Winner in life

Chapter 297 07 Not being the big brother for many years

Going out to work can still get him into the hospital. The director of the orphanage was shocked when he received the call. He rushed over and was relieved to see that Ruihe was not missing any limbs. After asking about the situation, he patted his chest and tremblingly poured himself some water: "I was really scared to death. Fortunately, you are fine. Broken legs are a small matter. You can get better after a rest."

After taking a breath, he went outside to ask the doctor. When he came back, his face was serious.

"You guessed right. The child is indeed in the mental awakening period. He lost control of his mental riot and is still being rescued."

"How is he now?" Ruihe asked.

"Not very good. The mental riot during the awakening period has not happened for many years..." The director sighed, "His family is too careless. There must be signs before the riot."

After the fight, Ruihe found that he was in pain all over his body. He went to the hospital to check that his right leg was fractured, and there were contusions and bruises on other parts of his body. The destructive power of the crazy mental awakener was too terrifying. He was fighting in a completely desperate way.

"I also hurt him, will it have an impact?"

The dean told Ruihe not to worry: "He was the first to attack, you were acting in self-defense."

"He used his mental power to attack me during the fight." Ruihe frowned, "So he is just in the awakening period?"

"There is such a thing?" The dean was very surprised, and then looked regretful, "Generally, when mental power riots, mental power is out of control and running wild. He can still control mental power to attack you, which shows that he has a very good talent. It's a pity, it's really a pity." Hearing what the dean said, Ruihe also felt it was a pity. It takes training to release mental power. He can't do it now, and he doesn't dare to try it casually.

The medical level of the hospital is very high. After two treatments in the medical warehouse, all injuries except the fracture have healed. Ruihe was supported by his roommate in the orphanage with a cane, and the dean walked in front to complete the discharge procedures.

After waiting for a long time, the dean did not come back. Ruihe asked his roommate to check on him. Ten minutes later, the two came back together. The dean said, "Let's go back."

"I went to see the child." The dean took the initiative to say, "He is still not clear-headed. The doctor said he might become a fool. It's a sin. He is also an orphan. The person who adopted him was not very dedicated. I heard that he has not shown up until now. The medical expenses were all paid by the relief office."

Two days later, the dean went out and brought the sixteen-year-old boy back. As expected, he was stupid and stupid. He could only eat and sleep but not talk. The man's name was Kaili. Ruihe originally thought he was around twenty years old, but he was the same age as himself. He just became an adult this year and was even one month younger than himself.

"I couldn't get in touch with his parents, and his relatives didn't want to take him in. The relief office asked me for my opinion, and I agreed." The director wiped Kaili's face, put a straw in his mouth and let him drink water by himself, saying lovingly, "It's so unfortunate. If he could have been discovered in time, his mental power would not have rioted, and he would definitely become a great federal warrior after awakening."

Because Ruihe had to recuperate and did not look for a new job for the time being, he helped take care of Kaili. Knowing that Kaili attacked him because of mental disorder that day, Ruihe naturally would not hate him, but sympathized with his experience. The orphanage has its own library, which contains some basic books, including fairy tales, encyclopedias, federal dictionaries, etc. He has read some of them. Recently, he has been recuperating in the orphanage, so he continues to look for books to read.

The Federation has an official language. The original body knows the local dialect of Hexing. Looking at the entire Hexing area, there are actually quite a lot of languages ​​on Hexing. The descendants of the ancient Earth immigrants have reproduced, intermarried, and lived together. The culture has changed a lot in the past thousand years, and the specific manifestation is in the language.

The school teaches the federal common language. The original body did not go to school, so he did not master this skill. Ruihe began to learn the federal common language by himself after arriving at the orphanage. If he did not understand something, he would ask the children in the orphanage who had gone to school. It was inconvenient to move around these days, so he continued to learn, reading in the common language every day. Kaili sat next to him blankly, which was not difficult to take care of.

With something to do, the days were easy to pass. After half a month, Ruihe's feet were fully healed, so he planned to go out for a walk again. He has always been very curious about the world.

"Huh?" Ruihe felt that his clothes were pulled, and he turned around to see that it was Kaili, who was pulling the hem of his clothes blankly. "I want to go out, you can play by yourself." He broke free and continued to walk. After a few steps, he found that Kaili was still following him.

The dean sat in the yard and laughed: "You went out all day yesterday, and he kept looking at the door. I guess he remembered you, and today he saw you going out again and wanted to go with you."

Ruihe couldn't help laughing: "Really?" Turned to ask Kaili, "You want to go out with me?"

Kaili didn't respond, still looking at him blankly.

He tried to walk out again, and Kaili followed him again. Ruihe laughed out loud, and then felt a little regretful.

The dean also put away his smile and walked over, took Kaili's hand and said to Ruihe: "You go, I'll watch him."

After looking for a job outside for a day, Rui He unexpectedly found a job in a bookstore. This is an ancient bookstore that sells ancient earth texts and books. Now the Federation has a common language and common texts, but people trace their origins and have I am very interested in the writings of my ancestors. The original shopping guide was actually a college student who could only work part-time on weekends and the salary he demanded was not low. The boss saw that Ruihe knew ancient earth characters very well, and he knew both "ancient Chinese" and "old English", so he hired him as a shopping guide. He agreed on a basic salary of two thousand star coins a month, and paid commission for the rest. 10% commission.

This job makes it difficult to explain to others why he understands "ancient characters", so Ruihe vaguely said: "I've found a new job." The dean didn't ask much, "It's good, the military recruitment is only at the end of October. There are no months to waste.”

However, when he was going to work the next day, Kaili pulled him to follow him again, but the dean stopped him after calling for help. In two days, Kaili would be completely unable to hold him back. He was extremely strong, tall and strong, and even three people could not hold him back.

"How about you take him over?" the security guard suggested. "If he doesn't move or make any noise, he can wait for you nearby."

The dean disagreed: "How can that be done? Yuan Qing is going to work, Lao Zhou, don't make random ideas."

"Kaili, why do you have to follow me?" Rui He pressed Kaili onto a chair and sat down, lowering his head and asking.

Kaili still said nothing and didn't even turn his eyes.

"If you don't tell me, I won't take you." Rui He tried to leave, but Kaili stood up and reached out to grab him. Rui He nimbly dodged, but Kaili couldn't catch Rui He's clothes no matter how hard he tried. He shrank and started to cry.

The dean was pleasantly surprised: "I'm going to cry! Oh, it's great! Kaili? Kaili?"

"Are you really crying?" Rui He was also quite happy. It's a good thing to have emotional changes. Maybe he can return to normal in the future? The medical level in the interstellar age is very high, but the structure of the human body, especially the brain, is still the most difficult mysterious area to conquer. The problem of the mental core is one of the biggest research problems now. The hospital has no effective solution for intellectual disabilities caused by problems with the mental core. Kaili currently takes medicine every day, and it seems that the medicine he takes is effective.

"It should be like this. He will finish his medicine this week. I will take him to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup." The dean waved his hand, "Go to work quickly."

The new job went very smoothly. It was much easier and more comfortable than working as a helper in a hotel before. When the boss saw him as a shopping guide, he was very talkative and his demeanor was very bluffing. After a few days here, the store's sales doubled compared to before. Fan, extremely satisfied, gave Ruihe a lunch treat.

Seeing that the boss was easy to talk to and generous, Ruihe calmly catered to him during the chat. After the boss had a better impression of him, Ruihe asked: "When you were doing training with me, you told me about the bookshelf in Area C The calligraphy and painting on it are from a competition called the Ancient Chinese Calligraphy Competition. I have never heard of such a competition. Can you tell me about it? "

In fact, as soon as Ruihe learned about the existence of a store like "Ancient Bookstore", Ruihe had a flash of inspiration, maybe he could find a way to make money. Prices in this world are very high. Although he has savings of 110,000 star coins, he is never willing to sit back and have nothing. Although he plans to join the army, if everything goes well, his life in the next few years will be guaranteed, but if the plan goes wrong Woolen cloth? Therefore, star coins are very important. Save as many as possible for the future.

"Are you interested in this?" The boss introduced casually, "The Ancient Earth Literature Association holds competitions every year to promote ancient Earth literature, and the winning works will be sold."

"I didn't see any information on how to participate online-" Ruihe said hesitantly. He became interested as soon as his boss mentioned the competition, and borrowed the computer of the director of the orphanage's office to search online. However, he could only see some winners' lists and winning works, and had no idea how to participate.

The boss laughed loudly: "So you want to compete? So ambitious! Can you draw Chinese characters or ancient paintings?"

Rui He wanted to correct him. Chinese calligraphy was not drawn, but he could only smile. A thousand years had passed since the interstellar migration, and many things were a little biased when they were passed down.

"I can write ancient Chinese characters, like that." Ruihe pointed to a pair of regular scripts hanging on the wall.

"Oh? Come on, write it for me."

So after eating, Ruihe washed his hands and borrowed the pen and ink in the shop to write a poem.

"Not bad! There is bright moonlight in front of the bed. I suspect it is frost on the ground. I raise my head to look at the bright moon and lower my head to miss my hometown. [1]" The boss read out the poem slowly, with a strange accent, but he read it correctly. He turned his head and looked at Ruihe in surprise, "You are very good. Your writing is really good. You could just put it up and sell it."

"You've won the prize." Rui He knew that the boss was speaking politely. None of the paintings and calligraphy in the store were made by unknown people. They were either famous themselves or the works had a provenance, such as winning prizes in some competition. After more than half a month of work, Ruihe understood that what this circle sells is collection value, reputation and sentiment.

"Since you have the ability, there happens to be a competition in July. I can recommend you to go." The boss stroked his beard and said proudly, "It's normal that you didn't see the entry information online. It's an industry competition and outsiders can't find it. It’s easy to find a way. Even though my store is small, I am a formal member of the Ancient Earth Literature Association. It’s very easy to sign up for you.”

Ruihe quickly thanked him.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! !

Earn a little money and check out the map tomorrow to compare your feelings! !

[1] The ancient poem quoted in "Quiet Night Thoughts" has changed the URL, has changed the URL, has changed the URL, everyone has saved the new URL, new m.. new computer version.., everyone will open it at the new URL after saving it, the old URL will not be open in the future,,

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