Winner in life

Chapter 232 54 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

Soon, the New Year came again, and Ruihe started to take a holiday on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month. During the annual holiday, his grandfather was very busy, helping the Lotus Temple to do the New Year's blessing dojo, distributing peace charms to believers, doing anti-aging charms for children and the elderly, etc. .

I was busy throughout the Spring Festival and got back to work again on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Ruihe likes life very much now. He has enough time to do what he wants to do, and he also has a stable source of income that allows him to respect his master Cai Ningzi. After the annual vacation, Zhou Xiong actually hooked up with Ruihe again at the beginning of the year.

It can be said that the relationship with the Zhou family was a mistake. Later, they got along much better. Ruihe and Zhou Xiong established a good relationship. Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiong always remembered Ruihe's kindness and still remembered Ruihe's kindness even after several years. Keep things in mind and help build relationships whenever there is an opportunity.

Rui He didn't have time to go to the business he introduced last year. This time, Rui He took it immediately and rushed there after get off work. The accident happened to a friend of Zhou Xiong. This friend was a doctor at a local hospital. He gave Zhou Yuanyuan a lot of pertinent and effective advice on the condition of his cleft lip. Finally, he recommended Zhou Xiong to a well-known cleft lip surgery expert in Huzhou. It can be seen from Zhou Xiong's attitude towards Rui He that Zhou Xiong is a very grateful person. This doctor has helped him a lot in the past two years. He naturally takes her into his heart. As soon as he hears that something happened at home, he immediately Take heart.

"Dr. Wang's child went to college in Jinzhou. He went on an adventure with his classmates two days ago. When he came back, he fell into a coma and couldn't wake up no matter how hard he screamed. The school called the parents, and Dr. Wang and his wife rushed to Jinzhou. "I just wanted to take my Yuanyuan to the hospital for a check-up, and I heard about it when I contacted him," Zhou Xiong introduced to Ruihe.

They were now sitting in the car bound for Jinzhou. Rui He and Zhou Xiong were sitting in the back seat together. The driver drove smoothly. Rui He listened intently to Zhou Xiong's words, his mind spinning rapidly.

"I thought, this isn't right! It sounds familiar!"

Ruihe smiled.

Zhou Xiong said hehe: "I can be regarded as a good doctor after a long illness - that's probably what it means! I told Dr. Wang that his child might have been exposed to evil spirits. He was not familiar with the place where he was born. I was afraid that I couldn’t find a reliable Celestial Master, so I just wanted to go over there to discuss business, so I invited you, Master Xu.”

"You are kind-hearted." Rui He praised him.

"Hi! I am accumulating merit." Zhou Xiong whispered, "Master Xu, Yuanyuan is really more and more similar to Nini, not in appearance, but in personality! When Nini was the same age, she is now Like Nini, she loves to be cute and beautiful. She knows how to choose a nice dress at such a young age. She also likes to eat mangoes and mangosteens like Nini. She vomits when she eats pork liver. It’s so similar to Master Xu, my wife and I. They all think she is the reincarnation of Nini. Yuanyuan was born when Nini left, and they were all in the same hospital, don’t you think so?”

After saying that, without waiting for Ruihe to answer, he waved his hand again: "We just think about it, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not. But I think, what if it is? If it is true, why do we Yuanyuan grow into Is this... a punishment?" He took a deep breath, "I just plan to do more good deeds and lend a hand when I see something I can do to help the whole family."

Seeing how transparent Zhou Xiong was, Rui He smiled and said, "That's good if you think so."

The warm-hearted Zhou Xiong personally picked up Ruihe and took him to Jinzhou No. 1 Hospital, where Dr. Wang's son was.

"The physical examination results are all out, no problem." Dr. Wang is a bit short, but has a kind face. Ruihe looked at Dr. Wang's face carefully and found that he had a kind-hearted and kind face, but the uterine palace did not look good.

"Can you let me take a look?" Ruihe asked.

Doctor Wang... He looked at Zhou Xiong and nodded hesitantly. In fact, he doesn't believe this. He has never even set foot in a Taoist temple in his life. When he got married, his parents told him to marry him, but he was unwilling to do so. Anyway, his wife is the one he has chosen, so if they can't get along, they will break up? For such a scientific person, if it weren't for his son's strange illness, and Zhou Xiong was very enthusiastic and considerate, saying that the Celestial Master had already been invited for him, and even said that he would send it to him, Dr. Wang would never have invited the Celestial Master.

After the examination, Rui He said: "It's a lost soul. It's okay. Just find the lost soul." The matter was not difficult. Rui He obtained the consent of Wang Ming's parents and poked Wang Ming's cheek with a silver needle. Squeeze out two drops of blood with your fingers. After waiting patiently until night, Rui He set up an altar to try to bring back Wang Ming's lost soul.

He tried it twice, and each time it felt a little worse. Rui He frowned and called Wang Ming's parents in and ordered: "When I finish reciting the incantation and shake the bell, you will call Wang Ming's name together and call him back." He told Dr. Wang and his wife to call out their names. One calls out a nickname.

Dr. Wang and his wife were a little nervous, and they both nodded.

When the spell was cast for the third time, Dr. Wang and his wife really shouted their son's name loudly. One shouted "Wang Ming is back, Wang Ming is back, dad is here", the other shouted "Dabao, come back soon, mom is waiting for you, Dabao". The talisman in his hand ignited with a roar, and the bell he held in his other hand trembled violently. The sound of the bell was so tight and urgent that it made people feel heartbroken.

A gust of wind flew in from the window and blew the curtains. The next moment the talisman burned out and the bell suddenly stopped. Ruihe stopped his hand and saw the ashes of the burned incense broken on the table.

Mrs. Wang exclaimed, tears bursting out of her eyes. She choked and asked, "Master, is this my family's eldest child——"

Rui He looked heavy and nodded: "It didn't succeed."

Mrs. Wang cried and fell to the ground. Doctor Wang also looked panicked and hugged his wife tightly in his arms.

"But I can be sure that Wang Ming's soul is still there, and it is still attracted by his blood and blood relatives. Now it can't be called back, maybe there are other reasons hindering it." Ruihe comforted, "As long as the soul is still there, there is a chance to save it. Doctor Wang and Mrs. Wang, don't get excited first."

Zhou Xiong on the side hurried over to support and persuade them.

After Doctor Wang and his wife calmed down, Ruihe asked: "Where did your son go before the accident?"

Since the soul can't be found, we have to find it in the place where the soul was lost, where the soul is probably trapped.

"I asked the counselor. There were six students who went out with my son. I talked to those kids and they told me that Wang Ming started to have problems on the way back. They went to two places for adventure. I wrote them down." Doctor Wang handed a note to Ruihe, "These are probably the places where my son lost his soul."

Ruihe took the note and said, "I need to talk to those six students."

Doctor Wang immediately said, "I'll arrange it. I have the counselor's phone number here!"

Early the next morning, Ruihe met the six students. The students were brought over by the counselor in Wang Ming's class. They all looked exhausted due to lack of sleep. These students were all sophomores and were not in the same class as Wang Ming. According to them, they met in the school club.

These students are all adventure lovers, who like excitement and novelty. The name of the club is "Surprise Club". The content is very diverse. Telling ghost stories and watching ghost movies in groups are common activities. They even dare to play horror games such as pen ghosts. The aforementioned activities are all indoor activities. They also have outdoor activities, which is to explore haunted houses and old buildings.

This time, they took advantage of the fact that there were still four or five days before the start of the semester. They ended the winter vacation early and returned to school. They planned a "February Surprise Activity" for the Surprise Club, which was also the opening activity of the new semester. They planned to shoot the whole process and edit it to make materials for future enrollment.

The result was surprising enough. Wang Ming lost his soul and was still in a coma after a day. The doctor could not find any problems.

Ruihe's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and he said in a deep voice: "You are too bold." He patted the paper in his hand, "The abandoned villa at No. 44, Penang South Street, and the ruins of the century-old abandoned ancient temple in Xiaoqi Mountain, you dare to go to these two places without hesitation?"

Ruihe has heard of these two places. There is a forum in the Taoist sect with a simple and crude name, called the Taoist Exchange Forum. There are countless forums with this name on the Internet, but there is really only one. You need to use the unique verification code obtained when registering for the qualification of a heavenly master to log in. Normally, non-heavenly masters cannot get in.

After Ruihe became a disciple, Cai Ningzi personally took him to the Taoist Association to register and got his own exclusive login account and password. There are many modules in the exchange forum. The more famous and valuable one is naturally the learning module, which contains a large number of exercises. It is extracted by the Taoist Association from the Taoist examination questions in previous years. Although not all the questions of each session are available, two or three percent of the questions in each session are accumulated, and the number is also considerable.

With these questions, this Taoist exchange forum, which was founded fifteen years ago, became very popular as soon as it was opened.

When the forum was established, more and more Tianshi registered and logged in, and the Daoist Association's subordinate institutions, the Treasure Appraisal Pavilion and the auction house also moved in, pushing the forum to a new height. The forum is indeed a good platform for communication. There are often new posts from Tianshi from all over the country. The abandoned villa at No. 44, Penang South Street and the ruins of the century-old abandoned ancient temple in Xiaoqi Mountain are what Ruihe saw in the forum posts recently. Both of them are in Jinzhou and are said to have been haunted for more than half a month.

In the first month of the year, the Tianshi also have to take a holiday. There is also an old saying that the first month of the year is the time when there are the least evil spirits. The Spring Festival, which has been passed down for thousands of years, has its unique power. It embodies the people's yearning and desire for family reunion. It is also a node for getting rid of the old and welcoming the new. It is said that the blessing beast Nian will also gallop in the first month of the year. It will travel all over the country in the southeast, northwest, and cleanse all the evil spirits, making the world look brand new.

And for the Tianshi, the New Year is really very, very busy! Taoism values ​​ancient rituals, which can keep people busy all day and night. Helian Temple can only be regarded as an ordinary small Taoist temple. Many New Year rituals have been reduced a lot, but they have also started from the Little New Year, and they have to be busy until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, and the year is not over, not to mention those big families and big sects.

Therefore, it is an old custom in Taoism not to work in the first month. If there is something, if it is not extremely urgent, most of them have to wait until February to do it. However, the Special Investigation Office requires work on the 16th day of the first lunar month, so Ruihe can only go.

The abandoned villa at No. 44, Penang South Street and the ruins of the century-old abandoned ancient temple in Xiaoqishan are both in Jinzhou, so they are naturally within the scope of the responsibilities of the Jinzhou Special Investigation Office. It is not yet the end of the first lunar month. Maybe the Jinzhou Special Investigation Office plans to investigate in February. After all, there has been no accident, but there are only rumors of ghosts. There are really too many news about ghosts throughout the year. As long as nothing happens, it is difficult for people to take it to heart.

As a result, these children were too bold and took advantage of the tail end of the winter vacation to explore, and then something happened.

The author has something to say: Early, early, early!

Let’s follow the plot!

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