Winner in life

Chapter 305 15 I haven’t been the big brother for many years

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

Zheng Peipei just lived at the base. There was also a school on Hai Xing. Zheng Ning sent her to the nearest girls' school to continue her studies, and let her exercise with her the rest of the time.

"Capital Star is too pampered in raising children." Zheng Ning complained to Ruihe, "Although she is a girl, she does not have to work as hard as boys, but she still has to learn what she should learn. Being too comfortable will make people's bones weak. Oh, look, you can’t run even after running half a circle, your physical fitness is not good!" He said, still feeling distressed, and hurried over.

Ruihe smiled, wiped his sweat and continued to exercise. He has a pretty good impression of Zheng Peipei. She is a bit spoiled, but very polite, thoughtful, innocent and romantic. She is completely the ideal sister.

Soon, the rookie competition began, and Ruihe signed up for several competitions, including physical competitions and mental simulation competitions. He achieved first place in most physical competitions, which gave him a more intuitive understanding of his body that had been modified by genetic agents.

Privately, Zheng Ning said to Xia Ying: "It's completely impossible to tell that he is a child raised by a Hexing civilian family. His physical fitness is too good. How are his younger brothers and sisters?"

Xia Ying had just returned from Hexing and happened to report this: "The second oldest brother, Zhou Zhongqing, seems to be smarter. The third oldest brother, Ji Qing, and his younger sister, Zhou Qingqing, are not yet clear about their qualifications. I have left someone there to protect them." ”

"Well, let's wait a few more years and wait until they are sixteen to see if they have awakened their spiritual power. If they are good, they can absorb it..." Zheng Ning said slowly and suddenly smiled, "Maybe Zhou Yuanqing will I brought it up on my own initiative, let’s talk about it then!”

"The general has really spotted him?" Xia Ying asked.

"Everything is unpredictable, people will change. I am just investing first. I don't know whether I will make a profit or lose on my future investments. Since he is currently the only 3S mentalist, it is worth my investment. , I believe it would be the same for other people." Zheng Ning sighed.

"You're right." Xia Ying also took advantage of Zhou Yuanqing's opportunity to enter Zheng Ning's inner circle. He is still in the stage of exploring Zheng Ning's temperament and character, and does not dare to express more opinions for fear of saying something wrong.

In the mental simulation competition, Ruihe achieved first place. He took a picture of the medal and showed it to the dean. The dean smiled and narrowed his eyes in the video: "Okay, okay! Zhong Qing is doing well too. He studies very hard, so don't worry!"

Ruihe has nothing to worry about, Zhou Zhongqing's temperament will not let him suffer.

"Where's Kaili? How is he doing lately? Is the newly prescribed medicine working well?"

Speaking of this, the dean was even more happy: "Good! There is also good news. His adoptive parents contacted him and sent him a sum of money. I changed him to better medicine, and he obviously recovered this month. He has learned more and is now able to call people. I believe he will be back to normal soon.”

Ruihe was also very happy for Kaili: "That's good. I consulted the military doctor here, and he introduced me to several special medicines for mental nuclear collapse. They are all used in the military. The effect is very good. I bought them. Some have been sent, Dean, please remember to check them.”

The dean was surprised and pleased at first, and then criticized Ruihe: "Don't buy it next time. You can save the money yourself and use it later. How much did it cost to buy the medicine? I will transfer it to you."

"No, my allowance is enough." He did not say that he was highly valued by General Zheng Ning and even lived in his mansion. He only said, "As you know, I am SSS level, in the military. They take it very seriously, and the allowance level given to me is a little higher than that of ordinary recruits.”

The return of General Zheng Ning gave Haixing a shot in the arm, and the soldiers and the people felt calm. There is also good news coming from the front line. It is said that the Zerg have been repelled and follow-up work to block the wormhole is being carried out. It is believed that the Myssala Nebula will be rebuilt soon.

I just don't know why, but from that day on, every time Ruihe saw Zheng Ning, he felt that he was in a bad mood, and his brows were furrowed and never relaxed. His cronies and staff frequently came in and out of the mansion, and the main building where the study was located was heavily guarded all day long. Without Zheng Ning's call, Rui He didn't take a step there, nor did he take a second look to inquire.

The atmosphere in the mansion was tense, but Ruihe only saw a scene of praise, peace and joy on the star network. The people were all rejoicing in victory, but why did Zheng Ning's group seem to be facing a formidable enemy? Something must be going on at the top.

Zheng Peipei didn't feel anything at all. She lived with her mother and sister in Capital Star all year round. In fact, she didn't know much about her father's work. Seeing that Zheng Ning was busy, she came to Ruihe to play. Rui He didn't have much free time, so Zheng Peipei had the patience to sit and watch Rui He busy while playing games.

One day, she heard that Rui He was learning the common language of the Federation, and she had an idea: "I can teach you!" She jumped up and came to Rui He's side, "You speak the common language well, but the accent is not right, I can teach you The lingua franca of your capital planet. When you come to the capital planet in the future, no one will laugh at you for being from a remote planet!"

Ruihe, who is expanding his vocabulary, is very grateful to Zheng Peipei for his kindness: "Then I'll trouble you."

So he started learning from Zheng Peipei and began to correct his accent.

One day a month later, Zheng Peipei suddenly fainted while eating breakfast. After the doctor checked, he said "congratulations" to Zheng Ning. Zheng Peipei had entered the stage of spiritual awakening.

"Great!" Zheng Ning was extremely happy! I couldn’t wait to make a video call to my wife Beth to report the good news. Ruihe met Mrs. Zheng for the first time, a beautiful woman with a gentle temperament. She cried with joy because of the news. "My dear, I'm going to go there right away. I must accompany her."

Zheng Ning said, "I'll send someone to pick you up."

"No, no need, I can just take the passenger ship there by myself." Mrs. Zheng wiped her tears with a smile.

Because Zheng Peipei awakened her spiritual power, Zheng Ning spent a lot of money to buy two purebred ancient earth beef cattle, two pigs, a batch of chickens and ducks, and a batch of ancient earth vegetables and fruits, and brought them back to supplement Zheng Peipei's nutrition three times a day. The food in the mansion was already very good, but now it has skyrocketed again. Ruihe has taken advantage of it and is extremely satisfied with his food every day.

The spiritual awakening period really requires a lot of nutritional supplements. Ruihe's conditions did not allow it at that time. At most, eating one ancient earth egg a week was already a luxury.

"I really can't eat anymore." Zheng Peipei lay on the table with a look of boredom on her face, "I don't like eating meat in the first place. Well, although I like to eat vegetables and fruits, no matter how delicious it is, I can't eat too much. So boring.”

Her figure is slender, which is in line with the pursuit of figure among the capital's celebrity circles. The girl who has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday is undoubtedly still pink at heart. If she is allowed to eat meat and vegetables and eat herself into a big fat pig, she will definitely be laughed at by others when she returns to the capital planet in the future, but she will not be very happy. willing.

Zheng Ning said with a tigerish face: "You are so lucky that you don't know how lucky you are! What was that you ate before? It was chicken food. Is it enough to fit between your teeth?" He got excited and spoke in Common Language He spoke with an accent from his hometown, "Silly boy! You are awakening your mental power now. If your body's nutrition cannot keep up, your mental power may be affected. If you don't believe it, ask Yuan Qing."

The two fathers and daughters looked over. Rui He put down his chopsticks and nodded in agreement. He told about his previous experience of going to work and spending half a month's salary to buy eggs, which earned Zheng Peipei a look of sympathy.

He smiled: "It was really hard during that time, so the general is really thinking about you, so just eat more. Follow me to exercise after eating, and you will definitely not get fat."

"Okay." Zheng Peipei pouted and picked up the knife and fork, "Then I'll have another piece of steak... and a glass of juice."

Zheng Ning nodded happily. His adjutant suddenly appeared at the door of the restaurant. He waved: "What's the matter?"

The adjutant trotted in, glanced at Zheng Peipei quickly, and then whispered: "There is an urgent military report."

"Then let's go!" Zheng Ning felt something was wrong, grabbed her coat and stood up. After taking two steps, she turned back and told Zheng Peipei, "After eating, go to the yard and walk around twice." After that, he left.

"Father is really busy." Zheng Peipei sighed, "I thought I could get closer to him by coming here."

"After all, the entire sea planet and more than a dozen surrounding planets need the protection of the Sixth Army." Rui He explained to her, "We all admire the general."

Zheng Peipei was easy to coax, and she smiled again and said proudly: "That's right, my dad is a general, the most powerful person!"

"What happened?" Zheng Ning asked sternly after leaving the restaurant.

The adjutant wiped his sweat, handed an urgent report to Zheng Ning, and said quickly: "I just received the news that the spaceship my wife is traveling on has been hijacked by star thieves."

"What did you say!"

"Is the general going out?" On the way back to the bedroom after lunch, Ruihe asked the guard captain William beside him when he saw the motorcade filing out and quickly disappearing at the gate. Captain William nodded: "It seems there is an emergency military situation."

"No need to follow me. I will stay in the bedroom if I don't go out in the afternoon."


Zheng Ning bought him a copy of a book of reflections on spiritual power written by Dinah Hill, the third SSS-level spiritual power user. He had been fascinated by it for the past two days and had no plans to go to the training ground in the afternoon. I plan to read through this book of reflections first and see if I can get any inspiration.

In the evening, Zheng Peipei knocked on the door: "My father hasn't come back yet, let's eat by ourselves!"

After the two of them finished eating, Zheng Ning still didn't come back. In fact, Zheng Ning came back two days later, still holding the dying Mrs. Zheng.

Zheng Ning's mansion was very large. Rui He lived in a small building on the east side. He chose a room on the fourth floor of the highest floor. Bill and the guards lived on the third and second floors respectively. After Zheng Peipei came, she also lived in a small building. The main building where Zheng Ning lived was in the middle of the mansion. A wide road connected the gate, and there was an apron in the middle where a small spaceship could dock.

Normally, Zheng Ning's motorcade would go straight in from the gate and then park on both sides of the road, very impressive. After living here for several months, Rui He had never seen the tarmac being used. He was doing breath adjustment when he heard the sound of the tarmac. He walked to the balcony and saw a spaceship landing slowly and smoothly, and then filed down from above. A series of people. His eyesight was very good, and he could still recognize Zheng Ning among them even from a distance, and could see that he was holding someone in his arms.

He immediately changed his clothes and went downstairs, planning to go over and see if anyone needed help.

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

You are all so smart. Zheng Peipei was married to Aike in her last life →_→ The website has been changed, the website has been changed, the website has been changed, everyone has re-favorited the new website, new computer version..., everyone will add it to your favorites The new website will be opened, but the old website will not be open in the future.

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