Winner in life

Chapter 944 13 The Martial Arts Hero

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Lu Jie was still chatting with his junior brother when Ruihe came up. The junior brother was his cousin and the two had a good relationship. The other party was very curious about Lu Jie's approach: "You have been out for more than half a year, why didn't you bring back a beautiful woman this time——"

"Let's not talk anymore, my nephew is on stage."

The junior brother choked for a moment, then turned to look at the audience, just in time to see Ruihe jumping on the stage.

"Is this your nephew? I heard that you brought back several relatives when you came back a few days ago. This child is one of them. He seems to be pretty--"

The junior brother looked at the young man below who started to dance with the sword and stopped.

Lu Jiu sat up straight, watching Rui He's sword dance very seriously, and exclaimed in amazement: "This swordsmanship? Shock! That pick and thrust is really good. Which family's inheritance is this?"

Ruihe sheathed his sword and scored three excellent points. He smiled at Lu Jie and jumped off the stage.

"This child..." Lu Jiao touched his chin, feeling a sense of pity for his talent. Cousin Su said that Xiaoyu's martial arts is self-taught. At first, he thought he just learned some Three-Legged Cat Kungfu here and there, but now it seems like he has inherited a complete swordsmanship heritage.

This set of swordsmanship is no worse than the Fuguang swordsmanship of their Zhenyang sect. No, Lu Jiao narrowed his eyes. It may be said to be a little stronger than the Fuguang swordsmanship. He kept thinking about the swordsmanship of other sects, but none of them were similar to it.

Is Xiaoyu's master an expert hermit?

He thought of Sifang's plans and felt that they might fail. Yes, showing kindness to orphans and widows can win their trust and gratitude, but when the other party already possesses sufficient strength, the so-called showing kindness seems ridiculous. Based on his observations of Su Yu, mother and son, he found that these two people were not people who followed the crowd. On the contrary, they had great ideas, especially Su Yu, who was only twelve years old. Such a person seems to have a mysterious teacher behind him today. Why does he need to rely on the Zhenyang sect for a background? With Su Yu's ability, it was only a matter of time before he became famous in the world.

Lu Jie was not the only one who was interested in Rui He's swordsmanship. The other two junior brothers around him also expressed their appreciation and asked Lu Jie about Su Yu's inheritance.

"I heard that the relative you brought yesterday is from the Hushan Sect. Is that the swordsmanship of the Hushan Sect?" The junior brother who had chatted and laughed with Lu Jiao before asked, "But why do I remember that the Hushan Sect is not famous for its swordsmanship? The envoy sent by Hushan is a scimitar, right?"

Lu Jie's eyes flashed, and he turned his head: "Who told you that you are from the Hushan Sect?"

His eyes were so fierce that the junior brother was startled and couldn't help but stammered: "Just, everyone knows, I heard what others said in the cafeteria."

"Everyone knows?" Lu Jie thought about this, suppressed the cruelty in his eyes, and looked thoughtful.

Chen Yanfang met in the hall the stewards who came and went to report the harvest of this year to Zhuangzi. After finally meeting a group of people, she was able to take time to drink a cup of tea. A maid saw the opportunity to report Su Yaoniang's affairs.

"Oh?" Chen Yanfang was really surprised when she heard that Su Yu had won the first place in the disciple test, "Really the first place?"

"Back to Madam, Young Master Biao really won the first place. In the first trial, he competed with swordsmanship, in the second trial, he competed against each other, and in the third trial, he competed in the arena. Young Master Biao won them all. In the third trial, Young Master Biao drew lots and won third place. , he has never come off the stage since he came on stage, and defeated thirty-six disciples. The Thirteenth Young Master greatly praised Young Master Biao, saying that Young Master Biao is talented and has great endurance, and even took Young Master Biao with him after the competition. When choosing weapons in the arsenal, I said I would give Master Biao a good sword."

Chen Yanfang put down the tea cup, but she didn't look very happy. She asked again: "Is Xiaoyu really so outstanding?"

The maid nodded affirmatively: "I saw it with my own eyes. The ladies put aside their thoughts and wanted to come over to greet you. Seeing that you are still busy, I took the decision and sent the ladies back to their rooms to rest first."

"Well done, Pingzheng is my niece. It's the end of the year and I can't spare time to take them out for fun. Please help me take care of them more. Please invite Pingzheng and Yu'er to come over and have dinner with me later."

The maid took the order and left, but Ruihe was already practicing incredibly well with the newly acquired sword.

The feeling of a good sword is indeed different. Rui and Chenglu are more in love and promise to repay him in the future. After all, if it weren't for Lu Jie, he would never have gotten such a good sword at this stage.

"Then first tell me who you are studying under."

Rui He smiled: "My mother is a descendant of the Hushan Sect, so naturally I am also a descendant of the Hushan Sect."

"You kid!" Lu Jiao smiled and nodded at him, "The Hushan sect is famous for its scimitar. You said you use a scimitar?"

Rui He was very calm: "No matter what weapon I use, I am always a member of the Hushan Sect. This is always true, right? Well, Uncle Thirteen, I do have a master. My master is very mysterious and unwilling to Appearing in front of others, I saved him from falling into the water and was injured in the valley, and gave him grilled fish for a whole month. Later, the master said that he had something to do, and in order to repay me for the grilled fish for this month, he accepted me As a disciple, please give me a secret book of swordsmanship."

"I see, then why did you hide it from your mother? Your mother always thought that you were a genius who understood martial arts on your own."

Ruihe pretended to be embarrassed, "I lied to her. My mother didn't let me get close to outsiders. She said she was afraid of danger. I secretly saved my master and didn't dare to tell her. Uncle Thirteen, you can't tell me the secret I told you." Don’t tell my mother, I’m afraid she’ll beat me.”

Seeing Ruihe's eyes falling on the new sword, Lu Jiao was amused. No matter how mature this child was, he was still a twelve-year-old boy. However, it is not cost-effective to use this "secret" to offset the benefits of this sword. He coughed twice: "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you." Suddenly, on a whim, he asked, "How about I practice with you?"

"Okay!" Rui He was very excited. Isn't this the sparring partner who came to his door? He believed in his ability, but he still had few opponents to test against in the past few years. Today's participation in the Zhenyang Sect disciples' competition allowed him to roughly estimate his level among his peers, but to be honest, he was not entirely happy playing. , now that Lu Jiao takes the initiative to offer a comparison, he naturally gets what he wants.

This practice made Ruihe feel comfortable and full of fighting spirit.

This is a truly matched opponent, it’s so satisfying!

The surprise and surprise in Lu Jiao's heart became more and more intense. This child, this child actually tied with him? How is this possible!

Rui He did not hide his strength. He hoped to use Lu Jiao to show his abilities and gain respect and status for him and Su Yaoniang in the Zhenyang Sect. They are here as guests, not to enjoy the autumn breeze.

"You are only twelve years old..." After the competition, Lu looked at Ruihe complicatedly, "give you a few more years, you will definitely have your place in the world. Xiaoyu, the five-year martial arts competition New England Competition , you are definitely qualified to participate.”

"Yes, I originally had this plan."

Looking at the still childish face in front of him, Lu Jiao felt a pity for his talent, but also a little wary.

After returning to his courtyard, Lu Jie thought about it and wanted to go to his elder brother Lu Ping's courtyard. Lu Ping was taking care of the affairs of the sect. When he saw him coming, he greeted him: "How is disciple Xiaobi doing?"

After Lu Jie finished speaking, Lu Ping put down the account book in his hand and frowned slightly: "Are you kidding me?"

"Brother, why would I joke with you about something like this?" Lu Jie sat down, picked out his favorite snack from the snack plate on the table, threw it into his mouth, and said while chewing, "That child is really a talent. I feel itchy after seeing it. If I could have such an apprentice, I would die without regrets."

"Just brag, you refuse to accept a disciple, you just want to be free and happy."

"Hey brother! Let's get down to business. You should also know what the fourth aunt is thinking. Back then, they used the power of the Zhenyang Sect to swallow up one-third of the property of the Hushan Sect. None of those things were confiscated to the public. All of them were confiscated. It's in the hands of their fourth brother, and the entire Zhenyang sect is in vain to guarantee them, brother, don't you have the slightest idea?"

Lu Ping said calmly: "The fourth uncle and the fourth aunt are the elders after all, and the fourth room also belongs to the Zhenyang sect, so there is no point in worrying about it."

Lu Jie glanced at him: "You don't care? It's really hard to care about people who are all members of the family. It doesn't matter who hands the position of leader. After all, they are all our own people. I don't have any objection. Anyway, I care about the leader." The door is boring.”

Lu Ping smiled bitterly: "Lu Jie, you are trying to poke my heart."

"It was the eldest brother who started talking to me in a bureaucratic manner. Lu Jie rolled his eyes and threw the snacks on the plate. "I told you the matter, you can figure it out yourself! I can't stay at home for another two months at most, not even one more day. "After that, he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Lu Ping stopped him and said helplessly, "Discuss, come discuss, don't leave anytime soon."

Lu Ping mused: "The territory under the jurisdiction of the Hushan Sect was not small at that time. After it was wiped out, it was swallowed up by nearby sects. It all depends on the ability of the people in the rivers and lakes. If the Hushan Sect is gone, those who can occupy the territory will occupy it. Hushan The pie only had some antiques, gold and silver and other savings left, and even those were still a large sum of money. I remember that it was divided into three parts. In the hands of Su Yuanshan's close friend Zhang Jinhe, a share of it belongs to our fourth brother of the Zhenyang Sect. After so many years, those things have been renamed, and even if they are returned for the sake of the cousin of the Su family, they are at best. A small part, just to gain a good reputation and show it to the people in the world. I know you are wary of Sifang. They have indeed become more ambitious in recent years and have caused me a lot of trouble. But after all, we are our own family, and so am I. It's hard to say anything. Okay, don't glare at me, I know why you told me about Su Yu, why do you think so highly of him? "

"Yes, big brother, Sun Bitang, the Fourth Fangci, is known as a once-in-a-hundred-year genius of the Zhenyang Sect. In my opinion, if he stood in front of Su Yu, he would be a little inferior."

Lu Ping was really shocked when he heard such praise from his younger brother.

"If he is really that good, then he really can't let Si Fang dispose of the Hushan Sect's property at will."

"More than that, the fourth aunt intends for Twelve to marry cousin Su as a sequel."

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