Winner in life

$83.26 I want to be a big star (1/2)

Seeing this sentence means that the purchase ratio is not enough.

Rui He was very embarrassed: "Maybe I'm growing taller and I get hungry quickly."

Li Dashui frowned and asked, "Did your sister-in-law bully you?"

Ruihe's heart skipped a beat after hearing Li Dashui's words, and he asked cautiously: "Why do you say that? My sister-in-law... didn't bully me."

"Don't hide it from me! I still know who she is? As your neighbor, who doesn't know that she is mean? She looks very virtuous, but who doesn't know that she gave your mother porridge and water that year? , not even a grain of rice? Another time you threw away your mother’s bowl? Xiaoshan, don’t be like my aunt and endure it until you starve yourself!”

It was the first time I heard about the original mother, but I didn’t expect to have such a relationship with the original sister-in-law? Porridge water? He tentatively said: "My mother didn't leave because of this."

Li Dashui snorted: "It must be related. Have you forgotten how thin my aunt was when she left? The skin is close to the bones, yes! I know! You also want to say that there was really nothing to eat during the drought that year. I don’t believe that your sister-in-law swept your mother’s bowl to prevent her from eating. I am your friend and not from your family. In fact, your sister-in-law can’t bully me in any way. Xiaoshan, I still remember that time when I was six years old. You have been holding me back, otherwise I would have drowned. I just said a few words. If you can listen, you can listen. If you can't, I can't help it." He patted Ruihe on the shoulder, "Tonight. Come to my house and find me after dinner, and I’ll leave you some roasted sweet potatoes.”

Rui He listened to a lot of old stories, but he really couldn't connect Li Dashui's words with his sister-in-law. Although his sister-in-law... did give him a little bit of shame, but she didn't scold him or hit him, so he felt that he was a good person. Alas, it's useless to think so much. That is Zhang Xiaoshan's sister-in-law, and she is Xu Ruihe.

He gratefully said to Li Dashui: "No, don't worry. I have something to eat at home. I will definitely have enough tonight."

Li Dashui didn't quite believe it. He finally sighed and advised earnestly: "Don't always think that you are a freeloader. You are sixteen! We are young. At most, the captain only gives us eight work points. You also do enough every day." Sixty-seven points, and there was an eight-point score before. The food you earned was enough for you. In the past, when my aunt was still here, you had work points, but now you are eating for free? , If your sister-in-law talks about you, just push back and don’t give her too much face.”

Li Dashui's words opened a window for Ruihe, and Ruihe's eyes lit up! He had only seen the freshly dug sweet potatoes distributed by the production team a while ago, and thought that only those were earned by himself. No matter how thin the sweet potato porridge was, there was still rice in it. He didn't know that the rice also had its original identity, so he would dare to go there. What about choosing what to eat?

It turns out that the original owner was very hardworking and distributed food every year!

He couldn't help but smile, suddenly feeling confident.

He nodded seriously: "Thank you for caring about me so much, I will take care of it."

Li Dashui smiled with satisfaction, "Then I'll wait for your news."

The next day, Li Dashui pulled Rui He and asked him how he managed it last night. Rui He pursed his lips and smiled: "I got two extra steamed sweet potatoes last night!"

"...No, no more?"

Rui He looked at him in confusion: "Do you want anything else? I had a full meal last night. My sister-in-law glared at me several times and I pretended I couldn't see her." At this point, he showed a proud expression of successful resistance, " I earned the sweet potatoes myself, so I wasn’t afraid of her. Later, my brother asked her if her eyes were uncomfortable, so she didn’t dare to stare at me.”

Li Dashui: "..."

Seeing his good friend's expression of "My brother is so nice", Li Dashui really wanted to call a thunderbolt, split open this silly boy's head, see if there was any old cotton wadding inside, and then burn it so that this boy could Be smart.

"Your brother just likes to be a good person." Li Dashui rolled his eyes. Seeing his friend looking at him in confusion, he nodded his friend's forehead, "Forget it, I won't say it anymore. You're good like this. Eat more when you are hungry and don’t treat yourself badly.”


Ruihe felt that his life was getting better. Although he felt a little heartburn after eating too many sweet potatoes, he still felt full and the number of times he was woken up by hunger at night to drink well water decreased. As he became more accustomed to this world, Ruihe's psychological pressure began to weaken, and his mentality

With his tendency to take things as they come, coupled with getting enough sleep and satisfying his appetite, his body began to grow significantly. Two months have passed, and he has grown ten centimeters longer than when he arrived. His physique has also changed from thin to well-proportioned, and his cheeks have begun to gain flesh.

Another day, Li Dashui told Ruihe that the bamboo factory in the village was going to expand production, so it needed to recruit workers!

"I heard it's a piece-rate system, and you can get 30 cents and 4 cents for every bamboo basket you make. If you make three baskets, you'll get one dollar! My mother said that in the factory, there are three people working in teams. No matter how many baskets are made in a day, the labor is divided equally. One person can get eighty cents a day, or even one yuan!”

Rui He opened his eyes and opened his mouth like Li Dashui, and asked in a low voice: "One dollar?" After Li Dashui nodded excitedly, Rui He also felt his heart burning up. He asked carefully: "How much can one dollar buy here?" A piece of ocean in his hometown can buy a load of rice or five big fat chickens! I don’t know the difference between a dollar here and an ocean…

Li Dashui excitedly counted to Ruihe: "You can buy a hundred fruit candies! You can also buy a pound and a half of pork!" He clapped his hands vigorously, "By the way, you can also buy 600 firecrackers!"

"What about rice? How much rice can I buy?"

Li Dashui calculated, a little uncertain: "Six or seven pounds? I heard from my mother a few days ago that the rice in the grain station is 1.142 cents per pound."

Ruihe secretly calculated, and one dollar here is indeed different from the dollar. But it's also good, you can buy one and a half pounds of pork, he really wants to eat meat, in the past, when he worked in the house for ten days or half a month, he could eat a little bit of oil residue, and when it was a festival, the owner of the house would offer sacrifices, and then there would be a lot of meat, and the housekeeper would not be harsh on them, and each person could get two big pieces of fat. That was the happiest time for him and his sister.

"With so much wages, it's hard to get into the factory, right?" There must be many people scrambling for such a good job, Ruihe calmed down immediately.

Li Dashui nodded: "It's not easy to get in. The recruitment is very strict! You need to know how to weave bamboo baskets and bread bowls. The factory in our village undertakes these two kinds of work."

Ruihe was even more discouraged: "But I can't weave bamboo baskets and bread bowls. By the way, what is a bread bowl?"

"Bread is a kind of bun made by foreigners. The supply and marketing cooperative in the town sells that kind of bread! It smells very fragrant! Bread bowls are used to put that kind of bread, a bit like a washbasin."

Li Dashui has a childish temper. When talking about playing and eating, the topic can go off the topic by a hundred or eighty miles. Ruihe hurriedly asked: "Then what are you going to do? You always say you heard it, who did you hear it from?"

"My mother! My mother asked me to apply for the job. Anyway, the work points I made are not very useful."

According to the customary rules of the village, those under the age of 20 generally cannot be counted as full work points. Eight points are the most, and the others are three, four, five or six points. Li Dashui is the youngest son with older brothers and sisters. Although he can't be called lazy, he is not hardworking and has no fighting spirit. Now it's good enough to remember four or five points a day. His mother thought it would be better to let him go to the factory to earn some money. Anyway, there were many people in the family and the work points were sufficient, so his work points were not needed.

With more working money at home, it would be convenient to buy things on weekdays. The second son and the eldest daughter were both of marriageable age, and the family had already started to save cloth coupons, sugar coupons, etc., but if there was no money, even if there were coupons, they could not buy anything.

Hearing Li Dashui say this, Ruihe was really envious. It was great to have a mother, and he missed his mother too. At that time, he was seven years old, and his mother was doing embroidery work, and the candlelight shone on her eyebrows and eyes, which was very gentle. His mother's voice was also very gentle: "Ahe, after I hand in these jobs, I will send you to school tomorrow, and learn some principles from books."

At that time, he only held his three-year-old sister and coaxed her, and he was unwilling to go to school: "I have to take care of my sister, chop wood, and help my father open a stall, so I don't have time to go to school."

Ruihe suddenly thought of his mother, and his eyes were sore.

Li Dashui suddenly stopped talking, tilted his head carefully to look at Ruihe, patted his forehead in annoyance, and then put his arm around Ruihe's shoulders: "I told you this because I wanted you to sign up."

"But I can't weave."

"I can't either! So my mother has already hired someone to teach me, and you can go and learn with me when the time comes."

It turned out that Li Dashui's mother was really smart. Since she was planning to let her son work in the factory, she had to let the child learn what he should learn.

As soon as she heard about the factory's recruitment, she immediately found a master for Li Dashui. That master was an old man in the factory called Brother Yong, who happened to be a relative of Li Dashui's mother. Li Dashui should call him his cousin.

Li Dashui said that his mother gave Brother Yong ten kilograms of sweet potatoes and a two-liang sugar ticket as a gift, and Mingyong agreed to teach Li Dashui. He taught for five nights, and the factory started recruiting five days later.

"Start learning tonight. Come to my house after dinner and we'll go together."

Ruihe was very touched, but he was a little worried that if he went to the factory, he would not have work points, and the team would not give him food. What would he do?

Li Dashui said, "Did you forget? Even if you don't have cents, you can still get food every year."

It turns out that now the big collective is important, and people who don't work and don't have cents can also get 108 kilograms of food every year. Ruihe didn't know this, and he almost couldn't hide the surprise on his face when he heard it for the first time.

There are such good things? This place is really good. As long as you work hard, you can have food to eat, and if you don't work, you can still get food.

"I almost forgot, I remember it." He quickly fooled around and kept the news in his heart. 108 kilograms of rice a year may seem small, but when he makes money, he can buy food by himself. There are gains and losses, and he understands this truth.

He quickly made up his mind: "Then I will go to learn with you!"

At this time, he didn't know that you can't buy rice with money.

The dishes were indeed rich, with six dishes on the table, two of which were meat dishes, namely tofu and minced meat soup and a steamed crucian carp, and two other sweet dishes, namely a combination of sweet potatoes and taro, and a sweet soup of ginkgo, lotus seeds and Euryale. The remaining dishes were stir-fried potatoes and stir-fried cabbage. Each dish was served in a large bowl, and the quantity was sufficient.

Ruihe suddenly remembered that Xu Caiheng always looked tired in the second half of this year. At that time, he thought it was because of the busy school affairs. Now he thought that he should be tired from preparing for the wedding like Brother Mingyong.

There were five tables in total. On the man's side, except for the educated youth and school colleagues plus Ruihe, the others were all relatives of the woman. Ruihe ate and listened, and heard that none of Xu Caiheng's relatives in the city came, and everyone had many guesses.

The banquet was quickly finished. Some people took their bowls from home and some dishes back home. The bowls on the table were all empty. Ruihe said goodbye to Xu Caiheng and wished him a happy wedding. Xu Caiheng hurriedly gave him a bag of gifts in return: "Take the wedding candy back and eat it slowly."

When he got home, he found something wrong. Looking left and right, Ruihe found that the quilt was a little messy. Turning around, he found that the bamboo products piled in the corner were not the same as before. He was a person who liked to clean, so he kept the small house in order. Although the house was small, the things were not messy. He knew the placement of everything. He looked around and was shocked to find that someone had entered his house!

"A thief broke into the house?" When Ruihe thought of the possibility of a thief in the house, his first reaction was to check his property.

He had a lot of savings. This year, he went to the rural credit cooperative in the city to deposit money three times. But it was too far away. It took a day to go back and forth, so he had not deposited the next four months' salary yet, and planned to deposit it after the Chinese New Year before starting work.

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