Winner in life

Chapter 237 59 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

This kind of hostility is very slight, hidden in the smiling eyebrows of Taoist Shen Yue. Rui He was secretly suspicious, but did not show it on the surface. He behaved like a good junior brother who listened to his senior brother. After fifth senior brother Hong Kan arrived, Rui He took a step back, gave up the initiative to Hong Kan, and made Only senior brother behaved in a calm manner.

Hong Kan knew what he meant. After all, there were people from the Jinzhou Special Adjustment Office here, and the junior brother wanted to make a fool of himself. He felt funny and sad at the same time. How could he have such a caring junior brother? He carried Rui He over with one hand: "Tell me what happened. Senior brother didn't know anything when he first came here, and he still has to listen to your command."

Rui He also had a countermeasure and said, "Yes. I followed my senior brother's arrangement and came to Jinzhou, and met one after another..."

After telling the situation, Rui He concluded: "Fortunately, senior brother finally came over, and I have a backbone."

In fact, he could also see that such a case was not really a big one, and it might not cause any splash in normal times. But it is still in the first month of the year, and the New Year is not over yet. During this period, strange things happen in the area under my jurisdiction. People from the special investigation office of the next city get involved, and finally a male corpse is found. Now attached The ghost in his body also disappeared, and he disappeared in such an important place as school...

The people from the Jinzhou Special Investigation Office felt that they were really embarrassed. In order to resolve the matter as soon as possible, Shen Yue, the director of the Jinzhou Special Investigation Office, came directly from Xiaoxiao Palace.

But after all, this case is already in the hands of the Zhengdong Special Investigation Office. At this time, there is no territorial principle. If you want to transfer it to the local Special Investigation Office, you need friendly negotiations between the two Special Investigation Offices.

Rui He had not expected Zhou Xiong's commission to develop to this point, but since it had already happened, he was bound to take advantage of the opportunity. That's why he insisted on giving the other party the lead in the case even after the fifth senior brother softly refused.

He is still young and can still take his time. The fifth senior brother is in urgent need of merit.

After Ting Ruihe finished speaking, Taoist Master Shen Yue nodded with a heavy face, then looked at Hongkan: "What do you think, Taoist Brother Hongkan?"

Hong Kan definitely couldn't ignore the good intention given to him by his junior brother, so he said in a deep voice: "Of course we will investigate thoroughly! The school is an educational place, and the number of students in this university exceeds 7,000. If it is true If a wild ghost possesses a student and sneaks into the school, it is a potential threat to teachers and students. Our Zhengdong Special Investigation Office is willing to work with the Jinzhou Special Investigation Office to eliminate the danger. "

The police station took action, and school leaders quickly approved the operation. Everyone first went to the girls' dormitory Miaomiao's dormitory. Sure enough, they found traces in the dormitory. They followed the clues to find a student and caught the wild ghost possessing him.

Fortunately, the wild ghost seemed to like to play. It claimed to have been killed by the driver of a black car, and its soul was trapped in the car. When Wang Ming was riding in the car with his classmates that day, it saw that Wang Ming was weak and followed him. , and later actually followed Wang Ming out of the black car, breaking away from the confinement of the black car, and finally got an idea and got into Wang Ming's body after Wang Ming was possessed.

There were actually nineteen students in the school who were possessed in turn. However, because the wild ghost had no ill intentions and all the students except Wang Ming were healthy, it could only possess them to visit the school and experience life again. Apart from his feelings, he did not do any harm to the students.

This ending can be regarded as a happy one, and Taoist Shen Yue of the Jinzhou Special Adjustment Office secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If something really big happens and the Zhengdong Special Investigation Office intervenes across the city, the Jinzhou Special Investigation Office will most likely be criticized for dereliction of duty!

"What's left is to investigate the murder case of Li Hong and the murder case of Chen Hu in a black car. These are the jobs of the Jinzhou Police Department." Hong Kan also felt relieved. No matter how much he wanted to make contributions, he did not want to see ordinary people innocent. Lose your life.

"Li Hong has a strong evil spirit on his body. I don't think it has told the truth completely. We need to find out whether it has committed any crimes before and after its life." Ruihe handed the jade bottle containing Li Hong's ghost to Hong Kan. Kan nodded in agreement and reached out to touch Ruihe's head, "You are still young. You can do whatever you want. You don't have to worry about this and that. Always plan for your senior brother."

"This is what I want to do." Rui He opened his eyes wide and innocent, "That's what I want to do. Senior brother, have you ever seen how other people raise pigs? They usually provide them with delicious food and drink. If you get fat and fat, you can kill it during the Chinese New Year." He broke away from Hong Kan's hand and patted Hong Kan's head with his backhand, smiling, "When the fifth brother gets fat, I will rely on the fifth brother to protect him. La!"

After saying that, he ran away, leaving Hong Kan dumbfounded.

Rui He walked to a deserted corner and suppressed the smile on his face. He took out a piece of paper that Hongkan had just given him, with a name, ID number and ID photo written on it.

This was the basic information about the man who stopped the car that Hong Kan found out for him on the way to Jinzhou. He started by checking the license plate number he wrote down. Ruihe didn't put all his hopes on the license plate number. After all, he couldn't be sure that the car belonged to that man.

Looking at the ID photo on the paper, it showed the appearance of the man who stopped the car. Ruihe let out a sigh of relief. Now he had a clue.

Rui He took a deep breath and put the note away. He turned to find Zhou Xiong and told him that he was going back to Zhengdong. Zhou Xiong said hurriedly: "Then let's go. When will the master leave? I will send the master back." Things must start and end. Ah, he sent Ruihe here, so naturally he also sent him back.

"Didn't you say you were here to discuss business?" I haven't seen Zhou Xiong discussing any business in the past two days.

Zhou Xiong chuckled: "It's settled. I'll take the time to sign the contract while you guys check the schools."

Rui He smiled and said: "Okay, let's go now. I'll drive and you can take a break."

"Do you have a license?"

Rui He: "..." I haven't taken the test yet.

Rui He, sitting in the passenger seat, looked heavy-faced as Zhou Xiong drove him toward Zhengdong.

After arriving in Zhengdong, Rui He declined Zhou Xiong's invitation, "I have something important to do now. I'll visit your home next time."

Zhou Xiong was satisfied with this and the two waved goodbye.

After arriving at the Special Investigation Office, Rui He used his position to secretly check Han Minzhi's household registration information.

Han Minzhi, 45 years old this year, has a registered address in a small county town in Jinzhou.

Rui He didn't dare to check more information because he needed a secondary login password, which would leave a login trace on the system. Rui He's investigation of Han Minzhi was a private act and he didn't want others to know.

He turned around and asked Zhou Xiong for help, hoping that he could recommend a reliable private detective.

Zhou Xiong seemed very happy that Ruihe came to visit the next day. In fact, he was a very shrewd businessman, but he was more sincere when facing Ruihe. That sincerity came from his deceased daughter Zhou Nini. In his opinion, if it weren't for Master Xu, Nini would have died in vain, and he wouldn't have been able to collect her body. Even if Master Xu hadn't saved him in the hospital that night, he would have died and couldn't have supported him at all.

Therefore, Zhou Xiong was very happy but really wanted to build a good relationship with Ruihe. It was so safe to have a familiar Taoist priest. Although Taoist Guizhen of Helian Temple was also an acquaintance, their "friendship" was a buyer-seller relationship built with money, which was far inferior to the friendship of Master Xu who had a life-and-death friendship.

Master Xu was still so young, and there were endless possibilities in the future.

Zhou Xiong was very considerate in helping Ruihe find a private detective, even paying the money, and not letting Ruihe refuse: "You have helped me a lot. Dr. Wang is kind to my daughter Yuanyuan. You are kind to Dr. Wang, and that is my kindness! This is a small matter, and I am happy to help Master Xu." He blinked and said bluntly, "Master Xu is a young talent, and it makes people want to make friends. Master Xu, please don't look down on me, Zhou."

Ruihe didn't say much. In any case, Zhou Xiong was the first person he had a relatively close relationship with since he came to this world, and he also helped him a lot. If the other party wanted to deepen the friendship between the two, he would not refuse.

After telling the private detective about the request, Ruihe reminded: "Don't let him find out! I don't need to dig out too much information for the time being. You will give him his basic information, what he does, his family, and his work and social life. Don't let him find out that you are investigating him! Remember!"

He repeatedly reminded that if Han Minzhi was the man in black who killed the original body, then he was undoubtedly a fierce and brutal Tianshi. If the private detective was discovered, his life would be in danger.

After returning to Helian Temple, Cai Ningzi looked at him carefully, and then smiled with satisfaction: "You can now take charge of things on your own. Master is so happy."

The happy master Cai Ningzi gave Ruihe two instructions and said he was going out. Ruihe asked hurriedly: "Where are you going, Master?"

"To work." Cai Ningzi said with a smile, "An old acquaintance asked me to help."

In fact, he was going to work. In order to make money, Cai Ningzi asked He Bai to spread the word that he was willing to take orders again. Look, he got one.

Ruihe hurriedly said: "Then I want to go with you."

"Why are you going? You just came back from Jinzhou and you need to take a break." Cai Ningzi said, "I'm just going to Ningjiang. It's very close. You still have to go to work at the Special Investigation Office. How many days did you take off? Newcomers should be cautious and don't get a bad reputation for being lazy."

Ruihe sighed: "Okay." He took a day off, which was one day longer than the day he had left. Now the fifth senior brother was not at work, and only Ni Hong was on duty. He had to make up for all the missed shifts later.

The next day, Ruihe went to work, and Ni Hong was not in the office. In fact, no one was watching them when they were on duty. Sometimes it didn't matter if they didn't go, as long as there was no case transferred when they were on duty and they couldn't find you. But Cai Ningzi was right. He was a newcomer, and it was the critical time for him to be strict with the rules and regulations of the Special Investigation Office and abide by them honestly. After a few years, he would become an "old hand", and it would be much more convenient.

The author has something to say: Early, early, early! ! !

Today is also a day full of energy, go for it!

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