Winner in life

Chapter 261 83 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

At Lu's house, Lu Qiao stood for a while, her thoughts turning several times in her mind. "Caught? Caught by Zhai Sutian?" She clenched her hands nervously and looked at the suitcase. Yes, she was planning to move. She wanted to go to where her son was, slowly approach her son, and recognize him.

Manager Zhou was right. Her son was still reliable. Her son was 24 years old. She had given birth to him for seven years. A son of this age was already an adult. How could he not avenge his father? Even if he didn't, he would be a conscienceless person as his mother stood in front of him every day to remind him?

As a result, he heard that Manager Zhou was arrested before he left? What about herself? What would happen to herself?

She bit her fingers nervously and finally decided: "Leave! Leave immediately!"

What Ruihe didn't know was that as soon as she left, Lu Qiao locked the door with a bang and left at the bus station overnight.

The affairs of the Zhai family are like a pool of mud, which breeds endless temptations. When a bubble breaks, countless bubbles are produced in the squeeze, and they are endless. The internal struggle of the new generation of the Zhai family has already appeared. It will probably take until the victory between Zhai Sutian and Zhai Yinglin to calm down.

Ruihe does not favor anyone. If possible, he hopes that the position of the head of the family will fall outside those two people, but he also knows that this is not an area he can reach.

Back to Helian Temple, Hong Kan did not sleep either, and followed Ruihe to his room.

"There were other disciples in the car just now, so I didn't have a chance to ask." Hong Kan took the water that Ruihe poured for him, looked at Ruihe's expression, and asked tentatively: "Don't you have any idea about the position of the head of the Zhai family?"

In the past, Hong Kan did not have this idea, because he knew that his junior brother did not have that strength and confidence. If the master was still there, there might be a hope with the support of the master. However, what happened in the past few days changed Hong Kan's thoughts, and the junior brother has stood up himself.

Sheng Tao's case is over, and the Zhengdong Special Investigation Office will report the case to the headquarters. Minister Zhang has asked Hong Kan to write a report, and said that he can send it to the headquarters after he finishes reviewing it. The report is usually written by the minister. Minister Zhang's doing this can be said to be a gesture of goodwill. Hong Kan is very grateful, and he will definitely write down the performance of the junior brother carefully.

Hong Kan believes that the ability of the junior brother will definitely be valued by the headquarters.

If you have strong personal strength, you can think of everything and fight for everything.

After hearing what Hong Kan said, Rui He was stunned. He put down the kettle and sat down: "Why did you suddenly talk about this, brother?"

Hong Kan said softly: "From your appearance, you really have never thought about it? Hong Zhen, I know your attitude towards the Zhai family. You have never looked at them straight in the eye, but why do those troubles always linger around you? Because you are Zhai Sutian's biological son, no matter how you hide, you can't avoid that vortex. Those calculating eyes will not leave you. If you knock down one, there will be another one, unless the matter is settled."

As he said, he sneered: "Why do they always start from you? Because you are not at the core of the battle for the head of the family!"

Rui He was shocked.

"So you are just a pawn in the battle." Hong Kan's voice was loud and clear, and he looked at Rui He with a fiery look in his eyes, encouraging, "Hong Zhen, what if you also want to compete for the head of the family? They have been calculating you, although they have not hurt you, it is disgusting enough. If you can get the position of the head of the family-"

Rui He lowered his head and seriously thought about the possibility of this proposal.

He had never thought about this problem before, but now that Hong Kan pointed it out, Ruihe was surprised to find that this proposal was possible.

Zhai Sutian killed Zhai Yinglin's biological father. The two of them now maintain a superficial father-son relationship, and a decisive battle will definitely break out in the future. Zhai Sutian will never let Zhai Yinglin succeed as the head of the family, so he and his wife had a second child.

Ruihe thought about why Zhai Sutian didn't break Zhai Yinglin's wings before he grew up. In the end, the answer to this question returned to Zhai Sutian's mentality when he faced the truth of the child exchange twenty years ago.

Zhai Sutian, who was nearly thirty years old and childless, was already under a lot of pressure, not to mention now that he is in his fifties.

In addition, the position of the head of the Zhai family is not passed down from father to son and son to grandson. If there are outstanding descendants, the current head of the family cannot give the head of the family to his son for personal gain. So Zhai Sutian began to pave the way for Zhai Yinglin after he found out his qualifications, shaping his reputation and status, and entangled the reputations of the two. It turned out that he planned that one plus one would be greater than two, but today, he has become self-defeating.

Zhai Sutian wanted to get rid of Zhai Yinglin, but he was reluctant to cut off his own arm. What made him even more angry was that in the eyes of some disciples, the young Zhai Yinglin was more promising and had a better future.

If he was willing to give a step down, Zhai Sutian would most likely accept Ruihe's kindness. After all, with a biological son, who was a rising star in the Taoist sect, all of Zhai Sutian's circuitous plans could be thrown away.

Zhai Suyuan was dead, who could prove that Zhai Yinglin was the blood of the Zhai family? He could directly remove Zhai Yinglin's status as the young master from the root!

Once and for all, and without any backlash.

"Hongzhen, think about it."

Ruihe came back to his senses and said with a smile: "I am a little confused when you suddenly said this. I know that you are thinking about me. Thank you, I will think about it carefully."

"That's good." Hong Kan stood up and touched Rui He's head. He felt that his junior brother's hair was as good as before, and he couldn't help rubbing it a few more times. "What the senior brother said was just a suggestion. It depends on you. It doesn't matter if you don't become the head of the family. With your ability, we can still inherit the Lotus Temple. At worst, there is still work in the Special Investigation Department. As long as you have the ability, there is no place where you can't shine?"

"Yeah." Rui He smiled.

"Then I'll go back first."

After returning to his room, Hong Kan took a shower first, then made a cup of strong tea and started writing the closing report. He wrote until the sky gradually brightened. He sent the report that had been revised seven or eight times to Minister Zhang's email, and then fell on the bed and fell asleep in a second.

Rui He had already finished breakfast in the cafeteria. Seeing that Hong Kan had not come, he made porridge and buns to find him. Standing at the door and listening to the soothing breathing in the bedroom, he smiled: "So she's still sleeping." Looking down at the porridge and buns, he decided to try his best to eat them all, otherwise they would be wasted if they got cold.

After eating two breakfasts, Ruihe was full, so he stood up to draw the blue fire talisman.

"Dad~" While drawing, the blue fire in the dantian conveyed Ruihe's cheerful mood, and Ruihe smiled. Every time he drew the talisman, the blue fire was very lively, as if he felt that Ruihe was playing with it.

With a rub, a ball of fire emerged from Ruihe's shoulder, and then stretched out, like a child standing on tiptoe and looking up, rubbing Ruihe's chin intimately.

The completely refined blue fire no longer brought harm to Ruihe. With such close contact, he felt only the warmth of the sun.

"Why did you come out by yourself?" Ruihe smiled, but he still whispered, "Didn't I say that I didn't tell you not to come out by yourself?"

The blue fire twisted and twisted into a knot on Ruihe's shoulder.

"Don't act like a spoiled child. I don't like disobedient children." His voice was low and soft, like the spring breeze, without a trace of anger.

But Lanhua obediently swooped back.

Ruihe's smile became even stronger. No one knows how much energy is needed to refine a ball of fire. Since he has confirmed that Lanhuo has the ability to enter dreams, it can be said that he will communicate with Lanhuo even when he is sleeping.

Being able to communicate with Lanhuo without any obstacles and let Lanhuo listen to him, it doesn't matter if he is recognized as "Dad". Ruihe also recognized such a well-behaved child.

"Okay, come out and play." Ruihe suddenly said after drawing two more talismans.



Lanhuo was very happy. This time he jumped out from Ruihe's head and looked down at Ruihe drawing talismans. Ruihe could clearly sense its happy and joyful emotions. Infected by it, he also felt very happy.

"Come on, play with this, be careful not to burn yourself." Ruihe took out a set of mini playground toys from the storage ring and put them on the table next to him. Lan Huo cheered and jumped over, landing accurately on the slide. A ball of fire slid down the slide. After sliding four or five times, Lan Huo went to the swing next to him. The exquisitely made toy park was smooth and quiet to play, without any noise.

"You are good today, next time I will buy you a new one, the kind that can move by itself, okay?"

"Okay!" The swing swung higher, and Ruihe heard a pleasant laughter like a child.

In fact, such a scene is a bit scary, but Ruihe has gotten used to it and doesn't find it weird.

"Hong Zhen?" Hong Kan's voice came from the yard. Lan Huo was well-trained. He swung violently from the swing, bounced himself up, and stabbed into Ruihe's open palm.

Ruihe closed his palms and responded loudly: "I'm here! Senior brother, come in!" With another hand, he grabbed and put away the playground toys.

"I seem to hear a child's voice?" Hong Kan came in and looked around suspiciously.

"No." Ruihe's face was just right for surprise, "I was drawing talismans."

"Oh, maybe I heard it wrong." Hong Kan rubbed his temples, "I'm old, and my mind is not clear when I stay up late sometimes. I always feel my ears buzzing since I got up."

"Let me press it for you, senior brother."

Ruihe pressed the acupuncture points on Hong Kan's shoulders and head. Hong Kan breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more comfortable.

"What did you do last night, senior brother? Why did you stay up late?"

"I was writing a report." Speaking of this, Hong Kan smiled, "I just got an email from Minister Zhang when I got up. He said that the report has been submitted."

"Senior brother must have praised me a lot."

"That's right, I just tell the truth, every word is true."

Speaking of Minister Zhang, Hong Kan patted Ruihe's hand and motioned him to stop, "Sit down, let's talk." Then he talked about Zhang Yunxin, who the two brothers talked about a while ago.

"Zhang Yunxin and his parents don't seem to have much in common with the master, and I don't know how the master bought the Xuyun Mingxiang from Zhang Yunxin."

"It seems that it is not appropriate to start from the Zhang family." Ruihe felt a little regretful, "If we investigate further, it will attract attention." The Zhang family is not an ordinary family, and if we go too deep, we will definitely be discovered.

"Well." Hong Kan concluded, "I just want to tell you that the matter should be stopped for the time being, safety is the priority, and we will continue when we have the opportunity in the future."


The author has something to say: early early early! !

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