Winner in life

$45.45 Traveling through 1972

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough. "Harvest sweet potatoes today!"

When Xu Ruihe came to the field, he saw his "eldest brother" starting to dig sweet potatoes. He glared at him again, so he quickly squatted down and imitated others to pick up sweet potatoes. There were shouts and the continuous sound of gongs in his ears. In addition, he now had a very painful headache, which gradually became unbearable. He only felt that his eyes were going black, and there was a long buzzing sound, and he didn't know anything. .

After fainting, Zhang Dashan, the eldest son of the Zhang family, was dumbfounded. There was something wrong with Xiao Shan this morning. He just stayed in bed. Why did he suddenly faint? After all, he was his biological brother. He quickly put away the rake and picked up his brother. Zhang Tiansheng, the captain of their team's production team, happened to be nearby. He hurriedly came over to check, frowning and said: "Heat stroke? Dashan, please send him back and wait for him to recover." Come again.”

Zhang Dashan was a little embarrassed and unhappy, so he said, "No, I'll wake him up!" As a result, he pinched the person's middle and rubbed the acupuncture points on his hands, but the person just hummed and didn't wake up.

"Forget it!" Captain Zhang Tiansheng urged, "Send it back! Let Uncle Dacheng see if there is anything wrong with it."

Zhang Dashan had no choice but to agree. Carrying people on his back, he went to Uncle Dacheng. Uncle Dacheng was a barefoot doctor in the village and was very capable. He touched Xu Ruihe's wrist, checked the tongue coating and eyelids, and finally concluded: "He is tired. Wait until he has had enough sleep." You will wake up on your own.”

In the evening, Ruihe woke up as expected. Zhang Dashan said that there was leftover food on the stove and asked him to eat it by himself. Rui He, who had just woken up, was in much better spirits, and his headache no longer hurt, but he still didn't know what kind of situation he was in now. It didn't look like this place was an underworld, but it was some sort of paradise that Westerners talked about, right? It doesn't look like it, it looks like an ordinary place with many ordinary hardworking people.

This body is not him. He is not that tall and his hair is not that short. But he still didn't dare to say more, let alone ask. When he came to the stove, there was a bowl of cold sweet potato soup under an inverted bamboo strip. He poured it directly into his mouth, only to feel that his stomach was full of water after eating it. He didn't dare to say much. After seeing "Big Brother" close the door in his room, and then the candle light went out, he touched the wall and returned to his room.

Lying on the bamboo mat, Ruihe felt itchy. After thinking about it, he still didn't dare to go out. He closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep. He still had some extravagant hopes in his heart, thinking that he might wake up from the dream after waking up. He was thinking about his sister. Even if his body is not as strong as it is now when he goes back, even if he is about to die from pain, he still wants to see her again. The younger sister glanced at her and told her where the money she had saved was hidden, and told her to work hard and redeem herself as soon as she had saved enough money. None of the Li family were good people...

With such thoughts in mind, Ruihe fell asleep, but when he woke up again, what he saw with wide eyes was the rising sun outside the window, and the rooster's crow became louder and louder. He pinched his thighs hard and burst into tears.


The country roads are not easy to walk, and now is the time for planting rice. The roads are muddy with many people stepping on them. When the two people meet, they give way to each other skillfully, and they can walk on the wrong side.

Ruihe breathed a sigh of relief, luckily he didn't fall down this time, otherwise he would have been embarrassed. He carried the seedlings down to the rice field and began to plant them. His movements were not fast, but he was careful and even. He inserted the seedlings in a straight line from left to right. He had just learned it for two days. Fortunately, he was an expert at farm work, so he gradually gained a feel for what he was doing, which kept him from panicking.

"Xiaoshan, there's so much work over there, why don't you go and help me?" Someone bumped into him. They were all wearing vests, and the flesh on his shoulders was hot and sticky. Ruihe dodged and said slowly: " I don’t have any of my own.” The implication is that I don’t care about helping others plant rice.

Li Dashui raised his thick black eyebrows and shouted in surprise: "Something has been wrong with you these past two days! Don't you like Lu Peiyin? You used to go to her every day to show your courtesy, helping with weeding and transplanting rice seedlings. These past two days, I can't I saw it, you didn’t even take a glance, something is wrong!”

I am not Zhang Xiaoshan, so I can no longer act like him. Rui He secretly said in his heart that he came to this place inexplicably, and his eyesight went dark. He finally figured out some basic information, such as his original name was Zhang Xiaoshan, his "eldest brother" was named Zhang Dashan, and he had a good friend named Li Dashui, etc. . He needs to wake up to the sound of gongs every day and then work. A few days ago, he harvested sweet potatoes and started planting rice seedlings yesterday.

But these are all based on what he heard. He rarely speaks, and secretly he is still learning the accent and tone of these people's voices. He was very scared. After accepting the current situation, he was worried that others would find out that he was a "ghost" and burn him to death! He still remembered that when he was a child, there was a family in the front alley whose daughter was possessed and burned to death.

Therefore, he just followed his "eldest brother" to work in the fields honestly every day. He would not speak if he could, for fear that people would find out that he was not Zhang Xiaoshan and tie him up and burn him.

It has been five days since I came here. This person named Li Dashui must be a good friend of the original person. He has been beside him since he started planting rice. I heard that he went to visit relatives a while ago and the rice transplanting work was important, so he was urged to come back. Li Dashui likes it. While talking and working, Ruihe actually liked him quite a bit because he could hear a lot of news from Li Dashui.

Li Dashui's voice was so loud that the people working nearby looked over, and some of them started to laugh, looking at the people involved in the conversation. Ruihe didn't even raise his head and continued planting rice.

After working for a few days, every morning there was a person who seemed to be the leader beating a gong to wake people up. Everyone called the person beating the gong "Uncle Tiansheng". Then Uncle Tiansheng ordered the work and registered with a book. Others said that it was called work points. A full work point can be 10 points a day. With work points, you can get food and have food! After knowing this, Ruihe's heart and eyes were all on work, and he really didn't care about anything else.

As for Lu Peiyin mentioned by Li Dashui, oh, that was a young girl with two braids. He said she was an "educated youth", but he didn't understand what an educated youth was. The original owner of this body must have liked the girl very much. According to Li Dashui, he helped with the work every day and "pursued" her. But he didn't dare to learn from the original body. Let's not say that he didn't know Lu Peiyin, just say that he was only thirteen years old (although this body was very tall and strong, and looked more than thirteen years old), how could he be old enough to talk about a wife?

Just yesterday, when Li Dashui came to plant rice, he mentioned Lu Peiyin. Hearing that the original body had a sweetheart, Ruihe was so scared that his hands were shaking while planting rice! Fortunately, he had the courage to take a sneak peek yesterday, and the girl happened to look over, with a cold face, and then looked away.

Just that one glance, Ruihe was so happy that he cheered in his heart. Oh my God, oh my God! He was so happy! He had a rough life before, and life taught him to look down on others. Although the girl hid well and looked like a little girl who was a little cold on the surface, he still saw the contempt and disgust she showed when she saw him.

Great! It seems that the original body has not caught up with the girl yet!

After confirming this, Ruihe calmed down and worked two points faster. He was worried that people close to the original body would recognize that he was a fake. Fortunately, the eldest brother and sister-in-law of the Zhang family did not show any suspicious eyes. Now the girl that the original body likes does not like the original body, and I think she will not know much about the original body. So today when he went to work, if Li Dashui teased him again, he would be able to turn a deaf ear to him.

But he didn't expect that while Ruihe pretended not to hear, someone else was angered by Li Dashui's words.

"A good man, but he kept nagging like a gossipy woman, saying all sorts of nonsense!" A girl stood up and pointed at Li Dashui and scolded him: "We are all from the same production team, so what's wrong with helping each other? You said what's wrong? How did you turn it into a matter of men and women in your mouth? We Peiyin have always been very diligent, and occasionally we can't finish the work, so what's wrong with us helping out? We didn't ask Zhang Xiaoshan for help! You are the only one talking nonsense!"

"No, what did I say?" Li Dashui died unjustly, and he still wanted to speak. Ruihe didn't expect this girl to suddenly get angry. But he knew whether it was good or bad, Li Dashui had no ill intentions, so he quickly pulled the other party, turned around and bowed to the girl, and said only two words: "I'm sorry." Because he had just learned the local dialect, he couldn't even pronounce a long sentence when he was anxious, so he could only say the three words "I'm sorry". Because he pronounced slowly when he pronounced the words, his expression was sincere and serious, and these two words revealed solemnity and sincerity.

The girl who stood up for Lu Peiyin was silent for a moment, and then looked at Lu Peiyin for her opinion. Ruihe apologized to Lu Peiyin again. Lu Peiyin wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. The sunlight fell on her face and made her more beautiful. She smiled: "It doesn't matter. Now the spring planting is so busy, what we should think about now is how to complete the organization's tasks efficiently. We are all family members, so don't make conflicts. Qingqing thank you, let's plant rice."

Chi Qingqing snorted and squatted down to continue working.

This matter was over.

Ruihe said to Li Dashui again: "Let's not talk about this, okay?" with pleading eyes. Li Dashui squatted down: "If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me." He was still a little embarrassed after all. After planting rice seedlings quietly for a while, he couldn't help but bump Xu Ruihe with his elbow, and lowered his voice: "Don't you like her anymore--"

Ruihe shook his head firmly: "Yes."

Li Dashui was still a little confused, but now there are many small talks. Seeing that Ruihe had moved to the front of the planting rice seedlings, there were two body positions between them. If he asked again, others would hear him, so he shouted unwillingly: "Let's talk after work!"

The salesperson said: "Ten feet of thick cotton cloth, one foot is fifty-two cents, and I will charge you five yuan and twenty cents."

Ruihe took out the cloth ticket and money. The salesperson took it and checked it carefully, then put the ticket and money into the cloth bag on the wire above his head, and gently pushed the pulley to fly to the back with the bag. The accountant sitting at the desk at the back stood up, took the money, gave the change, wrote the invoice, and pushed the bag back.

"Are you going to make a new cotton-padded coat?"

Ruihe nodded: "The one I wore last year has been patched so much that it can't be patched anymore. I used last year's cloth coupons to buy thin cotton cloth for summer clothes, and this year's cloth coupons will buy thick cotton cloth for winter clothes."

"You already earn so much, so you don't need to be so frugal. If you don't have enough cloth coupons, just exchange them with others."

Ruihe didn't respond. No one could understand or talk to him about his future plans, so he still lived a frugal life. Besides, this kind of life was good enough. He interrupted: "Let's go, we're going home."

Zhang Cuimei on the other side also chose the cloth she wanted. Just now they went to the department store, and there were indeed more than a dozen long skirts hanging there, which were as long as the instep. They were said to be made of velvet core and came in khaki, light gray, black and brown. The price was very expensive, costing 17.80 yuan a piece. Zhang Cuimei was scared away, but she still couldn't bear to give up the skirt she had dreamed of. The arc of the skirt's drooping hem and the elegance of the swing decorated the dream of this 19-year-old girl. So she gritted her teeth and went to the fabric shop to buy cloth to make it herself.

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