Winner in life

Chapter 234 56 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

The car drove back quickly, and Wang Ming's soul must be sent back within forty-eight hours. In the car, Ruihe called and told the fifth brother about this matter, "Li Hong said that he took away Wang Ming's soul while he was looking in the mirror in the toilet, and then Wang Ming's body fell to the ground. Li Hong didn't pay attention to him when he went into the toilet. When he looked again, Wang Ming's body was gone, so it couldn't provide any effective clues. I asked Wang Ming's classmates and they only said that Wang Ming had not been in the bathroom for a long time. There was nothing unusual when it came out.”

Li Hong is the name of the male ghost Ruihe kidnapped from the mirror. Wang Ming is a boy with a handsome and gentle appearance. Although he likes thrilling activities, he is actually very introverted and rarely talks. This is why Xiong Maozhu and others say they don’t see anything wrong with Wang Ming. Of course, most people will not look at it. think.

"This matter is a bit troublesome. It is most likely that something happened after Li Hong captured the soul." Hong Kan's steady voice came from the other end of the phone, "Maybe there were other ghosts in the villa at that time, or Wang There are other ghosts in Ming who are waiting for the opportunity. Anyway, the Wang Ming who came out of the toilet is no longer the original Wang Ming. "

Ruihe said: "I thought so too, so I was worried about the safety of those students and the other passengers on the bus they were sitting on."

Wang Ming's classmates said that when the bus arrived at the station, Wang Ming was already unconscious. They thought they were asleep. After all, it took more than an hour to get back to school by car. It was not certain that they were fast asleep. In the end, they couldn't be woken up. So those students rushed them to the hospital and reported it to the school teacher. Only then did Dr. Wang and his wife receive a call from the school.

"The ghost that occupied his body may have been transferred in the bus, but it may also be in Wang Ming's companions." Ruihe expressed his guess, "I saw six students including Xiong Maozhu this morning. There is no problem from the outside, but further verification is needed. If these six students are okay, then there may be a problem with the passengers who were on the same bus at the time.”

Just seeing the wild ghost on Wang Ming's body, this matter is no small matter. Although it did not do any bad things when it possessed Wang Ming, and even played with Xiong Maozhu and other students, the ghost's thoughts of good and evil are completely unbound by law and social moral order. It does not do evil now, which does not mean that I won’t change my mind for the next second.

This is a drug, what they need to do is find it and deal with it properly. Sometimes the things the Celestial Master does are just to prevent the slightest mistake.

"That's right." Hong Kan said, "I will rush over to meet you immediately, but we can't do this by ourselves. Screening the passengers on the bus requires the cooperation of the local police station, which we can't do."

"I have called the police. Li Hong's body is behind the mirror. He said that he is a distant relative of the original owner of the villa. His murderer is the owner of the villa. I have reported this matter to the local police. Maybe now they have Arriving at the villa and digging up bodies.”

"That's good. You have to pay attention to safety in everything. If you have any questions you can't make up your mind, just call me. I'll be there soon."

In the car, Xiong Maozhu's face was always white, and he still felt cold. He locked his arms in the seat, squeezed the counselor, and shivered from time to time. The counselor was also frightened, but he had never been in contact with Wang Ming, so his fear was limited. He patted Xiong Maozhu's hand and said, "Don't be afraid. It's all over. What do you have to be afraid of?"

Xiong Maozhu almost cried again: "It's only after it has passed that I'm afraid."

Damn it!

Damn it!

When I think of myself and the fake Wang Ming climbing mountains and singing together arm in arm, and even sitting in the same row as the fake Wang Ming on the bus on the way back, my God! He couldn't recall it. When he recalled it, he felt scared. It seemed that the fake Wang Ming who was asleep in the car at that time had cold arms when the car was bumpy.

Why didn't you notice it then?

Xiong Maozhu was frightened and always felt chilly on his body.

Ruihe felt really funny and helpless when he saw this. These kids! I will definitely not dare to take any risks again in the future. I am really lucky this time. If nothing else, I just said that if it was Li Hong who fell in love with Wang Ming, then the students would be in danger.

Thinking of this, Ruihe took out the two jade bottles from the Qiankun bag. One contained the ghost Li Hong caught from the mirror, and the other contained Wang Ming's soul. In order to nourish and solidify Wang Ming's soul that was already showing signs of escaping, He also drew two more soul-gathering spells on the outside of the jade bottle.

Li Hong had already confessed that the reason why there were rumors of being haunted in the villa was because of it. Not counting Wang Ming, he had already scared two people out of his wits. As the saying goes, "frightened to death" actually means losing one's soul. When one is extremely frightened, one's soul leaves the body. Human beings have three souls and seven souls, and nothing is complete without any one of them. But it also quibbled: "I play with them, and when I've had enough, I put them back!"

The play it talks about is, in Wang Ming's words, abuse. The mirror is Li Hong's territory. Wang Ming was particularly miserable when he was trapped inside playing games with Li Hong and was beaten to death. Li Hong said he had done no harm to anyone and said plausibly: "I will just play with them for two days. Even if you don't come today, I will let him go today."


Xiong Maozhu defended his friend and let out a loud "poof" when he heard this.

"Master Xu, is Wang Ming okay?" the counselor asked with concern, staring at the jade bottle in Rui He's hand in wonder. Ouch, Wang Ming is now in that jade bottle, and his already unsteady materialist values ​​are completely shattered.

"It's nothing serious. Maybe there will be some sequelae after returning to the soul. It will be cured after a while."

"That's good, that's good, ah."

The car suddenly slowed down, Ruihe looked up and looked forward, Zhou Xiong said: "Someone stopped the car, maybe he wanted to take a ride."

A tall man stood on the side of the road, leaning against a car, with a small suitcase at his feet. Ruihe had good eyesight and could see that he was wearing a black suit jacket and wool coat from 20 to 30 meters away. The watch on his wrist flashed dazzlingly in the sunlight when he waved to stop the car.

"Stop? Our car is full." Zhou Xiong asked Ruihe.

Ruihe said: "Stop and tell him that there is no room in our car, and ask him if he needs any other help."

The car stopped, Zhou Xiong pulled down the window and asked: "Is there anything I can help you with?"

The man smiled, bent down slightly and talked to Zhou Xiong: "My car broke down, can you give me a ride? Just drop me off at the gas station in front."

"Our car is full, let me call a car for you!" Zhou Xiong is a businessman who knows the principle of helping others and making good connections.

The man nodded gratefully: "Thank you very much, my phone is out of battery and I can't contact anyone at all."

"No big deal."

The car started again, Zhou Xiong said with a smile: "Twenty years ago, when I started my business, the conditions were very difficult. I couldn't afford a car at that time. Sometimes I-Master Xu? Master Xu, what's wrong with you?"

In the passenger seat, Ruihe's face was as white as a ghost.

"Master Xu?" Zhou Xiong was also frightened by Ruihe's face, and hurriedly stepped on the brakes and asked with concern, "Where do you feel uncomfortable? Are you carsick?"

"...It's okay, I suddenly have a stomachache." Ruihe took a deep breath, suppressed the storm in his heart, and smiled comfortingly at Zhou Xiong, "It won't happen now, you continue driving, I'll just take a rest."

"Here are intestinal pills and Fengyoujing, my wife prepared them for me." Zhou Xiong bent down and took out the medicine box from the drawer and gave it to Ruihe, "You use the medicine oil to rub your belly button, take a few intestinal pills, and it will work immediately."

Ruihe took it and put it aside. Zhou Xiong hesitated to persuade him.

The car started moving again, and Ruihe leaned back and closed his eyes.

His ears seemed to still echo with the voice of the strange man just now. From the sound alone, the strange man's voice was relatively low, sounding like it came from his chest, and the pronunciation was very authentic Mandarin, which was quite nice. The whole person gave people the feeling of an excellent man with a successful career.

But the moment he heard the strange man speak, Ruihe's heart trembled, and emotions that did not belong to him surged into his heart.




The complex and violent emotions came unexpectedly, and these were the emotions of the original owner.

In the memory of the original owner's short life, the most unbearable thing to look back on was the memory of being kidnapped. In fact, Ruihe did not receive this memory completely. Ruihe could see what happened when the original body was kidnapped, the environment around the place where the original body was imprisoned, and the words that the kidnapper said to the original body.

However, Ruihe did not have any memory before the original body died. Lu Mingcong's memory only stayed at the kidnapper gloating and talking about his life experience. What happened after that? How did Lu Mingcong die? Did he become a ghost? Was he used to turn against his biological father?

He had no memory of all these.

For this reason, Ruihe also asked System 460, and System 460 said: "This is not a system abnormality, it should be that the original body deliberately forgot it." Perhaps out of self-protection, or perhaps because he didn't want to remember, the memories of this experience left by the original body Lu Mingcong to Ruihe were incomplete.

But that missing memory suddenly filled Ruihe's brain when he heard the voice of the strange man, just like the rotten things that were buried under the deep mud at the bottom of the river were suddenly dug up, and what was lifted up was not only the dusty past, but also the turbid sewage.

Ruihe is in this mood now. He had a headache because of the sudden awakening of the missing part of the original body's memory, and he was excited because of the side effects of the awakening of this part of the memory-if it weren't for his good self-control, he almost showed it in front of the strange man just now!

The murderer had been wearing a hood and mask in front of the original body, and the original body didn't know what the other person looked like, so Ruihe had no clues at all in the past few years.

But! The murderer's voice and the suit man's voice were almost identical!

"Master Xu, are you really okay? How about I go to the hospital?"

Ruihe shook his head again, took out his phone and wrote down a license plate number. His memory was very good. Although he only glanced at it, he could still remember the details when he thought about it carefully.

He sent the number to the fifth brother to help him check it, and then he began to carefully check the new memory.

The author has something to say: Early early early!!!

The temperature dropped again, and I caught a cold. May failed to enter summer again o(╥﹏╥)o

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