Winner in life

$43.43 Traveling through 1972

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. Li Dashui sighed: "It's just a waste of sugar, but my mother said that now I have started to make money, I don't feel bad about buying two more kilograms of sugar. Money is really a good thing."

"Money is really a good thing." If there was no two dollars and a half tuition, Ruihe would not be able to find a teacher to teach him. "The factory will start work in ten days, and I have found Mr. Xu Caiheng to teach me." Ruihe told Li Dashui about the matter, "I plan to study hard in these ten days. When the factory starts work, I won't have so much free time." Mr. Xu said that he would teach him on weekends. In fact, the bamboo factory does not necessarily have holidays every weekend. In fact, the holidays are uncertain. If there are large orders, there are no holidays at all. Therefore, these ten days are very important.

Li Dashui didn't expect Ruihe to be so motivated: "The money has been spent, so you really have to work hard." Two dollars and fifty cents, white sugar is seventy-eight cents per kilogram, and his mother felt sorry for using two kilograms to make jam. Unexpectedly, Xiaoshan spent two dollars and fifty cents to find someone to tutor him without blinking an eye. He felt sorry for the money just listening to it.

"I will!" Ruihe nodded seriously.

Li Dashui: "..." He sighed and patted his friend's shoulder.

In his opinion, the two dollars and five cents were wasted and not worth it. But on second thought, Xiaoshan is now the boss of his own business and works very hard in the bamboo factory. He earns 40 yuan a month, so it doesn't seem to matter if he spends a few dollars.

Li Dashui suddenly became ambitious. After the New Year, the factory will start working. He must work as hard as Xiaoshan to make a lot of money and spend it freely!

Ruihe didn't know that Li Dashui had set a great ambition to make a lot of money. His mood was much more open. The depression and uneasiness that suddenly surged up after Xu Caiheng left all dissipated, and he was full of expectations for tomorrow's class.

System 460 was also relieved. It seemed that although the host was young, his self-regulation ability was still good. It was a little proud. This was the host it chose.

In the next ten days, Ruihe really studied all the time except for eating and sleeping. After class, Xu Caiheng left him and he was still reviewing the previous course. Because of his cooperation and self-awareness, Xu Caiheng praised him several times, saying that he was "talented."

Ten days later, the factory started work. Ruihe had to go to work during the day, and Xu Caiheng had to go to school. Therefore, the class time was moved to Friday and Saturday nights according to the agreement. If Xu Caiheng was free on any night between Monday and Friday, he would come to Ruihe's house.

After the New Year, it was 1973, and there were only four years left in 1977. In order to catch up with the first exam after the resumption of the college entrance examination, Ruihe's study tasks were very tight. But he couldn't let go of the factory work. He had no one to rely on, and he needed to support himself first. If he could really get into college in the future, the university would be free of tuition and there would be subsidies, but he still had to have money on hand to feel at ease.

According to Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, a few years later, when the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination spread to this ordinary small southern village, those educated youth and other people in the village who wanted to take the exam were all studying late at night? Working during the day and studying at night? If others can do it, he can do it too.

"I started preparing earlier than them. Even if I haven't learned it before, I believe I can learn it well." Ruihe set ambitious learning goals. Even if Xu Caiheng was not free to come, Ruihe would still read by himself until eleven o'clock at night.

The fulfilling days passed quickly. The spring plowing time came, and the school gave students a week off to help with farm work. The bamboo factory happened to have no big orders for delivery, so it also gave a week off.

Ruihe put on a straw hat and went to the fields again, earning himself an extra fifty-seven work points.

Soon, the year passed. At the end of the year, Ruihe used thirty-four yuan to approve a residential land in the production team, which was 75 square meters, because the village had regulations that one household could only be approved for one residential land, and the maximum area was also 75 square meters. Ruihe secretly inquired, and Li Dashui asked from his father that although only one piece could be approved, the house could be bought at will, and the higher-ups didn't care how many houses you bought. But now Ruihe is not rich enough to buy a house, so it is temporarily shelved.

Because of the basic food ration and the food earned from the work points accumulated during the four busy seasons of sowing and harvesting, Ruihe spent no more than 50 yuan on food this year. With other trivial expenses and medical expenses for two illnesses at the beginning and middle of the year, he saved 420 yuan this year. With the 20 yuan he got when the family was divided, he now has a small savings. But Ruihe was reluctant to buy a house with this money, and he always had to prepare it for emergencies.

After the factory stopped working, Ruihe renovated his home. A typhoon in the summer made the earth house even more dilapidated, and it would always drip when it rained. It was better to renovate it to celebrate the Spring Festival. This year, Ruihe refused Zhang Dashan's request to have a New Year's Eve dinner together. Zhang Dashan's face was not very good, but he still said nothing.

Ruihe scratched his hair and looked at Zhang Dashan's back as he went out, then lowered his head and continued to pack his things. He had a good relationship with his factory co-workers Zhang Tianci and Zhang Cuimei. Ruihe usually worked very hard to make more money, which motivated the two of them to be very active. In addition, Ruihe had a good temper, and most of the time he was the only one who did more work. The friendship of making money together made the relationship between the three of them better and better. Maybe at some point Zhang Tianci and Zhang Cuimei were a little dissatisfied with the extra work, but when the wages were actually in their hands, the hard work was not worth mentioning.

He packed two large backpacks that were half a person's height, planning to give one to himself and one to Li Dashui. Dashui would also go with them in the afternoon.

In order to stay in the factory, Li Dashui performed particularly well during the three-month trial period and was exceptionally recruited by the supervisor to join the factory and specialize in cutting bamboo slices. Later, Ruihe asked Li Dashui to join his group. There was no other way. They grouped three people to take turns cutting bamboo and cutting bamboo pieces for weaving. But Ruihe was much faster than the two of them. Whether it was weaving or preparing weaving materials, the whole process was The speed of the team was out of sync. Either there were not enough bamboo slices for him, or he cut too many bamboo slices for the team members to use.

After Li Dashui joined the group, Ruihe could concentrate on knitting, and the number of finished products increased significantly. When wages were settled at the end of the month, each person would earn an extra one yuan and forty cents. Since then, Zhang Tianci and the others have not spoken to each other.

This time we made an appointment to go shopping for New Year's goods together, which was also the result of the relationship between the four of us becoming more harmonious. At 12:30 noon, Li Dashui came to see Ruihe. The two of them carried a basket and went to the entrance of the village to meet Zhang Tianci. Then they met Zhang Cuibei at the entrance of the next village, and the four of them slowly walked toward the town.

"My mother made a list for me to buy. I brought out all my personal money." Li Dashui took out the list while walking and looked at it. "I have to buy all kinds of sweets, cakes and washbasins. Alas, I can't help it. I now He is also a man who makes money, so I will buy whatever my mother says." He complained about the trouble, but his eyes were filled with pride.

Zhang Tianci laughed: "Look at how successful you are as a villain."

"No matter how successful a villain is, he is obviously getting ahead~" Li Dashui shook his head and extended his orchid finger in a gesture, "I am also a rich man now."

"Come on, don't make me laugh." Zhang Tianci hammered Li Dashui's orchid finger off, and then sighed softly, "I didn't expect to earn so much after joining the factory. Now people listen to what I say at home. My dad, I My mother came to ask me for my opinion, and I really felt like I was in charge.”

Zhang Cuibei also nodded: "No, my mother always told me to get married early in the past. Now I make money and save it myself, and my younger brother doesn't dare to whisper to me anymore. It's better to make money by yourself. Once you make money, you will feel confident."

Rui He nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes."

Zhang Cuimei burst out laughing: "Little Shan, it's okay to carry such a big basket in the flood, but why are you doing the same? I remember you live alone."

"I want to buy some gifts for Mr. Xu." Rui He pursed his lips and smiled, "He has taught me seriously this year, and I am particularly grateful to him."

"I think you are too tired like this." They are all good friends. Zhang Cuibei couldn't help but give some advice, "Look, you have caught two colds this year, and both times you have high fever. The doctor said you are too tired. Always How can your body endure such hard work? "Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, without even a day off. In her opinion, there is really no need to study through gaps. Now working in factories, the piece-rate wages they earn are more than the wages of people in the city, and the wages of teachers are not much. She really doesn't understand why Zhang Xiaoshan is so stubborn.

Rui He didn't want to explain this problem because he had already explained it many times this year. After the news about Mr. Xu Caiheng helping him with tutoring spread out and more people knew about it, he would be asked questions by fellow villagers he met on the road. Later he realized clearly that everyone was just asking casually out of curiosity, so he stopped racking his brains to explain.

Sure enough, seeing Ruihe just lowering his eyes and smiling shyly, Zhang Cuibei stopped continuing the topic and turned to the things he wanted to buy today: "I heard that a batch of skirts came from the department store!" She lowered her voice mysteriously. , with a tone full of expectation, "I heard it looks good, but I haven't worn a skirt yet! No matter what, I must buy one to wear!"

Zhang Tianci frowned: "Skirt? I don't like it. Even if you buy it, it won't be easy to wear. Who in our village wears a skirt? It's not simple, not very solemn."

"Why is it not dignified to wear a skirt? People in the city wear it too! It's so long that it reaches the ankles! Don't worry, I plan to buy a dark one. The color must be simple." Zhang Cuibei strode forward with a dark face. Zhang Tianci smiled awkwardly at Ruihe and Li Dashui, and quickly caught up with them.

"Why do I feel like there's something wrong with the two of them?" Li Dashui touched his chin.

Rui He said "Huh?" in confusion: "There is nothing wrong, let's leave quickly!"

After returning home, Ruihe dug well water to raise the fish, changing the water from time to time and raising them until New Year's Eve. Because Zhang Dashan said that they wanted to have New Year's Eve dinner together, Ruihe thought for a while that he could not refute his face, so he agreed and specifically asked Zhang Dashan what he had bought.

This year, the family has made a lot of money, and the preparations for the New Year's Eve dinner are much better than in previous years. Sister-in-law Zhang bought two kilograms of pork belly from a pig farmer in the village, refined the oil and cooked it in braised pork. I slaughtered a chicken I raised at home and bought a duck from someone in the same village. I killed all the chickens, plucked them all, cooked them, and simmered them with star anise and soy sauce until they were very fragrant. I also bought ginkgo, lotus seeds and gorgon seeds to make sweet soup, and taro and sweet potato to make Huisha double color.

In Zhang Xiaoshan's memory, the New Year's Eve dinner has never been so sumptuous. Last year, I killed a chicken I raised and cooked two vegetables. I also caught fish from the river to make fish soup, and dug taro grown on my own land to make sweet soup. This is a dish that can only be curated with extreme efforts.

Since chickens, ducks and pork were already available, Ruihe didn't buy them. He sent two fish to Zhang Dashan to make "more than enough every year". He also went shopping himself and bought tofu, yuba, spring vegetables, black sesame seeds, peanuts, etc.

Tofu stewed in fish soup and spring vegetables stir-fried with yuba. As for black sesame seeds and peanuts, they are used to make dumplings.

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