Winner in life

Chapter 245 67 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

As soon as the ghost left, "Huh..." Ruihe exhaled hard, and his beating heart finally fell back to his chest.

"Is the host scared?" System 460 flew out and said curiously, "It's rare to see the host look so scared. The civil servant in the underworld doesn't look scary either, just like a living person."

Rui He smiled bitterly: "It's not scary in appearance, but scary in aura." The strong death energy around him made the talismans and jade tokens he wore shake uneasily. While he was speaking, he took out the protective talisman from his body, and the cinnabar on it was indeed much darker. "If he wants to kill me, I'm sure I can't beat him."

As soon as the ghost stood there, it looked like an unfathomable black hole, and it seemed that if it took one more look, it would be swallowed up.

"The dedicated line function of the law enforcement camera is too scary. Why did you directly pull Guiyi over?"

"The law enforcement instrument is a product of the advanced world. I cannot estimate the changes that will occur after it is connected to the mission world." System 460 said, "The host will get used to it soon if he tries more."

No, Gui Yi is not used to it, and Rui He was deeply impressed by his motion sickness just now.

"If he really brings the master up tomorrow night, I will inform the senior brothers."

No one knew what happened in Ruihe's room that night. Gui Yi's arrival did not even disturb the protective array in the Taoist temple.

Ruihe went out at dawn the next day and bought a paper-made villa and a complete set of paper-made furniture. When they were sent back to the Taoist temple, He Bai was still surprised: "Didn't they just be burned by your master?"

"I want to burn another set."

He Bai shook his head and sighed without saying anything else, and turned to say another thing: "Come to my room at noon. I have something to give you."

Rui He agreed and went there with several senior brothers at noon. It turned out that He Bai wanted to give them Cai Ningzi's relics.

"These were ordered by my uncle last month and were delivered last night." He Bai took out a box, opened it and showed it to them, "This is Xuyun Mingxiang, one for each of you."

Xuyun Mingxiang looks similar to ordinary incense in thickness and length, but it is white.

"Xuyun Mingxiang? What kind of fragrance is this?"

Second senior brother Hongzhu took out one, took a gentle sniff, and then carefully put the incense back. "I have heard of this kind of incense. It is an heirloom of the Zhang family. As soon as a direct descendant of the Zhang family is born, he or she will burn a piece of Xuyun Mingxiang. As long as a person does not die, the incense will never be burned out. And once a person is born, If you die, Xu Yun’s life incense will burn out instantly.”

"Is it a death alarm?" Hongzi wondered, "Why have I never heard of it? This thing is so amazing."

"More than that." Hong Zhu continued, "The moment the Xuyun Mingxiang is burned out, the smoke will also bring back the souls of the deceased, preventing the souls of the Zhang family's blood from being imprisoned and harmed by villains, so it is said that the Zhang family has a room Mingxiang Hall is usually guarded by dedicated disciples.”

"Sounds like a guide?" A guide, after the bearer dies, it will guide the deceased soul in the direction home. No matter how far it is, it can lead the soul back home.

"It's a bit similar, but it's much better than the guide. It can bring the soul back to the deceased immediately at the moment of death without any hindrance."

Everyone exclaimed: "It's amazing."

Rui He also picked up one and smelled it, "This incense sounds very powerful. Why do sects rarely hear about this?"

This time He Bai spoke: "Because the Zhang family never sells or discloses the existence of this kind of incense to the outside world. To be honest, I am surprised that my uncle can reach an agreement with the Zhang family to customize these five incense sticks." Although he is the master of Yiguan, Helianguan has no friendship at all with the Zhang family, the head of the Taoist family, and the Zhang family's Xuyun Mingxiang is not for sale to the public. It is low-key and hidden, and it is impossible to get it without friendship. .

He Bai was a little surprised that the relationship between Master Cainingzi's uncle and the Zhang family was good enough to buy incense.

"You can take it and divide it, one each. Whether you want to enshrine it in the temple or take it home and light it, it's up to you." He Bai handed the box to Hongzhu, "The instruction manual is at the bottom of the box. You can read it yourself. "After handing over the box, He Bai then talked about the other things that were left by Ningzi, "It's up to you brothers to discuss it! It doesn't mean that we have to move it out now, you discuss it first, and when the time comes... No fuss.”

Hongzhu took the box back and gave one to each of the four junior brothers. He took out the instruction manual and read it carefully: "First use our blood, and put one drop on it every day for seven or seventy-nine days."

Several people also looked at it carefully.

Thinking of what He Bai just said, Hong Zhu sighed: "What the temple master said makes sense." Cai Ningzi's things were all in their original places, and Hong Zhu suggested leaving them all to Rui He. He said very sincerely: "Let's I got started earlier than Xiao Qi, so Master has already given us some of those things. What else does Master have on hand? Now that these are all Master has saved over the years, do we have the nerve to divide them up again?"

No junior brother raised any objection, and Rui He did not refuse. If Cai Ningzi can come up tonight, we can just listen to his arrangements then.

Several senior brothers also promised Rui He that they would take good care of him in the future, and if he had any difficulties, he would tell them and they would help if he could. Rui He all agreed to come down, but he knew in his heart that he would not trouble the senior brothers easily. theirs. He also planned to slowly continue to pay back the money Cai Ningzi borrowed before.

When it was close to twelve o'clock that night, Gui Yi appeared out of thin air with Cai Ningzi tied up with chains in his hand.

Cainingzi was really confused. From the day he met Zhong Yun, he had a premonition that the past that had been sealed for fifty years would come back to him through the shackles of time. It's better not to mention the past! Mentioning it would only increase sadness and destroy his image in the hearts of his disciples.

He hoped that he would always be a reliable and capable master in the hearts of his disciples, so he decided to leave home and die alone.

He died, but his body was trapped in the corpse and couldn't move. Alas! He couldn't go back on the night of the return of the soul, nor could he tell his disciples a few words. This person, when excited, is inevitably impulsive and does things inconsiderately. The ninety-year-old Cainingzi was also like this when he was alive. When he died, he suddenly realized: I haven't left a message for the children!

He slapped his thigh with regret.

On the seventh night after his death, he was taken away by the soul-collector. In recent years, there have been rumors that the underworld has been reorganized, and the soul-collector is no longer called the soul-collector, but the search officer. This is too difficult to understand! Anyway, it was just someone saying it, so Cai Ningzi still called the underworld messenger who took him away the soul-collector.

After arriving in the underworld, he was interrogated, and his life was clearly judged. Fortunately, he could be reborn as a human in the next life, so it didn't matter if he had a rough first half of his life. Then he lived in the city of wronged death and waited in line for reincarnation. He had only lived there for one day when he was suddenly locked by the soul-collector. He didn't react, and the world was spinning in front of him and he couldn't step on anything. When he stood firm again, he met a pair of familiar eyes.

"Hongzhen!" Cai Ningzi was very excited.

Ruihe called Master, then bowed and thanked Guiyi, "This is the villa and furniture I bought for you. Will I burn it for you now?"

Guiyi looked at the things on the ground. These were all high-end paper villas with front courtyards, four floors in Chinese style, and the details were particularly well done. Ruihe bought the most expensive and best ones in the store. This set cost more than a thousand, and the furniture was also carefully selected. Gui Yi nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, burn it."

Rui He moved the things outside and burned them on the spot. Gui Yi sat calmly by the flower bed outside and waited, waving his hand: "If you have anything to say, say it quickly. I only give you half an hour."

Half an hour is enough. In the past, if someone's family member passed away, it was very troublesome to summon the soul to meet. First, it was not certain whether the dead person had been reincarnated. If he had been reincarnated, he would definitely not be able to summon him. Second, after death, he went to the underworld, and he could not come up just because he wanted to. It depends on the skills of the Heavenly Master and whether the underworld allows it. Those evil people who committed crimes and committed serious crimes were sentenced to the deep prison of the underworld after death and could not be released until they were reincarnated. Even if some of them could be summoned, they could not stay for long, just a few words.

"Master, do you want to see the brothers? They are still in the temple." Brother Hong Tao was going to go out to find Cai Ningzi in the afternoon. He felt that it was not thorough to hire someone, and outsiders were not as careful as his own people, so he was stopped by Rui He.

Cai Ningzi was stunned for a moment, then said, "Okay." After hesitating for a while, he said, "No need to tell He Bai."

Soon, Hong Zhu and the others came over, and they were all frightened when they saw the ghost in the yard. Ruihe welcomed them in, and nodded to the ghost who was watching the burning furniture of the paper villa. Guiyi didn't care how many people came, and just said, "Twenty-five minutes."

"Hong Zhen, who is that?"

"Which ghost is that?"

After entering the house, several senior brothers asked Ruihe one by one, but Ruihe didn't answer first, and led them into the bedroom. The bedroom door opened, Cai Ningzi turned around, and Hong Zhu and the others were silent instantly.

Ruihe spoke quickly: "The one outside is the messenger from the underworld. I invited him, and he brought the master up. Time is limited, only about twenty minutes left, let's talk quickly."

Hong Zhu and other disciples were surprised and happy, and surrounded Cai Ningzi at once.

One said, "Master! Why did you leave without saying a word? Every day and every night, I think of you and regret it!"

The other said, "Master, are you really dead? Woo woo woo..."

Cainingzi was so overwhelmed that he could only sigh, "You are all so old, don't act like children."

This made Hong Zi sad: "Now that we are grown up, are we no longer your children?" He looked at Cainingzi accusingly, "You lied to us!"

Cainingzi, who knew he was in the wrong, had nothing to say. When the disciples had almost vented their emotions, he said, "It's not easy for me to come here. You are young. Junior brother, you have put in a lot of effort. Just say whatever you want to say. "

Hong Zhu wiped his tears and said:

"Master, I won't ask you anything else. You didn't tell us before you left. You must have had your reasons for deceiving Zhong Yun. I only ask two things. One is where is your body? The other is if you have anything to say to us."

Junior brothers such as Hong Tao also said: "We mean the same as Second Senior Brother."

Cainingzi looked at Ruihe, and Ruihe said: "Master, are you doing well in the underworld?" Ruihe looked concerned, but Cainingzi couldn't help but feel sad when he looked at his still immature appearance, leaving blood and tears.

Author has something to say: Cainingzi: I don't regret dying, but I am very sad.

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