Winner in life

Chapter 930 76 The Eldest Son

Later, Wei Zhenhong still couldn't get anything from the emperor. The only thing he could do was to take advantage of the situation during his official career. The local tyrants and dignitaries didn't dare to bully him. He started from the grassroots and encountered fewer difficulties than others.

Even so, after Ruihe cleaned up the officialdom, reorganized the official system, and reformed the promotion channel, it took Wei Zhenhong more than ten years to climb from the local to the central government step by step and serve as an official in Lingcheng.

Wan Zhengyu, who was one year older than him, was not as tough as him. After he became the emperor in Ruihe, he had no more fighting spirit. He couldn't do any job for a long time. He just said that he was the cousin of the emperor and should be in a high position to "do big things." Some people attached themselves to him and some laughed at him. Time is the best mirror. After the water receded, the riverbed was exposed. His vanity was soon exposed. The people who supported him dispersed in an instant and stepped on him.

The slightly honest boy at that time, I don't know when he completely changed his appearance. Wan Hanping was entrusted by his wife to arrange tasks for Wan Zhengyu many times, and after many times, he didn't want to help at all.

"Rouniang, Zhengyu has been spoiled by your sister-in-law."

Wan Rouniang didn't like her husband saying this, Wan Hanping asked back: "The last time your sister-in-law came to see you, I knew exactly what you chatted about. Hong'er was promoted based on his own ability, why should Zhengyu be an exception? Your sister-in-law always said that Shan'er had let down the Wan family and should compensate Zhengyu. This has been said for more than ten years. Zhengyu always listens to your sister-in-law saying this. How can he calm down and be diligent?"

Wan Rouniang opened her mouth to refute, Wei Hanping immediately said: "You are going to say Your father saved Shan'er, so the Wan family must have done him a favor, right? Oh, Rouniang, Rouniang, you only remember the favor, and have you forgotten everything your brother did? If your brother hadn't died in an accident, Hong'er would have been instigated by him to harm Shan'er! Yes, Shan'er was still young at the time, but your brother is not a child. Even if he didn't make a big mistake back then, it's wrong!" Seeing his wife's stubborn expression, Wei Hanping felt a little tired. He didn't want to say such straightforward words to his wife and stab her in the chest, but he looked at the emperor who was becoming more and more majestic, and he didn't dare to treat him as his son anymore. He was a mature emperor. He showed a firm and flexible character when he was a teenager. He had the courage and ability to lead the eighteen cities in the border city when he was in his twenties. He became an emperor at the age of thirty. He had never learned the art of being an emperor, but he was like a natural emperor. Year after year, Wei Hanping was more and more awed. "Favor" must be acknowledged by the emperor himself. If you repay an emperor with favor, and the favor is not pure, isn't this courting your own destruction?

His family is already glorious enough. Eight years ago, when his mother died, the emperor treated it as a national mourning, and the whole country mourned. Banning banquets and weddings for three months, the emperor ignored the cabinet's dissuasion and mourned for a year. The virtuous and talented people in the Wei family also made achievements in their respective tasks, and all were promoted and rewarded. After more than ten years, the Wei family has developed prosperously and has become one of the top families in Lingcheng.

The sons of the Wei family raised in the palace were all taught and trained to be outstanding and upright. When they stood there in a row at the New Year's Eve banquet to read the emperor's blessing, they were like green pines and green bamboos, and each of them was a rare talent. Everyone has to admit that when it comes to raising princes, Emperor David Liguo is much better than the previous Emperor Chongwen!

Glorious? Of course the Wei family is glorious. Wei Hanping glanced at his two grandsons in the audience. Rong Shou and his brother were sitting among the marquises, with a calm face. Rong An was not as shrewd as Rong Shou, and his eyes were filled with envy and yearning.

As a grandfather, Wei Hanping certainly felt distressed.

Looking at his wife beside him, the smile on her face was stiff.

So Wei Hanping's distress was added to his wife's.

But the next moment, when he saw the Buddhist beads wrapped around his wrist, it was like a basin of cold water poured over his head, and he calmed down instantly.

These Buddhist beads were left to him by his mother before she died.


Sometimes Wei Hanping had to admit the existence of fate. When he didn't know Shan'er's life experience, his mother loved the emperor very much, as if it was a natural fate between grandparents and grandchildren. When the emperor ascended the throne, his mother immediately adjusted her attitude towards the emperor and kept knocking on him and reminding him. Before leaving, she also gave him this string of Buddhist beads that she had used for more than ten years, hoping to remind him from time to time.

So under the leadership of Wei Hanping, the Wu'an Marquisate has been peaceful. His eldest grandson Rongshou has secured his title, married a daughter of a famous family, and had many children, making the Wei family flourish. His son Zhenhong, who was not trusted by the emperor, also worked hard to find a job outside the capital, and achieved some success in more than ten years.

In this life, Wei Hanping has no regrets, except for his wife.

"Rouniang, I have been ill for a long time. I can't remind you all the time in the future. You always don't listen to me. How can I feel at ease?"

Wan Rouniang was stunned, and then burst into tears: "I listen to everything you say, why do you say such words to hurt my heart? We agreed to grow old together, are you going to leave me?"

For his wife's old age, Wei Hanping turned his head away cruelly: "You said the same thing before, I don't believe your promise anymore."


For the first time, Wei Hanping used tough means to scare Wan Rouniang so hard that she obeyed everything.

A few days later, Madam Wan came again, and it turned out that Wan Rouniang had accompanied Wei Hanping to Buddha Mountain. The steward said, "The emperor is not feeling well, and he said he wants to stay at Buddha Temple for a few months, fasting and praying for good health."

The Buddha Temple is a royal temple, and Mrs. Wan is not allowed to go there. It's just that she was uneasy and insisted on going over to give it a try. In the end, she was stopped at the foot of the mountain. No matter how she begged for mercy, it was of no use.

A few days later, an edict was issued in the palace to establish the crown prince. The emperor appointed the third son he raised as the crown prince, and the whole world celebrated. The other adopted sons were also arranged errands by him and began to run official errands. Ruihe said to them: "I only have two thrones for you. I will give them to whoever is outstanding at the job. In the future, if you want the throne, you will have to give it to me." Ask the prince for it."

The most outstanding adopted son who was taught by Jing Ruihe, the prince, smiled and said: "My son, I obey the decree."

The other adopted sons were all confident and promised that they would do their jobs seriously.

In the palace, Rui He and Gu Huaiyu were listening to a play together. Gu Huaiyu said happily: "The play here is still good. No matter how I listen to it outside, I still feel it is not as good as the play in the palace."

Gu Huaiyu, who is in his forties, has become the Minister of Rites, and he needs to prepare for the crown prince's formal canonization ceremony. He came to the palace this time to report to Ruihe on the progress of the preparations for the crown prince's canonization ceremony and the prince's selection of concubines. After discussing the business, Ruihe invited him to listen to the play. Gu Huaiyu was fascinated by the play, praised it repeatedly, and even sang along. Rui He glanced at him: "I heard from the prince that you brought him a new playbook from Qingfeng Yuan."

Gu Huaiyu was choked and coughed several times: "Prince, why do you tell me everything!"

Seeing Ruihe's proud expression, Gu Huaiyu snorted: "I know you are proud, so what's the use of showing off to me? Although my son is a bit rebellious, as long as I cough, he is as honest as a quail!"

The relationship between the two of them in private did not change much. Gu Huaiyu continued to listen to the play happily, and even borrowed playbooks from Ruihe: "I won't borrow anyone from you, lest people outside say that I am arrogant and disrespectful. Can you lend me the playbook of this play and I’ll ask the theater troupe in my house to rehearse it so that I can sing it on my mother’s birthday next month?”


After leaving the palace and returning home, the porter said: "Master, there is a guest at home. Madam said that she will tell you when you come back."

"Who is it?"

"Sir, it's Grandma Six."

Gu Huaiyu said "Oh", turned around, and ordered his entourage: "Tell Madam that I have some errands to finish, so I won't go home for dinner." He went to the restaurant to have dinner by himself. I wanted to meet the British father-in-law. The British father-in-law was very enthusiastic when he saw him and wanted to invite him to dinner. After all, he was the Duke of a country, so Gu Huaiyu had to give him face and sat down with a sigh.

In fact, Gu Huaiyu's impression of the British Duke was just like that. Let's not talk about Wan Zhengzhang's disappearance in Princess Ninghe's mansion in his early years. At that time, Shan'er also said that as a husband protecting his wife, this matter was unreasonable. Later, the British public raised a foreign wife, which really made Gu Huaiyu look down on. It was also fate that Princess Ninghe's daughter was later assigned to a grandson from the third room of the Gu family. That grandson ranked sixth in the family, so the county head was also called Grandma Gu Sixth.

When Shan'er was involved in the incident, Gu Huaiyu was also implicated. The former Emperor Yan did not dare to attack the Gu family, a century-old family, but there were many difficulties. During those times, Gu Huaiyu's life was really difficult. Even the marriages of the younger members of the family were affected. Princess Ninghe wanted to break off the engagement at that time, but the county lord had a deep love for Gu Liu and wanted to marry her, so Princess Ninghe had no choice.

As a result, the situation changed. After Shan'er ascended the throne, he only made the former Emperor of Dayan the Marquis of Anle and gave him a residence in Jingning Mountain. He made the former Queen Mother of the East Palace of Great Yan the first-class lady. All other Yan royal families were deprived of all the titles and titles of the previous dynasty. Princess Ninghe is no exception. It would be fine if she was just deprived of her title like other princesses. As long as the wealth is still there, she will still be rich and honorable in the rest of her life. After losing the title of princess, Princess Ninghe became Yan Shisanniang. Before she could adjust her mentality, she was taken into Jingzhao Mansion. The newly appointed Jing Zhaoyi produced evidence that Yan Shisanniang assassinated the founding emperor David several times when she was a princess, as well as clues to the detention and killing of the emperor's cousin Wan Zhengzhang.

Killing for life, Yan Shisanniang was sentenced to beheaded in public. Her aspirations and ambitions were completely dissipated as her head fell to the ground. At the last moment of her life, Yan Shisanniang could only be filled with fear.

Yan Shisanniang is dead, the emperor is merciful, the harm does not affect her husband and children, and the British Duke is not implicated.

But it was obvious that the British duke was frightened out of his wits. He asked for an order to step down from the position of the eldest son of Yan Shisanniang. After observing the filial piety for Yan Shisanniang, he brought his concubine Yuan Yuniang in as a side chamber after the period of filial piety. .

In this way, Gu Huaiyu looked down upon the British father very much.

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

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