Winner in life

Chapter 318 28 Not being the big brother for many years

"Thomas family?" Zheng Ning frowned on the screen. "Is Aikel a member of the Thomas family? I don't have much impression of this family."

"You'd better check it out. Aikel is a talent. He has been at the forefront in recent years. You have also expressed your appreciation for him. You said that it is a troubled time now. I think the details of a rising rookie in the legion still need to be carefully checked so that there will be no problems in the future."

"You are right. Leave this matter to me. I will check it out." After Zheng Ning hung up the call, he picked up the new documents on the table. Among the large stack, there happened to be one for Aikel Baker.

He took out Aikel's document, approved the other documents one by one, and then called the adjutant: "Come in."

The adjutant pushed the door in. Zheng Ning motioned him to take down the approved documents. The adjutant smiled and joked: "This time those guys are happy. They can finally get promoted."

"They all worked hard for it." Zheng Ning quietly said on the table, "Please call Xia Ying over for me."

Half an hour later, Major Xia Ying boarded the warship and began patrolling.

Capital Star, Meisli Mansion.

This was Ruihe's first time to attend a large charity gala on Capital Star. Mrs. Zheng said, "Not only the big families and big figures on Capital Star were invited, but there were also many invitations to other planets. This is a federal charity event."

He and Zheng Peipei stood on both sides of Mrs. Zheng, and were led by her to socialize.

"This is Mrs. Thatcher."

"This is Mr. Song."

Ruihe was experienced in such occasions. In his life as an actor, he had participated in too many large-scale evening parties and large-scale events. He was not afraid of facing unfamiliar people. Zheng Peipei had lived in Capital Star since she was a child and adapted well to such occasions. Mrs. Zheng was smiling and her son and daughter performed well, which made her look very proud.

"Mrs. Zheng, long time no see."

Mrs. Zheng turned around and nodded with a smile: "Mrs. Hill, long time no see."

"I held a tea party last week. Why didn't you come?" Mrs. Hill looked much younger than Mrs. Zheng. She was dressed elegantly and tall. She was followed by a familiar girl, who turned out to be Eve. Eve smiled and greeted Cheng Peipei, and nodded gently to Ruihe.

After the two ladies exchanged a few pleasantries, Mrs. Hill smiled and pushed Eve out: "Let the little ones play together, let's chat."

Mrs. Zheng readily agreed, and Eve followed Ruihe and the others to find a seat next to them and sat down. She first complained to Cheng Peipei in a low voice: "My mother insisted that I come with my aunt. I said I had a lot of homework, but she didn't listen. She said this was a good opportunity to see the world and asked me to come." She stood up and turned around slightly, and was as beautiful as a fairy under the gentle light. "My mother picked it for me. It took an hour to put it on!"

"It's mine too. I don't want to come either. I have to stay up late to do homework tonight." Cheng Peipei sat upright, "My skirt is also very annoying. The maid helped me put it on for two hours. Now I am so tight." She said that she covered her mouth with a small fan and smiled. Every word and frown was the style of a celebrity in the capital.

Ruihe was watching with amusement, remembering the scene when Cheng Peipei was wearing shorts, a vest and slippers, sitting cross-legged on the grass with him and other soldiers singing at the celebration after the exercise.

Eve's heart moved, and she tidied her hair with her hands with some joy, revealing her white and slender neck, and said to Ruihe: "Brother Yuanqing, have you been to such a party? If you have any questions, you can ask me, I can help you answer them."

"Thank you." Ruihe turned to ask Cheng Peipei, "I'll go get a drink, what do you want to drink?"

Cheng Peipei, who was suddenly unhappy because of Eve's words, smiled brightly: "I want some champagne."

"Okay, what about you, Miss Hill?"

Eve smiled: "I want juice."

As soon as Ruihe left, Eve's sweet smile remained unchanged, and she smiled at Cheng Peipei. They talked about the latest popular skirt styles and hairstyles and makeup in Capital Star, and then the topic turned to Ruihe. She curiously asked about Ruihe's news. Zheng Peipei smiled lightly: "You seem to be very curious about my brother? You have been asking at school, are you interested in my brother?"

"Why do you ask that?" Eve was shocked. Even though she was guessing when she talked to her parents, maybe Zhou Yuanqing didn't want to marry Zheng Peipei, so Zheng Ning adopted him as an adopted son, so when making friends with Zheng Peipei, she couldn't treat her as a simple "sister-in-law". At this moment, she was shocked by Zheng Peipei's direct words and lost her ability to speak.

Zheng Peipei, who took the initiative, raised her mouth slightly: "I just asked."

Eve quickly came back to her senses. She didn't dare to admit it directly. At least she hadn't figured out Zheng Peipei's attitude towards Zhou Yuanqing. Is it really a brother-sister relationship, or is there also a love between a man and a woman? If it was the latter, she couldn't admit it even more, otherwise the way to get close to Zhou Yuanqing through Zheng Peipei would be completely useless.

"No." Eve quickly decided to deny it and found an excuse, "It was actually my cousin Huade. You should know that he and your brother are classmates, right? He often talked about Brother Yuanqing at home, so I asked a few more questions."

"Oh, so that's the case." Zheng Peipei laughed, "No wonder, it turned out that I misunderstood."

"Yes, you misunderstood."

"The drinks are here." Ruihe came over, put down the tray, and handed the champagne to Zheng Peipei.

"Brother Yuanqing, don't you want to drink?"

"I'm not thirsty. This is Miss Hill's juice."

"Thank you." Eve took a sip. At this time, the host of the party came on stage to speak. The charity party officially began, starting with the charity auction.

The auction item of the Field family is an ancient jade ring. This ring has an identification certificate. It was brought from the ancient earth during the interstellar migration. It was well kept and sold for a high price of 20 million star coins.

"Thank you Ms. Field for your generosity! ... The next auction is a set of ancient white jade chessboards provided by Mrs. Hill!" the host introduced excitedly, "Everyone, please take a look! Such a set of ancient white jade chessboards can be used as family heirlooms. The treasure is precious enough, the starting price is 80 million star coins! If you are interested, please bid!”

With the appearance of the ancient white jade chessboard, the charity evening entered its climax. All the guests were talking about it. Mrs. Hill received a lot of attention. Eve sitting next to her straightened her back proudly and accepted it. There were looks of envy or admiration from all directions.

"Mom, shall we take pictures?"

Mrs. Zheng shook her head gently: "As long as you mean it, the Hill family will definitely take back this set of chessboards. It's decent and thoughtful."

Sure enough, after more than twenty rounds of bidding, the chessboard was finally bought by the second young lady of the Hill family at a high price of 350 million. She personally delivered the chessboard to Mrs. Hill and said, "Mom, how about doing charity?" How about using your dowry? My father knows that you like this chessboard very much, and even in his busy schedule, he asked Ed to take pictures of the chessboard. "

Mrs. Hill was moved to tears and held her daughter-in-law's hand. The two were affectionate. The guests next to them applauded one after another. The reporter's camera was pointed at the two of them and kept filming.

On the way home, Zheng Peipei still felt that she couldn't relax: "Mom, 350 million, is this really all you spent?"

"Silly Peipei, how much prestige can this money buy?" Mrs. Zheng explained, "The elders of the Hill family are kind and filial to the younger ones, and the family is also keen on charity. These good impressions are hard to buy and cannot be bought with money. Today It's just the right time and the right place! Just get used to it. Mrs. Hill's communication skills are very strong, which is not comparable to the first lady."

General Hill's first wife passed away due to illness, and his second wife was tonight's lady. She gave birth to Ward Hill and got along well with his two stepsons and their wives.

Mrs. Zheng turned to look at Ruihe again: "Do you have any insights tonight?"

"The wives of the generals of the Nine Legions, besides you, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Martin are here. It is obvious that Mrs. Hill is like a star. I have never seen her idle in the whole room."

"That's right. What else?"

"Minister Mo Xi may have completely separated from his father."

"How can you tell?" Mrs. Zheng asked in surprise.

"Minister Mu Xi's wife is also here tonight. I remember you said that although my father and Minister Mu Xi are estranged from each other, you and Mrs. Mu were once classmates and had a good personal relationship."

"That's right."

Rui He whispered: "Tonight you take Pepe and I to greet her. I can tell from her expression changes and body movements that she is resisting you and doesn't want to talk to you anymore."

Mrs. Zheng was even more surprised. She frowned: "Did you read that correctly?"

"That's right." Ruihe said a few details.

"So you guess that Minister Mu and your father -" Mrs. Zheng slowly leaned back in the chair, closed her eyes and began to think about it. She didn't feel anything when she didn't pay attention to it. Once she looked at it with suspicion, she started to think about it. Something does feel wrong. She heard other ladies chatting and mentioned that the Mu family would hold a flower viewing party this weekend, but she did not receive an invitation at all.

She felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that the cause of this change could only fall on their husbands.

Something must have happened between Minister Mu Xi and her husband, which made Mu Xi tell his wife to keep a distance from him.

If it had happened, the husband would not fail to tell him.

That means it hasn't happened yet, but Minister Mu Xi has already made a decision.

Mrs. Zheng felt her breathing quicken, and immediately sent a communication request to Zheng Ning. Zheng Ning got through quickly. After listening to the analysis, he pondered for a moment: "This month's military supplies were delivered yesterday and were just counted today. There are no problems." There are no problems for the rest. "Don't worry too much, I know everything."

"Have you already—" Mrs. Zheng knew her husband so well that she immediately saw the problem.


The couple didn't need to say anything, it was all in their eyes. Mrs. Zheng felt sad, but took a deep breath: "Okay, you go ahead and do it."

Zheng Peipei looked at Ruihe, who shook his head.

It was already midnight when he got home, Ruihe packed up and went to bed. On the other side of Hai Xing, Zheng Ning stayed up all night. He checked his plan again and again, and was very sure that nothing was leaked.

He had been preparing this plan for a long time, and taking this step required a lot of courage. In the orthodox education he received, placing people in the military and making friends with the people in the military were completely different concepts. In order to protect himself, he had to do this. The person he placed there had just been recruited by the military and did not attract any attention.

If Mu Xi wasn't angry and defensive because he found out what he was thinking, then why?

In the study, Zheng Ning thought quietly, and finally stood up and called someone: "Check the batch of military supplies that arrived yesterday for me again! Open them all and check them carefully!"

The author has something to say: Morning, morning, morning! ! !

The cold is in its final stages and the cough is annoying

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