Winner in life

Chapter 920 66 The Eldest Son

Looking at Zhezi, the emperor sat with his hands on his knees and a sullen face.

In fact, he had known for a long time that there was something fishy between Xu Bin and Zhuang Bin, but Xu Bin's incident started to ferment outside the palace. It was said that the guard took the pearl hairpin given by Xu Bin to sell, and the pearl hairpin had the palace imprint on it. After being recognized, he received the news that Concubine Xu in the harem was found naked and lying on the rockery with her guards.

In order to suppress the scandal as soon as possible, he did not go into the details of how to deal with the person. Later, it was Zhuang Concubine... How could Zhuang Concubine have a secret meeting with Lao Wu in the palace? But Zhuang Bin admitted it herself, and then hit a pillar and died.

He found clues about both of these matters, and they were related to the second prince. But it was still useful for him to keep the second prince. He originally wanted to let the second prince train Xiao Shi.

But now Lao Ba came with the evidence, and the decorated peace was mercilessly broken. The emperor himself felt guilty and felt that his face was tarnished. In addition, the second prince had really annoyed him recently and disgusted him so much that he finally decided to take care of his son first.

"Just step back." He said in a deep voice, "I will give you justice."

Two days later, the second prince was deposed from the throne, demoted to a commoner, and expelled from the capital to guard the imperial mausoleum.

The next day, the edict establishing the crown prince was sent to the cabinet and then announced to the world.

On the first day when the prince came to watch the government, the emperor said that there had been no war in the border town for decades, and he could not wait to go to the border town to lead the troops to fight in person and promote the prestige of the Yan Kingdom. The ministers tried to dissuade him one after another, and then one person suggested considerately that while Your Majesty could not go, the Prince could go there on Your Majesty’s behalf to express condolences to the soldiers in the border towns and convey His Majesty’s wishes.

The emperor adopted this suggestion and ordered the prince to go to the border town to supervise the army and bring him a triumphant victory.

The newly appointed prince immediately knelt down and accepted the order: "I will definitely live up to my father's trust!"

The emperor had been preparing for this for some time. After giving the order, the prince set off the next day. That night, the second prince led hundreds of personal guards on the old path of deposing the prince, trying to usurp the throne directly after the prince left the capital. He was shot to death by random arrows from the imperial guards.

Unlike Ruihe who had already known the general situation from his original memory, the emperor was shocked again!

Although he did not see the expression on his son's face when he was forced into the womb this time, he subconsciously connected him with the deposed prince more than twenty years ago. He believed that the eyes of the second son before his death must have been as crazy as a wild beast!

If they weren't really crazy, why would they all choose this path of no return?

Could it be that the information Wei Zhenshan sent back last time was true and that Xijue's shamans really have the ability to control people's hearts. They controlled the boss last time and the second child this time?

Otherwise, the emperor really couldn't understand why these two sons would make such stupid and defeating actions. Apart from being possessed by a ghost, I really can't find any other reason.

Afterwards, the second prince's house was ransacked, and a young boy reported it to Lin Yiwei, claiming that there was a mysterious guest in the house a while ago. The guest's accent and diet were not like those of the Yan people, and he disappeared before the second prince forced the palace. This boy was Ruihe's spy in the second prince's mansion. In fact, he had never seen Takuma. That person was a top secret in the second prince's mansion. He only followed the orders sent by Ruihe.

This discovery actually confirmed the emperor's previous suspicion. It turned out that Wu really came to the second child!

This made the emperor extremely angry. He is indeed cold-hearted and has little real affection for his sons, but it is one thing to be plotted against. He is the Emperor of Yan, so how embarrassing it is to be plotted against!

It doesn't matter that the second prince is gone. His close aides and cronies are still alive. The emperor vowed to find Xi Jue Wu.

Lin Yiwei started ransacking homes again, and countless people were thrown into Tianlao.

After Zhuangcheng learned about Xijue Wu from Ruihe's people, he kept an eye on the Second Prince's Mansion. When Takuma left secretly, he hid the sight of everyone in the Second Prince's Mansion, but his trace was discovered by Zhuangcheng and Ruihe. People see it. In order to extend the line to catch the big fish, they temporarily did not catch Takuma, but followed him.

This tracking led to the identification of several Xijue strongholds in Yanjing City.

"You can't tell from their appearance that they are Xijue people." Zhuang Cheng's eyes were full of fear, "After the war started, the Jingzhao Mansion drove away all the Xijue merchants in the city. I thought there were no Xijue people left in Yanjing City. ”

Unexpectedly, Xijue actually bribed many ordinary people in Dayan to provide them with shelter, so that no one knew that there were so many Xijue people hiding under the emperor's feet. The two countries are at war, and I know with my heels that these people must have no good intentions in hiding here.

He said to the shopkeeper of Biyufang: "Wait a little longer, I think they seem to have other plans."

Biyufang is an important intelligence line left by Ruihe in Yanjing City. He usually sells gold and silver jewelry as a disguise, and the shopkeeper is his former bodyguard. The shopkeeper nodded: "The master said that the Xijue people have impure intentions. Now that the second prince has been defeated, they will definitely find other people to cause bad ideas. They may also collude with other officials. We have to find them out."

The two reached an agreement and the cooperation was quite pleasant.

On the other side, Ruihe received a secret message and knew in advance that the prince was on his way to the border town.

"This is a big trouble." General Yong Ding frowned, not liking the sudden appearance of the prince, "Now is the most critical moment of the war, and there can't be any mistakes. The prince is here, if he is not interested in the war What should I do if I point my fingers?"

Anyone can see the emperor's intention. He wants to pave the way for the prince. Now the war situation is very good. If the prince comes here for a stroll, he can get some military merits. In a short time, he can accumulate a lot of reputation for the newly-minted prince and reverse the previous negative impact. Ruihe still had a smile on his face, and seemed not to care: "Your Majesty is also well-intentioned. Since the prince is coming, then entertain him well and never let His Highness be in any danger."

Seeing that he was calm, General Yongding also calmed down: "You are right." No general would like an airborne, respected "commander-in-chief". It is most annoying and frightening to have an outsider instruct an insider. This is a war, and the price of death is the slightest negligence. It doesn't matter if the prince is gilded. The most worrying thing is that the prince intends to interfere in the frontline affairs. Then listen to Shan'er, entertain the prince well, protect the prince, let the prince come happily, and then leave happily. It is best for each to get what they need and not interfere with each other.

The prince came with great ambition. He had been frustrated for too long. He had been trained since ten years ago, but he could only hide and dare not let others know. Is there any heir to the kingdom who is more frustrated and incompetent than him? But this is the request of his father, and he dare not disobey it at all.

In fact, the thoughts of the father and son of the entire Yan royal family have been distorted from top to bottom. Whether it is the emperor who allowed his sons to fight for the throne in order to protect himself, and even intervened to promote "raising poison", or the second prince who concealed his children and grandchildren for more than 20 years, or the eighth prince who dared not to seek justice for his mother from the emperor after getting the evidence...

Power makes people intoxicated and corrupt.

They wore the luxurious clothes of the top powerful families in Dayan, and their insides were already muddy.

The tenth prince, who had been suppressed for a long time, suffered repeated mental attacks from the second prince before he took the throne of the prince, and his heart was even more oppressed. It was not easy to really take the throne of the prince, and he felt that his heart was flying!

He remembered his father's instructions before leaving. This hard journey was for his dignity and reputation! As long as Dayan wins, he will have a share of the glory.

Because he was hinted, the emperor just wanted the prince to be a mascot and come back after a stroll. But the prince had his own ideas. He wanted to show his skills and lead a victory with his intelligence.

"..." Ruihe, who received the prince, quickly saw the prince's mind. The prince, who was traveling on the road, was not willing to stay in Qingyue City, but insisted on going to the front line. There was no way, the garrison had to send the prince over, and Ruihe came to pick him up in person with the generals. At the simple welcoming banquet, the young prince couldn't help asking about many battle news, and then couldn't wait to deliver his own insights.

Several generals exchanged glances and looked at Ruihe again.

Ruihe smiled slowly: "Your Highness the Crown Prince has a clever plan, which has enlightened me and benefited me a lot."

As soon as these words came out, the other generals' praise and laughter echoed in the tent.

The Crown Prince raised his chin modestly, and his hands under his wide sleeves were clasped together nervously, revealing a subtle smile: "Grand Commander, you are too flattering. I just got inspiration from thousands of books, and I don't deserve your praise."

He asked again: "I heard that there is a new weapon in the border town. A small one can have the effect of a landslide. I wonder if it is true or not?"

After receiving a positive answer, the Crown Prince clapped his hands in joy and said that he wanted to see it in person tomorrow, and he would also comfort the soldiers and inspect the situation in the camp.

"Very good, if there is encouragement from your Highness in front of the camp, the soldiers of Dayan will definitely be more powerful and unstoppable." Ruihe also smiled, "As for gunpowder, Your Majesty can see as much as you want."

The Crown Prince was satisfied and looked forward to tomorrow's activities.

After the banquet, Ruihe looked at the imperial edict brought by the prince in his tent. The imperial edict did not say that the prince should "go on the expedition personally". The prince had just arrived and had not figured out everything yet, so why was he so anxious?

Operational planning, deployment of defenses and gunpowder, each of which hit the sensitive points of the border army.

What he didn't know was that the prince had been suppressed for too long and was eager to show his power and freedom.

He rolled up the imperial edict and stuffed it into the scroll. He blew out the candle and lay down, pulled the quilt to cover his chin, closed his eyes and stopped worrying too much. He could see that except for a few loyal eunuchs and maids around the prince, he had not successfully established a solid arm system of his own. Those accompanying officials were obviously appointed by the emperor. No matter what the prince wanted to do, it didn't matter. This was his territory. Couldn't he deal with a newly appointed prince who was not fully fledged? m.,Please remember:,.

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