Winner in life

Chapter 274 96 A First-Class Divine Stupid Person

《Life Winner [Quick Transmigration]》

Rui He was unaware of the continued impact of the Linyun Sea incident and the turmoil in the outside world. After fainting, he fell into chaos. The scenes of his previous lives flashed before him one by one, and the memories of the real world of just ten years were also sandwiched in between.

People who have died several times are not afraid of death, and even have something that can be called "experience".

Rui He knew that he might die again, so all his memories flashed in front of him like a revolving lantern. He looked at them one by one, and finally his sight stopped on the scene of the day when he explored the Poor Sea.

"Who are you."

At that time, he heard the sound of a bell, and when he looked over, he saw a touch of blue, and then three words with a clear voice and flat tone rang in his ears: "Who are you."

When they first met, Lan Huo would ask "Who are you", but in the years after refining Lan Huo, Rui He learned to speak by listening to Lan Huo.

Lan Huo slowly jumped out from one word, two words, to three words, five words later, and said a relatively complete sentence. His tone began to be filled with emotion. It was gratifying to witness that progress with his own eyes. The bond between him and Lan Huo became deeper.

As for the origin of Lan Huo... It is said that the poor sea is a product of the underworld. Rui He asked Lan Huo about its origin, but Lan Huo himself could not explain it.

There is no doubt that Lan Huo is quite fierce. Rui He tried to control it again and again, and was burned badly in the early days. In the past two years, Lan Huo was gradually refined and finally settled in his Dantian with peace of mind. Then he learned to speak with great success. When he called him "Dad" for the first time, Rui He felt the bond that almost penetrated his soul.

In his heart, Lan Huo was different. He taught it hand in hand, treating it as a child to teach it the principles of being a person and doing things, such as not setting fire casually, not burning this, not burning that. At night, before he finished practicing and went to bed, he read enlightenment stories to it, and even learned a lot of nursery rhymes and sang them to it. These "parent-child activities" made the refining progress leap forward, so Ruihe deeply believed that Lanhuo was intelligent and could learn human emotions.

Watching himself in the memory fragment turn back, Ruihe turned his sight and saw a touch of blue in the original place. He couldn't help but smile, and the next moment the world broke and turned upside down, his eyes were spinning rapidly, and the dizziness and weightlessness overlapped, making him feel so uncomfortable that he lost consciousness.

When he didn't know, Hebai and Hongkan were crying in the ward, and Hongkan was crying the most sadly. He was not by the side when Master Cai Ningzi left, and when the master found him, it was already a cold and stiff corpse, but now the junior brother died in front of him, and he saw with his own eyes that the curve on the machine turned into a straight line, making a harsh dripping sound.

The junior brother that the master asked him to take good care of is gone, and the junior brother who helped him get food and reminded him to add clothes like a son is gone.

Hong Kan continued to fall down with the help of other brothers and sisters, and finally sat on the ground, crying and unable to get up.

"Uncle Hong Kan, don't be too sad." He Bai choked, "Uncle Hong Zhen definitely doesn't want you to be so sad." As he spoke, he lowered his head to wipe his tears and couldn't say any more. The grief in his heart was no less than Hong Kan's, and he had many more regrets! He put his heart on the Lotus Temple, and he really would rather die than let Hong Zhen die.

"If I hadn't gone in the wrong direction, maybe I could have saved him." He Bai murmured. If he had known that his wife had stuffed him with a new magic weapon, he would have tried it diligently, at least to master the use of it!

The ward was full of gloom and desolation, and the Taoist sect was also desolate. On the Taoist exchange forum, the post that cursed Yun Shaogong received 100,000 replies. Combined with the number of registered Tianshi in the country, it can be seen how many people repeated their speeches just to express their anger and grief.

# What is Yunshao Palace going to do? With such a huge sin of killing, how can they still have no scruples? #

This post is the second most popular, with many analyses, but the most popular comment is: "No matter what they are going to do, the more than 4,900 people who died died in vain."

After the explosion of the island, only Hong Zhen was rescued from the island, and according to Hong Kan, Xu Hong Zhen played a big role in the incident, so when the absconding Yunshao Palace master and others were not caught, Xu Hong Zhen's testimony was very important.

Yesterday, 16 of the 18 absconding people from Yunshao Palace were arrested and the interrogation began. However, the police still left people in the hospital to wait for Xu Hong Zhen's emergency treatment. After seeing the doctor confirm that the patient was dead and condoling the people of Helian Temple, they also withdrew.

After all the doctors and nurses left, the people of Helian Temple decided not to cremate the body first, but to bring the body back to the temple to hold the body and perform rituals. The coffin was sent by the Zhang family, and it was made of high-quality wood. He Bai knew that this was the Zhang family's way of thanking Hong Zhen for saving the sister of the head of the Zhang family. In fact, this was a good opportunity to make friends with the Zhang family, but he really couldn't muster up the energy and only received the other party according to etiquette.

There were many people who came to pay tribute. That night, Ruihe and Hong Kan worked together to save sixteen people. All sixteen people survived. After recovering, they came to pay tribute one after another and left many gifts.

However, on the fourth night of the funeral, there was movement in the mourning hall. That night, the sixth senior brother Hong Zi was guarding the spirit. He was a little sleepy, and his eyelids were fighting up and down. Suddenly, he heard some strange movement. At first, he didn't care, but the sound kept rustling.

"What sound?" He stood up suspiciously, walked around the mourning hall, and finally locked his eyes on the coffin.

In the middle of the night, there was a movement in the coffin in the mourning hall, which is one of the classic scenes that can be written into the most frightening supernatural stories. Although Hong Zi is a heavenly master, he is a little afraid of ghosts. After learning from his master, he did not specialize in catching ghosts, but Feng Shui. He stood in front of the coffin and heard the movement again and again. The incense and candles on the table also shook in response, and the candlelight flickered, adding to the weird and terrifying atmosphere.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

Hong Zi took a step back in fear, his heart pounding, and it took a long time before he took a deep breath and approached again.

His expression became very strange, his eyes widened, his mouth slightly open, and his feet rubbed back, and he retreated until he reached the door and stopped, touched his pocket, took out his mobile phone and dialed decisively: "I am Hong Zi, Second Brother, come to the mourning hall quickly, Hong Zhen seems to have resurrected!"

Just like that, Ruihe, who resurrected, was taken out of the coffin.

When Ruihe woke up again, he found that his throat could not make a sound, and his hands and feet could not move. Then he realized a very realistic problem: he was in a coffin.

He didn't know how many days he had been "dead". He might be cremated tomorrow?

Thinking of this, Ruihe tried his best to gather strength to hit the coffin, and finally attracted the attention of others.

"Hongzhen? You are not dead?" Hebai rubbed his hands in surprise. He had tried it and was breathing! The carotid artery and heart were beating vigorously, and the skin was warm.

The person was alive!

Ruihe blinked.

"Can't Hongzhen speak?" Hongkan asked hurriedly.

Ruihe blinked again.

"Send him to the hospital! Send him to the hospital right now!" Hebai waved his hand, and the group went to the hospital together. After a series of examinations, the doctor announced in surprise that the patient's physical indicators were normal. When he was sent to the hospital that day, although he looked only slightly burned on the outside, his body had been shattered by the explosion, his internal organs were broken, and he was bleeding profusely. If there is any way to describe it, it is a watermelon that looks intact on the outside but has already been rotten inside.

No matter how surprised and shocked the doctor was, Hong Kan, who knew the condition of Ruihe before he was sent to the hospital, accepted the fact that Ruihe was resurrected. In the ward, Hong Kan held Ruihe's hand and whispered: "How do you feel now? That day I held you and jumped into the water, and the blue fire on your body went out."

The doctor just gave Ruihe a few needles in his vocal cords. Now he can speak, but his voice is hoarse. Hearing Hong Kan's question, Ruihe said in a somewhat lonely voice: "It saved me, but I can't feel it anymore."

The impact of the explosion was irresistible, but protecting him from being burned by the fire during the explosion was the best protection Lanhuo could do for himself.

"You really died a few days ago." Hong Kan said sadly, "Today is the fourth day of the funeral."

"I'm sorry to have worried you, senior brothers."

Seeing that Ruihe couldn't open his eyes when he spoke, Hong Kan hurriedly said, "Go to sleep first!"

Several people walked to the living room of the ward and whispered. He Bai carefully asked Hong Kan about the situation that day. After listening to Hong Kan, He Bai rubbed his right thumb and said thoughtfully, "This is God's grace. Wait until Master Hong Zhen recovers and come back to see..."

As long as people are alive, He Bai will have the energy to think about the future of Helian Temple.

He is not bragging. In the Linyunhai incident, their Helian Temple made great efforts. Only 18 people survived among nearly 5,000 people, two of whom were from their Taoist temple, and the remaining 16 people were saved by their Taoist temple. The contributions of Hong Zhen and Hong Kan are not low.

In addition, he, the master of the temple, provided the police with information about the escape of Yun Shaogong and others. That night, he used the speeding magic weapon and plunged into the boat not far from Yun Shaogong. He felt something was wrong, so he swam over carefully and heard a few words. After submitting them to the police, they also provided a general direction for the police to pursue.

The case is still under trial. Given the severity of the case and the serious impact it has brought, the higher-ups must give an explanation to the victims and will also reward those who have made contributions.

Thinking of this, He Bai felt that his whole heart was alive.

Fearing that the resurrection from the dead was too horrifying and eye-catching, He Bai decided to keep the news secret and only told the police officer in charge of the Linyunhai incident.

The police officer: "..." After being overly frightened, he calmed down, congratulated him first, and reported it immediately after hanging up the phone. The higher-ups then transferred the matter to the Taoist Association, so that afternoon the ward welcomed a personal visit from the current president of the Taoist Association.

Ruihe received a lot of condolences, and then carefully cultivated himself, taking soup and medicine every day, and soon felt that his body was full of strength again. The broken organs in his body are now reborn as if they have been washed, and the burns on his body are gradually scabbing and falling off, revealing new skin and flesh.

The doctor said it was a miracle, but Ruihe knew that it was the hope of life that Lanhuo brought him. He didn't know where Lanhuo had gone. He couldn't find it in any corner of his dantian or meridians, so his gratitude was nowhere to be found.

On the third night of hospitalization, Ruihe's ward welcomed an uninvited guest. The search officer Guiyi stood at the head of Ruihe's bed with a chain, frowned and said, "You're not dead?"

The author has something to say: I haven't finished my work today (hands on hips


Guiyi: If you didn't say it earlier, you'd come here in vain. I'm so busy. Please remember: Rose Novel Network, report wrong chapters, ask for books, and find books, please add QQ group: 277600208 (group number)

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