Winner in life

Chapter 299 09 Not being the big brother for many years

The machine can’t possibly break down.

In fact, there are not too few psychics this recruitment season. When collecting resumes, the entire Hexing received more than a thousand. In Hexing, which has a population of more than one million, this number is already good. After all, it only received more than 500 resumes of psychics last year.

The mecha regiment in the army has a huge demand for new recruits every year. Not only the mecha regiment, but also some military agencies need psychics to assist in their work.

Therefore, there are instruments for detecting psychic power in the interview venue, and the instruments are borrowed from the Psychic Power Awakening Protection Association. This is the case every year, for fear that someone will get away with it. And because Hexing is not highly developed and belongs to a relatively backward planet, the instruments of the Psychic Power Awakening Protection Association are a bit backward and rough, or the model is of an older generation, and the highest can only detect A level.

One of the machines tested today suddenly broke down. During the repair, it was found from the machine log that it was because the injected energy exceeded the standard, which attracted the attention of the person in charge.

"It should be a malfunction." A senior staff member of the Psychic Awakening Protection Association said casually, "There has never been a psychic above level A on Hexing, and this batch of machines has some ideas."

Major Xia Ying, who was in charge of the Sixth Legion's recruitment activities, happened to be inspecting the examination room. After hearing the news, he did not think that the machine was malfunctioning. "It is possible that an S-level psychic appeared." With a strict and responsible work attitude, he asked Bill to bring the psychic who checked the machine before it was damaged to check it again.

Bill specially brought down the detection equipment on his own warship. This one is dedicated to the military and is the latest product of the Federal Research Institute. It is absolutely impossible for it to go wrong.

"It's really 3S-level, the machine won't make mistakes." Bill swallowed his saliva and looked at Ruihe as if he was looking at a limited edition mecha, "You - your name is Zhou Yuanqing, right? Come with me, I announce that you have been recruited by the Sixth Army. Our Sixth Army has very good welfare benefits. Let me introduce it to you?"

Outside, the dean was waiting anxiously. Half an hour ago, he heard that the recruitment results had come out, the interview had ended, and other people had come out one after another. Why hadn't Yuanqing come out yet?

"What happened?" He sent several communication requests to Ruihe's personal terminal, but no one answered. He remembered that he had told Ruihe to turn his personal terminal to silent mode before the exam, and now he was a little anxious because he couldn't contact him.

"Can I go in and find someone?" The dean couldn't help but discuss with the guard, "My child hasn't come out yet."

The guard shook his head: "No."

The dean was anxious, and suddenly heard someone calling him. He looked back and breathed a sigh of relief: "Why did you come out just now--" Before he finished speaking, he was attracted by a group of people in military uniforms around Ruihe. Those dozen people were not ordinary people at first glance. They stood upright, with bulging muscles on their chests and arms, and murderous eyes. They were soldiers who had fought blood on the front line, not simple characters.

He was confused and looked at Ruihe questioningly: "Who are these two..." Why are they following Yuan Qing?

Ruihe came over and held the dean's hand: "These officers are from the Sixth Corps, and they were sent by Major Xia Ying to protect me."

The dean's hand trembled: "Protect, protect you?" He held Ruihe's hand tightly, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat. Lieutenant Bill stood in the first place and nodded to the dean.

"It's okay, it's not a bad thing!" Ruihe patted his back and whispered, "Don't worry if it's not a bad thing! I'll tell you when we get back. Let's go back first."

"Oh, oh..."

Since it's not a bad thing, the dean felt relieved. The group got on the return hovercraft. Bill personally drove the dean and Ruihe, and the other soldiers sat in another car, guarding the front and back. The car belonged to the legion, with the emblem of the Sixth Legion on the outside. The dean was a little restless. He and Ruihe sat in the back seat and looked at the strange officer sitting in the front cab. He whispered to Ruihe: "What's going on? Didn't you apply for the job?"

Ruihe told the story again: "... After retesting, they said my mental power is SSS level."

The dean exclaimed, and didn't care about the original intention of lowering his voice, and said in a lost voice: "What?! SSS level?!" His eyes were wide open, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably, "S, SSS, level?"

"Don't get excited, be careful of high blood pressure."

It took a while for the dean to calm down.

"I remember taking you to the Mental Awakening Protection Association to process materials a few months ago, and you were tested and you were A-level!" This is what surprised the dean. He always thought Ruihe was A-level, and he was happy for a long time in private.

A-level is already a very good qualification. If you want to drive a mecha, you must be at least C-level. Men like passionate things. Although the dean is old, he also dreamed of driving a mecha and wandering in space when he was young.

For ordinary people, mechas are treasures full of endless temptations. They arm fragile humans and give them stronger power. Who doesn't want to touch the mecha and feel the power and beauty it contains up close? Men with mental power below C-level can only engage in other jobs, which is completely different from driving a mecha!

But what did he hear now?

The dean took a few deep breaths before calming down again: "Is it really SSS-level?"

"Well, they re-tested it for me using the most advanced instruments. There should be nothing wrong." Ruihe himself was confused. He also thought he was A-level. How could he know that he would be A-level in three or four months? SSS level. After the retest, he was taken to see Major Xia Ying, the director of recruitment. Major Xia Ying encouraged him and after confirming his willingness to enlist, he sent a team of people to protect him and return to the orphanage to pack his luggage.

"That must be because your mental power has been growing during this period. Your potential is amazing." The dean exclaimed.

"If I hadn't said that I wanted to go back to pack my things and say goodbye to my family, they would have immediately picked me up on a warship and transported me back to the base." Rui He smiled bitterly. The feeling of being valued as a fragile and precious item was too strange. With him In the previous mission world, the feeling of being protected was completely different because of my status as the leader of the eighth team and later the deputy minister and even the minister. In that world, at least in the eyes of the security team around me, I had the ability to protect myself, and Not a helpless "kid".

That's right, that Major Xia Ying treated him like a child.

"If you are really an SSS-level psychic, then no amount of protection can be enough." The dean, who had calmed down, took Ruihe's hand and patted it gently, and said seriously, "From the time when psychics first appeared to Now, there have only been three 3S-level spiritual power users, each of which has left a profound mark in the history of our mankind. The first 3S-level hero is called Qin Ke. He is an ancient earth flower just like you. It was under his leadership that we humans captured the Queen of the Zerg for the first time, achieved a great victory, and gained a peaceful life for more than fifty years to recuperate and recuperate. Psychics are the wealth of mankind, and the SSS level is among the wealth. A priceless treasure! You are very important now. If I had known about your situation, I would not have let you go back with me. I would just help you pack your things. You should go back directly with the army!"

Ruihe couldn't laugh or cry, and he realized the meaning of his new identity more deeply.

SSS level.

On the road, Ruihe slowly got used to and accepted his new identity, and analyzed the path he might take in the future.

"Maybe I can do more." Ruihe is full of expectations for his future life.

Before getting out of the car, Bill spoke up and asked the dean to keep the news secret. His tone was serious: "This is the order of General Zheng Ning."

The dean's heart started beating wildly again, and after taking a deep breath, he nodded heavily: "Don't worry, I will keep it secret." Yuan Qing could have kept this news to himself, but since he told himself, it showed that he trusted him very much. This silly boy... He in turn told Ruihe not to mention it to anyone else: "Your brother can't say it either. This is also for your safety. The general has good intentions."

Things were packed up very quickly, it was a duffel bag when I arrived and the same bag when I left. Ruihe left some of his clothes to Zhou Zhongqing and told him: "I will go to the army now. You study hard and learn knowledge and principles. I can no longer be around you to guide you. You have to know many things by yourself and do them." Think about it a few more times before coming out. I hope that when we meet in the future, we can see an honest and responsible Zhou Zhongqing.”

Zhou Zhongqing held Ruihe's hand with tears in his eyes: "Brother, can't we just leave..."

"I'll teach you one last time." Ruihe opened his hand and looked into his eyes and said, "Everyone is responsible for his own life, and he has to choose the forks in his life. This is my I will definitely go down the path I choose.”

He also went back to District 13, met with Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing, and explained things again as usual. Ruihe knew in his heart that after this separation, the possibility of meeting again was too small.

Afterwards, he returned to the block where the Zhou family was located, said goodbye to the neighbors, and asked them to help take care of the Zhou family's house: "If you have any questions, please contact me, please."

Aunt Julie agreed generously. The eldest brother of the Zhou family had awakened his spiritual power and wanted to join the army. He would not be able to guarantee a good future in the future. It was just a little effort, and if he helped, it would be a help.

Ruihe left his communication number.

"By the way, your uncle came to your house again the day before yesterday. I heard that his son is getting married. I think he must have taken a fancy to your house."

"Thank you, I know about this. I'll go now, see you Aunt Julie."

"Hey bye!"

Looking at Rui He's back, Julie muttered: "The children of Lao Zhou's family have changed so much. It seems they have suffered a lot without their parents." After a few words of emotion, she went to do housework.

In the end, Ruihe didn't go to Uncle Zhou's place. What did you say? What's the use of warning someone if he or she wants to do it? It's not like he could stare at it every day. Just wait! Wait until the other person does it.

In this way, Ruihe left Hexing, boarded a warship and headed for unknown territory.

The scenery in space is very fascinating. It is a scenery that the original body and Ruihe have never seen before. Rui He watched from the observation deck, reluctant to blink. At this moment, he truly felt his own insignificance, and was amazed that humans in this world had conquered this area.

"Can't you bear to leave your family?" Bill came over and asked with a smile.

Rui He turned back: "No, I was wondering when I would arrive at the station."

"It's coming soon. In terms of Hexing days, there are still four days."

"Can you tell me about the legion? What should I do first after I go?" Rui He asked, sitting opposite Bill.

"I thought you wouldn't ask, after all, you've been so calm all this time." Bill shrugged, and just as he was about to speak, a group of people rushed into the observation deck, all of whom were newly recruited soldiers this time.

"Second Lieutenant Bill!"

"Second Lieutenant Bill is here, we want to ask you about life in the army."

"Yes, yes."

Bill smiled and said, "That's right, since you want to listen, let's listen together!"

The author has something to say: Good morning! ! !

I must confess today: I love you, my motherland! ! ! The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone has collected the new URL again, the new m.. new computer version.., everyone will open it at the new URL after collecting it, and the old URL will not be open in the future,,

Green嬑 reminds you: Please collect it after reading ()

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