign up to explore Qionghai in sequence. He also didn't know that after Hebai released the video, Lanhuo Fu attracted the attention of the Taoist sect and got the chance to get the chance to marry Gudao Shanyin. It has almost the same attention as Lihuo Fu.

Until now, these two people are the only ones who have gained something from exploring the poor sea.

How not to be envious? How to keep people from paying attention?

But He Bai also knew that if it was revealed that what Hongzhen got was real fire, it would be a different situation. Maybe the backyard of Helianguan had been visited countless times, and Hongzhen might disappear in the room.

Killing and selling goods.

There is a strange fire in the body. Can the strange fire be snatched away and used for one's own use? No one knows, but there are definitely people willing to give it a try.

Only four people know this secret. Before Hongzhen can completely master Lan Huo, He Bai will never reveal a word to the fifth person, otherwise he will be struck by lightning. And his wife Lingyao is the person he trusts the most, and she will also be tight-lipped.

He Bai was very wary of the Zhai family. If nothing unexpected happened, Zhai Sutian and his wife were really Hongzhen's biological parents. What about Zhai Yinglin? He asked about whether they are the same age or have the same birthday? What a coincidence!

Could it be possible that they could be twins?

"Impossible." He Bai shook his head.

I heard from my uncle that during the Taoist competition, Zhai Sutian had been trying to get close to Hongzhen and never told the truth. If they were really twins, why would Zhai Sutian still behave like this? Wouldn't it be nice to be so timid and recognize it directly? What can I say about Zhai’s double talents?

But Zhai Sutian didn't come to recognize his relatives until Hongzhen got the Lanhuo Talisman. He Bai understood that it must be the reputation of the Lanhuo Talisman that made Zhai Sutian change his mind. Everyone in the world is interested in profit, and the Zhai family is famous for infighting in the Taoist sect. , Although Zhai Sutian looks polite and polite on the surface, I heard that he also fought his enemies to death, and then he took the position of the head of the family.

Such people will not go if there is no benefit.

He Bai didn't know. In fact, he had already guessed it.

Zhai Sutian really didn't want to give up. He held a grudge against Cai Ningzi's words that day. What about the Taoist elders? He is just an old immortal! Blocking himself from seeing Hongzhen and not allowing himself to recognize Hongzhen was just because he was afraid that the hen that laid the golden eggs would be taken away by the Zhai family, which made people disgusted and disdainful.

But things can't be rushed, they must be planned carefully. Ying Lin is a smart child, and now that he has guessed something, he has to think about comforting him. He couldn't throw away either of them, he wanted both sons.

Therefore, Ruihe got a longer period of relief. Zhai Sutian was no longer disgusting, so he was naturally in a good mood. As soon as he felt better, the Orchid Fire Talisman made further progress. At the end of October, he took out ten improved Orchid Fire Talismans and gave them to the leader He Bai, letting him do the appraisal and promotion.

Jianbao Pavilion, a professional and official appraisal agency directly under the Taoist Association, issued an appraisal certificate for the top-grade fire talisman of Lanhuo Talisman. At the beginning of November, Helian Temple received orders from hundreds of Taoist temples, and He Bai only selected ten. , also said it could not make promises on quantities and delivery dates.

"It all depends on our Master Hongzhen's arrangement." He didn't dare to agree to anything privately.

"What about Fellow Daoist Hongzhen? Why don't you see him coming out?" someone asked.

He Bai was happy in his heart, but he didn't dare to show any signs of it in front of outsiders. He made an excuse and said: "Hong Zhen is tired and ill. I will come to see you all after he recovers."

After finishing the social interaction and returning to the Taoist temple, He Bai took care of the trivial matters and then pretended not to be in a hurry and went to the backyard to find Cai Ningzi. "Hello, Uncle Master, how is Hongzhen doing today?"

Cai Ningzi stroked his beard relaxedly and said, "It's very good, look here." He took out a box from under the bed. He Bai opened it and saw a handful of white ashes inside.

"This was delivered yesterday and burned completely."

He Bai twisted the ashes, his eyes showing joy: "Is this the ashes of ashes?"

Cai Ningzi nodded with a smile: "Last night, Hongzhen brought out the fire, just a little bit -" He stretched out his fingers to compare, and unsatisfiedly shortened the distance between his thumb and index finger. , "A little smaller than a peanut, it looks like a blue light, and it was bounced lightly onto this piece of wood. It took just two breaths! I counted them carefully! In just two breaths, this piece of* *The wood turned to ashes.”

After hearing Cai Ningzi's words, He Bai couldn't stop the joy on his face. He heard Cai Ningzi mention something vaguely on the phone, thinking that Hongzhen had found the secret of controlling Lan Huo, but he didn't expect that he could. Use it!

What an unexpected surprise!

"Where's Hongzhen?" He Bai asked anxiously.

"He fell asleep, so he used this small amount of fire. After that, he felt a headache and tired. I asked him to go to sleep, and he still hasn't woken up yet."

He Bai was anxious: "Are you okay? I'll ask a doctor to take a look?"

Cai Ningzi shook his head: "I've seen it, it's okay. You'll know what happened when he wakes up."

Rui He and Rui He didn't know what was going on. He woke up from his dream, and the sound of "Dad!——" seemed to be echoing in his ears.

He rubbed his ears and his eyes widened.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

The weather is also good today~

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