Winner in life

Chapter 284 106 First-class Divine Statue

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At a certain toll station, after Zhai Yinglin hung up the phone, he looked out the window in a daze. There was no moon tonight, not even a star. He recalled that when he was in elementary school, his teacher assigned him a composition about looking at the stars. His mother took him to watch the moon for three days, and the teacher praised him for his final composition.

How happy I was then.

Unfortunately, she had to be Zhai Sutian's wife first, and then his mother. Later, she was just Zhai Baozhu's mother, and then she had another identity that disgusted him - the daughter of the Kou family.

The car passed the toll station, he rolled up the window to withdraw his sight, leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes.

The truck collided with the car at the intersection, dragging the car for three meters. What's more serious is that the part that was swept under the car was the front part.

Rui He immediately recognized that it was the car that Kou Dan and the others were riding in, and his first reaction was: Zhai Yinglin took action. His heart was beating hard and he immediately ran downstairs, calling the police as he ran.

On the roadside, enthusiastic passers-by were already helping to save people. The truck driver was dragged off with a horrified look on his face: "I, I didn't mean it... I didn't see it... I didn't see it!"

As he got closer, Ruihe smelled the stinking smell of alcohol on the driver's body. Then he saw that the driver's face was red and his eyes were cloudy and blurry. It was obvious that he was driving under the influence. He ran to the side of the car to look and took a breath. The front part of the car was under the truck. Dark red blood flowed from the car and dripped on the rough road. On the back seat of the car, Rui And black clothes were seen through the broken glass.

Team leader He rushed to the hospital immediately after receiving Ruihe's call: "I have reported it to Minister Zhang, and the Zhai family has also conveyed the news. They said that the head of the Zhai family happened to be on the way to attend the funeral of Mr. Zhang's family tomorrow. We'll be there in the morning." Seeing Ruihe's face looking tired, he patted Ruihe's shoulder and said, "I've also informed the Zhai family at the headquarters. They are on their way. You can go back and rest first, I will guard them."

"Then I'll go back first. If you need my help with anything, just call me."

"Sure, go! Fortunately, you live nearby, otherwise... ugh! Go, go back!"

Ruihe didn't need to be on duty the next day. The neighbor downstairs asked him to help look after his new home, so he went. After watching the movie, Team Leader He called him: "The head of the Zhai family has arrived and said he wanted to thank you. Can I give him your mobile phone number?"


Zhai Yinglin called quickly: "Hello, Fellow Daoist Xu, I am Zhai Yinglin. Thank you for your help to my mother and cousin. I am very grateful. I can't leave in the hospital now. I will treat you to dinner after a while."

"You're welcome." Ruihe stopped not far from the subway station and leaned against a pillar to talk to Zhai Yinglin. "The driver responsible for the accident is with the traffic police. Has Mr. Zhai paid a visit?"

"I've seen it, it's said to be a drunk driver, ugh!"

"Master Zhai, don't worry too much. Fellow Taoist Danxia, ​​with a good son like you, he will definitely be able to turn the crisis around."

"I accept your good advice."

The two chatted for a while and then ended the call. Rui He was playing with his cell phone in a trance. He suspected that Zhai Yinglin was responsible for the car accident.

He is always hostile to someone who has always insisted that his surname is Xu rather than Zhai. Kou Dan has multiple identities: his biological mother who upholds justice, the future old lady of the former head of the Zhai family, the biological sister of the head of the Kou family, Ruihe didn't believe that Zhai Yinglin wouldn't care.

If Kou Dan had not lied yesterday, she would have asked the power of her natal family to "protect" her during the meeting in the sea of ​​clouds. At that time, Zhai Sutian had died, and Zhai Yinglin briefly returned to the Zhai family to stabilize the situation before returning to the sea of ​​​​clouds... At that time, what Kou Dan asked the Kou family to do Does Zhai Yinglin know about this? What would he think if he knew?

Would he feel that Kou Dan was working against him, and that the Kou family was also involved? They were both members of a Taoist family. Is Zhai Yinglin, the young head of the family, confident that he could withstand internal and external attacks?

The most effective way to cut off all threats is to remove the bond of Kodan.

This is the worst possibility. Rui He sighed. If the guess is correct, then he will be in danger.

That night, Team Leader He sent him a text message, saying that the mistress of the Zhai family was out of danger, but although her life was saved, she became a vegetative state. The driver and Kou Zhen, who were sitting in the driver's and passenger seats, died due to ineffective rescue efforts.

The next day, Zhai Yinglin came to visit in person. In addition to thanking Ruihe, he also wanted to test him. Ruihe had nothing to say other than expressing his deep sadness. After saying that, he looked straight at Zhai Yinglin, but Zhai Yinglin was the first to look away and left, saying that he wanted to take care of Kou Dan.

At that moment, the siren in Ruihe's heart rang loudest.

After coming to the capital for a few months, all my worries seemed to be concentrated in this month. After the Zhang family's funeral, Minister Zhang came back to work. Rui He clearly felt that Minister Zhang's attitude toward him had changed slightly. He didn't mean to be specific, but he was very pleasant and his attitude was unnerving.

After the death of the old man of the Zhang family, the Zhang family's ritual of praying to gods, which had been temporarily suppressed, was talked about again. Director Gong, who had been recovering from illness for many years and had not done anything, also came forward to inquire. Ruihe took this opportunity to meet Director Gong for the first time.

After hearing from Team Leader He that Minister Gong had not appeared in the headquarters building for three years, Ruihe, who was standing in the lobby on the first floor to greet him along with his colleagues, looked at Minister Gong and saw that he looked the same as the one he had met in Zhengdong a few years ago. Minister Gong was much thinner than before, his cheeks were sunken, and it was windy when he walked. This time, he was brought in in a wheelchair by a family member.

Minister Gong waved his hand and greeted everyone: "Don't be so polite. I just came to take a look. Let's go to work. Let's go." Then he took the elevator to the fifth floor and stayed for about two hours before leaving.

Team leader He said: "I heard from one group that Minister Gong came to listen to Minister Zhang's report. Alas, the ceremony to pray to God failed. Zhuang Liangning will be shot next Sunday. It seems that he wants to see him die. It’s impossible to be miserable in the end.”

After Minister Gong's visit, Zhang Huaimin convened a meeting the next day to summarize the work of the past three months, commended a group of colleagues who had done an outstanding job, and provided guidance for the next work.

"The Taoist Association is already preparing for the salvage work of Yunshao Palace. Official documents of assistance have been sent over. The amount of bonus subsidies is not low. I will post the documents in a while for you all to take a look. To be honest, the salvage must be very difficult. It takes a lot of effort, but I also know that many people who come here have psychological shadows about that place. I also want to practice democracy. Anyone who wants to go can sign up. "

After speaking, Zhang Huaimin glanced around the people in the conference room. When his eyes fell on Rui He, Rui He was instinctively alert. The next moment, Zhang Huaimin said: "Okay, it's all said and done. Let's break up the meeting. Xu Hongzhen stays." Ruihe stayed despite the unclear glances of others.

The door of the conference room was closed again, and Minister Zhang said with a smile: "I have something to tell you. I remember that when you were in the Zhengdong Branch, you successfully hired a ghost officer in Sheng Tao's case, right?"

"Yes." Sheng Tao was a suspect in a case handled by Ruihe in the Zhengdong branch. With the help of a mysterious heavenly master named Wang, he used the life-borrowing technique to steal the life of an innocent woman. Ruihe After confirming through law enforcement instruments that his life span had changed, he invited Gui Yi. The ghost was so angry that he directly took Sheng Tao's soul away to the underworld for trial.

In order to close the case, Ruihe asked Guiyi to bring Sheng Tao back. This case was still the closing report written by his senior brother Hong Kan. The headquarters sent him a commendation order for this. The commemorative coin is still enshrined in the Lotus Temple. In front of the master's ranking.

When Minister Zhang mentioned that case, Rui He knew it.

Sure enough, Zhang Huaimin then asked Ruihe: "Can you invite those two ghost servants again? I'm sorry to say that our Zhang family's ritual of inviting gods went wrong, alas!"

"I'm not sure." Rui He didn't finish his sentence, "Minister Zhang, even if I can invite people here, I may not be able to get them to agree."

"I know, it's a line after all. You try it first."

Not long after returning to the office, colleagues from the next group came over and asked with a smile: "You and Minister Zhang have a good relationship?" Another asked with a smile: "I went to Zhang's house to express my condolences before, and Minister Zhang also left you alone. You guys have such a good relationship.”

Both of them were seniors, and Rui He didn't want to create a stalemate, so he pretended not to understand the deeper meaning and told the matter. It wasn't anything shameful anyway.

After sending these two people away, Rui He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. The transfer to the headquarters was indeed a promotion, but with it came complicated interpersonal relationships. He was a newcomer who had only been here for three months. Minister Zhang repeatedly showed his differences to him in front of everyone, which was not conducive to his integration into this new company. collective.

Look, isn’t this coming?

Fortunately, the headquarters has a lot of money and one person has an office. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to bear it.

He promised Zhang Huaimin to try, but Ruihe did nothing. Since Guiyi said to wait for news, then just wait. You can't ask others to do things every day.

After waiting for another four or five days, some strange words came to his ears, and fellow Taoist Chen from the team also said in a sour tone with a hint of a good show: "You are young after all..."

Young for what? Let’s not say it anymore. If you want to take advantage of something, you will have to make yourself angry to death.

Who hasn't seen Ruihe? He just said that in the last mission world, he has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, what kind of words have he not heard? Living for so many years has not been in vain. Although I occasionally act impulsively, I am never vague on major matters. I just say it and treat it as scratching an itch. Seeing that he was so calm, gradually no one deliberately said unpleasant words in front of him.

Gui Yi came again late at night and said to him: "It has been approved. The underworld has temporarily set up an exchange group in the underworld, with Lao Tao and I as the leaders. In the future, if there are any heinous people in the underworld who have been tried in the underworld, they will come here." When we go to the underworld, we will also pass on the trial process to you in the underworld for your publicity and education in the underworld.”

"Great, thank you, Mr. Guiyi." Ruihe thanked him hurriedly, "I believe this will be a significant cooperation between the two worlds."

"It's also your idea. Lao Tao and I have decided to let you be the liaison officer in the underworld. You have my small seal and Lao Tao's pen in your hands, which makes it convenient for us to communicate. From now on, we will follow the old rules and write a form first. Give it to us and we’ll take care of it.”

"Okay, I understand." Ruihe was already very happy to be able to facilitate this matter, and it would be an unexpected surprise to become the liaison person in the world recognized by Guiyi and the others.

"The camera equipment needs to be from the human world, so the equipment needs to be provided by you." Gui Yi mentioned a lot of requirements, and Rui He wrote them all down and promised to explain them to the leader truthfully. For insurance purposes, he also asked Gui Yi for a promise: "I am a man of low words. Maybe the work unit will be suspicious of my words, and you may need to come up again."

Ghost rolled his eyes: "Trouble! Okay, that's it. I'm leaving now. Tell me when you're done." After that, he left.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

I heard that it is the beginning of the dog days. Everyone should pay attention to prevent heatstroke, drink more water and eat less ice. Don't blow the air conditioner to your head.

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