Winner in life

Chapter 588 18 Agent u0026 01 Powerful Eunuch

《Life Winner [Quick Wear]》

"It's very simple. Didn't Ke Simin become a mistress a few years ago? She interfered with the relationship between Wu Hanting and Song Yuehe, and later also interfered with the relationship between Chen Suyin and Huang Zhanyin. You are her agent, so you must have left some things, right?"

So this is the idea. After knowing their intentions, Ruihe shook his head: "I don't have those things. You found the wrong person."

"Impossible, she was slapped by Song Yuehe at the time. At the annual meeting, I saw you taking her and Song Yuehe to the lounge together. You are her agent. Even if you don't have evidence, you can stand up and testify."

Ruihe looked at him as if he was a fool. Did he look stupid? Even if he really wanted to deal with Ke Simin, he didn't need to use such a simple and crude method to hurt his reputation. The other party wanted to persuade him again, but Ruihe was still indifferent and asked the person to leave.

Kei Yihan knew that things were not going well, and he grabbed the back of his hand to relieve his anxiety. "I have investigated before. He dated Ke Simin's mother. It was Ke Simin's mother who cheated on him. He didn't get married. Isn't it because he was hurt by love?"

"These are just your guesses." Her agent shook his head. "I also asked about it. In fact, when Ke Simin just signed the contract, Qi Yueming valued her very much and took good care of her."

"But later he ignored her. Who knows if he was playing hard to get?"

"So I said, that's just your guess! Now he doesn't agree, and I can't find the corresponding evidence. What can I do?" The agent was a little irritable. "It's better to let your father take action. If you can't convince him, then I will go myself!"

Later, Ruihe saw an interview with Ke's father. In the interview, he denied some marketing of Ke Simin's team, saying that he and Ke Yihan's mother did not have any improper or immoral relationship before marriage, and that his step-wife took care of the housework and raised his parents and daughter after marrying him. He was very grateful for his wife's dedication to the family.

Looking at the man in the video, Ruihe thought of what he had just investigated. Qi Yueming always thought that they broke up because of the distance, and he had a lot of romance and regret for his first love, but what Ke Yihan said to his agent before made him remember it in his heart, so he specially asked someone to check the old things from more than 20 years ago. After checking, he found out that Su Huimin really cheated at the beginning. No wonder Ke Yihan wanted to find him to deal with Ke Simin together. She thought that Qi Yueming should hate Ke Simin and have revenge on Ke Simin, which was really reasonable.

So did Ke Simin know? Maybe she didn't know at the beginning, so she felt at ease to take advantage of Qi Yueming's transfer of love. Maybe she knew later, so she wanted to change jobs even though her career was developing smoothly?

However, this was just Ruihe's guess. He was not really interested, and it was useless to think too much. Chi looked at the quarrel between the Ke sisters with cold eyes, and once again felt that he was right to stay away from them.

I don't know how Ke Yihan persuaded Ke's father. Although he didn't say it clearly in the interview, he stood on the side of his wife in his words. His wife had no faults and merits, so who was at fault? His words pushed his eldest daughter into the abyss.

As an artist, no matter what she is like in private, she must show positive energy and a positive side to the outside world. Ke Simin was completely defeated in the struggle with her sister. Even if some rational netizens speculated that there was a hidden story, the charges of "unfilial piety" and "ungrateful" were still hung on her. Her personal image was damaged, and her career, which had just warmed up, instantly fell into the ice.

In another six years, Ke Simin's name will not be heard in the entertainment industry at all.

Occasionally, Ruihe will pay attention to her and know that she has completely been unable to get any work. Currently, she can only make a living by opening a Taobao store through online live broadcast. Ke Yihan's development is relatively smooth. Unlike Ke Simin, who rashly joined the entertainment industry due to sister conflicts, she is a professional, ambitious, and has a full plan for her future. She will step on anyone she can and use anyone she can without hesitation. But she is too extreme and has a dark mind. If such a person does not soar to the sky, he may overturn and fall off a cliff one day.

Six years later, Han Haifei won the Golden Peony Award for Best Supporting Actress and the Golden Begonia Award for Best Actress, and finally had a place in the TV circle. She had no interest in movies. After two encounters, she completely gave up the idea of ​​entering the film industry and concentrated on pursuing the next better TV performance.

The movie that Ruihe invested in a few years ago became popular when it was released, continuing the trajectory of the previous life. Li Junzhe, as the male lead, was also nominated for the Golden Magnolia Film Award for Best Actor. Unfortunately, after that, Li Junzhe's luck was not very good. He did not win the award for the Best Actor three times. Gradually, he was nicknamed "soy sauce actor", which made his fans scream and roll up their sleeves to spray the black fans who ridiculed Li Junzhe.

In contrast, Yu Xintong's film journey has been very smooth. During this period, Yu Xintong was nominated for the Best Actress of the Golden Magnolia Film Award. Her delicate performance was appreciated by a director, who introduced some good roles to her. Yu Xintong's acting skills became more and more advanced during the training. She seemed to be born for this job. She won two Best Actress awards at the ages of 32 and 36 respectively.

In addition to the three big names at hand, Ruihe's new artists also had their own development and fate. Some stayed, some left, and then new people joined. He gradually became the gold medal agent of Haichang Entertainment with his strength and qualifications. After Sister Yang retired, he became the most experienced pure-blooded agent of Haichang Entertainment. In order to keep him, President Hai gave him some company shares after the company went public, making him one of the shareholders.

When he was so glorious, Ruihe accidentally met Ke Yihan who changed jobs. She said that Ke Simin's marriage life was not very smooth after she retired from the circle and got married. She often went back to her parents' house to cry and complain that she had breast cancer. It was said that she was angry with her husband and her in-laws. Ruihe just heard it, but in fact he had not paid attention to her for many years.

Ruihe did not gloriously take off the label of agent until he was 66 years old, retired from the circle and went home to inherit the supermarket at home. Qi Yueming's parents were in good health. In his previous life, Qi Yueming died of stomach cancer before his parents. In this life, Ruihe took care of them until one was 91 years old and the other was 92 years old. Before the old couple left, they were all smiling. Old Lady Qi held Ruihe's hand and hummed, "I'm going to find your dad. We can keep each other company. If you don't behave, you'll be alone in the future." Her eyes moistened as she spoke.

"It's okay. I've learned to dance square dance recently. I'll find a pretty old lady and have a sunset dance with her later." Ruihe held her hand and said with a smile.

The old lady touched his face and closed her eyes.

After his parents died, Ruihe really went to dance square dance, exercised every day, and lived to be ninety-eight years old before closing his eyes.

This world made him live more comfortably and peacefully, just like the last world. After returning to the mission space, Ruihe asked System 460, "What world will be the next world?"

System 460 looked at the world that had just been selected and hesitated for the first time.

"It doesn't matter. It's the same if I go to see it myself. Maybe it will be a surprise." Ruihe stretched out his increasingly solid soul, "Continue to teleport."

This time, as soon as he opened his eyes, Ruihe felt something was wrong. What was wrong? There was another person snoring next to him, with his hair braided into a long braid around his neck. Next to this person, there were two blankets, neatly folded. Looking at the whole room, it was narrow and no more than ten square meters. There were four boxes on one wall, and a simple clothes rack next to it, with two ironed clothes hanging on it. The style looked familiar. Ruihe searched through the historical knowledge stored in his mind, but couldn't find a match. But it was obvious that it was not worn by scholars, nor by ordinary people.

Ruihe calmly reached out to touch the lower body of this body. Even though he had guessed it, he still trembled a few times when he touched it.

Very good, this time he became a eunuch.

No wonder it felt wrong!

It was too surprising and exciting. Ruihe couldn't bear it. He lay down again decisively and closed his eyes to receive the memory of the original body.

The former name of this body was Song Daniu, which he had used for eighteen years. Once he entered the palace to be a eunuch, the eunuch in charge disliked the name as too rustic and gave him a name called Funeng. As for his surname? The eunuch in charge glared at him and said, "You have no descendants, what surname do you want?" Then he registered him with a big stroke of his pen and urged him to hurry up, as there were still many people waiting in line.

The original body had cleansed himself outside before signing up for the palace, otherwise the eunuchs selected in the palace had to be over nine years old and under thirteen years old. The eighteen-year-old Song Daniu did not meet the selection criteria at all.

Let's talk about why Song Daniu chose to take this path. Let's first talk about the former name he had used for eighteen years. He was a real cowherd. When he was born, the old cow in the family had just given birth to a calf. His grandfather said, "It just so happens that this little one will accompany my good grandson to grow up. When he grows up, I will let him herd." He was very happy to name his grandson Daniu, hoping that he would be as strong as a calf. When he was sixteen, Song Daniu's hometown was hit by a flood. The dam broke open overnight, and the water rushed out, submerging several nearby villages and towns in the blink of an eye. Song Daniu was pushed to the tree by his father, and he was swept away by the flood.

Song Daniu spent six days and six nights on the tree and almost starved to death. When the flood receded, he cried and went to find his relatives, but where could he find them? He found none.

Song Daniu lost all his relatives and could not get justice. He was really desperate. The next year, the Tian family from the same village came back to repair the rental house and brought news of his childhood sweetheart to Song Daniu.

Tian Zhaodi, Song Daniu's childhood sweetheart, played together since childhood. Song Daniu herded cattle and Tian Zhaodi also helped the family cut grass for pigs. Four years ago, Tian Zhaodi saved a young man in distress. The young man's parents thought she was an adopted daughter and took her away to raise her. The family's surname was Lu. The male owner was a sixth-rank county magistrate. He had no daughter at home, so he sent his adopted daughter to the selection.

The Tian family said that Tian Zhaodi had a very bad life in the palace. No one helped her, and it was extremely difficult to send a letter home. Under the persuasion of the Tian family, Song Daniu decided to go to the palace to help Tian Zhaodi.

The original body's wish was very simple. He hoped to live a stable and happy life, and at the same time not to be deceived and used by Tian Zhaodi again. In the end, he wanted the whole family to seek justice. ,, Everyone remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, website m.. Free and fastest update without anti-theft. Report wrong chapters. Ask for books. Chat with book friends

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