Winner in life

Chapter 272 94 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

On the shore, the visitor He Bai irritably dialed the number again on his mobile phone. "Can't be connected", still "can't be connected". He didn't believe in evil, so he changed the number and broadcast, but he couldn't be connected either.

"What's going on! Why can't I get through?"

Next to him, the leader of Jiqing Temple also looked worried: "Yes, it's been half an hour. What's going on?"

"I was able to contact you just now. What does Yun Shaogong say?"

"It's said that the signal on the island is not good." The leader of Jiqing Temple raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the sea of ​​clouds. "No matter how bad it is, we can't be unable to contact you, right? It's almost one o'clock in the morning now."

He Bai looked at the latest call with Hong Kan in the communication record, feeling even more anxious: "I'll ask again! Otherwise, I'll go to the island!"

"The island is not close... I will go with you."

As a result, they could not find any trace of the people from Yunshao Palace, not a single one. The other Taoist temple people finally became anxious and reacted quickly to find the yacht leasing party. The person in charge of the leasing party had already fallen asleep. He was forced to dig it out, and shook his head in confusion: "The lease period is for one night, and it will not be until seven in the morning. Our employees have been sent back, but the yacht has not come back. The masters of Yunshao Palace said they would drive it back by themselves in the morning. "

To send nearly 5,000 people to sea at one time, all the yachts near the sea of ​​clouds have been rented by Yunshao Palace, which means that the people on the shore now have no tools to go to sea.

"Where are the Guanzhu of Yunshao Palace and the others? Have they been contacted?"

"Can't be contacted! Can't be contacted at all!"

Now things are getting serious. More than 80% of the 5,000 people taken away by Yunshao Palace came from domestic Taoist temples. There were even more people from major Taoist temples. There were also two people from small Taoist temples such as Helian Temple and Jiqing Temple. Three people. The remaining people gathered around the shore and waited, whether it was because they cared about their disciples or because they wanted to watch the excitement of the water coming out of the former site of Yunshao Palace.

Yun Shaogong didn't let anyone else follow him, saying he was afraid of disturbing his work, which was understandable.

But if everyone leaves and there is no news, then it is unbearable.

He Bai was extremely worried, and after thinking about it, he called the Taoist temple and asked his close disciples to quickly go to the forbidden room to see if Hong Kan and Hong Zhen's Xuyun Mingxiang was still burning. Helian Temple is a small Taoist temple with few people and even fewer reliable manpower. Therefore, although Rui He and Xu Yun Mingxiang are lit in the forbidden room of the Taoist temple, they really cannot spare any manpower to keep an eye on them all the time.

His disciple replied: "The incense of the two great uncles is normal."

"Is it too short?"

"Probably not." The disciple hesitated, "I don't know how long they usually are."

He Bai: "..." After a moment of silence, he said, "Take a photo and I'll take a look."

The sleepy disciple squinted his eyes and took five consecutive photos. After He Bai saw it, he felt relieved, as long as everything was fine, and then told the disciple to stay there tonight: "I didn't let you go, you can't leave, Xiang If you have any questions, please let me know immediately, do you hear me?”

He was always upright and lenient towards his disciples. On rare occasions when he was so harsh, his disciples were so busy responding that they were no longer sleepy.

The master of Jiqing Temple who happened to be approaching asked in a low voice: "What kind of fragrance is it?"

He Bai laughed and didn't want to say anything, so he asked, "Did you call the police? What did the police say?"

"What can I say?" The leader of Jiqing Temple sighed, "I told people from the local special investigation office to accompany the local police. As you know, Yunshao Palace has always been the leader in this area, and most of the local special investigation office From Yunshao Palace. The police said they would mobilize people from the special investigation office to provide support, but among the five thousand people, there are many special investigation office employees, including your Hongkan Hongzhen and my Ni Hong..."

What do you say to someone? I'm so worried!

The Celestial Master who came with people from the sect at least had fellow disciples working for him. Some small Taoist temple leaders who came alone to attend the meeting went out to sea alone. Now no fellow disciples have discovered that he has disappeared. To be careful, they are all for him. Things that people lament.

Hebai looked at the sea with resolute eyes and strode there. The leader of Jiqing Temple hurriedly grabbed him: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I can swim." He Bai broke away from the other party's hand and began to take off his clothes.

The leader of Jiqing Temple looked at him like a madman: "It's one o'clock in the middle of the night! That's the sea! It's cold and dark. No matter how anxious you are, you can't mess around!"

I'm going to go crazy if I wait any longer.

Hebai insisted on going into the water, and Guizhen couldn't hold him back at all, let alone the master of Jiqing Temple.

The situation on the island was not that bad, because Ruihe found that there was only one person on the small boat. He hid under the rocks and watched the boat dock. An eight-foot-tall man stepped out. His face could not be seen, but judging from his footsteps, he was still a practicing man.

Moreover, the visitor was quite wary. He stood on the shore and did not go inside. He probably had doubts in his heart, so he shouted a few names loudly.

The opponent was alert, and Rui He did not dare to act rashly. His mana had only recovered less than 20%, and a few attack spells would be exhausted. Moreover, the aroma of black earth still had the aftereffects on him. Although he was awake, he was not very energetic. Well, my hands and feet are not as flexible as usual. He didn't know this person's background and didn't dare to confront him head-on.

Therefore, he asked Lan Huo to go out. No matter what, anyone wearing the Taoist robe of Yun Shao Palace was an enemy.

For Lan Huo, tonight was a happy duet. After burning one batch, he could go out and burn the second batch. It swam along the gaps between the rocks and slowly approached the man standing on the shore.

The man seemed to have a keen sense of danger. Ruihe heard his breathing become very slow and thin, and could even imagine his expression now. He must be listening to all directions and ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

The man shouted twice again, but still received no response. I will not move if the enemy does not move. Ruihe was very patient and melted himself into the sea.

Finally, the man was anxious. Tonight's matter was very important. It took several generations to plan until today. He was determined to die if he failed.

The huge Yunshao Palace had limited disciples who could participate. In the final analysis, the times were different. Such an action was too important and extremely confidential. At this time today, many disciples still thought that tonight was really for salvaging the old site. The disciples who could participate were all selected and limited in number.

Because this island was one of the most critical links, it was equipped with fifty people. There were originally fifty people, plus Yunmengxiang and the Locking Yuan Secret Array, because it should be foolproof. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the island lost contact.

The time was set, and no step could be delayed.

In order to keep the operation secret, only one reliable disciple was left with a communication tool for each step. When the island lost contact, the master immediately asked him to come over to check and make sure that the burning was completed on time.

Thinking of the importance of the task, the man finally took a step forward, and this step sent himself into the mouth of the blue fire.

The blue fire split itself apart and squeezed mischievously between the cracks of the stone, like a net with fangs and claws, waiting for the prey to step into the trap. Seeing the man take the initiative to step in, it trembled with excitement.

Who would notice the gap in the uneven ground? Anyway, the man didn't notice it. The blue fire proudly touched the sole of the opponent's shoe, broke through the sole, and bit the opponent's foot.

A slight sting came, but the man didn't care much and continued to move forward. Before the next step touched the ground, the man was burning. Lanhuo's character is like a child. It wants to show off its ability in front of "Dad". This time, it did not take action directly, but surrounded the man from the outside, making the blue fire the brightest and most dazzling protagonist in the dark night.

The man wrapped in Lanhuo howled in pain and struggled continuously, constantly making hand gestures, throwing out the magic tools and talismans on his body in an attempt to put out the fire.

Lanhuo shouted: "Dad, look! I look good! Look at me!"

The childish words are soft and cute, but the reality is that in the blue dreamlike fire, a living person screamed and rolled, and finally turned into dust.

It was the first time for Ruihe to see such a scene. He forced himself to watch until the screams in his ears stopped, and then waved: "Look, you look good, come to Dad."

Lanhuo flew into Ruihe's arms and rubbed his chin affectionately.

After climbing out of the water, Hongkan also emerged from the water not far away, looking at Ruihe with a complicated expression. He had just learned about Lan Huo's existence, and in such a special situation, Lan Huo's brutality and terror left a deep impression on him, leaving him speechless for a moment.

"Brother, come quickly, we have to wake up the others first, otherwise I don't know who will come." Ruihe reminded softly.

Hong Kan took a deep breath: "You are right. Wake up a few big shots first. I remember that the Zhang family is the family head's sister, and the Zhai family is Zhai Yinglin..."

On the boat one kilometer away, the master of Yunshao Palace frowned fiercely. He is only 29 years old, but he has been the master for 14 years. Being in a high position for a long time has made him permeated with the temperament of a superior.

"Cai Xu has lost contact?" His face was as gloomy as water, "What's going on!"

Next to him, a middle-aged man whispered: "Brother Cai Xu should have arrived there now, but I can't contact him."

"Why do things happen one after another?" The master was very dissatisfied, "How many times have you promised me before? Why do you always fail at the critical moment!"

Facing his thunderous anger, the middle-aged man seemed a little afraid.

"Only five minutes left." The master looked at his watch and said in a deep voice, "Start the third plan."

The middle-aged man hurriedly responded: "I'll go now."

"No." The master looked at the moon and twisted his long sleeves, "I'll go by myself."

A minute later, a loud bang came from the direction of the island, and a huge red mushroom cloud seemed to rise into the sky, and the sky-high flames illuminated the night as bright as day. There was also a clear sense of seawater shaking, and the sound of explosions spread and spread to all directions.

He Bai, who was swimming hard in the sea, suddenly raised his head, his face full of astonishment.

On the shore, the head of Jiqing Temple, who was rubbing his hands nervously, opened his mouth slightly, his face pale as paper under the night light.

On the road, police cars with sirens blaring all slowed down at the same time, the windows were rolled down, and dozens of eyes looked towards the sea, with the fire reflected in their eyes. An angry shout rang out: "Call the fire department and ask for support! Where is the support ship? Hurry up!!"

The author has something to say: Early, early, early! ! !

I'm really sorry, because the broadband expired, so I went to pay the bill, and then I took the wrong ID card and went home. When I went to the telecommunications business hall again, the road was blocked by a large truck. I couldn't believe it! Then I took a long detour...

I'm sorry for being late, bow

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