Winner in life

$61.04 I want to be a big star (1/2)

The rain didn't stop in the afternoon, so Ruihe held an umbrella and rode his bike to the school to pick up Liu Congwen. The doors of the classrooms were all locked. There were two students in each class who held the keys to open and lock the doors. They were usually the life committee member and the deputy class leader. Liu Congwen was the life committee member and had a classroom key in his hand, which allowed him to come to the classroom to do his homework quietly on holidays.

When he arrived outside Liu Congwen's classroom on the fourth floor, he found that the curtains were all drawn. There was something going on inside, but Ruihe couldn't hear it clearly in the rain.


As he knocked on the door and called for people, there was a panicked sound of tables colliding in the classroom, and Liu Congwen's somewhat panicked echo: "In! Wait a minute!"

Ruihe felt even more strange, and it seemed that there were many people talking inside. He looked at the tightly drawn curtains again. The classroom was powered off on weekends. With the curtains drawn so tightly, the classroom was dark. How could he read or write?

"Brother, what are you doing in there?" He pushed the door, and the door was locked from the inside.

"Wait a minute! Don't rush me!" Liu Congwen's voice was obviously filled with anger, "Wait for me downstairs!"

Ruihe frowned and didn't move.

It took almost ten minutes for the noise inside to stop. The curtains were opened one by one, and the wooden door was opened. Ruihe squinted slightly and looked at the seven or eight students and the messy tables and chairs in the dim classroom. Liu Congwen said impatiently: "Didn't I ask you to wait for me downstairs? What do you want from me?"

"Mom asked me to bring you an umbrella."

"Oh, let's go."

Ruihe carefully looked at his face and clothes, and then looked at the other students in the classroom who were carrying their backpacks and preparing to leave. Liu Congwen frowned when he saw this: "What's so good about it?" He turned around and shouted, "Remember to lock the door!"

"Got it, go!"

The two walked down together. Ruihe smelled a smell on Liu Congwen. He was sure of his guess, but he didn't expect that Liu Congwen, who always said that he was under great pressure from studying and didn't have enough time to study, would actually do such a thing in the classroom. He guessed that watching a movie was the most likely possibility.

Teenagers of this age are always tempted and ignorant about relationships between the sexes. Zheng Junfeng and his friends asked the original body to hide in the toilet to watch it together. Zheng Junfeng has a mobile phone and is said to have downloaded a lot of movies at home. The original body blushed and dared not watch it again after watching it once, and was even laughed at by Zheng Junfeng and his friends.

"Brother, what were you doing in there just now?" Ruihe asked.

"Just telling ghost stories. You almost scared us to death when you knocked on the door just now." Liu Congwen said, "We just took a break after studying and told ghost stories to relax. I have been doing homework all day today and I am almost exhausted. Okay, let's stop talking. Give me the umbrella."

Liu Congwen didn't want to say more, so Ruihe didn't ask. As a teenager, it's better to be sensible.

"Don't listen to too many ghost stories. I remember that my eldest brother was most afraid of ghosts when he was a child. Don't let him lose sleep at night."

"Got it, ??Long!

The final exam is coming soon. Ruihe wants to improve his grades. In the past few months, he has subtly changed his learning attitude, listened carefully in class, and finished on time last night. The learning atmosphere in ordinary classes is not good, and the teacher can't control it. Generally, if it's not out of line, he won't care. Therefore, there are people who sleep in class, talk quietly, and read idle books.

Of course, there are also those who listen carefully, and they are all moved to the front row under the eyes of the head teacher. After several weekly exams, the grades are good. Ruihe, who was making rapid progress, was also transferred to the front row. But Ruihe's goal was not just that. He planned to take it step by step and enter the experimental class next semester.

After the final exam, the winter vacation came. Ruihe had more time to arrange his plans. He went to work again. This time he worked as a part-time waiter in a milk tea shop on Yanjiang Road. He earned 1.5 yuan an hour, and 9 yuan for working six hours a day.

Liu Congbin, the younger brother, didn't understand why he always went to work. In his opinion, the family had enough food and clothing, so why did he always go to work? Because his second brother went to work in a milk tea shop, he didn't dare to go out with his classmates during the winter vacation. He followed his friends to a milk tea shop to drink milk tea, but was afraid that his classmates would recognize him as his brother. It was too embarrassing.

Wu Meifang was very supportive of her second son's part-time job. In order to prevent her second son from climbing up to the attic and disturbing the family members when he came home late at night, she specially asked her eldest son to sleep in the attic and let her second son sleep downstairs.

During the winter vacation, Ruihe received a reply from the Youth Daily. Two of the ten manuscripts he sent had been approved and would be published in the newspaper next year. The newspaper would pay 70 yuan as usual and ask Ruihe's account or address in the email.

Ruihe does not have an ID card yet, so he has to wait until later. You can only get it when you are sixteen years old in the middle of the year, so he wrote the address and asked the other party to send it to him.

Before the Chinese New Year, the money was sent. It was a letter received by Liu Weihe. He looked at the sender's name and didn't understand it, so he opened it directly. He stared at the several bills inside and counted them. There were seventy yuan, and he was shocked all of a sudden.

He only recognized a few words. Who is this Youth Newspaper? Why did they send money to their second son for no reason?

When Ruihe got home from his part-time job, he found that it was past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. His parents and brothers at home were still awake and waiting for him.

"How did this come?"

"Second brother, did you submit your manuscript? Will it be published in the newspaper?"

"Why did you send money suddenly?"

Ruihe took the envelope and looked at it, and nodded: "I was free to write a while ago, and I didn't expect the manuscript fee to come today." He took out thirty yuan and gave the envelope to Wu Meifang, "Mom gives it to you."

“No, no!” Wu Meifang’s face lit up with joy. This was the royalties. Royalties! In her opinion, this was money that only the most talented could earn. A scholar could make money with a pen. Isn’t that extraordinary? Her son was also so talented. She never thought it would happen. "You can keep the money for yourself, buy books, pens, notebooks, etc. Just don't spend it carelessly. My second child has made great progress and can write manuscripts. How can I read this manuscript?"

Ruihe did not refuse, took the envelope that Wu Meifang stuffed back, and said with a smile: "I don't know. I will buy it for mom when I see it in the Youth Newspaper someday."

"It would be great if you can read it now. It's just in time for the New Year so I can show your achievements to my relatives."

"Okay, go to bed."

After asking the reason, Wu Meifang drove the children to bed. Liu Congbin hated writing the most, so he didn't even think about writing. Liu Congwen had submitted two essay competitions before, but they didn't have any prize money but certificate fees. No matter how bad the writing was, he could win the prize. Liu Congwen never submitted again. Now that his second brother really got the manuscript fee, he was tempted. Ruihe said to Liu Congwen: "I will write you the address of the newspaper tomorrow."

The next morning, Ruihe really wrote the address and email address to Liu Congwen, and then the three brothers went to school to see the transcripts together. Today is the day for the final exam results to be announced. The school teachers will post the scores of the students in each class of the three grades in the order of the ranking of the whole grade on the bulletin board downstairs of the teaching building. Everyone's score is posted. Generally speaking, the top 120 or so are in the experimental class. The list changes every semester.

Ruihe saw his name at 82nd place.

"Second brother! You are in the experimental class!" Liu Congbin shouted, dancing with joy.

In front of the bulletin board next door, Liu Congwen looked at his name with a pale face. He was at 122nd place. Just a little bit, just a little bit, he would drop to the ordinary class.

"Brother, what place are you in?"

Liu Congbin asked casually, but Liu Congwen jumped up as if his toes were bitten by a crab, and then said evasively: "It's almost the same, let's go after you finish reading it."

"Let me see--" Liu Congbin didn't listen. He has always been a free-spirited person. If Liu Congwen didn't let him see it, he would definitely see it.

"Hey!" Liu Congwen couldn't hold back, and his face was even more embarrassed. He simply squeezed out of the crowd, "I'll go back first!" He rode his bicycle and left.

"Hey, my elder brother only ranked 122nd in the exam, and he almost dropped out of the experimental class." He turned around and asked in surprise, "Where is my elder brother?"

Ruihe pulled him out helplessly: "He left first. I think my elder brother doesn't look very happy. Don't talk about his grades when you get home."

"If you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it." Liu Congbin loves to confront Liu Congwen. This is a competition between the two favored sons in the family. He is young and competitive, but he is not inferior to Liu Congwen at all. He rolled his eyes, "Then let me talk about your grades. You did just fine this time. You can enter the experimental class next semester, right?"

"Yeah." Ruihe showed a proper look of joy on his face, "I didn't expect to do so well."

"You did your homework seriously. It's normal to do well in the exam." The two brothers squeezed out of the crowd to push the cart, and chatted as they walked towards the school gate. Liu Congbin leaned close to Ruihe's ear and said, "Brother has been acting strange recently. He always says he is studying outside. I have met him a few times. Once I saw him and others squatting in the woods along Yanjiang Road smoking!"

"Smoking?" Ruihe frowned. Liu Congwen often didn't eat at home. He ate lunch outside six days a week. He said that going home was a waste of time. After eating outside the school, he could go back to the classroom to study immediately, which was convenient.

"I'll ask him later." Ruihe didn't say that Liu Congwen's grades had dropped too obviously. He remembered that Liu Congwen was ranked in the 60s last semester.

In the next ten days, Ruihe hardly saw Liu Congwen. He had to work part-time and sleep late, so he had to get up late the next day. When he got up, Liu Congwen had already gone out. When he came back from get off work at night, Liu Congwen had already slept in the attic.

During the Chinese New Year, the milk tea shop's business was even better. Ruihe went to work after eating the New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve, and was busy until the seventh day of the New Year.

When he found time to secretly ask Liu Congwen, Liu Congwen did not admit it. Ruihe's identity as a younger brother made him feel embarrassed.

After reminding him twice, Liu Congwen still got angry, so Ruihe didn't say anything.

Liu Congwen passed the college entrance examination in his previous life. I think he will think clearly in the future and will not go astray.

Time flies, the second year of the Chinese New Year is over soon, and Liu Congwen also took the high school entrance examination. Half a month after the high school entrance examination, Liu Congwen's results came out. He scored 647 points, which was 31 points less than the 678 points in his previous life. It was even further away from the admission score of 680 for the County No. 1 Middle School this year.

This is not something that can be solved by sponsoring 2,000 yuan.

Wu Meifang put on new clothes and rode a bicycle to the County No. 1 Middle School to inquire about it. When she came back, she was exhausted. She carefully asked Liu Congwen: "Boss, if you want to go to the County No. 1 Middle School with this score, you have to pay 7,000 yuan. Otherwise... let's not go to the County No. 1 Middle School. Your score is just right for the County No. 2 Middle School. I heard that the County No. 2 Middle School is also very good. Although it is a new school, the school is strict and it is also very good..."

Liu Congwen roared: "I don't want it! I want the County No. 1 Middle School!"

At the door, Liu Weihe squatted and smoked, without saying a word.

In the room, the loving and worried look on Wu Meifang's face was slowly put back by Liu Congwen's roar. She looked a little sad, but only for a moment. Soon she raised her eyebrows and raised her usual words. The harsh arrogance of Sui Nian: "If you want to study, you can take the exam yourself! How did you study in the third grade of junior high school? The second semester of the third grade of junior high school, the second semester! And you fell into the ordinary class. Who is to blame? Who is to blame you? Tell me? You said you wanted money, but you said you wouldn’t go home for lunch. Didn’t I give you money? The first high school required 680 points, and you were short of more than 30 points. How did you tell me how to read? !”

Liu Congwen shrank when his mother became fierce. He said hesitantly: "It doesn't mean you can pay sponsorship fees..."

Wu Meifang asked back: "Seven thousand! Seven thousand yuan! Do you want all the family members to fill in for you?"

Wu Meifang's heart-piercing words made Liu Congwen stop talking. Liu Weihe choked on the smoke at the door and couldn't help coughing several times.

In the room, Liu Congbin breathed carefully, too frightened by the stormy quarrel at home to dare to speak. Anxiety also arose in his heart: I want to do better in the exam, and don’t let my family spend a penny to go to a good school! County No. 2 Middle School is not good, and County No. 1 Middle School is not the best either. He wants to take the exam to Shanxi Middle School!

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