Winner in life

Chapter 277 99 First-class charlatan

Hong Kan was also stunned. Although he had great confidence in his junior brother and always felt that he would be able to make a name for himself in the future, it was too exaggerated for him to become the branch chief of the Special Investigation Department of Zhengdong City in one step.

Seeing this, Minister Zhang smiled and said, "I'm not kidding. The recommendation letter has really been submitted, but I can't guarantee that it will be successful."

Ruihe hurriedly said, "Thank you for your trust and support. I was a little surprised when I heard the news. I'm really sorry."

"It doesn't matter. It's normal to be surprised. I know you all have doubts in your hearts. I'll tell you the truth! Originally, I wanted Ni Hong. He has strong working ability and is also a decent and meticulous person. I have observed him for more than ten years and he is indeed very suitable to succeed the minister. But as you know, he unfortunately passed away. I will definitely choose someone else for this position."

Minister Zhang said very directly, "Of course, not everyone can become the minister just because I say so. I just play a role of recommendation. Whoever will be the minister in the end, the Beijing headquarters must have their considerations."

This is the truth, but the recommendation of the former minister is also one of the very important indicators.

Hong Kan came back to his senses and thanked Minister Zhang: "Thank you for your trouble."

"I just followed the situation. The absconded Yunshao Palace Master and his sister have not been caught yet. Now the Yunshao Palace case has not been closed, but I heard that the higher-ups are already discussing the merits. You and fellow Daoist Hong Zhen have made great contributions. The other surviving Daoists recorded their confessions and said that it was Daoist Hong Zhen who first discovered something was wrong and raised the alarm."

The Linyunhai incident was really too tragic. More than 4,000 fellow Daoists died in an unexplained way. Therefore, the only 18 survivors are particularly precious. Among them are the sister of the head of the Zhang family, the young master of the Zhai family, Zhai Yinglin, and two extremely outstanding descendants of Xiaoxiao Palace.

These three families have considerable say in the Daoist sect. At the same time, they voiced their demands for rewards for their benefactors, which has a significant impact on the Special Adjustment Office and the Daoist Association.

"I can't take care of you guys yet. I'll send the recommendation letter first, so they can use it as a reference." Minister Zhang is not the kind of person who does good things silently. Since he has made a move, he wants the other party to accept the favor. His health has long been broken. It's not a lie to say that he wants to retire, but it doesn't matter whether he retires earlier or later. The reason why he chose this time point is that he wants to do Hong Zhen a favor.

After saying this, Minister Zhang left the Special Investigation Office.

"I have to accept this favor." Hong Kan whispered, "Although the possibility is not great."

"Well, I understand."

"Ten years later, no more than ten years, the position of minister may still fall on you." Hong Kan was very regretful, "Your qualifications are too shallow, and the credit for the Linyunhai incident is limited... It is impossible for the higher-ups to reward you with a position as a branch minister."

At first glance, Hong Kan was indeed excited when he heard Minister Zhang's words, but now he has calmed down and knows that there is limited room for maneuver and there is not much hope.

"It doesn't matter. I'm still young. I was recruited to the Special Investigation Office. There are too many seniors who are older and more experienced than me in the Special Investigation Office. I know my position." Ruihe didn't care at all.

Hong Kan looked at the door, walked over and closed it, and told Ruihe about the dangerous topic that he had kept in his heart for a long time during the Linyunhai incident.

"I didn't dare to tell you about your Lanhuo. The police asked me if I knew about the situation of the fifty Yunshao Palace disciples on the island. They said that when they collected the bodies, only the fifty were missing, so they suspected that the fifty people had escaped. When the Yunshao Palace was sealed, the disciples who were unaware were temporarily detained. Later, sixteen people were arrested. According to the confessions of the sixteen people, the fifty disciples should have evacuated with them, but they lost contact and they didn't know about it."

At this point, Hong Kan stared at Ruihe's eyes: "Only I know about this matter. You were seriously injured at the time. When the police asked me, I took it away. I hid it and said that you woke up first and didn't see anyone from Yunshao Palace when you woke up. "

He sighed, "I know you wanted to stop the people from Yunshao Palace from setting fire, so you let Lan Huo and your ghost servant kill them, but killing people is not a good reputation after all. If I tell this, I can't be sure whether you will get a great credit or a judgment. Even if someone sees you as a hero now, what about a few years or ten years later? I'm afraid that when others mention you, the impression is that killing people is as easy as cutting melons. "

Hong Kan could imagine the thrill at that time, so he could empathize and understand his junior brother's approach. What about the others? Fighting fifty with one and killing all fifty people, it always makes people afraid to tell others.

"I think so too." Ruihe nodded, "Brother, don't think about it anymore, just let it disappear with the explosion of the island. I won't mention it to a third person, and so will you."

The two reached a consensus and chose to conceal it.

Speaking of Lanhuo, Hongkan has new concerns: "Can you still draw Lanhuo Talisman and use Lanhuo Curse now?"

Ruihe shook his head: "Its power is gone, I can't feel anything."

"Lanhuo is too dangerous, maybe this is a good thing."

Ruihe doesn't like such words: "It saved me, and it is obedient, and has never hurt anyone without my consent."

"It's still too dangerous." Seeing Ruihe's bad face, Hongkan said, "Okay, I won't say anything, let's go! I'll take you to dinner, I'm on duty at night, don't come."

Ruihe and Hongkan both felt that what Minister Zhang said should not be spread. As the work rhythm got back on track, their bodies were slowly recovering. With the arrival of autumn, everything showed signs of Xiaosu, and the Linyunhai incident also came to a conclusion.

The sixteen people who were hunted down and brought to justice were all sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life. At the same time, all documents of Yun Shao Palace were revoked, all disciples were dismissed, the Taoist inheritance was completely denied, and the name "Yun Shao" became taboo.

Some people sighed: In fact, the other ordinary disciples of Yun Shao Palace were very innocent, but the evil done by Yun Shao Palace's direct lineage ended up implicating them. Yunshao Palace is the largest sect, with a wide range of disciples spread all over the country, and a large number of believers. Once it collapsed, it affected an unknown number of people.

"Do you still remember the champion that year when you participated in the Dao Sect Competition? That man's name was Bie Chen, a disciple of Yunshao Palace. He was also the disciple of the Guanzhu and was very respected. I heard that because his character was too upright, Obsessed with spiritual practice, he knew nothing about this incident and had no involvement. Now that Yunshao Palace has been disbanded, he has nowhere to go. No matter how outstanding a heavenly master is, he will be despised if he comes from Yunshao Palace. No Taoist temple is willing to accept it.”

Hong Kan also sighed, "Those young disciples are easy to handle. They are young and can go back to study. For people like Bie Chen, the law believes that they are innocent. How can people not be wary of rejecting them? I heard about this outside People also know that when they ask for help from the Heavenly Master, they have to ask if it comes from Yunshao Palace. If so, don’t ask for it. Yunshao Palace used to be very beautiful, and the signboard was very loud. As a saying goes, even the fees are higher than ours. Lian Guan has a high income, but now he is like a rat crossing the street and everyone is shouting about it. It’s so ironic.”

Rui He thought for a while and remembered Biechen's appearance. At that time, Biechen was twenty-five years old. He had a straight face all the time, was taciturn and extremely calm.

The world is full of twists and turns. Temple Master Yunshao Palace and others committed such a huge crime, involving thousands of Taoist temples. The hatred is not so easy to get rid of. Even Ruihe, speaking from his own standpoint, has not calmed down. , when he thought about it, his heart was filled with depression. Whenever this happened, he would recite the Calming Mantra to calm his emotions.

He was still so brooding about the Helian Temple even though no one was injured, and it would definitely be even more difficult to let go of other Taoist temples.

After that, the rewards for Ruihe and Hongkan also came down. First, each of them received a bonus, and then a special support fund was allocated for the Holy Lotus Temple for five consecutive years. He Bai was so happy that he could not open his mouth from ear to ear. This kind of special financial support was rare, and it was usually not available to small Taoist temples like Lotus Temple.

In addition to bonuses, the two also received awards from the Taoist Association. What was even more surprising was that Hongkan received the appointment letter as minister, and Ruihe received the notice to recruit the special coordination office in the capital.

Rui He was quite satisfied with this result. His qualifications were too junior and his age was too young. In comparison, Hong Kan was much more suitable.

Hong Kan was at a loss: "It's so sudden, how could I..."

"Senior brother, don't belittle yourself, I think you are very suitable!" Rui He said with a smile, "That's it, master will be very happy to know." He was really happy for Hong Kan, "Senior brother, I want to treat you, so you must celebrate it well one time!"

For Hong Kan, this is pie from heaven. For Minister Zhang, this was a bit confusing. Didn't the family say they intend to let Sister ** come here to be a minister? Why did he suddenly become Zhou Hongkan?

He didn't lie, he did report Hongzhen's name, but that was because he knew that Xu Hongzhen could not be the minister now. In order to save a favor, Minister Zhang acted like this. After all, from his point of view, what Xu Hongzhen needed was time to gain seniority, and he would definitely make a difference in the future. If he gave a little favor at this time, he would be able to do it in the future. Why not win a friendly friend for the Zhang family?

"Sister ** isn't coming?" Minister Zhang immediately called the head of the house. He and the head of the house, Zhang Huaimin, are cousins ​​and have always had a close relationship, so after answering the phone, he asked directly, "Why didn't you talk to me first?"

Zhang Huaimin said: "I only know about this matter. If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Minister Zhang hesitated, then frowned: "You are the actual head of the Special Investigation Division Headquarters. Didn't the demotion order go through your hands? Brother, was it the work of the Gong Department?"

Minister Gong is the head of the headquarters. My cousin competed with him for the position of head. As a result, that person was unlucky. He was relegated to the second position due to cancer before he had held the position of head of the headquarters for ten years. Instead, his cousin became the actual deputy minister. The minister above has great power.

"I'm checking. I'll hang up now."

The people in Helianguan didn't know the tricks behind the transfer order, and they celebrated Hongkan and Ruihe happily. In order to keep a low profile, they didn't dare to make any publicity, so they only ordered a few banquets at a hotel in another place to eat and drink to their heart's content.

"Helian Temple is finally up." He Bai poured wine with tears in his eyes at the banquet, "Drink! I won't go home until I'm drunk tonight!"

Rui He smiled and clinked glasses. The spicy wine entered his mouth, and his whole body was excited. He looked at the smiling faces of everyone at the banquet with a smile, and began to think: "What would the Special Investigation Office in the capital be like?" He was at home in the local Special Investigation Office branch, but who and what would he encounter when he arrived at the headquarters?

The unknown makes people look forward to it.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

Ah, it’s 99. It seems that I can’t finish it in a hundred chapters. I’m working hard to write it and try not to procrastinate too long.

Compare your feelings! ! ,

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