Winner in life

Chapter 239 61 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

Because of Ruihe's involvement, the Zhai family has taken a different path in this mission world. In the life when the original body died, Zhai Yinglin successfully picked up the orchid fire while exploring the Qinghai Sea. Of course, the blue flame in that life was not called the orchid fire, but was named "Lin Fire" by Zhai Sutian. It can be seen that He had such heavy expectations for this fire and Zhai Yinglin.

"Linhuo" being in Zhai Yinglin's hands means that he has gained a status that no one in the clan can shake. When the disciples of the Zhai family usually call him "young master", they don't really regard him as the master of the next generation of the Zhai family. Half of them do it because of Zhai Sutian's face, and the other half because of his natural yin and yang eyes. For the sake of. But after Linhuo acquired it, the aura of "the only son of the family master" that was hanging over Zhai Yinglin's head was removed. His own hard power supported the title of "young master", which is truly convincing!

Compared with the power of the Helian Temple, there is a clear gap between the power of the Zhai family, not to mention the difference in cloud and mud. Therefore, He Lian Guan is relatively conservative when it comes to handling strange fires. Rui He's Lan Huo has not been leaked until now, and there are only four people who are aware of it. The Zhai family was different. They had the confidence to protect this fire and released the news as soon as possible, causing shock in the Taoist sect!

Suddenly, the Zhai family was in the limelight, surpassing the Zhang family and the Yang family, and became the largest family in Taoism.

It was at that time that Zhai Suyuan implemented the plan in advance. Through the deployment that had been laid down eighteen years ago, he used Lu Mingcong, Zhai Suyuan's parent and son, who had a very yin birth date, to counterattack Zhai Sutian through the life-breaking formation of his mother and son. Zhai Sutian was completely unprepared. He knew about the existence of this parent-child, but he never took him seriously. If he had the slightest bit of love and protection and sent one or two people to watch Lu Mingcong from afar, he would at least be able to detect Lu Mingcong in advance. missing.

But Zhai Sutian didn't. After Zhai Yinglin got the Linhuo, he was full of energy and his face glowed red! Where do you have the extra energy to think about your own biological child? In fact, he has not thought about his biological child for several years, let alone sent anyone to visit him.

"Ordinary people just live ordinary lives. What dangers can there be?" This is what Zhai Sutian said to his wife Kou Dan. Kou Dan is actually very busy. She is the daughter of the Kou family. After marrying Zhai Sutian, the wife is valued by the husband, and later the mother is valued by the son. With the dual support of her husband and son, she, a married woman, has more and more say in her natal family. The higher the height, the most effective one among the daughters who marry outside the family is the most effective in speaking in the natal family, and the reputation is unlimited.

During the two years when she discovered that Zhai Yinglin was not her biological son, the Kou family was undergoing a change of head. Several forces in the family were fiercely competing for each other, including Kou Dan's brother Kou Fengnian. She would definitely go back to her natal family often to support her brother. To create momentum. After that period of busy work, the limited love that had just arisen for my biological son had long since dissipated.

In short, after Lu Mingcong was kidnapped, mutilated, and turned into a fierce ghost, he bit Zhai Sutian fiercely under the pull of the magic circle. Although he did not kill Zhai Sutian as Zhai Suyuan wished, Zhai Sutian only had one breath left.

Then Zhai Suyuan returned to the Zhai family with a high profile and revealed Zhai Yinglin's life experience. Zhai Sutian was angered to death, and the Zhai family was in turmoil...


However, that was all a lifetime ago. In this life, because of the arrival of Rui He, he traveled through several worlds, and his soul strength was more than a little stronger than ordinary people. Coupled with the in-depth repair of the body by the genetically modified medicine, he suddenly became "Lan Huo" when he was exploring the Qinhai Sea. "Attracted, and because of Cai Ningzi's strong mobility, he led Rui He to Qionghai just after the exam, which is comparable to Zhai Sutian and his son who were one step earlier -

Lin Huo turned into Lan Huo, and Rui He became the new owner of the strange fire, which also disrupted Zhai Suyuan's plan. His son had not yet established himself completely in the Zhai family. Zhai Suyuan did not dare to tell the truth about his son's life experience. He knew that Zhai Sutian was a He is a ruthless person who doesn't even care about his own son. If he knew that Zhai Yinglin was the child of his enemy, he would kill him first regardless of the situation.

After failing to fight for the head of the family, Zhai Suyuan never gave up and returned to the Zhai family. However, he was too seriously injured at the time and his magic power was only one-tenth of what it was in its heyday. He would definitely not be able to fight against Zhai Sutian. Before he could contact his men, he fled everywhere. He once went to a remote small county in Zhengdong, hooked up with a local innocent and romantic girl, and even kept a queen for himself. God help him, after he contacted the people in the family, he learned that Kou Dan was also pregnant, one month earlier than Lu Qiao's pregnancy period.

The thought of changing children is like weeds starting to set a prairie fire, out of control.

He had put in a lot of effort for that day, and the remaining forces he had gathered were no longer as strong as before, and he had all been thrown in to do this. The hard work paid off. Seven months later, the two newborn babies in the same hospital were replaced, leaving only the nurse who was openly used to convict him.

After Lu Qiao gave birth to the child, Zhai Suyuan decided to leave. He could not have anything to do with Lu Qiao. God has mercy on him, Lu Qiao has a deep love for him. Although she only took one look at the child and remembered the child's appearance, when the changed child came to her eyes, she, a confused person, even recognized that there was something wrong with the child at once. . He believed his excuse again. He used the excuse that he was afraid that enemies would come and harm the child, so he sent the child to a safe place. Then he said that he wanted to avoid his enemies and was leaving. Before leaving, he told Lu Qiao to Raise your child well. This child will be of great use in the future. Lu Qiao also believes in him wholeheartedly and vows to get things done.

For such a silly woman, Zhai Suyuan felt that it was God's compensation for him and God's instruction - he had not failed! He still has the ability to fight again!

Everything went smoothly, but for some reason, Lu Mingcong suddenly ran away from home. After receiving the news from his subordinates from the Zhai family, Zhai Suyuan followed Zhai Sutian's strange behavior and found out that Xu Hongzhen was Lu Mingcong. He contacted Lu Qiao for the first time in more than ten years and confirmed the news.

He didn't know why the waste child abandoned by Zhai Sutian suddenly became a genius with outstanding talent. He only knew that Xu Hongzhen was worse than Ying Lin back then, and it didn't make sense that Ying Lin suddenly fell behind.

A while ago, he secretly took a few glances at Xu Hongzhen under the pretext of hitchhiking. He was indeed a dragon among men.

But his son can't be worse than Zhai Sutian's son!

As long as Xu Hongzhen died, this Taoist rising star would still be Ying Lin! Zhai Sutian can only have one choice!

It's time to put the plan that has been planned for nearly 20 years on the agenda. A fierce ghost made by a cultivator is much more powerful than a fierce ghost made by an ordinary person.

If Xu Hongzhen knew that he was the one who was abandoned, he would definitely be very angry, right?

"Hahaha!" Zhai Suyuan laughed to himself.


On the other side, Ruihe got the news from Hebai early in the morning.

"Zhai Suyuan changed jobs, and the new company is in Zhengdong." Zhai Suyuan thought that his actions were unnoticed, but as soon as he started, Hebai, who was staring at him, received the news. At this time, he looked at Ruihe helplessly: "It can be seen that he is coming for you, Hongzhen, Zhai Suyuan and Zhai Sutian are mortal enemies. He is coming for you, and the final target must be Zhai Sutian."

Then he briefly told Ruihe about the tradition of internal fighting in the Zhai family, and finally concluded: "You are too unlucky!"

Ruihe deeply agreed, isn't it, the original body is simply unlucky! He smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, I am not a fool who allows others to calculate. If you want to calculate me, you must be prepared to lose more than you gain."

After coming to this world for so many years, Ruihe has always remembered to avenge the original body. Speaking of the enemies of the original body, Zhai Suyuan, who has been confirmed to be the murderer of the original body, must be ranked first. He was just worried that he had no reason to go to the door, and it was just right that they came over there.

For some reason, He Bai felt that his junior master's smile was meaningful, and asked hurriedly: "If you have any plans, you must tell me, don't do it yourself. Flies that come to the door are annoying, but we must pay attention to safety and don't break our hands when hitting flies, don't you think?"

Rui He smiled and nodded: "Yes, the master is right."

Rui He, who was sharpening his knife in his heart and waiting for Zhai Suyuan to fall into the trap, didn't expect that before Zhai Suyuan arrived, he saw a strange and familiar figure at the door of the police station the next day.

The girl came over gracefully, looked at him carefully, then laughed and said familiarly: "Mingcong, it's you, long time no see."

Ruihe stopped and said calmly: "Song Qiang, long time no see."

Song Qiang stood beside Ruihe, tilted her head and looked at him, her eyes red: "Why did you run away from home suddenly? You didn't contact me, I was very worried about you, but I couldn't find you..." As she spoke, tears fell down.

She was a very kind and gentle girl. The original body liked her quiet and gentle temperament. She was different from Lu Qiao who always chattered and spoke bad words.

"Sorry, it was a little unexpected at that time." Ruihe also smiled gently, "How did you find me? How are you doing recently? You are a senior this year, right? How is your study?"

Faced with Ruihe's series of questions, Song Qiang laughed out loud, smiling with tears in her eyes, "Very good, I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine too." Ruihe looked at the time, "Let's find a place to sit first."

The two went to a coffee shop across the street to sit down. Ruihe returned the menu to the waiter and asked again, "How did you find me?"

Song Qiang bit her lip, Ruihe's eyes condensed, and he actually had a guess in his heart, probably related to the Zhai family.

Song Qiang and Zhai Yinglin had confirmed their relationship a year ago. When he participated in the Taoist competition at the Zhai family, he heard a lot of news about Song Qiang when he asked about Zhai Yinglin. For example, Song Qiang had very good qualifications, so although she was born in an ordinary family, the head of the family did not force the couple to break up. Instead, he moved Song Qiang's family to Hucheng City to take care of them nearby, and transferred Song Qiang to the young master's school so that they didn't have to have a long-distance relationship.

In the eyes of the Zhai family, the head of the family's series of actions all indicate Song Qiang's status as a future young lady.

Song Qiang's appearance here today has to make Ruihe wary.

She is indeed the dream of youth that the original body wanted but could not get, but she is not his.

The author has something to say: Early, early, early!!

Today's Morning Post -

Various people are on stage, is this the plot's **? Please look forward to the next episode

Lu Yan reminds you: Please collect after reading ()

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